Jacy U

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Lesson 1: Thea is a Teacher's Pet.
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not know or own Thea Hail or Jacy Jayne or Roxanne Perez or any other former or current WWE women. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.


Thea Hail prided herself on being a good student, and more importantly, a good friend. So, for the first class of Jacy U, she promised her best friend she would be front and center with a smile on her face, and she meant it. Besides, this wasn't just her good pal, Jacy Jayne, teaching a few lessons of Chase U out of the kindness of her heart.

Yes, it had been Jacy's brilliant idea which had saved Thea's beloved University, and now Mr Chase was nice enough to in return allow Jacy to use his classroom. Thea would have welcomed that, and happily printed out the new logo to be placed over Chase U. No, Jacy Jayne was teaching a class on topping, and Thea couldn't wait to learn.

Which was why she was here, bright and early, setting up, just as Miss Jayne had told her to. She then had about an hour to psych herself up, and get her ready for whatever was to come. Which seemed like a lot, but not when it came to her passion. Not topping, professional wrestling. Oh God, Thea wanted to be a successful wrestler so bad. And not just a jobber to the stars on RAW or Smackdown, but a Wrestlemania main eventer.

Something which had been a ridiculous dream not so long ago, but now it seemed doable, with the likes of Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair and Bianca Belair doing the seemingly impossible. So, if fucking a few asses was what she needed to do to achieve her dreams, she would do it. Which made her more excited to see her best friend than usual.

"Good morning, Miss Jayne!" Thea waved excitedly, as her best friend approached, "You're finally here! I mean, Mr Chase likes to arrive an hour early, so he can plan out his lessons in advance, get mentally prepared, and offer advice to those who come early, like me. But, you should do your own thing. That's cool. All of this is so cool. Oh my God, I can't believe I'm going to learn how to be a top!"

"Me either." Jacy said dryly, before turning to the line behind Thea, "Wow, people really showed up, huh? And here I thought it would be just the two of us."

"No, I made sure to spread the word, so everyone knew." Thea beamed, "Aren't you proud of me?"

"You have no idea..." Jacy said, turning her attention to the back of the line, "Wait, is that Roxanne Perez? Awww, what's the matter? Are you lost? Or just desperate?"

Roxanne glared, then placed her hand against her ear and questioned, "What was that? I couldn't hear you, over the sound of me beating you last time we fought."

"Wow, I'm not sure what's more lame. That come back, or the fact that you seem to be forgetting what happened every time after it." Jacy smirked, "Even when you won."

"Yeah, well..." Roxy began angrily, before her shoulders slumped, "That, that was then."

"Again, brilliant comeback." Jacy laughed, before encouraging, "Come on girls, classes now in session."

"Erm, technically it's not until we're actually all in the classroom." Thea offered helpfully.

"Just get in here, you adorable dork." Jacy laughed.

"It isn't even a real classroom." Roxanne grumbled, storming in behind her

"Is too!" Thea whined, mad that she wasn't the first one in behind her teacher, but making up for it by being the second, and pulling out a treat from her bag, "Here, this is for you, Miss Jayne."

"Thea, I told you not to do this anymore." Jacy scolded, even as she took the offered apple.

"Yeah, but that was with Mr Chase. And it's your first day as a teacher, and I so want it to go well for you. " Thea said.

"You do, huh?" Jacy grinned wickedly.

"Uh-huh." Thea insisted, "I'd do anything for you."

"Well, I'll have to remember that." Jacy chuckled.

After a few long seconds of smiling at her new teacher, Thea quickly took her seat, and waited eagerly for the lesson to begin. Luckily, no one had taken her favourite seat, at the front of the class, meaning that she would get the best possible look at whatever Miss Jayne had planned. Meanwhile, Roxanne was sulking at the back. God, what was wrong with her lately?

She used to be so nice, like Miss Jayne. But now, well, she was like Miss Jayne used to be. Of course, she had friends trying to convince her that Miss Jayne wasn't so nice, but hopefully this would prove once and for all they were wrong. Because why else would her best friend be doing this, other than to help people?

Her friends Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan were here because they didn't trust her. Nikkita Lyons and Gigi Dolin also said they didn't trust Miss Jayne, but they weren't interested in topping, so they didn't come. She didn't really know Adriana Rizzo, Lola Vice or Sol Ruca, but they seemed apprehensive for some reason, along with other faces she didn't recognize.

Except Jazmyn something, who was looking excited. In fact, she wasn't the only one. No, Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson and Kiana James were all here, and they were all looking very happy, despite the fact that surely, they didn't need lessons in topping. Hell, the only NXT top that wasn't here, was their division's champion and Alpha, Lyra Valkyria.

"Everyone's sitting? Good, then we can begin." Jacy said, writing her name on the board, if only because she knew it would make Thea happy, "You all know me, but when you're in this classroom, you will all referred to me as Miss Jayne. I am your teacher, and you will treat me with respect. If you don't think you can do that, there's the door. Fallon?"

"What? I didn't say nothin'." Fallon grumbled.

"And yet, you're already not calling me by my proper title." Jacy said dryly, before sighing as Thea raised her hand, "Yes, Thea?"

"To be fair to Fallon, Miss Jayne, this is all very new. Especially for her." Thea pointed out, "So, could you cut her some slack? Please?"

"Well, I suppose for someone who couldn't finish high school, I can make an exception." Jacy quipped.

"I finished school, you bitch!" Fallon snapped.

"Fallon!" Thea scolded, before quickly adding, "I'm sorry, Miss Jayne. But-"

"But you're not the one who should be apologizing." Jacy said coldly.

There was a brief pause, then Fallon sighed, "I'm sorry... Miss Jayne. Now, please get on with it?"

"I agree, we should all shut up, and listen to Miss Jayne." Jazmyn jumped in.

"Thank you, erm?" Jacy began.

"Jazmyn. Jazmyn Nyx." Jazmyn introduced herself, "And I can't wait to learn from you, Miss Jayne."

"See? That's what I'm talking about? Show your teacher a little respect, and you'll go far." Jacy beamed, before scrunching her face up in disgust as she thought of an example of what not to do, "Or you can be like my deadbeat ex-tag team partner, Gigi Dolin, and become a walking free to use hole. Is that what you really want?"

"No, Miss Jayne." Thea replied, and at least most of the class echoed.

"Good." Jacy said dismissively, before glaring at Fallon, "Now, if there's no more interruptions, or disrespect, I'll start the lesson."

"I wasn't..." Fallon began to protest, only to sigh, and then through gritted teeth dismissed, "You know what, whatever."

"Miss Jayne!" Jazmyn insisted.

"Yeah, yeah, whatfever, Miss Jayne." Fallon grumbled.

"Okay, I guess that will do. Let's get to the first lesson, shall we?" Jacy questioned, making clear it that it was rhetorical by quickly adding, "Can I have a volunteer?"

"Oh, oh, oooooooooh, me, me, meeeeeeeeee!" Thea's hand shot up.

"Thea, I was hoping you would volunteer." Jacy purred, before beckoning the eager student, "Come up here, and stand next to me."

"Okay." Thea replied bravely, quickly doing as she was told.

"Good girl." Jacy grinned, her eyes lingering on Thea as she approached, before reluctantly turning her attention to the class again, and gleefully explaining, "Now, I know Mr Chase likes to stand up here for hours, running his mouth, only to stop to answer a bunch of stupid questions. Or lose his shit. But I prefer a more, hands-on approach to teaching.

That's why, for your first lesson, I'm going to give you all a demonstration on topping. And I don't want you to talk, or ask questions. No, all you have to do is watch, and be present, in this particular moment, as I demonstrate how to properly fuck another girl in the butt. And use Thea's sweet little virgin ass hole to do it."

"Oh God!" Kelani groaned in disgust.

"I knew it!" Fallon sighed.

"Hell yeah, destroy that virgin butt, Miss Jayne." Jazmyn excitedly encouraged.

"But, but Miss Jayne..." Thea began to protest, when she got over the initial shock. At least enough to stammer a few words, "I, I'm... I can't... I told you-"

"I know, I know, it's okay. Just trust me." Jacy insisted, "You do trust me, don't you Thea? Huh?"

"Well, of course, Miss Jayne." Thea replied nervously, "But it's-"

"You're not gay? That you really want to top, because you want to be a champion? That you can't be a bottom?" Jacy listed off, "Yes, you were very clear the other night. But, here's the thing. If you stay here in the WWE for more than a couple coffee, you're going to get fucked in the ass, because sooner or later, you're going to lose. And let's face it, Thea, you lose a lot. Hell, it's a miracle you still have your butt cherry.

But, if you keep it, I promise you, it will be a liability. Look at me? I lost mine when I first came here, but luckily for me, the woman who did it wasn't trying to break me. She was trying to make me better. And she did. And now, I'm offering you the same chance. Again. Only this time, it isn't weird and gay, because it would be just the two of us. No, this time, there would be lots of people watching. So it's educational, not romantic."

There was a long pause, and then Fallon protested in disbelief, "Please tell me you're not actually buying this?"

"Thea, let's go. This whole thing is a scam. Just like we said it was. You see that, right? Right?" Kelani protested.

"Don't listen to them. They're not your friends. I am. I'm the only friend you need, Thea." Jacy promised, having turned to her friend during her last speech, then moved closer to her as she continued, "They want you to be weak, like them. But real friends help make you better, and that's what I want to do for you, Thea. Because I see potential in you, that they clearly don't.

I can see just how amazing you can be, you just need to trust me, and that me mold you into what you always meant to be. The same way that Goddess Rose helped to mold me and Gigi. The only difference is, she was just using us. But I love you, Thea. You're my best friend, and I want this to be as pleasant as possible for you. Not something that a cruel Dom like Charlotte will use to break you.

"Let's go, Thea. Now!" Fallon insisted, getting out of her seat.

"Please?" Kelani whined, also getting up.

"You can leave, if you want too." Jazmyn huffed.

"No, you stay, and give Thea the moral support she needs, to do what she knows is right." Jacy demanded firmly, glaring at the interruption, before turning her attention back to Thea, and to mask her own nervousness, chuckled, "Come on now, Thea. Don't keep our audience waiting for a response. At least say no, so I can pick another volunteer."

"I can do that?" Thea asked hopefully.

"Yes, but then, you won't learn anything, as you'll be too busy thinking about bottoming, and worrying about your future." Jacy quickly pointed out, "So, why not just do the right thing here and now, with someone who loves you, as only a best friend can? Mmmmmmm, Fallon and Kelani don't love you enough to fuck you in the ass, Thea. But I do."

There was a long pause, and then even as she and Kelani sat back down again, Fallon huffed, "This is ridiculous!"

"You, you promise it won't be like, gay or weird?" Thea questioned, biting her lip.

"No, no, no, I'm just fucking you in the ass, in a room full of people." Jacy said dryly, before pointing out, "In the WWE, that's actually pretty normal."

"You have a point." Thea grumbled, and then after another long pause, cautiously sighed, "Fine! But no spanking! And you need to promise that we'll still be friends after. Okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, mmmmmmmm, absolutely." Jacy said dismissively, before ordering, "Now, bend over, and place your hand against the blackboard."

"Yes, Miss Jayne." Thea blushed, and then did as she was told.

"That's it, stick that fat ass out!" Jacy encouraged with a gleeful smile on her face, holding back as long as she could from groping that big butt, which wasn't very long, "Come on, Thea, you can do better than that. Oooooooooooh yesssssssssss, mmmmmmm, good girl. You see this class? This is what's known as a perfect booty, that was practically made for fucking! And spanking!"

"Owww, Miss Jayne, you promise no spanking!" Thea whined, after receiving a hard double smack to her poor bottom.

"Oh please, that didn't count." Jacy protested, before promising, "But don't worry, mmmmmmm, I'm about to kiss it better."

"You are?" Thea blushed.

"Uh-huh." Jacy purred lustfully, before grabbing hold of the waistband to Thea's wrestling trunks, and slowly beginning to push them down, "But first, let's really see what I'm working with."

"Whoa!" Thea exclaimed, blushed more than ever before as her bubble butt was fully revealed to the class. Then, when her ass was completely out, Thea began, "Miss Jayne, I-"

"Quiet in class!" Jacy snapped, delivering a hard double smack to those meaty cheeks, while allowing Thea's trunks and underwear to fall down around the other girl's ankles, "Thea, I thought you said that you were going to be my star student? Huh? Then why you undermining me? I'm trying to teach a class here, and you're being so disrespectful."

"Sorry, Miss Jayne." Thea whimpered, then promised, "I'll do better, I swear."

"I hope so, mmmmmmm, I would hate to have to stop ass fucking you in front of all these people, because you couldn't be polite." Jacy chuckled wickedly, before turning her attention back to the class, "Like I said, Thea really does have the perfect little bubble butt. Sooooooo tiny, yet somehow, so fucking big. It's a grown ass woman's booty, on a little pocket rocket.

Just look at the way these surprisingly fat cheeks jiggle every time I briefly touch them, let alone spank them. Can you imagine how they would feel against your thighs, if you were pounding into them? Can you? Mmmmmmmm, go ahead. Do it. Close your eyes, and imagine you're feeling Thea Hail's butt cheeks jiggling against your thighs, as you're pounding her slutty little shit hole!"

"Yes, Miss Jayne!" Jazmyn and several others immediately replied and obeyed.

"Yes, Miss Jayne." Fallon and the rest were more hesitant, but eventually did as they were told.

Jacy Jayne made sure that everyone's eyes were closed, before she continued the lesson, a wide grin on her face the entire time, given the level of control she had over the other women. But especially, Thea Hail. Then, Jacy took a soft and calming breath, then slowly pulled apart those meaty cheeks, revealing the real prize in all of this. Namely, Thea Hail's virgin ass hole.

Something which had her whimpering with lust, and even need. Which was embarrassing, but she had never had to work harder to butt fuck another girl. And it really seemed like this would be worth the wait. Especially as it was resulting in her having so much power over the locker room. Something she savoured for a very long seconds, before finally speaking again.

"Okay, that's good. Now, keep your eyes closed, as you imagine what I'm seeing right now. The ass hole of an anal virgin, just begging to be fucked!" Jacy ordered lustfully, immediately getting a little carried away, "Ohhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh, just imagine it. All tiny and tight. Not made to take dick, but tonight, it's gonna. Mmmmmmmm, and it'll never be the same again."

"Miss Jayne?" Thea whimpered questioningly.

"Shhhhhhhh, it's okay." Jacy leaned in, and whispered into the ear of her prey, "I told you, in the long run, this will be good for you. You don't believe I'd lie about that, do you? Huh? Because I wouldn't. Not to you. I promise. You just relax, and trust me. Mmmmmmmmm, because were about to get to the good stuff."

"Yes, Miss Jayne. Sorry, Miss Jayne?" Thea quickly replied.

"Good girl." Jacy purred, pressing a kiss against the back of Thea's head, and then calling out, "Now, everyone open your eyes, and get a good look at this perfect ass hole."

"Yes, Miss Jayne!" Jazmyn quickly replied and obeyed, this time everyone following suit, the difference being that Jazmyn then added, "Wow, mmmmmmm, it really is perfect, Miss Jayne."

"Yeahhhhhhhhh it is, mmmmmmmm, and it's mine!" Jacy moaned, then quickly added, "Is what you should be saying right now, when you find yourself in this position with a prospective bottom. Or an anal slut who knows her place. Either way, take your time to savour the moment, as it's the kind of thing you should be living for.

But, no matter how slutty the butt hole, no matter how many times it's been used in the past, you must remember to properly prepare it. And when dealing with the ultimate prize, a virgin ass hole? That's when it's the most important. When you really need to thoroughly prepare it. And, while there are a few different ways, I recommend this as a must."

As she spoke, Jacy slid herself down to her knees, until her face was inches away from that cute little butt hole, before it finally happened. Before she finally stuck out her tongue, and slid it over Thea Hail's virgin ass hole. She then moaned happily at the taste, and the overwhelming moment of actually doing this. And to her delight, she wasn't the only one.

No, Thea spent the whole time whimpering, moaning and crying out with pure joy, as her new 'teacher' got down to giving her a long, thorough rim job. The kind which involved practically an hour of gentle licking, before she increased the pace, and even tried to get her tongue in there. Unsurprisingly, she didn't get very far, but that didn't matter, because even though she was making a meal out of that big booty, this was only the appetizer.

"Erm, Miss Jayne? Don't you think you should get to the main event?" Jazmyn questioned quickly.

"Well, you should always be thorough when it comes to preparation." Jacy insisted, after reluctantly pulling her face out of Thea's ass, then was even more reluctant to admit, "But, yes. You're right. Mmmmmmmm, It's time for this big booty to get fucked. And, since it's important to give the class the best possible view, Thea, be a dear, and bend over your desk."

"Yes, Miss Jayne." Thea whimpered and obeyed, while blushing furiously.

"Good girl." Jacy chuckled, then pushed, "No, facing the front of the class. Yes, it would be good if everyone could see your face, so they can know exactly what you're feeling. But they'll be able to hear you for that. What's more important, is they see your butt hole. Oh yeah, it is. So, make sure you spread those cheeks, sweetie. Spread 'em nice and wide, so we all can study what I do to your cute little virgin butt hole."

There were several adorably awkward replies of 'Yes, Miss Jayne' every time Jacy clarified what Thea should do, and there was a beautiful blush on the blonde's face the entire time, which the brunette savoured as she slowly retrieved a strap-on from her bag. Normally, she wouldn't consider using one this small, as mercy was a sign of weakness. However, it was important for her plan.

More importantly, she truly cared about Thea, didn't want to hurt her. She did however, want to embarrass her, Jacy receiving a tremendous amount of twisted pleasure from equipping herself in front of the innocent girl, and then covering that dildo with lube. Something that got a truly hilarious response from her prey.