Itzy, The Elf Ch. 04

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Back to Itzy’s place, the fun starts heating up.
5.2k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/15/2024
Created 04/24/2024
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Chapter 4

I walked home in a daze.... I honestly don't remember anything for a few hours. My mind was racing.... So many questions. So many, many questions.

I just couldn't comprehend it all.

Eventually I made myself something to eat and crawled into bed.... I think I may have been muttering something about elves and how my head was spinning. I fell asleep and suffered a fitful night, tossing and turning...

As dawn broke and light slowly filtered into my bedroom, I gave up and rose. It was almost 6 AM, I had 2 1/2 hours and I somehow stumbled through a shower and shave, trimming my goatee. I packed a bag with a change of clothes.... I grabbed Jeans and a dress shirt, my toothbrush and toothpaste and threw them and a few protein bars and a bottle of water into a backpack.

I dressed in shorts and t-shirt, threw on a sweatshirt and hopped in the car to go grab some donuts.... Not every day you go to a new realm and meet elves....

I parked my car in my driveway, locked it and headed off to the park...

I got there 20 minutes early.... Thinking I'd be finished with both coffees I grabbed before Itzy showed. But I was wrong, she was already there!

She ran to me and we held each other for a few moments without saying anything. Eventually we both relaxed enough to allow our lips to part.

"I brought coffee and a couple of donuts." I said raising my eyebrows.

She laughed, grabbed the coffee with both hands and peaked over the top at me, a grin on her face, "Thank you!"

Today's outfit was another stunner.... It was... uh.... Little?

It consisted of a shirt and shorts.... And they were both.... Short. The outfit was modelled after one of those cheongsam dresses. The shirt had no sleeves, so her bare shoulders showed from underneath the mandarin collar. The shirt was so short, a slight bit of under boob showed. The shorts were barely hot pants. The outfit was made of beautiful red silk embroidered with golden dragons and lotus flowers. There was gold at all the hems and at her collar, which was cut, almost to the bottom of the shirt.... Three gold straps reached between three sets of buttons, holding it closed.

The shorts rode low on her prominent hips. Her lean abdominal muscles enticing me to keep looking. Her hip bones jutted out sexily above the top of her shorts.... The bottom of the shorts, just barely below the v of her crotch. There were two matching straps and button arrangements below each hip bone. Gold trim set off the red against her pale skin beautifully.

Her hair was up in a messy bun with chop sticks sticking out at odd angles holding it there precariously. Her long neck called to me.

But, before I could act on my impulses, she turned and said over her shoulder, "Come on, I have so much to show you and some more admissions to make. Follow me."

I did, blindly. I was stricken and I knew it. I was acting on impulse and didn't care. If nothing else, I just had to find out, didn't I?

As we stepped into her realm, I was struck by the mist that bled out of the trees into the meadow. There was a dew on the grass.... But, instead of the empty meadow of our last visit, there were three women standing there, waiting for us. Three Elven women, I should say.

They were all beautiful, stunning, really. Just like Itzy, but each looked very different from the others. They were all dressed like schoolgirls....

The first had jet black hair, and palest blue eyes I may have ever seen. She was wearing a gray sweater, over a white dress shirt and a loose white skirt. A black tie disappeared into the v-neck sweater cutely. Her hair was up in pigtails. Her bangs were long, like Itzy's, and hung a little past her shoulders and framed her little button nose beautifully. Her two, full, pink glossed lips formed a little smile as we appeared. She was thicker than the others, very curvy.

The second had auburn hair, a big mess of big freckles across her high cheeks and nose, which had a gold ring in it. Her eyes sparkled a green that reminded me of the ocean... deep and swirled with blue. She was dressed in a green plaid skirt and just a white shirt open to the center of her somewhat substantial cleavage. She wore a simple black satin ribbon tight around her neck, like a chocker. She was the shortest, at maybe 5'2. She was beautifully proportionate, though.

The last was a dark beauty. She was thin, like Itzy, but her skin was a dark, dark brown, almost black. Here hair was black and in tight braids that led back in symmetrical rows to two tight braids that reached all the way to the waist or her dark burgundy skirt, just as short as the other two, mid-thigh. She was wearing a matching burgundy polo shirt. She was the tallest, almost looking me in the eye. Speaking of her eyes, they were a golden, and almond shaped.

All of them wore striped stockings that stopped just above their knees, leaving a few inches of skin showing. Each a matching color to their outfits. Each also wore little flat ballet style slippers.

"Your Highness" they all said at once and bowed slightly.

"Oh, stop it you three!" Itzy exclaimed.

"John," she turned to me, "These are my handmaidens, Foxy, Pixie and Tee."

They all curtsied in unison, and then all three looked up demurely....

"Girls, this is John." Then, after a second, she added sternly, "Behave yourselves." Their demure looks had begun to look a little hungry.

"Yes ma'am." They all replied and tucked the looks away.

I couldn't help myself and blurted out, "Is every elven woman so beautiful?"

All four of them blushed and turned away from me, chuckling.

I blushed and stood there like an idiot with my mouth hanging open. The three girls all fell into line and began walking directly away from us. Itzy pushed my mouth shut as she walked by chuckling.

Once again, I fell in line as well. I followed along and was completely distracted by Itzy's tight little ass in that shiny red silk dew drop's worth of cloth! It swayed and swished and the next thing I knew, we had crested a hill and looked into a narrow mountain pass. The sun had burned off the fog and was swinging brightly now. The space between the two mountains was filled with a stone wall and a giant metal gate.

There were arrow slits in the walls and towers higher up the mountains which held a clear view of anything entering the pass and quite a bit beyond. The gates were open, but there were several soldiers guarding the gates in full armor. As we got closer, I could see that the armor seemed to be made of many small scales. They all had full helmets on, so we could not see anything of their faces, but their eyes.

"Your Highness!" The first one said, and they all stood at attention to either side to let our party pass.

That shook me out of my fog... "Uh, Itzy? How com everyone keeps calling you 'Your Highness'?" I asked as we passed through the gates.

Before she could answer, we were through the gates, and I was distracted again by the view in front of us. The pass opened into a beautiful valley of rolling hills. There were trees and a forest nearest us, but it opened into rolling grassy hills, dotted with farms. Near the center of the valley was a city. I couldn't really see any details from this distance. It looked a lot like a European City. It had that 'old' feel to it.

I was just about to contemplate the walk and how long it might take, when I noticed some sort of tram system to the right of the roadway that led away from the gate. I followed the girls as they headed that way.

It looked to be almost a maglev type design. A round groove sat in the ground, and a train with five cars floated in the groove, perfectly still. A platform led right to the open door of the train car. We walked in, and it was like walking into a Victorian Carriage, only larger, and with large open views on both sides of the car.

There were velvet couches and chairs spread around the car. The floor was carpeted with a very luxurious feeling carpet. There was wood paneling on the walls and the roof of the car was domed. There was brass hardware everywhere that gleamed as if the polish had just been applied.

Itzy grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a two-seat couch. The other three disappeared. Foxy reappeared a few moments later with a tray of food and a couple of bottles of drinks on a cart. She parked it in front of us.

Itzy turned to Foxy, "Okay, Foxy, you girls go check the wires for news and when we get back, we'll just go straight to my chambers."

Foxy curtsied and left without a word.

Before I could even sit back in my seat to ask my question again, there was a smooth, but deep, female voice coming out of a speaker next to Itzy's seat, "Your Highness, are you ready to head back?"

"Yes, Captain. Thank You."

The doors slid shut and we began to smoothly accelerate. I was staring out the window as we were suddenly flying through the trees. The acceleration had been so smooth it barely registered, but it was almost impossible for me to even focus on a single tree as they flew by so quickly.

"So," Itzy turned to me, and held up her cup again with both hands. She lifted her knees, perching her heels on the front edge of her chair, slouching down, and sipping with a smile on her face. "Thanks again for the coffee." The smile turned smug.

"Yes, and the 'Your Highness' thing..." at least she had the grace to blush. "I have another confession, I'm afraid. You see I am, in fact the daughter of the King and Queens of our little Country. Well, really, we're more a City State.

"But, yeah, so I'm royalty, and well, all that that entails."

"Okay Itzy, my mind is officially overloaded now. You have shown me that elves are real, taken me to an Elf kingdom. You've kissed me and made me start falling for you hard. You've introduced me to three of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, who you say are your maids.... No handmaidens? Oh, what else? I dunno, Oh yeah, you're not just a beautiful Elf woman, you're an Elf Princess!

"Have I missed anything?" I asked with a big grin on my face.

"You think I'm beautiful? You really do, huh?" The smile spread across her face from cheek to cheek. Then, she blushed red as a beet and hid her face back behind her coffee cup.

"Um, there might be a few more things.... But let's not talk about them yet, ok? Just try to trust me, please?" And she peaked back over the coffee cup grinning at me.

"Okay, but I'm still struggling a little... and I dunno, are there any big ones? Like maybe let's just rip it all off at once like a bandaid?" I asked. Because I was getting nervous what else there might be.

"Well, one big difference between Elves and humans.... You know how there are like 52% females or something all over the Earth?"


"Yeah, here it's like 16 to 1."

"Men to women?"

"Yeah, 16 women to each man."

"Wait, what? So, for every Elf male, there are 16 females lining up for him? Doesn't that turn into a lot of cat fighting?"

She laughed and said, "No, he has as many of them as he wants. Elven women are very sharing. Our society is a polyamorous one. Some men have as many as twenty or more wives.

"Of course, that's only if he can afford that many. Some men have as few as three or four even."

"Wow." Was all I could say for a few minutes as I watched the landscape fly by. We had left the trees now and were in farmland and rolling foothills. As we descended, the groove through the earth became tramways above gullies and small valleys, gliding us along smoothly.

"Nobody gets jealous?" I asked.

"Well, we mate for life. Not like, 'I promise till death do us part'. But it is an actually physical thing. If our partner is separated from us unnaturally, we are whither. Eventually, we end up in a vegetative state. Both partners, if they are Elves. It happens the moment the man ejaculates in the woman's sex.

"Anywhere else and it's safe. There are some other details we can talk about later." She blushed again.

As my mind raced for the next question, she turned to me and said, "Those are the big ones, I think. Look, we're almost here. We're about to go into a tunnel to enter the Keep itself."

The car stayed lit from some source in the ceiling I couldn't identify as the world outside completely disappeared. Randomly another cross tunnel would flash by, and then there was a series of lights in the tunnel walls. This was how I recognized our deceleration because I couldn't feel it at all. We came to a stop without a lurch.

Itzy stood and grabbed my hand again and led me through the door. The floor was brick, laid in an intricate patterns. The walls were smoothly carved, with intricate scenes... Some were woodland scenes, filled with animals and magnificent trees and flowers. Some were magnificent carvings of Elves in different activities, farming, learning, competing. I didn't see any of warriors.

I lost track of the few turns we made, and the next thing I knew we walked through a door into a room. I wasn't sure quite what to call it.... It was like a big living room or family room. It was probably 20' x 30'. There was a long couch on one wall and several big cushy chairs. There was a big flat screen TV and a game console on one wall and several closed doors spread around the room.

"Okay, I have to go tell my parents I'm back. Feel free to relax and get comfortable. I'll be back as fast as I can." Then she leaned forward, lifted up on her toes and kissed me softly on the lips.

I heard a door open, and out came Tee. She was carrying a tray with two bottles and three glasses.

"I brought some water and some lemonade." And she set the tray down on a table in front of the sofa. She stood and turned towards me. "Is there anything you wish, Sir?"

"No thank you." And she smiled and left without another word.

That's when I figured out I needed to find a bathroom.... So, I started opening doors.... The first was a coat closet. I hit pay dirt on my second try. The room was pretty similar to what I was used to, with just a few more Earthy touches.... Things were shaped a touch more 'organically'. I couldn't tell you exactly what was different, but it felt a touch foreign. Kinda like being in another Country.

As I closed the bathroom door behind me, I heard a sound behind the next door along the way. I though maybe Itzy was already back and stepped up and opened the door.

This was obviously a bedroom.... Although, there was a screen between the door and the bed, like one of those Shoji type screens. Paper on a thin wooden frame, with designs painted on the paper.

I heard movement and walked towards the bed. As I cleared the screen, I was hit with one more surprise today.... Another Elfin woman. Another beautiful Elfin woman!

This one was lying on the bed in a t-shirt, two mismatched striped stockings, and nothing else. Her cute white butt prominently displayed. Her feet up in the air, one wiggling nervously, and her head was down in a book.

She must have heard me gasp, as she looked up at me surprised.

"Hi, who are you?" And she smiled at me like we had just been introduced on the street corner and she was wearing pants.

"Uh, John." I stuttered while trying to look anywhere but at her butt.

"Uh, you're not Itzy..." I stated.

Man, what was it with me and my lack of ability to speak to women all of a sudden!

"Nope!" She beamed, "I'm Lacie, her best friend."

"Oh, uh, she went to go tell her folks we returned."

"Oh, I know who you are! She told me all about you."

She lay there on the bed and flexed her butt cheeks and waved her feet around as she eyed me. I noticed she was long and lean, stretched out on the bed.

Like Pixie, Lacie also had freckles across her high cheeks. Her hair was a dark blond. Her eyes green. Her lips were big and pink, her chin small and dainty. She sat with her chin on her hand, her fingers tracing the lips of her slightly parted mouth.

"Come honey, sit here and tell me a little about yourself." And she patted the bed next to me.

I stepped over to the bed, trying not to stare at the bare skin on display. Lacie wasn't helping, she kept wiggling her feet and her butt was moving around in a very cute way. I sat and looked her in the eye. "What would you like to know?"

"We'll, John, mostly I wanna know what your kinks are?"


"I mean, baby, if we're all gonna get along, I need to know what makes your bell ring."


She laughed then, a deep laugh, "I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. You should see your face!" And she began to roll and grab her sides, and I quickly looked away.

"Ha ha. Very funny, mess with the new guy. Thanks Lacie." I grumbled, slightly embarrassed by her forward mess, her nudity.... And still just being overwhelmed.

"Oh, hey, babe. Hold on." She stopped laughing and wiped a tear form her eye. "I'm sorry John. Seriously, I really was just kinda messing with you. I mean, I am interested, but we can save that for later."

I turned to find her sitting, her feet tucked underneath. Her striped knees out in front, her smooth, creamy white thighs disappearing under the hem of the black t-shirt. She was looking like she felt a little bad about teasing me.

"Oh, in that case, I'm into...." And I couldn't go any further before I started laughing.

"Dick" and she punched me softly in the arm, chuckling.

"Okay, let's try again." She said, "I really am Lacie. I really am Itzy's best friend. We've been friends since we were little girls. I'm technically her Companion." with air quotes, "But I studied as a healer."

"What about you?"

"I'm John, you know that. I work as a Business Analyst for a crappy technology company and currently my brain is overloaded by all of.... This." And I spread my hands around.

"Mmhmmmmmmm," she drew it out, "And has Itzy talked you into staying the night?"

"We'll, she hasn't per se. He've barely spoken since she asked. I'm so overwhelmed I don't see how I can go back tonight.... There's just so much to take in!"

"Yesssssss." She fist pumped a little.

"In that case..." she reached over with one hand and ran it up my chin and held my cheek. She looked me in the eye, lifted her butt and leaned forward, kissing me hard on the lips. Then her other hand reached up and she grabbed the other side of my head. She held me in place as her lips pressed against mine, opening, and pressing the tip of her tongue between into my mouth.

"Oh good, you found him" came from the door and I jumped. It was Itzy and she had caught me lip locked with her best friend.... Wait, she didn't seem upset.

"Yeah, I did!" Lacie said, practically purring.

"That looked nice." Itzy said as she came over and leaned down to kiss Lacie full on the lips.

"I.... uh..."

Itzy turned to me and said, "It's okay John, Lacie and I share everything. That includes you if you'll have us?"

"I.... Huh? I.... Wait..."

The girls laughed at me as I sat there speechless. My brain was trying to process what had just transpired. Itzy, the beautiful, sexy elf I had just met.... And just found out was an actual princess, had just told me that her best friend, another smoking hot elf woman, was expecting part of me?

"I honestly, don't know where to start, Itzy. I mean, so many things.... So, so many things I need to process."

"Oh John. Honey, I'm sorry. I told you before, there's a different ratio here."

I laid back on the bed to stare at the ceiling and rub between my eyes. I mean, talk about hitting the fantasy lottery, right?

The next thing I knew, Lacie leaned over me smiling, "Hey, I'm sorry, really. But Itzy's got m convinced that you ARE the one. To be honest, the minute I saw you I felt it to. Don't you?"

She was right, I did feel it. I felt it the minute I saw her. I was drawn to her like I was drawn to Itzy.

"Yeah, I feel it." And I smiled at them both. My eyes darting back and forth.