Jack's Righteous Gig


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Tonka looked between the two and saw their upset. "It is the nature of Tik to distribute valuable information amongst our population." It reached out two tentacles to gently touch their hands. "The true perceptions of a completely alien race, its thoughts, emotions, and sensations, such information would be... treasured beyond any other. I'm unable to confirm or deny, not out of deception, but out of respect. A promise of privacy would have been made while allowing the Tik... to be Tik." Tonka felt like it was treading on thin ice, as the saying went.

"Honey, I'm home!" a voice called out from the front door.

The group turned to see Jack walk into the archway. He smiled in confusion at their returned gaze then noted the hand holding. His smile became concern.

"I- we- he loves you both so much," Tonka managed to whisper then began to tremble.

He broke the agreement! Did he? Tonka's mind was flashing warnings. Something was very wrong. Then he slipped off the chair and hit the floor with a mighty thud.


Chapter 9

Sultessa Sahhahr, leader of the last remaining Ishilon, paced the corridor outside of her ship's sickbay until her Chief Medical Officer joined her.

"Chena! Is it dead?" she asked sharply.

"According to its underlings, no. They are worried about its mind, though. The radiation shielding they have is extensive, but it was exposed to unknown levels," the smaller male reported.

They were joined in the corridor by her military commander, Lorrem. He looked grim. She turned to him.

"Why are the others not opening one of their Gates to take their fallen leader to their repair facility?" she asked in frustration.

Lorrem nodded. "They state that they are forbidden to open one in our presence without a functional senior Tik present."

Cowl flaring, Sahhahr moved down the corridor towards the command center. Lorrem followed a safe distance behind.

Once they reached the chamber, she looked to the large display which currently showed the planet below them — a massive ball of snow and ice. There couldn't be a more inhospitable environment for the Ishilon, who needed a much hotter climate to function. Why the injured Tik brought them here was unknown.

That said, she was deeply grateful that it had taken such a risk to move the ship out of the path of the flare. In the ship's current state, they couldn't have moved on their own, and the energy wave would have extinguished the lives of her people. She had to keep them alive! She had to find them purpose again!

Looking across the room, she saw the two engineers currently reviewing all systems to see if they could get the ship functioning once more.

Her eyes were drawn to the big display; she looked at the snowy planet again and considered the fact that even if they could get the ship going, they had nowhere to go.

Their mission had been to hunt down the Mahrell Drun, terminate every last Prime, or die trying. That was their grand purpose. When they realized their homeworld was gone and the colony was dying, her people demanded vengeance. They made a pact, and every remaining soul worked to make it happen. They'd used their remaining resources to escape their ruined colony world. This escape was only possible at the expense of so many lives.

Their ship was the pinnacle of their technology. Its control systems were completely automated. The engines were powerful yet left no energy signature to be tracked. The skin was covered in stealth armor, which also fed the ship energy. Everything was going according to the pact... until it didn't.

From their ship's log, they determined that while they slept, their ship detected the approach of a collection of battleships from the race which destroyed the Ishilon homeworld. They were likely headed for the Ishilon colony to finish the job. The automated flight control systems moved the ship into the gas giant's polar magnetic field to hide it from the sensors of the enemy ships. Then it powered down all systems except for life support, the energy collectors in the ship's skin, and the detection systems. The last one didn't take into account the strength of the magnetic field, so it never got the signal that the other ships had moved on.

So, there they slept for over seven thousand cekt.

They were arrogant in their belief in the infallibility of their technology. It was inconceivable for their ship to not do exactly what they designed it to do. Truthfully, it'd kept up its side of the bargain. The error was the instructions they gave it didn't take into account all of the possibilities. So they paid the price for that pride.

Sahhahr was also aware that the price could have been much higher. Their current state: they were alive, but their enemy, their sole purpose, was dead. The people they brought on the ship were all warriors and their direct support teams. The other side of their society, the artists, teachers, philosophers, scientists, politicians, farmers, and others all remained behind on the collapsing colony world. They might have had... maybe five years at most before the planet split into fragments, and all life was extinguished. The fleet of battleships on their way to the colony likely shortened that deadline considerably.

She shook her head to free it of those grim images.

She felt the silent hum of two Tik entering the chamber and turned to face them. The one dragging the limp and scorched tentacle was 2765 if she recalled its designation correctly. The other one was 9898, which was unscathed. 2765 lost the use of its tentacle shortly after the large Gate closed. It and 9898 opened a new, smaller Gate. 2765 reached through to snag Rikki and pull it through the Gate. Its tentacle was scorched, and it had to disable it to cut off the pain.

"Should we all hide in a different room while you move your leader to a planet with a repair facility?" she snapped, then felt immediately contrite.

"That won't be necessary. The planet below has a Gate Terminal. We will transport Rikki to the surface and use that means to return to Chuuruthia," 9898 replied without acknowledging her sharp tone.

"What about us? Our ship is still disabled, and we cannot survive the temperatures on the surface of the planet!" Sahhahr asked.

"The Tik which will travel to the surface will take Rikki and the other injured Tik to Chuuruthia. A senior-level Tik will return here to take over the mission. I will remain here as I can communicate with the surface." 9898 turned to 2765 momentarily, and the injured Tik left the chamber.

"Is there someone to communicate with on the surface?" Sahhahr asked as she looked at the screen again. She couldn't imagine the creatures that would prefer this climate.

"Yes! There are approximately 750 million Shreen on Chrystan. While they can easily survive on the surface, they make their homes underground."

Sahhahr perked up. "Is it warmer inside?"

9898 hesitated. "Warmer, yes, but still very cool compared to this room, for instance. Using the temperature water freezes as the baseline and this room as an example of your preferred temperature, the average ambient temperature of the Shreen cities is roughly half as warm as this room.

Sahhahr shuddered as her grim look returned. "Why did Rikki bring us here?" she muttered.

"Perhaps it was because it had to choose quickly, it had no permission to take a ship full of refugees anywhere, and it understood you would not find this world appealing if your true intention was to invade," 9898 offered.

Sahhahr blinked at the blunt honesty but acknowledged the point.

"Besides, the Shreen are a peaceful and courteous race who don't leave the planet's surface, so there was little chance you and they would come into contact. I believe Rikki's quick selection was as optimal as it could have been," 9898 suggested.

"We are indebted to Rikki for its rescue. That said, we have no intention of invading any world." She looked to Lorrem and frowned. "We have much to discuss regarding our future."

"We must meet the destroyer of our enemy," Lorrem stated firmly.

"Jack," Sahhahr said with a nod.

9898 was a little uncomfortable with their intensity. It worried about what these beings wanted with Mr. Danner.

An Ishilon engineer working one of the consoles turned his face back towards them. "Sultessa! I have a signal coming from the surface. It appears to be roughly directed towards us. There is audio, but I don't know what they are saying.

"Let's hear it," Sahhahr said.

"Hello? Hello up there? Can you hear me? We witnessed the appearance of an enormous Gate, so we assume someone is up there with Tik."

All Ishilon personnel on the bridge turned their heads towards 9898 as the Shreen was speaking Universal, which they couldn't understand. 9898 looked to Sahhahr. "The surface is saying Hello and is asking if we can hear them. They spotted the Gate, which must have looked like a sudden flash of reflected planetary light. The signal is weak, so I assume they are using their radio wave transmitter. Can you respond using the same frequency modulation?" The Engineer examined the signal and made some adjustments then nodded.

9898 looked to Sahhahr. "I've prepared the matrix for the lexicon you provided to me earlier. May I upload it to your system?" The leader gestured for it to proceed. The Ishilon Engineer began integrating the file as 9898 turned back to Sahhahr. "May I respond?" She nodded. The Engineer activated the mic.

"This is Tik 9898 responding from the Ishilon ship in orbit. We hear you." It then translated what it said for those in the chamber. The Engineer nodded to his Sultessa, and the next transmission came through in Ishilon.

"This is King Tyg in Elleltris. What is the purpose of your visit to our world?" the King asked politely.

The Tik looked at the Sultessa and gestured with a tentacle for her to speak. "Greetings, this is Sultessa Sahhahr Tessahr, leader of the Ishilon. The Tik has made it possible for me to speak directly to you. Our ship is damaged, the Tik found us and brought us here to avoid a sudden solar flare which would have extinguished all of our lives. We will depart the moment the Tik seniors arrive and determine where they will take us."

There was silence for a time. Sahhahr looked to 9898 and was about to ask if the transaction matrix worked both ways when the speaker popped once more.

"Would you like to come down for an informal get together while you wait on the Tik Seniors?"

The Tik saw the Ishilon's surprise. "The Shreen are very friendly and gracious people." A chuckle could be heard over the speaker.

Sahhahr addressed the King once more. "Unfortunately, the Ishilon require a much warmer environment to function. I've been told that the temperature you use in your city is half the temperature we use. We'd slip into a hibernation state then perish."

"Hmmm... you're in a spaceship? Do you have spacesuits for spacewalks?" Tyg asked. Light laughter was heard in the background then a female voice came through the speakers.

"Tyg! You've been reading too many of those vintage Science Fiction stories Jack sent to you!" the Queen gently chastised her husband.

Sahhahr stiffened when she heard the name. "Jack? Do you mean Jack Danner? The one responsible for defeating the Mahrell Drun and the Allsa Komanae?"

"Oh! Hello, this is Queen Lyn. Yes, that Jack. Do you know him?" she asked happily.

"We haven't had the pleasure yet, but we very much need to talk with him," Sahhahr replied as she looked to Lorrem, who nodded gravely. 9898 watched them nervously.

"This is most fortuitous timing as Jack will be coming to visit us tomorrow!" Tyg exclaimed.

"Do we have one of these Spacewalk suits?" Sahhahr asked her people urgently.

"There are emergency evacuation suits, but they're not meant for extended use. How will we avoid the cold temperatures in their city?" Lorrem asked.

"That won't be a problem as the palace has guest suites and meeting rooms with augmented heating. They can be set to levels we might find quite hot. We added that for Jack's family members, who also don't like the cold. Jack doesn't seem to mind," Tyg explained.

"That's because his body gives off so much heat!" Lyn said with a chuckle which Tyg picked up. The Ishilon shared another surprised look.

9898 was lost. It couldn't grasp something important about the conversation. "This is 9898, could you explain that last statement?" There were more chuckles from the royal couple.

"The Shreen family unit is the most important aspect of our society. One of the traditions we have is the sleeping pit. All members share this pit with the warmest member on the bottom, sharing their heat upwards. Being the warm one is one of our greatest compliments. Jack is the warmest person we've ever shared a pit with," Lyn explained.

Sahhahr looked to the large display showing the huge expanse of snow and ice. She understood the importance of warmth, and it would be even more critical in such an environment. "Our societies seem to share some things in common. The sharing of heat and communal sleeping pits are required by my people, as well."

9898 received an incoming signal then a message blurt. It was stunned to learn the new arrivals were the Elders from Chuuruthia, Socrates and Plato. It waved a tentacle to catch the attention of the Ishilon. "Excuse me, please. The senior Tik have arrived. They are requesting permission to open a Gate from the surface directly inside the ship. They are old and do not enjoy the cold of space."

Sahhahr was not pleased, and her cowl began to open. "They are here to move us to a different location already?"

"That was the intent-" the young Tik began.

"No! We must speak with the Shreen King and Queen. Then we must speak with Jack Danner. He will be on the planet below within a day, so we must wait until then," she insisted.

9898 paused. "I will pass that request along." Sahhahr's cowl flared all the way open as she stared down the Tik. It sent the message back to the Elders. After a pause, a response came back. "The senior Tik still wish to meet with you to discuss the Mahrell Drun."

"Then we will meet on the planet's surface," she insisted.

"I will ask for permission to leave the ship-" 9898 began.

"So, you were keeping us prisoner on our ship!" Sahhahr snapped.

"You certainly have our permission to come to visit," Tyg said over the speaker, obviously still listening in.

Sahhahr calmed a little, hearing the kind voice. "Thank you. We accept your gracious invitation. If the Tik can open a Gate from the surface to our ship, then we don't need Spacewalk suits at all. If the meeting room can be warmed to a temperature we can tolerate, the Gate can take us there."

9898 felt the situation slipping from its control, but it had no experience dealing with first contact scenarios. It sent the latest update to the Elders with an apology but received a friendly assurance that it was doing fine under trying circumstances.

The Elders agreed to the new location and indicated they would notify it when the room was sufficiently warm. They would join the royal couple and make the arrangements. 9898 sent the desired temperature to the Elders as well.

"Queen Lyn and King Tyg, our senior-most Tik will join you shortly at the palace. They will assist you in setting the meeting room to a temperature the Ishilon find comfortable. If this proves to be too high for you, we will work towards finding a balance. Once this is done, the Tik will open a Gate to bring the Ishilon representatives to the assigned room," the junior Tik explained. It saw Sahhahr immediately begin to calm.

"Why aren't Gates used for this kind of travel all the time?" Sahhahr asked.

"Planet to planet Gates are the most practical use of this technology. It requires two Tik to open a Gate. Personal spot to spot local travel is not our function," the Tik explained.

"So, you couldn't open a Gate for us even if you wanted to," Lorrem said tersely.

"That's correct," the Tik replied.

Sahhahr sighed as she shared a glance with her commander. "I understand the precautions as you just met us, but it doesn't feel very friendly." She paused and looked at the Tik. "How are they going to open a Gate inside my ship when there's only one Tik here? Is it safe?"

9898 felt more comfortable with these questions. "The Gate will be opened by two other Tik from the room on Chrystan. They will use my location as the anchor point. My awareness of my position within the ship will ensure the Gate is safely opened."

This seemed to satisfy the Ishilon in the room.

"I'm being told the Tik Elders are here. I'll sign off, and we'll see you soon!" Tyg said over the speaker.

"Thank you, yes!" Sahhahr replied, and the radio went silent with a pop.

The Sultessa used the waiting time to pepper 9898 with questions about their hosts. Soon enough, the young Tik received a message that the room was ready. The temperature was becoming uncomfortable for Shreen though it was close to the target. The Ishilon agreed to give it a try.

The Tik moved out of the command center into the more spacious hallway then sent the accept signal. A mirrored rectangle appeared next to it. Another shiny new Tik came through and blurted a message at 9898. It was carrying small translation discs the delegates would wear.

"Ah, this Tik will anchor the Gate so I can join you down on the surface. The Gate will be kept open while you are on the planet. It also has wearable devices for you, which will translate your words into Universal and the reverse until you can learn the language." It handed out the discs. "Please follow me and keep moving forward after you step through, so you don't block those following you. Oh! No weapons, please," 9898 instructed. It moved through the mirrored surface and exited into a large conference room. A large table was centered in the room with chairs around it. The Shreen royal couple was standing next to Socrates and Plato facing the Gate. "Greetings! I'm 9898."

Tyg and Lyn nodded to it, and their eyes widened as Lorrem moved through the mirror, his expression cautious and surprised. He spotted the couple standing next to the older and worn Tik and bowed in their direction.

"I am Lorrem. Commander of the Sultessa's forces."

9898 took up the role of the herald. "Queen Lyn and King Tyg of Chrystan. Socrates and Plato of Chuuruthia." The couple nodded to the Ishilon Commander, as did the Tik.

Lorrem moved to the side as a smaller Ishilon male passed through the gate. "Chena, Chief Medical Officer," Lorrem announced. 9898 made the introductions again.

Finally, the Sultessa passed through the Gate and looked around in wonder.

Sahhahr felt the cool fresh air on her scales, the slightly stronger pull of the planet's gravity, and the reality of Gate travel could not be denied. She looked to the group watching her reaction. She drew herself up to her full regal height and gave her best Sultessa smile. She noted 9898 was making the introductions and got her mind back on track. She nodded to the two furred beings and the visibly older Tik. They seemed to be waiting for something; then she realized it must be her.

"Apologies, I find myself a little shaken by the experience of passing through the Gate," she admitted.

"Oh, good! I was worried it was just me," Chena grumbled. Lorrem looked grateful too.

The King and Queen stepped forward. "Neither of us has ever left Chrystan, so we haven't shared that experience. Not that we're eager to do so," Lyn remarked with a gentle smile.

"Is the temperature sufficiently warm for you?" Tyg asked.

"Yes! It's a little cooler than we're used to, but we can function. Is it too hot for you?" she asked.

Lyn smiled. "We can function, but we may need to step out from time to time."
