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"Oh, you've made me so happy," she breathed. Jake gripped her arm, pulling her down gently on top of him, her chest laying atop his, her breasts crushed between their pounding hearts. Their faces were scant inches apart, their breath escaping one only to enter the other. His fingers pushed back her hair and then he held her head firmly as he lifted his face to hers.

Linda knew she shouldn't go to her son's room, that she couldn't be sure that she could control what would happen. Deep down she knew that she didn't want to stop what was sure to take place. She had started on this road unknowingly, but she had been given chances to escape and yet she hadn't. Perhaps later she would find excuses, but right now, she didn't need any.

His lips pressed against hers for the third time that night. Jake's lips were tender and caring, yet there was the ever present hunger. Within seconds Linda yielded to him, her lips parted and no sooner had she done so, her son's tongue came into her mouth. His passion, his delight at kissing his mother so intimately surged through his body and he held her tighter, crushing her body to his. Linda's breath was forced from her as his tongue lashing grew frenzied.

"Whoa tiger," Linda breathed, pushing against him for a moment. "Give me a chance to catch my breath, you're gonna make me pass out." Jake's devilish smile said he intended to try, even if it wasn't from just kissing her.

She looked down up his handsome face, his bright blue eyes and strong jaw. Linda looked at him not only with a mother's eyes, but with a lover's. Jake tried to move her on the bed, but she refused, fighting him off playfully as she shifted from a laying to a sitting position. She took his arm, tickling him a little as she traced her finger over the back of his hand and then kissing it softly. Jake watched in bewilderment and awe as she guided his hand to her breast, still covered by the silk robe.

Jake's fingers closed gently around the tear drop shape of his mother's tit. The hefty weight of her bosom felt more wonderful than he had imagined. His thumb raced to find her nipple, stroking it back and forth, urging it to stand up at his touch. Linda sighed contentedly as her boy played with her body, bringing him as much pleasure as he brought her.

"Ooh, I like that Jake, touch me," she whispered. Jake reached over with his other hand and began to fondle her right breast as well, pushing them together this way and that. Linda hadn't been mauled by a horny teenager in a very long time, she'd forgotten how much boys like to play with a set of titties.

"Mom?" Jake croaked, his voice filled with need. Linda looked down at his body, the tenting in the sheets evidence of his aching desire.

"Shh, shh, I'll take care of you," she cooed softly.

Jake continued to palm his mother's amazing tits, slipping his hand under the silk robe so that he could feel the dewy skin beneath. As he convinced himself that this was the best thing ever he felt his mothers hand upon his thigh. Linda had pulled the sheet back and she was stroking the inside of his leg, just below where his aching cock was threatening to tear a hole in his boxers.

"Is this because of me, baby?" Linda asked teasingly. "Is this because you're hot for me?"

Jake nodded quickly at her words, his body arching, trying to twist so that he could make her hand touch him where he so desperately needed it. Grabbing the waist band, Linda pulled on his underwear. Jake lifted his hips quickly so that she could pull his boxers all the way down. He felt his cock spring free, slapping loudly against his stomach, eliciting an appreciative 'Ooh' from his mother.

His fingers dug into her flesh as her warm hand took a firm hold of his manhood. Squeezing gently, Linda made small strokes, testing the firmness, luxuriating in the feel of it in her hand.

"Such a nice cock," she said dreamily. "I'm gonna like this a lot." Jake's eyes rolled back in his head, his groping of his mother's breasts forgotten for the moment. Linda felt her insides beginning to melt as she worked her son's penis back and forth in long, slow strokes. Her mouth ached to take him between her lips, but that was for later, this first time was going to be simple.

"Baby, I've made you very excited over the last two days, and that has made me so incredibly happy, you will never believe it. Now, I'm going to do for you what you've been doing to me all night." Her grip tightened and Jake cringed at the exquisite torture, gasping as she her strokes took on more force.

Linda watched her son's face, enthralled with the looks of pleasure and ecstasy as she worked his cock. In her younger days she loved to jerk her boyfriends off, the power of manipulating their desire was such a rush for her. With her free hand Linda scratched his balls lightly, Jake moaning loudly at the extra sensations.

"Just let it come, let it come baby," she spoke softly. Her words droned pleasantly in his ears as her hand brought him closer to the edge.

Linda's hand moved faster, she could feel his impending explosion. The thought that just yesterday she had seen him doing this exact thing and now here she was jerking his cock for him, willing him to shoot his seed all over for her, was sending her pussy into spasming fits.

"Oh-" Jake growled as he felt the flow of seed erupting from his cock.

"Oh baby!" Linda cheered happily, her hand a blur on his cock, his cum flying everywhere haphazardly as she stroked him through his climax at full speed. At last the flow ended and she let go of his still hardened penis. "Oh baby, that was amazing," she said in wonder. "Did you like that baby?"

Jake could only nod, his breath coming in gasps. His mother leaned over and kissed him deeply, her tongue spearing into his mouth this time. He held on to her, his need to be connected to her overpowering. For nearly twenty minutes they necked, until at last Linda pushed away.

"Bed time, slugger. You still have to get up early," she said in a motherly tone. Jake's look of confusion and bewilderment brought a stern look to her face. "I'm still your mother and you still have to go to school tomorrow."

"But-" Jake began, starting to get out of bed.

"No buts," Linda said seriously. "Tomorrow is Friday," she said when he shot her a pained look.

Resigning himself to her will Jake lay back down, fairly certain that he wouldn't get any sleep at all. With one last kiss to his forehead, Linda left his room.

Jake lay in bed more relaxed than he could ever remember being. He was snoring lightly before his mother even had time to start furiously rubbing her pussy in her own bed.


Jake's eyes flew open. He looked about his room trying to determine if he'd just had the best dream ever, or did his mother really jerk him off in his own bed after a dinner date? Pulling back the sheet he quickly found the dried cum all over his chest. It was true!

Dashing to the bathroom, he jumped into the shower. By the time he emerged from the bathroom, clean and presentable, he could smell breakfast cooking down below. Without bothering to put his shirt on he raced downstairs to find his mother.

Linda was standing at the stove, her silk robe wrapped around her body as she flipped the bacon. With a start she sucked in a lungful of air as her still damp son crept up behind her and pulled her into a hug. Jake's already hardened penis poking her ass cheeks, rubbing back and forth looking for an entrance to invade, as he nuzzled her neck.

"Good morning," she said playfully, "I see someone is already up."

Jake laughed at her joke and pushed his cock into her body harder. Linda backed away from the stove and then turned to face her son, now his pulsing manhood was pressed against her stomach. Her hands slid up his still moist chest until her arms were wrapped around his neck. Jake leaned in and kissed his mother softly, then opening his mouth, he kissed her more deeply.

"It's a pity you have to go to school today," Linda sighed.

"I could stay home," he offered hopefully.

"No, no, no, what kind of mother would I be if I let you skip school? I couldn't be that kind of mother." Linda beat back the part of her mind that questioned what kind of mother french kisses her son good morning after she put him to bed with a hand job. "Here sit down," she said as she led him to a seat. "Let me get you something to eat."

She let go of her son and then spun away from his grasping fingers, laughing as he tried to keep a hold of her. Piling bacon, eggs and hash browns onto a plate she set it in front of him. She grabbed the jug of milk from the refrigerator, pouring him a glass she set it next to his plate.

She watched him eat. There was something about watching a man wolf down the food she prepared, it was a primal pleasure. When he finished the last bite and gulped down the last of the milk, he pushed away from the table. Her eyes wandered down his almost hairless chest, admiring the developing muscles that gave him a burgeoning physique. She couldn't help but let her eyes slide lower and a smile crept across her face as his hard on was plainly visible.

"Oh my," she said, pointing at his erection innocently. Jake looked down and then back up at his mother, an embarrassed grin upon his face. "Now," she said in husky tone, "what kind of mother would I be if I let my son go to school like that?" Her words made his cock jump.

Jake scooted his chair away from the table, making room for whatever his mother might have planned. His heart thumped heavily in his chest as she slipped from her chair and knelt before him on the kitchen floor. Her painted fingernails peeled the waistband of his boxers away from his body and there stood his cock, tall and proud.

"Ooh," Linda whispered as her face moved closer and closer to her son's beautiful member. She looked up into his eyes, his blue, lust filled eyes boring into her. She took hold of his cock at the base and pulled it away from his body and then she licked the underside of the head.

"Holy shit," Jake said. "Oh god, yes."

Linda smiled brightly before she swirled her tongue over the head of his penis and then took it between her lips, the wetness of her mouth engulfing him. She sucked hard, her tongue swiping against the sensitive underside of his cock. Jake's hands found her head, his fingers automatically grabbing the sides, too lightly to be guiding her, just holding on for now.

After learning how to give hand jobs as a young woman, blow jobs weren't far behind for Linda. She had learned a lot and she was proud to show her son just how much she knew.

Taking her son in slow strokes, she worked his cock deeper into her mouth each time. As she bottomed out, she let her saliva coat his stalk, stroking it vigorously as she pulled her mouth off. Going back down she sucked up the excess wetness noisily, slurping it up as she went. The suction felt like a tight pussy, threatening to never let him escape.

Jake was enthralled with the incredible blow job his mother was giving him. He couldn't imagine his sweet, demure, home maker mother could be such a wanton hussy when she wanted to be. Now that she had chosen to share this with him, he was determined to never let it stop.

Much too soon, in Jake's mind, he felt the inevitable, his cum was boiling and it was gonna spill over soon. He shifted his hips, even tried to pull his mother's face off of his cock, but she didn't understand. With a whine he tried to pull her off by her hair, but she refused to stop.

The trembling began and it was beyond his control. He felt his mother take him deep once more, but this time she didn't come up right away. His cock was bumping into the back of her throat repeatedly as she worked his flesh.

Hissing loudly, Jake panted as the seed rocketed out of his cock, spilling directly into his mother's throat. Three pulsing jets of jism went down before she pulled him out, gasping for breath. Another dollop of cum oozed from his tip, painting her lip where his cock rested.

Jake looked down at his lap, his mother lay upon his leg, her eyes closed in a picture of serene contentment as she took in deep breaths.

"Wow," he said at last. "That was incredible mom."

"You inspired me," she said, wiping her mouth clean as she rose to her feet.

Jake watched as his mother set about cleaning up the kitchen. She seemed as sexy as a new bride on her honeymoon, still inspired to dress sexy for her man. With a broad smile, he was glad to be the object of his mother's affection.

"Better get ready for school," she said, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. With a groan Jake got up and went to get dressed.

"Love you," Jake said to his mother when he was ready to leave the house. Linda turned and warmed him with a sweet smile, waving good bye.

Linda sat down at the kitchen table, a cup of coffee in her hand. She was worried. Worried because she didn't feel bad about what she had done, what she planned to do, and what she hoped would happen. Taking a sip, she wondered if she were truly alone, had other mother's done the same? Had their lives been upended by committing incest?

Incest. She hadn't been able to bring herself to even think it, until now. Last night she had pretended that Jake was just another boyfriend, like the many she'd had in high school and college. She wasn't doing it as his mother, but as his date, she convinced herself. Today, this morning, she had sucked her son's cock, swallowed his seed greedily, and when Jake had expressed his pleasure, calling her 'mom', she had felt an added wicked thrill.

Tuesday loomed in the back of her mind, but today was Friday, and that meant four whole days before she had to cross that bridge. She felt she should be more concerned with Tuesday, but all she could see were the days in between. Somehow Tuesday would have to take care of itself.

Jake's day at school was much better than the day before. He still had the day dreams that made him zone out, oblivious to all that was going on around him, but at least he didn't feel like a love sick puppy dog, confused and worried. He was even able to concentrate a bit, making his teachers much happier.

"Hey Jake, want to hang out tonight? Maybe go to The Treehouse?" Jake turned from his locker, it was his friend Derek, the quintessential stoner surfer: curly blond hair, dirty shirt, mostly buttoned up, untucked from his frayed board shorts.

"Sorry man, gotta hang out at home. The old man is gone, gotta help mom around the house." Jake tried to make it sound like a chore, but Derek's piercing gaze made him wonder how badly he had failed.

"Right," Derek said slowly. "Okay man, I'll catch you later." Jake watched as his friend backed away, Derek studying him carefully before he was swallowed up in the mass of bodies in the hall. Jake pulled out his cell and dialed.

"Hey baby, everything okay?" Linda said, answering her phone.

"Yeah," Jake said quickly, "I'm just between classes and I thought I'd see how you were doing."

"Oh isn't that sweet," Linda beamed, clicking her mouse as she navigated to another website. "I'm doing great darling, just looking up some stuff on the internet right now. Your day going okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking of you is all."

"Think about your Physics test. I'd hate to see you get a bad grade and then get grounded from a new toy." Jake's mouth hung open.

"Are you threatening to-" he caught himself, he was talking very loudly and a couple of students were looking at him curiously. "You threatening to stop, if I don't do well on my test?" he said in a harsh whisper.

Linda laughed, "Baby, I'm your mother first, and it's my job to make sure you get a good education. I will use every tool at my disposal to meet that responsibility." She heard Jake sputtering and she couldn't help but laugh again. "Relax, I'm sure you will do just fine." The bell rang somewhere down the hall. "Better get to class, you don't want to get detention! Love you!"

Jake closed his phone, shaking his head at his mother's words. How naive, he chided himself, to think that he was somehow in control of what was going on between him and his mother. Everything that had happened, had transpired because she wanted it to. Jake had only been along for the ride. With a sneaky smile,he admitted to himself it had been one hell of a ride, so far.

Post after post scrolled up the screen, Linda was lost in a sea of useless information. After hours of searching the internet for references on incest, almost all of it porn, she had finally come across a message board. There weren't many users, as the site administrators didn't allow the posting of pictures, which cut down on traffic. What she was able to find was conversations about people who wanted to do something with their mother, or their sons, and only a handful who had actually done it.

She read the accounts of excitement as a mother worked up the courage to expose herself to her son, finally culminating in their making love while his father slept in another room. The responses ranged from outright disbelief to those encouraging her to continue, urging her to take riskier chances for their enjoyment. Linda didn't know how this could help her, she wasn't interested in telling her story so that others could be titillated.

At last she came across a post that had only a couple of responses, the original author only posting twice. She read carefully:

My life was over. I was 43 years old and I was basically waiting to die. Everyday I trudged through the chores: cooking and cleaning. Nothing I did gave me any pleasure, but this is what I had agreed to do when I made my marriage vows. I had made my bed, and I was laying in it, waiting for it all to end.

Then came the day when I caught my son touching himself. I stormed in, scaring him half to death no doubt. He covered himself as best he could, but I already knew what he was doing, all that was left was to find out what he had been looking at. I nearly had to strike him to get him to give up the small photo that he clutched in his hand. I'll never forget, as he gave me the photo, he was crying. My grown son, nearly nineteen years old, was crying.

I looked down at the photo he handed me and I felt my heart stop. It was me. The photo was over twenty years old, before I had gotten married. I remember looking at myself and the only thing I could think was: there was happiness in my eyes.

That night while his father slept I crept into his bed. At first I didn't know what I wanted to do, but my son didn't have to think too long. In his arms I found happiness again. I guess some think I should be ashamed, guilty, for what I did. I didn't, I don't. I was alive and I make no apologies for that.

Linda wiped away the tears that had streamed down her face. The unknown woman's words had touched her heart. Scrolling down the page, she skimmed the posts that amounted to little more than 'wow, that's a hot story', until she came across another post by the original woman, it was dated almost a year later.

Wow, I'm surprised this is still here, but since it is I thought I'd give you a small update. When I wrote originally my sexual relationship with my son had been going on for five years. During that time he dated, though not as often as other boys his age, I'd imagine.

Last Sunday my son got married. His wife is a wonderful young lady and I think the world of her. Now that he has a wife I will no longer share a bed with him. I look forward to grand children now, I think that will bring all the joy I can stand.

Linda knew that there had been heartache, jealousy, anger, the entire range of emotions that go along with any relationship, even though the woman hadn't expressed as much. Despite all that, this mother had been happy enough to endure all that had come along. The simple testimonial was enough to help Linda make up her mind.
