Jane's Story Laid Bare


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Eventually Mark came out of the house with Alan and Pete and came over to us with a big smile saying, "Well you too seem to have wasted no time in getting into the party mood," and then introduced us all, "My friend Jane and Terry's wife Carol, Alan and Pete."

When I meet people for the first time I'm never sure whether to kiss them on the cheek or just shake their hands but Alan and Pete seemed keen to be friendly and in any case Carol who had met them before was greeted with a kiss from them so I also offered my cheek for the two of them to kiss me.

I then asked, " Are your wives still in the house? Shall we go in and say hello to them as well?"

Alan and Pete both then explained that they were on their own. Apparently Alan had been let down by their babysitter at the last minute and Pete's wife was ill with something or other.

I said, " That's a shame -I was looking forward to meeting them. I hope you guys are hungry as Mark and I have catered for ten! I will only let you off if you promise to eat what you and your wives would have eaten!"

Alan chuckled, "Well I don't know about that but I can at least promise to drink for two!"

Pete chimed in, "Yeh -I'll drink to that!"

But I was genuinely disappointed. It is nice for us girls to meet up and have some girlie talk whilst the guys drone on about sport and their work and property prices etc.

The guys were all quickly in a huddle each holding a can or bottle of beer and I resumed having a giggle with Carol.

I asked Carol if she knew the other guy -Trevor - and his wife / girlfriend. She said she had heard of him as he played in the tennis team with Terry but had not met him or his girlfriend. He was not married apparently.

We were getting noisier and the drinks were flowing when another guy appeared on the decking holding a couple of bottles and had apparently let himself in and wandered through the house. Mark quickly went over and there was much man hugging as he welcomed the last guest-Trevor. Trevor looked older than the first two guys and was more like my age I thought.

I was already getting a bit merry so did not spot the obvious until Carol said to me, "Don't say his girlfriend has not come either. I am glad you are here Jane as us girls are a bit out numbered."

We were soon introduced to Trevor and yes apparently his girlfriend had had to go and visit her mother in hospital after she had had an operation. He seemed to have a perfectly valid excuse and I felt a bit guilty for being fed up that he had come alone as well.

So there were five guys and two girls for our Friday night BBQ.

Mark got some music going, and I went around with a tray of h'oderves. Before long Mark was doing his man the hunter stuff at the barbie. Predictably it was one of those stainless steel jobs the size of a piano. Mark does nothing by halves. It was both interesting and fun to watch Mark with his friends holding forth. He was as I would have predicted obviously very popular but also very witty and confident. He always seemed to me to be someone who found everything so easy-life was such a breeze for him. I think he had no idea what it was like for others especially me always wondering if they are doing or saying the right thing, how we look etc. I kept looking at Mark and how sexy and attractive he looked that evening. He was dressed in some multi -coloured shorts that looked like he'd just been surfing on a Californian beach and had a tight short sleeved polo shirt on that showed all his muscles and no socks. He had that permanent boyish laddish smile and I could have just gone over to him and shagged him there and then. I was so hot for him that evening and I could not wait for everyone to go and to jump into bed with him. We did not get that many nights when we could sleep together all night. I imagined him naked and erect and taking me and I smiled to myself that no one there would know what was going on between us and that I was more than just a 'friend'. As I say at that time I just thought I had life sorted and was having my cake and eating it.

Mark served up the meat from his humongous barbeque and I uncovered all the salad stuff that I had prepared before they all arrived. Everyone was having a real laugh and Mark was well satisfied with how it was going. I kept checking my mobile because I knew that Nick would phone me at some point and I just wanted to get that over with without him suspecting anything so I could just relax and was worried I was getting too drunk before I had got that done. As it happened Nick phoned just after I had finished serving everyone else and got my own plate of food. I went straight into the house to find some quiet and privacy before I started talking to him. I told him I was in a pub. He seemed to be happy enough and was actually in a pub himself and sounded like he had had a few beers himself with his two mates. I said I was looking forward to seeing him on Sunday and that was that. It was done. I was glad to get that over with and left the phone in Mark's bedroom but I still felt guilty and uneasy about it as I always did but as I have said I just felt so drawn to Mark that I was unable to resist. I wondered how much longer this double life and deceit could go on. When I remerged to the party outside no one knew what I had been doing and I felt a weight had been lifted and I could fully relax and enjoy myself.

After we had eaten we were standing around in groups as you do and then on came a track that I love to dance to and I asked Carol if she fancied a bop. Carol and I started dancing together and Mark immediately went and turned the volume up a bit. The house is sufficiently isolated and private that there were no neighbours to worry about. It was not long before Alan and Pete joined in with us. After a couple more tracks I think Terry replaced Pete and I carried on with Alan but it was all innocent at that stage. In fact over the next couple of hours all the guys were dancing with us girls at some time or other and sometimes it was just Carol with them while I was having a breather and sometimes it was just me dancing with them. I carried on drinking chilled white wine and the occasional Vodka and Orange and the guys all kept consuming copious amounts of beer. This all carried on until I suppose about 11 o'clock when Terry and Carol announced they had to go. I was sorry they had to leave so early but they had something or other early the next morning; in fact I think Terry had an early shift.

So there I was left with Mark and three of his friends. I was still in the mood for dancing but was staggering about a bit because of the amount of drink I had consumed and I did notice the guys pointing at me from time to time and laughing at me. I would have been happy to go to bed by then, with Mark of course, which was what I was really looking forward to. I was also very hot and sweaty from all the dancing that I had done and have to be honest that by then I had pulled my blouse out of my skirt and unbuttoned all but two buttons to try and get more air and ventilation. But I suppose if I am honest the guys would have had a good view of my lacy bra whilst I was dancing but that was absolutely not why I was in that slightly revealing state of dress. I was just hot.

After a while Mark came over and took my hand and said time for a smooch. He had already put on some slow romantic music. I loved it when at last he put his arms around me firmly and kissed me on the cheeks. I then remembered of course that we still had company so I said to Mark quietly, "What about your friends seeing? Don't get too carried away. Aren't you worried about Alan and Pete and Trevor seeing us? I thought that nobody knew?"

Mark squeezed me a bit tighter and said, "Don't worry about them. They are harmless. They won't even remember in the morning."

I said, "Well I am worried. I don't want Nick finding out. Are you sure you have not told them?"

Mark said, "Of course not", but I was not sure I believed him. But what could I do? By now Mark was stroking my hair and running his hands up and down my back. I was enjoying Mark publicly showing how much he fancied me and the cat was out of the bag. I knew I should not be letting him do that in public but for now I thought it felt so nice being cuddled by Mark again and was flattered that he felt comfortable to exhibit our by now obvious relationship with his friends.

When I had had a couple of dances with Mark I needed to pop to the loo in Mark's bedroom. I sat on the loo and felt both tired but elated at being paraded in front of Mark's friends, but I knew, drunk as I was, that I should keep it at that and go no further with him in front of the others. As I came out of the en-suite I was suddenly met by Mark in his bedroom who closed the door behind him. He immediately put his arms around me again and started kissing me passionately. I started to melt as ever and he had his hands under my skirt lifting it up. He then had both his hands in the back of my panties and was squeezing my bum. I could have gladly screwed him there and then but instead I tried to pull away at bit from him and said, "You were a very naughty boy out there letting your friends see us."

But he just laughed and said not to worry about it and concentrated on making as much as he could from having his hands in my pants. Before long he had one hand over my crotch and then a finger in my pussy. I was so under his spell and powerless to resist.

He immediately said, "Christ Jane, you're so fucking wet. Going to have to do something about that later."

I could not deny that I was aroused and just did my little girl lost look acknowledging the power he had over me. I felt so fucking horny that evening; I had not had sex for two weeks and that had only been with Nick.

I did pull away then before he had me ripping his clothes off. I said, "Come on-we have got to go back outside. They'll wonder where we have got to. They're your friends for Christ's sake."

Mark reluctantly gave up the assault sort of acknowledging the situation. I adjusted my underwear back into place and we went back outside.

When I went back outside the music was still romantic smooch stuff and I stood for a couple of seconds pouring myself another glass of white wine when Alan came over and said , "You look lonely. Will you give me the pleasure?" And with that he took my hand and started a slow dance with me.

I'm not sure he actually waited for me to say yes, but I let him off. He put his arms around me a bit tighter than I would have wished but I suppose that Mark had set the tone! I asked Alan how old his kids were as he had said when he arrived that he had had babysitter problems. He said that they were early teens and hardly needed a sitter anymore but his wife still did not like to leave them alone. I said to Alan, "That must make you late thirties then I reckon?"

Alan said, "Yes well done. Thirty eight actually. How about you? About the same I would guess?"

I laughed and said, "Flattery will get you everywhere!" I immediately regretted saying such a thing because it would have only confirmed what he was already suspecting that I was some loose woman -which I am not. I have only ever been unfaithful with Mark and that was my husband Nick's fault. But it was enough to encourage Alan to embrace me a bit tighter and for his hands to drop to just on the top edge of my bottom. But I still felt in control and I have to say that Alan smelt really nice and was as good looking and well toned as Mark if I am honest. I know I'm needy but I was enjoying all this attention. I did notice with some horror though that with my blouse only having two buttons done up, from this position Alan had a great view of my breasts.

After a couple more smooches Pete came over and butted in and said he felt a bit left out like a wall flower. I thought it might be just as nice to dance with him and it was a way of bringing Alan's rather over intense cuddling to a halt so I said, "Pete's turn now." But as Alan pulled away he did plant a kiss right on my lips and said, "Thank you that was lovely."

Pete of course was just as forward having been watching Alan carefully and in fact seemed keen to go one better and very quickly I was in his clutches and he was sliding his hands right onto my bottom cheeks. I think Mark must make all his friends in the gym because Pete was just as fit and toned as Alan and I suppose about the same age-late thirties. I think Pete had the hots for me from the beginning. I have to admit that I was enjoying being the only female with four guys and the centre of attention. You have to try to understand that although it does not excuse my behaviour, at this time the affair with Mark, and all this new unfamiliar attention from guys had gone to my head. I was absolutely 'cruising for a bruising.'

Trevor looked much less sure of himself than the others so it was me who asked him if he wanted to dance and he seemed grateful that I had involved him. He was not as fit as the other guys and was just average really but he did have a nice smile. He was much more polite and proper and he did not allow his hands to wander anywhere naughty like my bum for instance.

Mark then came back and had a dance with me but carried on where he had left off and did not hold back with fondling my bottom and at one point he put his hands under my skirt but I quickly grabbed them and told him, "No!" I asked him what time he thought the other guys would be going home but he said that looking at the state of them he thought they might crash at his house. I felt a little disappointed that we would not have the house to ourselves but I could understand that none of them was in any state to drive.

It was getting too late to make too much noise outside so we went inside and collapsed on the sofas around Mark's sitting room. Mark came round topping up glasses of wine and handing out more chilled beer. I decided to change to Malibu, which is a favourite of mine, and it took Mark a little time to find a bottle but I enjoyed it when it arrived. For a while there was more laughing and joking but then it went a bit quiet. There was still some sexual tension in the air after all the smooching I had been doing with the boys. I was hoping that would now evaporate and everyone might go to bed especially Mark and I.

I could have killed Mark when he suddenly said to his mates, "Jane does a great sexy striptease you know. You should ask her to see it."

I looked daggers at Mark and immediately replied shocked, "That is supposed to be private between us-in fact, private between my husband and me-not even you!" I was really disappointed with him. Is that how he sees me? Is that what I am good for? I was stupidly thinking he actually loved me in his own way. I was coming to find that this was his way. He was a bit wild and liked living life at the edge. That was Mark. And I wished to God that I had not stupidly mentioned having a husband.

You could see from the look on the guys faces that suddenly they had been exposed to something very intriguing and they were not about to let it pass. Alan was the first to say, "Well this sounds extremely interesting. We could do with some entertainment by a gorgeous woman like you Jane. You can be our cabaret. What a great way to round off a great evening. I for one would love to see your striptease and promise we will all be good. I am assuming you have already had the pleasure of seeing this Mark?"

Mark had had too much to drink like the rest of us and to my further embarrassment blabbered on with a big smirk on his face, "Well yes I have to admit that I have been lucky enough. Actually Jane's husband wanted her to do a striptease one night and I'm very pleased to say she did."

This was going from bad to worse. I did not know where to look. I wanted the ground to open up.

Mark had not actually said anything that was untrue of course but he would not have said it if he had been sober. Mark then turned to me and put his hand on my knee and said, "Well why not. It will be a bit of fun and you look a bit hot in all those clothes anyway!"

I was, of course, acutely embarrassed and not at all sure how best to react. I said laughing along with them, "Well I'm sorry to disappoint you guys but I am a respectable married woman and I don't think I should be taking my clothes off in front of four blokes, three of whom I have just met -do you? You could get the wrong idea. It's not happening!"

But that had come out all wrong. Whatever I had said then would have been wrong. That sounded like I would not have minded taking my clothes off in front of Mark. But the truth was that I had loved doing that first striptease in front of Mark and Nick on that first night when I first had sex with Mark. I had thought about it so often and wondered if it would ever happen again. It is hard being a woman because it is so much fun when you are getting all that appreciation from guys and so exciting being the centre of attention, but you risk paying the price by them automatically thinking you are easy and up for something more. I was very clear in my mind that I was absolutely not up for sex with them and only wanted to go to bed with Mark later. But the more I thought about it the idea of stripping off for these guys beforehand did seem like it would be a laugh and fun.

Mark had that pleading little boy look of his. He said, "Oh come on Jane -It'll be fun. Just go down to your panties if you like." Then he turned to the guys and said, "That would be alright wouldn't it guys?"

Of course they all were very happy to agree to anything.

I so wanted to please Mark and not seem like a party pooper to his friends but I decided to protest a bit more. I said, "Well sorry again to disappoint but it's not going to happen."

Mark would not give up. He said, "Alright then pussycat- how about just down to your undies? Keep you bra on. That would not be too bad would it? I promise to dim the lights and have a duvet ready to put around you."

Mark looked so desperate, and the stupid thing was I actually wanted to do it really. I just did not want to come across as a tart. I smiled at them around the room and said, "Well alright then you pervs, but no touching and only down to my undies. It's not going to take long-I'm only wearing a skirt and blouse."

They actually appeared surprised that I had agreed. I do not think they were expecting it. They had just been idly trying their luck. So that made me wonder if I should have agreed at all! But then Mark was already fiddling with his IPOD and sound system and said, "Simply the Best alright? You like that one don't you?"

I nodded approval and said, "Need a pee first though." I ran out to the loo and sat down and contemplated what I was about to do. I was surprised how nervous I felt." This was starting to feel like a rerun of that first night with Mark, and that was fine with me as long as it did not go beyond me taking my kit off, which it was NOT going to.

When I came back in all four of them looked so excited like their boat had really come in. I had them eating out of my hand. Mark started the music and straight away I felt aroused by the beat and started dancing around in front of them. I felt so good. They were all cheering me on and clapping. I knew I had to go through with it.

I was bending over in front of them and squeezing my breasts and wiggling my butt at them and doing all the things that strippers do and they absolutely loved it. And so was I if I'm honest. I did think for a moment though, 'If Nick could see me now!'

Inevitably they started chanting, "Off, Off, Off!" I think Mark was the first and the others followed. They were eager for some action.

I laughed and said, "Be patient!", but thought now was as good a time as any to start so started undoing the two remaining buttons on my blouse. They loved it. I took one arm out through the sleeve very slowly and then the other and then whirled the blouse around my head and threw it at them.