It's The Way You Look At Me Ch. 14

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The city of love.
11.4k words

Part 14 of the 15 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 02/09/2015
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I leaned over and softly kissed Jamie on the cheek before I rolled out of bed. She didn't even stir as left the room. She was probably tired from the past week of work. She had been very busy this week getting the catalog ready for the spring issue that was due out early next month. I turned and looked at her one last time before leaving the room and heading for the thermostat.

It sure didn't feel like spring was just around the corner. It was quite cold here this morning in Paris. The weather didn't usually stay this cold but for some reason it was. A light snow had fallen last night and covered everything a dusty white this morning. I knew by noon it would warm to about fifty degrees and it would all melt away.

I turned the temperature up and rubbed my hands together before I went to the kitchen. I found my beany cap on the bar top where I had left it last night so I pulled it over my head. I probably should have put a shirt on over my bare chest but my sweat pants and cooking over the hot stove would keep me warm.

It had been like this every morning since we had gotten here. I got up early and worked out before coming back to cook Jamie breakfast before she went to the office. I slept in a little this morning since it was too cold for me to go jogging around anyway. I would wait until the afternoon before I ventured out and braved the crowds.

I pulled the bacon and eggs from the fridge and placed them on the counter. I cracked open a few and scrambled them in a bowl before placing the bacon in the pan to get that started. I worked to get the coffee started as I tended to the bacon so it wouldn't burn. I found the pastry from yesterday and pulled it from the box to take a bite. I set it down and turned the bacon before dumping the eggs into the pan to cook them. I turned around and got a cup for my coffee.

"Hey baby," I smiled as Jamie wandered out into the living room.

"Morning baby," she smiled. "Thank you for cooking again."

"I make a good house husband don't I?" I teased.

"Yeah," she smiled. "You will make some lucky girl happy one day."

I smile at her as she sat down at the bar stool and waited for me to finish.

"You could have woken me up and I could have cooked," she offered.

"I kissed you good morning but you didn't move. I thought I would let you sleep in."

"I need it," she smiled. "I've been so busy this week. Sorry I'm not my normal self."

"Don't worry about it baby," I smiled. "Once this week is over we can take a break and get out of the here."

"I can't wait," she cheered. "I'm actually getting tired of Paris. Carrie needs to send me someplace else besides here."

"Isn't that the truth," I chuckled.

I rounded the bar top to where she was sitting in her chair. I leaned down with her coffee in my hand and set in on the bar top next to her. I turned to her and placed a gentle kiss on her mouth as she smiled at me. She giggled softly into my tender kiss and returned the favor in that loving way she had always done. I pulled back after a couple more and looked at her smile. Her white teeth showed brightly behind those big lips I loved to kiss so much. She pawed my face and pulled me in for one more before I stepped back and headed for the stove again.

I flipped the bacon again and glanced her way as she pushed herself from the seat. She headed towards the big window in the apartment to pull the curtain open. Her long sleeved shirt hung about mid-thigh and kept my attention now as she reached the curtain and gave it a pull. The morning sunlight flooded the room brightly as she looked out the window.

"The snow is still hanging in there," she noted as she started to stretch.

"Great," I said sarcastically. "My favorite thing."

She laughed softly as I looked her over again. The shirt was pulled high up on her legs and showed the soft creases of her butt cheeks on her legs as she stretched her arms above her head.

"It won't be so bad," she offered as she turned and held her pose.

She caught me in a dead stare as the shirt remained high on her legs and showed me the soft line of her cunny. She held her pose a little longer in her teasing way before she brought her hands down to the hem and pulled it to cover her puss.

I wanted her already. I had wanted her since last night but we ended up working on the catalog instead and were too tired by the time we went to bed. I never let that bother me though. It wasn't just about the sex with her. It was just being here with her and spending time with her. That's what really mattered to me. A couple of months from now I would be focused on football and she would be out on her own again doing her job.

She walked slowly across the floor back towards her seat again. She slightly slid across the floor in her socks was more like it. Like she was ice skating across the wood floor until she reached her seat. She leaned over the bar top and pulled her hair from her loose bun to retie it. If only I was on the other side of the counter. I moved over to my left a little and caught her butt as it reflected in the mirror.

She slipped into her seat again once she was done and satisfied that her hair was ok. I winked at her before I refocused on the eggs and stirred them again. Then I found the blender and dumped a scoop full of protein in with some milk. I pressed it on and let it mix before stopping it and pulling it off.

I took a sip and continued to look at her. She sat there with her hands folded under her chin and waited on me to finish our breakfast. The way she looked at me now with her pure blue eyes. They studied my eyes before she smiled her perfect and content smile. I couldn't help but smile back at her before I took another drink.

I blew her a kiss as I set the cup down and leaned against the counter again. She batted her eyes and continued to look at me. Those eyes seemed to look straight through me and into my heart. She could see that I truly loved her and nothing else mattered. I loved the way she looked at me just as much as she loved the way I looked at her.

The clock inside my head went off as I turned and went to the eggs again. I gave them another turn and found them firm and cooked. I killed the heat and grabbed two plates to divide them up. I put a smaller portion on her plate before dumping the rest on mine. I gave her half the bacon and myself the other half before grabbing both plates.

I sat next to her as she leaned in and gave me another kiss to say thank you for making the breakfast. I took a bite of my eggs and glanced over at her sitting next to me now. Her legs were apart as she sat there relaxed and ate her food. The way the sun was striking her tanned skin kept my attention. My hand couldn't help but leave my side and rest on her leg.

Her warm skin met my fingers as I rested them there and softly touched her. She smiled at me as she ate another bite and chewed it silently. I rubbed her skin as I took another fork full of food and chewed it. I felt the soft skin run under my fingertips. She just ate and gave me that smile and those eyes again.

Her legs parted just a little as I reached the hem of her shirt that rested on her thighs. I didn't venture past the hem for now. I just stroked her leg and felt content as her warm and soft skin ran under my touch. She smiled at me touching her as she ate slowly.

"I love you Jamie," I said softly.

I drew a heart on her leg with my fingers as I took my last bite. I trailed down to her knee and touched the back side of it to tease her a little. She giggled as my fingers touched her ticklish spot. I took my last sip of my drink before looking at her again. Her eyes were playful as she brought her hand over to my stomach and felt my tight skin.

Her fingers teased my skin as she traced the outline of my muscles. She flattened her hand out over my stomach and moved it up to my peck. She squeezed it in her hand before she teased my nipple with her nail. That always made my cock stir for some reason. She knew and did it just to be a tease before she let her hand fall to my lap and rest against my cock as it strained in my pants.

"What time do you have to be in this morning?" I asked.

"Not until ten," she replied.

"What do you have going on today?"

"A photo shoot for some underwear we are going to have in the catalog this spring."

"Some handsome hunk going to be the model?" I teased.

"I don't really know," she said. "I just made the call and asked for a model. I don't know what I am going to get."

"Oh," I said.

"I should have just used you," she teased. Her hand rubbed my leg now as she spoke.

"I'm not a model," I sighed but still smiled at her compliment.

"No," she giggled. "But you are sexy like one."

"If you say so," I sighed.

"I do," she said as she finished her last bite. "And I'm always right too."

I chuckled softly as I pushed myself away from my stool and stood. I went behind her and reached for her plate. She turned her head and looked at me with those eyes again and that smile of hers. I knew she wanted a kiss so I found her lips with mine and placed a gentle one on her mouth. Her hand found my chest again as she kissed me with just a little more force behind it.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," I said as I pulled back.

"It's true," she smiled. "You are very sexy."

"Sure baby," I smiled back. "You are the better looking one of the two of us. Especially with those eyes of yours. And those perfect little legs that lead to that perfect little butt of yours."

I dropped my hand to her butt and gave it a soft squeeze. She giggled her little giggle as her hand trailed down my chest to my pants. I couldn't help but lean down and kiss her neck right at her shoulder where the shirt left the skin exposed. I let it linger there and kissed her wetly. She melted to my touch and tilted her neck a little more to give me more skin.

The skin on her arms popped with goose bumps as she let out a low, sexual growl. I continued up her neck to the spot right up by her ear. I knew her spots and got the response I wanted from her. She leaned into my lips more telling me she was getting turned on.

My hand slipped under her shirt at her tummy. I traced her skin all the way up to her breast as she continued to let me kiss her neck. Her nipple was hard and pressed into my palm as I cupped her tit. She let out her first moan as I teased her nipple with my fingers. Her breath caught in her throat as I gave it a soft twist and moved my lips to kiss near her throat.

I felt her body start to turn and rotate the chair towards me. We worked in silence as she twisted her body around and spread her legs out around mine. My lips never left her neck as she stopped moving and moaned again. It vibrated against my lips as she tilted her head and let me work.

Her hands found my cock and traced it as it pressed hard against my pants. Her thumbnail scratched the ridge as my hands worked down her body and between her spread legs. I moved the hem off her hips and let it rest in her lap as my fingers worked back towards her middle. I was kissing further down her neck towards her collarbone as my finger traced her slit.

She tilted back in the chair now and opened herself up to me more. I slipped one finger inside as she gasped at the suddenness of me slipping inside. I let it rest there as she hooked her thumbs around the elastic of my pants. They slipped down my legs until my cock sprang free. Her fingers curled around it as her thumb circled the wetness at my tip.

I started moving my finger inside of her as she stroked me. I listened to her gasp again as I reached deep inside of her. She pulled me faster and shifted in the chair again so she was sitting right on the edge of the seat. She pulled me closer to her until my cock touched my hand between her legs.

I slipped my hand from her wetness and gripped her legs right at her knees. I lifted them up as she teased her opening with my cock. She coated it in her wetness before shifting her body again to take me inside of her. I felt my cock start to part her as I pushed forward to close the gap. We both let out a gasp as I opened her up and slipped in so easily.

I let myself slide inside until I was almost buried all the way inside. I had to spread my legs just a little to get a better angle before I pressed the rest inside. I rested there for a moment and let her heat and wetness surround my cock. She squeezed her muscles as I found her mouth with mine now.

We kissed with a deep and desirable kiss as I slipped away until I was barely inside of her. She gasped into my mouth as I slowly returned until my hips bumped her legs. I retraced her tunnel all the way out. Her wetness coated me and let me slide so easily out of her. I loved how wet she was right now. I had to pull away from her mouth as she gasped again. Her hot breath hit me in the face as I slipped into her again.

I looked into her blue eyes as I pressed into her at a slow and unhurried pace. The way she looked at me now, it made me smile as I felt her love and passion for me. Her hand softly pawed my face again as she pulled me closer and found my mouth. She placed these deep, open mouth kisses on me. She panted into my mouth with each press of my body into her.

I picked her legs up higher as I changed the pace a little. I folded them over and held them together before placing them on my shoulders. She slipped just a little further down into the chair and rested her head on the countertop as I pressed so deep into her now. I changed my stance just a little more and slipped deeper into her still. I could feel her wetness leaking from her center and coating her cheeks as I slipped in and out of her.

She was moaning, gasping hard, as I fucked her with an unhurried pace. I focused on her eyes as I slipped so easily into her center. She was soaking wet now and close to cumming. I knew her body so well. I could tell she was right on the edge as I pressed into her and tilted my hips just a little more to touch her end. She gasped and moaned as she gripped the counter with her hand to control her body. She flooded me as she started to cum.

I slowed just a little and let her cum hard before stopping my body. I rested deep inside of her and let her walls squeeze me. I just softly turned my hips and slipped in the flood she released. She smiled her content but hungry smile at me as I looked at her. She playfully pushed me away to tell me she wanted to change. I stepped back and slipped from her wetness as she spread her legs around my body.

I fell to one knee before she could sit up and leave the chair. I spread her legs wide again and moved to her center. My tongue touched her cunny. Splashed into her wetness with my tongue as I tasted her cum. Loved the way she tasted after she got off. She gasped at my touch. Fingers curled in my hair as she relaxed and opened her legs more. I licked her from her pucker all the way to her clit, tasting her sweet cream as it leaked from her. I dug my tongue into her hole, lapping at her as she moaned playfully.

I dug my tongue deeper into her hole and brought my fingers up to spread her open. Gasped as I exposed her cunny more and teased her clit with a finger. My whole mouth covered her cunny as I ate her and sucked her cum from her. Felt her fingers curl hard in my hair and pull it as she moaned loudly. Her hips started to turn against my tongue as I dug my tongue into her hole.

I knew the flood was coming as I worked just her clit. She pulled me so tightly to her cunny as she whimpered and bucked her hips against my face. I held my breath and sucked her clit into my mouth and rolled it on my tongue and between my lips.

Her chest heaved as she gasped hard. Ragged pants as she flooded my mouth and gripped my hair harder to pull me tighter to her cunny. I never slowed down as she cried out her warning and squeezed her legs around my ears. It was just a muffled gasp as she flooded my chin.

I slowed down as she released her grip and let me breath again. I looked up at her from between her legs. Her chest rose and fell hard and fast from the act. Her eyes were slightly parted as her mouth hung open and took in air. She smiled down at me now as I gave her another long lick and tasted what she leaked again.

I finally leaned back just a little and took in her cunny. It was just as perfect now as it was when I had first tasted it that night in my room on my bed. Her outer lips were puffy and swollen with excitement, her pink little inner lips were barely visible. Her clit stood out proudly from behind its hood, a trickle of white wetness leaked from her middle. I leaned in and tasted her sweetness before I stood now and wiped my chin.

She stood on shaky legs as she climbed from her chair. I took her in my arms to steady her. She pulled me to her mouth and kissed me, tasting herself as she did. I loved that most about her. She wasn't afraid to be a little dirty. We kissed a few times before she went to turn. I couldn't help but find her neck and kiss it again. Her skin was so flush and red from earlier.

She growled and finally pulled away from me. She turned around and sat back in the chair with her back to me. Her legs hung off either side as she let her ass and cunny hang off the back of it. She arched her back hard to bring her cunny up and out and give me the space to find her from behind. I could have either hole in this position but I chose her puss. I knew that's what she wanted anyway but she would have gone for either at this point.

I couldn't help but kneel down again and taste her cunny. I couldn't get enough of the taste. I licked her from her clit and stopped at her pucker. Tongued it hard and pressed the tip inside before pulling out and slipping it into her cunny. Her fingers curled in my hair as she stopped me from licking her now.

I glanced up at her as she looked at me with those lustful eyes. She curled her finger as she directed me to stand and find her once again with my cock. I stood and took my cock into my hand. Pressed it against her soaked cunny and felt it part her lips. Her lips parted as I felt her heat and wetness surround my cock as I sank into her once again.

She whimpered then gasped as I filled her all the way. Hands went to the counter and gripped it hard turning her knuckles white as I slipped all the way inside until my hips bumped her ass. I slowly started to pull out until I was just stretching her with my head. One single fuck left her mouth as I started to slide back inside of her again. It was the first word she had said since we had started this.

I was careful now as I slipped in and out of her. I didn't want to press too hard and knock her off balance and off the chair. I widened my stance more to allow myself to press deep into her and touch her spots. She shifted in the chair slightly and got more comfortable. Her grip on the counter never changed as I pressed deep into her and touched her end.

This position was intense as her cunny gripped me tightly despite how open she was. It was the angle and how my cock was slipping into her. It was intense for her too as she looked over her shoulder at me. I could see it on her face as she gasped as my hips bumped her ass again. I leaned over her body and kissed her neck as I moved my hips now. She gasped again as my lips touched her sensitive skin. It sent another wave of goose bumps down her arms as I fucked her lightly.

I placed my hands on her hips and held her firmly to the chair as I started to pick up the pace a little more. She undulated her hips a little making me slip from her. I quickly gripped my cock and felt her sticky wetness coating it thickly. I pressed it against her folds and listened to her gasp as I filled her once more. I stood more upright now so I wouldn't slip from her again.

My hands still gripped her hips tightly as she twerked her hips in rhythm with me. She glanced over her shoulder at me as I picked up the pace again. Her eyes were open then closed quickly as she gasped hard. Her mouth hung open and her nose wrinkled the way it did when she was in intense pleasure. I loved that look.