Jane's Out of Town Trip


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Then I would tell her some more stuff and about my work. She didn't seem to listen to me, as her mind was else wear. She wasn't with me at all. Then I asked her how Bobby did in the class and she lights up like a Christmas tree.

She went on and on telling me of the entire dumb thing he had done. Then she went on how Carol and her picked on him. I heard her slip a couple times like saying chatters and cam but I acted like it just went right over my head. I didn't ask her about any of it. Now she was the old Jane I loved.

We went home and took are showers and then had a great night of sex. We even did it twice that night. It was great.

Saturday we slept late. After breakfast I headed out to do yard work and Jane went shopping. She said she would be back in a couple hours, as she had to get whole weeks of grocery. She left at noon after calling the kids and telling them we would pick them up Sunday.

Well she came home at two thirty with a carload of food. We put it all away and had a small sandwich to carry us over to supper. Jane got us steak to grill outside for supper.

I help her with some housework and then I started the grill. She carried the food out to the picnic table and we sat there eating while we talked.

She told me more about that school and how she was going to set up her office in old bedroom. She figured how much we would save with her working from home and it was a lot of money. Jane said the company would hook us up with high-speed network for the computer.

Then she told me that as long as we were saving money it was time for us to get a computer. With her company getting free Internet we would save money there and could just hook up to the line for free.

She said all we have to do is to keep you off the porn sites while the kids are around. You would have to go online after 8:30 when the kids are in bed. There is also a lot of sport sites, and all kinds of things on the Internet for us to enjoy as a family. Then there was a lull in the conversation so I jumped in.

"Wow Bob Ellis sure looked good. Nothing like when I saw him last time. He almost looks human now."

"What do you mean almost. He is gorgeous since he doesn't wear glasses and we had his hair done for him. He also told us he started to go to a gym to work out. Now I just have to teach him how to act in front of girl."

"What you mean I."

"Well I meant we the girls. We have taken him under our wing like a mother hen. He is more or less a project for us girls. That is one of the things I'm going to miss at work. Two weeks ago Mary and Carol took him shopping and made him buy all new clothes to wear."

"Well the other girls will just have to take over for you. But you still have two weeks to complete the mission."

"Yes it makes me sad. I loved going to work since he started at our work place. Well I will just have to make the best with the time I have left. If I need more time I will just have to go out at night to help him."

She came over to me giving me a big hug and kiss while she pressed her body against me hard.

"You going to be able to perform tonight or I got to use one of my toys. We will do the dishes and I will test you upstairs."

The next week was normal for us not much new. She told me the dumb things Bobby tried to do. They took Bobby out to buy some new shoes and had to pick them out for him. She told me there was going to a party for them the three that was leaving at two o'clock till quitting time. She told me her Carol and Bobby wants to go out Friday night with us husbands for dinner and dancing celebration.

Well we all went out the night of the celebration. We got our table and I met Carols husband Chuck and at the bar. He said, "I thought this Bobby was supposed to be a doofus by the way my wife talks. Shit I better keep an eye on this guy. My wife talks about him all the time."

"Yes Jane talks about him all the time to."

"Well Carol said he had a huge cock. I asked her how she knew it. She turned red and said she hid in the john once and saw it."

We went back to the table and ate. The meal was good and conversation was excellent. After we went to Artties to dance. Chuck and I already talked and said we would let the girl's dance all they wanted to with Robby. Let them get hot and we would benefit on bed for it.

Jane said, "Robby was not a good dancer so they suggest the party end and the girls would go to his apartment to teach him how to dance."

Both girls were laughing so hard they almost pissed there pants. Then Carol said, "Or we could go back to our house and teach him to dance what ever you guys want to do. We will leave it up to you two guys."

We decided on our house as the kids were once again at the grand parents plus I had a big den with plenty of room. We picked up more drinks on the way home and got home at nine-thirty.

The following week Jane worked the job from home and told me she would have to slow down. She talked to Carol and Bobby and found out how much they did in a day and she did a lot more. She said she want to keep it even with all of them. She loved working from home. They had to use computer six hours and paper and filing for two hours.

Tuesday she asked if she could go out drinking Saturday night to unwind a little and I told her sure just don't drive drunk and she agreed to it. She said she would take a taxi.

On Saturday she took a bath and got dressed to go out. I stayed downstairs but the kids were up with her. I could hear them talk to her. At seven something she came down stairs with the kids and we left at seven thirty by taxis.

I put the kids to bed at eight and went out to the garage where I got Mack's laptop computer that I borrowed early that day when Jane went shopping. I needed it because we didn't have one yet. I plugged it in and went to the site. They were not on line.

For them to be on line they would have go to his house. Was she even really with him? She could be out with the girls but the way she was acting told me she was going to meet him. If she went out with the girls she would have mention the names of the girls or where they were going. Anyway I didn't expect them this early anyway. I did figure she got a high from being on cam and would do it again.

I searched and found some girls and watched them with a beer. I knew my father's name and password so I was using it. Plus this way dad could not sign up on the site as I already sign his in and it would not let him sign on. He would think the site is down and go to another site where he could get on.

At a little after nine Bobby signed on and it showed his bed. No one was on it but I could hear talking in the background. It was a guy and girl but I could not hear voice good enough to tell whom it was. Then ten minutes later I saw them but a bag on the bed and open it. They had food and drinks.

Then I hear him say, "I wanted to take you to dinner."

"If we went to dinner I would be to full to romp on the bed. You eat your sandwich and I'll eat my salad and then we can fool around. I don't have to much time."

Well they sat on the bed talking, eating and chatting with people. Jane was just in panties and bra while Bobby was naked.

She said she needed a back rub to get in the mood and then she lay on the bed face down. Bob got on his knees straddle her legs and ass. He kneeled down by her ass with his hands on her shoulder rubbing her. He was rubbing her back with one hand and undid her bra with the other hand.

After five minutes he slipped her panties off her and got back in position to rub her back some more, as he rubbed he would slide a hand under her to work the tits. You could see as he switched hands working both breast and her back that she was enjoying it and getting hot.

He finally was getting tired after a long time of working her back and boobs. He then sat back on his heels to rest. He didn't really rest as he took his cock in his hand and rubbed it up and down on crack of her hot ass.

You could see the gleam on his hot from all the pre-cum. He had his right hand on it as he slides it up and down her ass as he rocked back and forth on his heels. He then took both hand hands to hold the base of his dick as he pushed his dick into her cheeks.

You could see his dick come up off her ass and then he pushed again into her cheeks. As he pulled away she would try to pump her ass into his dick and she would come up with her ass cheeks.

He then was deep in her cheeks pumping her like a mad man. She had her mouth open and was moaning out loud. I knew he would blow his load all over her ass soon if they didn't stop.

Just then she pulls away from him and laid on her back saying fuck me now. He sat on the bed as he reached for his rubber and put it on, He then climbed on board her and began pumping away. The both pumped away as she lifted her ass of the bed. He had his toes deep in the mattress as he pumped her. You could see her back as the ass was up in the air with him on top of her.

Then they fell back to the bed. She then wrapped her feet around him in a scissors grip. He was driving her ass deep in the mattress ass she would buck him like she wanted to throw him off her. She was so hot and horny right now.

Finally they both fell to the bed exhausted and out of breath. They lay there not moving until she finally pushed him off her saying she couldn't breath with all that weight on her. He slid off her pulling the rubber off his hard cock as he got up.

They both got off the bed and were gone for about ten minutes as you could hear the toilet flush twice in the background. When they came back they both laid on the bed with their feet closes to cam. They each had a drink that was half way done. Now they chatted with the chat room for the next ten minutes.

When they finished the drinks she pulled his head down to her pussy and he started to eat her out. You could see her pumping his face as he ate her. After five or ten minutes she pushed him away and grabbed his cock pushing it in her mouth as she climbed on top of him doing sixty-nine.

They went at this awhile and then she jumped off and got in position to do doggy telling him to do it from behind. He reached over grabbing a rubber and putting it on in a hurry. Then he mounted her while pumping the pussy. After a while he fingered her ass.

She told him not to finger her ass. He could rub cock on it but no finger or cock in it. Her then rubbed his cock on it after doing her for a long time. He must have shot a load thinking he was doing her ass. They both got off the bed for a few minutes.

When they came back Bobby and her were kissing and necking. Bobby was saying he loved her and she told him this was a simple fuck and that was it, it would never happen again so get with it and fuck her. Bobby said we will just have to wait and see.

They screwed once more and then they left and she came home a half-hour later. I was in bed and acted like I was asleep she just got in bed after another shower and went right to sleep.

Sunday Monday and Tuesday was normal days. She said work was going good and she liked working at home for the company. She hoped it would last a long time. I could see she was upset about something.

Wednesday when I came home from work Jane told me she wanted to talk with me after the kids go to bed. I nodded my head and went for a beer, as the kids wanted to show me something. The kids finally left after they showed me school papers with a hundred for a mark

As I sat in the den watching TV, I was wonder if she was going to tell me about Bobby. Hell did she want to leave me for him. Did she want to continue with what she was doing? Did she know about my affairs? I had a thousand questions and no answer.

After we ate I help her with the dishes and she make some coffee. I could see she was a nervous and a slight tear in her eyes. Well finally the kids went to bed and we met in the den to talk. I sat in one chair and he sat in the other chair. Then she started to talk.

"Joe I got a little problem that I created my self from being stupid. I need you to do some thing to help me out of a jam I'm in."

(I knotted to her)

"It's Bobby. I've been really friendly with him. Way too friendly and I kind of stepped over the line. Well he thinks that now I'm in love with him and I don't love you anymore which of course is obvious we just fooled around. Well fooled around too much, way too much. Well now he wants me to meet him at his place every chance I get. Joe I don't want to be friends with him any more."

(I knotted again)

"It's all my fault. It's not his fault in anyway. I'm older and I think smarter than him, I should know better. You know how persuasive I can be when I turn on my charm and sex on. I can explain everything in detail if you want. It's a long story but I will tell you."

"No need to. You told me enough. You want me to call him and explain to him how real life is and he is not to call you any more. Or you want me to go over there to explain to him. I take it you don't want any broken bones but I will protect myself you know that."

"Yes I know you will protect yourself but I hate to see him get hurt. A call might work from you but I really doubt it. Can I tell you what to say to him?"

"No I will handle it."

"Off course you will, can I listen in on the call."

"Sure give me the phone." Jane reached in her pocket and took out her cell phone and handed it to me.

"Do you have to talk to him about work at all?"

"Not really we do talk about work but we don't have to."

I dialed the number and Bobby answered it, as it was his cell number. I knew when he saw her number he would pick up right away.


"Bobby its Mr. Klien here can you talk a few minutes."

"Oh hi Joe. Yes I can talk."

"Good Bobby glad you can talk. Bobby its Mr. Klien to you, not Joe you understand me Bobby."


"Good Bobby I'm glad we are on the same page. Now listen careful Bobby I'm going to talk and you will listen if you got something say it when I'm finished talking. We still on the same page?"


"Good Bobby you learn fast. I found my wife Jane a little upset when I came home tonight. I love my wife and she loves me. I don't like to find her upset and when I find her upset I take care of the problem. I make her problem go away. Some times her problem gets hurt. She doesn't like to see that and I don't like to hurt any one. Jane told me she wants to end her friendship with you. She doesn't want any more call from you, Nothing. That means all kind of communication Bobby. I hope you understand me Bobby. Do you Bobby understand."

"I understand she don't want to talk to me but I just don't understand why."

"Well Bobby that is life. There is a lot of time we understand but we don't understand and this is one of them. So Bobby I hope it will sink in because I don't want to pay you a visit as it will upset me and upset you a lot more. So let me repeat Bobby there will be no communication from your end, Jane is ending it. Understand Bobby?"

"Yes I understand but we had some wild times together. Want me to tell you about them?"

"NO Bobby I don't need to know anything about you two or what happen. So Bobby I will finish then, we don't want to hear from you again. So let me repeat one more time, there will me no communication from your end to Jane. Jane is ending it. Bobby that's it, it's all over Bobby. Bobby if I have to come over there I guarantee you will not like it as someone will get hurt and it won't bee me. Have memories but no contact. Bobby, bye now.


"I'm glad I didn't tell you what to say. Do you want me to explain what happen."

"No there is no need to. We will drop it right here, now lets go to bed."

The end

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mfbridgesmfbridges10 months ago

Wow that literally sucked. I kept hoping it would get better, instead it turned more fowl.

FresprtlvrFresprtlvrabout 1 year ago

Worst story I’ve ever read on Literotica…terrible sentence structure and spelling..and no real plot. I would suggest giving up story writing by this writer. Minus 5 stars

dogg2w2wdogg2w2wover 2 years ago

One of the best stories I've ever read so far.

nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

5 stars - I really appreciated your first line about this being a wimp story, so I never read it, just went straight to the comments and read a few of those. Now I am even more appreciative that I never read this story.

Racerman1969gsRacerman1969gsalmost 3 years ago

The editing/spelling on this story is terrible. Doesn't anyone proof read anymore?

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

Jake, don't make.me stop.reading your stories, Jake. Jake, much more like this one and I am through, Jake.

Rocketmann21Rocketmann21over 6 years ago
Your again kidding!

Your ideas start out okay but, are getting longer and more confused. Why would her husband want to live with a character so flawed and dirty. If you write people soo stupid you can write a stupid lawyer to make her company and her boss and her friends pay something. Your stories are not even close to the male getting some of his own back. DUMB, DUMB, DUMB, DUMB unless he wants that. Then you should start at the beginning stating he’s a freak and willing cuckhold. And move to another section.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 7 years ago
'It Don't Come Easy' as Ringo Starr and maybe jakewho69 can tell you.

Full disclosure : I'm a big fan of this author and won't feign neutrality. I admit the story doesn't read clean . It is a wimp story which I don't mind. To me , the author flashed a fair amount of early potential, learned from the mistakes made here and went on to submit some outstanding work. As a wannabe author , it's perversely encouraging to know my fav authors apparently suffered growing pains as I am now.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Cuck and whore shit


aptonthe503aptonthe503over 9 years ago
Frick'n Lame

Didnt think this story fit this category.

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