Jack the Brothel Slave


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"Will I think it's fun too?" Lucy quizzed her, a frown forming on her pretty face.

It took Ducy less than a minute to slip out of her skirt and panties, and climb up on to the bed. She straddled his body with her back to him. The sight of her smooth white ass spread over his belly, so close to his face made his cock spring right back to life. As she wriggled about, he felt her cunt and ass sliding over his warm cum, and her pubic hair touching the base of his cock.

How is she going to fuck me from that angle, Jack wondered. She grabbed hold of his cock and pulled it up between her own legs, but she no indention of fucking him.

"Look Lucy," she said, with a giggle, " I have a cock now! Would you like to touch it?"

"I'm not touching that thing!"

"Oh go on don't be so silly," and with that Ducy grabbed Lucy's wrist, pulling her hand towards Jack's cock forcing her to touch him.

Lucy gasped and lurched back, "It feels funny."

"Come a little close honey and feel me. Feel your Sugar's cock. Sugar's cock won't feel funny."

Lucy obliged, wrapping her arms around Ducy's neck, spreading her legs either side and press her body closer. Two wet cunts rubbing against Jack's cock! Could it really get any better? Sure if could - if just one of them would fuck him!

"Now Lucy lift yourself up and let it slip inside you. Just pretend it's dicky dildo."

"Dicky hasn't got a man attached to him!"

Again both women giggled.

"Oh forget it, I need you now," Ducy purred. "I want to please you like only I can."

"Oh yes please, please me."

Jack felt fingers rubbing against the side of his cock as the women gently finger fucked each other. He felt sticky wetness and soft velvety folds. He felt the gentle scratching of public hair at the base of his cock. Jack however, did not feel his cock getting fucked!

Two dripping wet cunts and one rock hard cock. Two women finger fucking each other while his big fat hard on went begging. It just didn't seem right to Jack.

The sight of Ducy's sweet young ass wriggling about on his belly caused Jack to writhe, and then moan loudly, but that seemed to startle the two women.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Nothing, but I think his cock is going to squirt again."

"Oh how messy! Let's forget about this silly business and see if there is a spare room around here?"

"Ok, but only if you let me cuff you to the wall."

Both women giggled as they climbed off him. Then picking up their discarded clothing they left Jack and his poor throbbing cock laying there.

Just as after the last woman left Kittikins came in, cleaned his cock, and left him lying there for the next customer's use.

“Oh please, fuck me, somebody, anybody, just fuck me! I NEED to be fucked!” He pleaded silently to himself.

Just then he saw the answer to his frustration standing in the door way in the form five inch spiked shiny red stiletto heels, slim long legs covered by sheer black stockings, an irresistibly short tight shirt, and tits to die for!

Then as his gaze traveled up to her face, Jack's eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped. He recognized the woman. She was his father-in-law's secretary, Amanda Moore.

Damn it, this was amazing! He had been trying to think of way to get into her panties for months. Only two things had stood in his way. One, he knew there would be hell to pay if he was caught. But even more so it was Amanda herself. The snooty bitch just seemed to be immune to his charm.

He had overheard men talking in the bathroom. "She's a fucking lezzo. That's why she won't fuck any of the men around here." He would have agreed, only she didn't seem interested in women either. Her resistance to his advances only served to make her even more intriguing to him.

Oh fuck how sweet this was. Now he would get to fuck Amanda Moore! Then it dawned on him - “Fuck it, who can I tell?”

Amanda paying for sex? But why would a beautiful woman like her have to pay?

He was about to find out.

Within seconds of the door closing she had shimmied out of her skirt and removed her flimsy blouse. Jack knew she had a great body, but now seeing her standing there in her lacey black bra and matching thong he felt like he had died and gone to heaven.

Any woman with a body like that would have to be a great fuck, he just knew it!

Leaving her shoes and stockings on, she climbed onto the end of the bed and knelt there with her thighs spread wide. Already a wet spot had form on her satin crotch. He watched as she slowly licked one finger, and then ran its wetness down between her lovely full breasts.

Amanda obviously had no idea it was Jack lying there behind the mask.

"You like what you see don't you, you big man?"

He opened his mouth to answer her, then quickly stopped himself. The zipper on his hood had been left open, but he realized just one word could reveal his identity so he nodded his head vigorously instead.

He watched as she reached down into the front of her bra to pull out a length of scarlet red ribbon, the same rich colour as her lips. What did she intend to do with that, he thought. Well he didn't care what kinky little games she wanted to play, so long as he got to fuck her hot pussy.

She leaned over and he felt her slender fingers touching his cock. Oh yes that felt so good, but then... fuck it! She was tying the ribbon around his balls! Several times she wrapped it around, before knotting it tightly.

"You don't particularly like that do you?" she purred, smiling softly down at him. "Well that's just fine with me, you're not mean to like it."

Jack was in a dilemma. If he spoke out, his identity would be revealed. If he didn't he would have to endure the agony of having his balls feeling like they were about to burst.

He gazed upon her soft curves and smooth creamy skin and bit down on his lower lip. Yes, fucking her would be worth every bit of the pain.

"Oh this awful bra is so uncomfortable," she complained, slipping her hands behind her back to unfasten it, then letting her lovely breasts fall free. "I'm sure brassieres must have been invented by a man."

Jack swallowed hard. He couldn't remember when he had last seen such great tits. He loved tits. Actually, he had never seen a pair he didn't like.

Holding her bra above him, she then swung it backward and forwards, allowing its soft satin and contrasting lace to brush against his cock as it stood to attention between his legs. She then carelessly dropped it down on his chest.

"Men, you are all the same. You just don't care. All you want is sex... Sex! Sex! Sex!" she lamented.

Just hearing that woman utter those words was almost enough to make Jack's cock explode.

Cupping her breasts in her hands, she began rubbing her erect nipples between her fingers and thumbs. "Fuck them, and forget them, that's how you all are. Well here's one fuck you're not going to get you big horny bastard!"

Jack began to panic. Maybe she did know his identity after all.

"I don't need a fucking man to satisfy me," she continued, holding one hand up to Jack's face a wriggling her long fingers. "I can take care of myself!"

Slowly she slid one hand down over her belly and between her legs. She pulled the crotch of her thong to one side to reveal the velvety pink folds of her sex. Her dark rose coloured clit protruded from between the sweet folds of her pussy as she began to rub her fingers over and around it.

"Oh yes watch my fingers. I don't need any fucking man to fuck me. Fuck you! Fuck all men!"

Tossing her long dark hair back over her shoulders, she closed her eyes and moaned softly. Then, right there in front of him, she masturbated.

Within minutes her breath became short pants and a light perspiration began to glisten on her pale, flawless skin. It was difficult for Jack to see exactly what she was doing down there because he needed to relax his head back every few minutes, but he could certainly hear every bit of her self-pleasure as her fingers slipped in and out making little squelchy noises. Obviously she had become very wet. Jack often wondered how wet Amanda's cunt got. Now he had a very good idea.

The sweet smell of her perfume, combined with that of her young aroused body put Jack in a frenzied state of sexual excitement.

Her lips parted slightly as soft moans soon became loud cries and she continued to plunge her fingers deep into her wetness. Jack watched as her body quivered and then with several deep thrusts she climaxed.

Jack wanted to shout, to beg – “What about me? Please don't leave me like this.” But he couldn't.

Amanda smiled down at him, “Oh that was good. That was just so fucking good you have no idea how wonderful my fingers felt."

“I just saw Amanda Moore finger fuck herself”, he thought as she climbed off the bed and began dressing. “The same Amanda Moore every damned man in my office wants - and I can't tell a fucking soul“

She was about to leave when Alex came to the door.

"How was he?"

"Fucking useless. I had to do myself again. All men are the same, fucking useless!"

Alex grinned over at Jack and winked.

Kittikins entered a short time later.

When she had finished washing him, she teased, "Oh dear look at your poor cock Jack." She bit down on her lower lip and grinned. She looked around behind her and listen for a moment. The silence confirmed what she hoped... none one was near. Her hands shook as she began to stroke Jack's hard shaft with her fingertips. Sure, she knew the rules. No touching the men unless it was for the purpose of preparing them, but Jack's cock was just too tempting.

"You know it's just not fair really, I never get any cock around here. I wash them, I dry them, I make them good and hard. But do I ever get to suck or fuck one? No!" she told him, pouting as she stared down at his throbbing erection.

"You don't mind if I have a little lick now, do you Jack?"

As Jack look up he could see her eyes now focused on his cock. Her breathing seemed to have quicken. Surely this was a rhetorical question.

The zipper on his hood had been closed again, so he nodded his head.

She let her tongue loll about on her lower lip for a moment, then crawling up onto the bed, she placed her hands on his thighs and leaned down.

He closed his eyes as he felt her warm breath on his cock, just before she licked the full length of his shaft. Then grinning and appearing more relax after the initial contact, she parted her lips pushed them over Jack's cock head, but then....

"Tsk tsk" It was Alex. "Come now Kittikins, you know better than that."

Releasing his cock from her mouth, Kittikins lurched back, and gasped in surprise.

Her pink lipstick was smeared all over his cock, there was no denying what she had been up to. Kittikins however, knew how to deal with the situations.

"Oh, but Mistress Alex, it's not my fault, I was just washing Jack's cock when he started talking all this dirty stuff to me. And then..." Clearly her mind was racing trying to think of what to say next, "…and then he started shaking his cock around, and begging me to suck him off! Honestly Mistress, it's Jack's fault, not mine!"

Alex stood there with her arms crossed, considering the situation, "I understand Kittikins. You have a very tough job around here putting up with all these whores."

She smiled and stepped forward to gently kissed the girl on the top of her head.

"Jacky boy, you're one disgusting whore," she said turning her attention to him. "You thought you could take advantage of my sweet and innocent little Kittikins, didn't you?"

Then turning back to the girl, "Fetch me my crop. I think this slut boy needs to be taught some manners."

Kittikins quickly scampered out the door, wanting to please her mistress and get herself out of trouble.

When Kittikins returned, Jack moaned through the leather hood. She was carrying Mistress Alex's crop in front of her in both hands, as if it were a delicate prized possession. Kittikins knelt. Her knees were parted wide. Her eyes were kept lowered. She lifted the crop up to her mistress with both hands.

"Thank you pet. You may watch now."

Realizing how vulnerable he was in this position, Jack managed a muffled protest.

"Don't worry Jacky boy, I promise I'll try not to hit that horny cock of yours, or your precious balls."

She laughed and swung the crop though the air. It made a wooshing sound as it cut through the air, striking across his bare chest. The stinging lash across his nipples caused his whole body to jerk.

She delivered the second lash across the top of his thighs, and it was just as painful, leaving another long red welt.

The third strike wasn't quite so powerful, however it landed right across his balls.

His legs shook uncontrollably. His entire body writhed violently. He had never felt such sweet pain in all his life.

"Oos!" His mistress said with a snigger.

Kittikins stifled a giggle behind her hand.

"Now Jack, I think we will leave you here for a little while so you can think about what a whore you have been."

Pain and pleasure, there was always such a fine line between the two. He craved sweet agony. It always got him so excited. How and why, he didn't understand or care. He just knew always wanted and needed more. Later when he would leave he still wouldn't have the answers. He never would.

Jack served two more women that evening before being released and allowed to go home, well after midnight. By the time the last woman used him, he was so damned exhausted, he could do no more than just lay there and get sucked and fucked.

He replayed the evening in his head as he drove home. His cock felt raw and used, but he felt good and satisfied. He knew he would sleep well tonight. As he staggered through the house towards the bedroom he noticed a light on. Susan had waited up for him.

"Oh you should have gone to sleep princess," he said, leaning over to gently kiss her forehead.

"I didn't mind Jack."

She smiled and rolled over, then as if it was an after thought she added, "Jack, about that diamond bracelet, you know the one I saw at Ralph's last month."

"Honey, you know you don't need jewelry. You're beautiful enough without it," he said, lifting her tiny hand to his lips and gently kissing it.

Fucking women, flattery will do the trick every time, he thought smugly. Besides he had been planning to buy that bracelet for Mistress Alex. Yes, he was sure a gift like that would cement their relationship.

"Oh but Jack, I really want it so badly," she continued, "and Jack, we don't want Daddy to find out how hard you've been working lately, now do we?"

Her sweet smile didn't disguise for a moment what she really meant.

"Jack, I'm feeling so horny right now. I really am," she said, sitting up and slipping her nightgown down she expose her bare shoulders.

Jack froze. Suddenly the cold hard reality of the situation hit him - his Mistress Alex was no longer the only woman in his life who had him by his balls.


Particularly if you like this story, please take a moment to vote and perhaps sent a short feedback message. Voting and feedback are the only ways amateur authors like me have of knowing how we are doing. Thank you, Alex (fem)

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Brilliant read!

Fantastic work here with a twist that competes with the quality of Tales of the Crypt! Had me guessing all the way through, so keep up the good work!

LizzleLizzleover 16 years ago
good ideas

i really liked it. good premise n i think everyone either wants to be a brothel slave or have one at one point or another. i don't know why that one poster said it was crap. sometimes i like using my b/f as a fuckstick n nothing else.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Liked the theme

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Great use of man

About time a man got used like women do. Keep using Jacky boy. Keep wrtting too. Loved it.

DemON_WrITER_13_6DemON_WrITER_13_6about 17 years ago

This was an amazing story. And if people tell you otherwise they are retarded. If you ever need something to tease contact me whenever you feel like. My email address is Scorpion_KInG_13_6@yahoo.com .

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
left me wanting more

i really liked the story it wasnt so over sexual that the actual plot was lost. it left me wanting more

PussyWillowZPussyWillowZalmost 18 years ago
sweet pain!

I have not read anything elts you have done, but this dose have prommise. What will hapen with Jack and his wife? Nice voice and tone, the people are developed, but what is the big change, where is Jack going?

I would like to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago

total crap

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