Jars of Peaches

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A soirée into her dark fantasies will change her forever.
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Jars of Peaches

This story started as a joke between a friend and I but quickly grew into something not very much like a joke at all. Please enjoy and feel free to comment below.

Trigger warnings for violence and gore.


Part I: The Girl and the Grove

I ran away.

I ran as fast and as hard as my legs could take me.

I could still hear them laughing as i dashed from the opening of the Waters family barn.

Tears streamed down my face as the illuminated barn got further and further away in the distance.

I was such a fool, I had begged my grandma to let me go to the dance tonight, and she had finally given in. All those months of hearing about the Waters farm having a dance in their barn, and all of my friends made it to every one, save for me. I couldn't remember the last time I was able to really enjoy a night off.

My grandma always said be careful what you wish for and now i guess i knew why.

I wore the lovely blue dress that my grandma fashioned for me from the old window curtains by the front porch door. Not the prettiest fabric choice but it looked decent on me. It also was one of the only outfits I owned that didnt include something covering my legs, like pants or overalls.

I had put my hair up, even put on some makeup, although i had to steal it from my grandma's dressing table. Just a touch of scarlet blush on my cheek and some gold shadow around my eyes.

I felt beautiful as I left my farmstead, like I was powerful and enchantingly feminine.

But that awful girl from the city was there, Veronica, and when i tried to dance with Jacob Waters she pushed me down to the dirt and called me a flat-chested hick.

Veronica is much prettier than me... she has much more confidence and her family has wealth to spare. I had little doubt that the dress she was wearing could have paid for a whole weeks worth of groceries from the general store back in town.

She was wearing her tits out on full-display for any of the boys to see. I was trying to be more modest but she was probably right... and that's why everyone had started laughing. They all knew it was true and so did I. Jacob's younger brother Christopher helped me up after i sat there for God knows how long, then i ran out with laughter and jeers at my back.

So, I ran.

I was barefoot of course but it didnt matter. I'd always been good at running and as a little girl I walked these fields enough that by age ten, my feet might as well have been carved out of wood.

I had workboots that I wore all the time to plow the fields and herd our livestock but being barefoot was my natural state, I loved it. All that work in the field really helped me out in the endurance department, too.

Deep down I know if i really wanted to stand up for myself, I'd tear that bitch Veronica a new mouth to breathe from but... my grandma always tried to call me modest. Gram doesn't mean modest, when she says modest. What she means is bashful.

I'm extremely shy.

I do so much work around the farm for my grandma and grandpa so I'm hardly able to get out and haven't done much getting out for all eighteen and a half years I've been kicking rocks in this dusty old place. Such a small amount of real exposure with people my age makes me... awkward.

I'm like a cat on the oven when I get too much attention on me. So when i get pushed down, instead of standing up for myself and giving Veronica some of what i got... apparently i just cry and run away like a baby.

By the time I realized how long I'd been running I was nearly halfway back to the farm. That was a good thing. The faster i get home the faster i can get to sleep for work tomorrow... i guess. I did slow down though. I didn't want to trip and scratch up my legs with my skin exposed in this stupid dress.

Who wants to go to a stupid party anyway, with dumb Jacob Waters and his ridiculous Record Player. By the time I had arrived there, they were already tipsy off the liquor that Big Joe had taken from his dad's liquor cabinet. I had never tasted liquor before but my grandpa loved to talk about it. Loved to drink it even more.

I really wanted to try it... maybe I would steal some for myself when I got back to the farm. Have a little one-person party of my own.

I was close to getting home now and the dark shape of the farmhouse was visible against the cornflower blue of the moon. The moon was full tonight and it looked so beautiful, seeing it almost stopped me from remembering how awful the night had been... almost.

As i passed by my corn fields i looked out and saw a crow pecking at one of the fresh cobs on the stalk. Black soulless eyes, staring blankly.

"Hey! You there. Shoo, go on git." I drawled at the bird and it flew away with a caw in my direction.

"Did that scarecrow get knocked down again? What keeps happening to that damn thing?"

I followed the walking path through the fields and looked out midfield to where the scarecrow should be. One glance was enough and I saw the space was empty where he was supposed to be on watch. A few feet away, scraps of cloth and bits of wood littered the ground and decorated the cornstalks.

Sure enough it had been knocked down like the others over the past few weeks. Looked like something smashed it to bits, too. I thought about picking up the pieces but decided I'd had enough for one day and left them for the morning.

I passed by my Gram's peach grove and made a quick climb up one of the trees to pilfer one of the fresh ripe peaches from the branches. This had become something like a ritual for me. Picking the right tree and toned muscles from work around the farm made for easy work as i scaled quickly up the vertical surface.

I sat down on a sturdy branch and while i sat there, i bit into the peach that i snagged. It was sweet as sugar and warm juices ran down the front of my face when i bit into it. The juice dripped down off my chin and spotted on the front of my blue dress. I laughed and felt a little bit better. After all, what did it matter if i messed up my outfit or my makeup. I found myself feeling much more comfortable here and sat for some time while I finished the peach. Tossing away the pit, i started to get down from the tree but something caught my eye and stopped me dead.

I could see a strange pattern in the air, it almost looked like smoke billowing in front of me but... it wasn't smoke. Smoke moved like chaos, impossible to predict but this substance in the air was moving in a wave. Lacking chaos completely and following some unseen motion. Wind kicked up and rustled the branches of the tree and the wave moved with it, drifting softly, almost dancing with the breeze. Something about the presence of it hypnotized me and i found myself unable to look away. Almost afraid to miss it, lest i see another beautiful pattern emerge.

Thoughtlessly i reached up and plucked another peach from the branches and ate a second one, still unable to break my focus from the beauty of it. This peach was even sweeter and juicier than the first one and more juice spotted the front of my lovely dress. My grandma cultivates these peaches and everybody around our small little homestead comes to get jars of my grandmother's peaches. She makes the best peach preserves anywhere and I would put them up against any peach preserves in the entire state.

Thinking about my grandma's preserves made me realize i was hungry.

Very hungry.

My stomach felt like an empty void and i hungrily licked the peach juice off my fingers with lavish. I looked back up to see the pattern again but found that I could no longer see it. That would have saddened me but the longer i sat there, the more hungry i was beginning to feel. I quickly scaled my way down the tree and grabbed a third peach on my way into the farmhouse.

Behind me, the leaves danced and shook with delight in the calm night air. Shadows writhed unseen, moving like billowing smoke hidden in the leafy coverage of the peach grove.

I creaked open the porch door as i bit into the delectable fruit and juice spattered the front of my dress again. The cloth very well might get ruined but i didn't care much, my stomach felt so empty and the peach tasted almost frightfully delicious.

I was finished with it by the time i arrived at the door for the cellar. I tossed the pit into my grandfathers spittoon and it landed square in the hole with a metallic clink.

I swung the door wide and it banged against the wall as i took the steps down, two at a time. Distantly i realized I should have been worried about my grandparents waking up but... i didn't care.

I couldn't care.

I needed to get down to the cellar and taste the preserves. They would be ready within a day or two, so i knew they would be perfect without the least sign of bitterness.

Surely my grandmother wouldn't notice one jar missing...

I grabbed hold of the matchbook my grandpa left down here and lit the wall lamp with a strike from one of the brave soldiers within. The room flared with light and I spotted my goal. I moved around the old stove and sat in awe.

There were jars and jars of peaches. Delightful amber glass faces greeted me and I smiled to see them.

My grandmother really had outdone herself this year, this haul alone was gonna make us a fortune at festival day. It was only two weeks away but she would never notice a jar or two missing, right?

I stepped up to the rack and grabbed one of the jars. It opened easily at my touch and the delicate scent of fresh peach preserves wafted up from the glass container and my mouth watered at the smell. I stuck two fingers into the soft jelly and spooned a whole heap of it into my mouth.

"Mmmm." I moaned and swallowed down the delicious golden stuff. Goosebumps rose up on my skin as I spooned handful after handful into my hungry mouth and every bite seemed to taste sweeter and sweeter. The front of my dress was covered in peach jam and now the dress really was going to be ruined.

That didn't stop me, though. I dug my hand into the jar and scooped up the last of the goopy jelly and sucked it off of my fingers, not caring about the mess.

I felt lightheaded, i realized. Like I'd been working for a hard afternoon on a July day with the sun on my back. My stomach growled, actually growled, as i looked at the jars decorating the shelves like Christmas ornaments. How on earth was i still hungry? I had eaten 3 entire peaches and just finished polishing off an entire jar of preserves.

Maybe my grandma wouldn't notice two or three jars missing?

I picked up another one and, at my beck and call, the lid popped right off. I scooped the contents into my mouth, enjoying every bite. Savoring every delicious mouthful of the stuff. More of the jam landed on my dress front and fell down into the opening of it, running down my cleavage. My skin tingled where the jam touched my tanned, naked flesh and I shivered.

With my attention drawn to my chest I realized that my breasts were beginning to feel sore and tight. My nipples were almost painfully hard and poked out, sticking to the cloth where peach perseveres were slathered. I tossed the second jar away and grabbed a third, not even thinking now. It popped open and in went my fingers again, gulping down so much delicious jam and all the while my dress was covered in the stuff. My nipples ached with sensitivity rubbing against the front of my dress, and the wet sensation from the preserves was giving me tingles down my spine. My heart was pounding as i ate handful after handful of golden peaches.

By the time i finished my fourth jar of peaches my dress was growing quite tight on me. I took a look at my body then, really took a look at it.

I was growing, not quickly by any means but the dress was moving and stretching as my chest gently swelled. I reached up my right hand, still covered in my grandmothers delicious peach preserves and touched my breasts, running my fingers over the cloth and firmly squeezed my nipple. A bolt of lightning, hot and delightful traveled down my strong, toned core and straight to my sex. My nipples were impossibly sensitive. So gently i was touching and yet the sensation was like fire. My heart raced fast and i kept touching those sensitive points of contact. My breathing was ragged, chaotic and every time I exhaled, my voice made a soft moan.

The sensation felt so good but it wasn't enough. It just wasn't enough. I needed more of it. I was famished for it, fucking greedy for it.

I snatched down another jar and popped off the lid. Down the hatch went number five. The peaches still tasted delicious, sweet and satisfying but my mind was so focused on the pleasure emanating from my breasts and body as it grew and changed that I barely even noticed the taste. I had my hand on my dress front and was giving my left nipple a twist when I felt them growing again. This time they swelled slowly and didn't seem to stop. My arms and the muscles of my chest ached and bulged with muscle and my shapely curves glistened softly with a sheen of sweat in the flickering lamplight.

It was almost frightening to see but instead of feeling fear, i felt comfort and ecstasy. The soreness spread to my lower body as well and my dress grew even tighter as my bottom grew along with my powerful calves and thighs.

As they grew, the sensations it gave me almost took my breath away. My tits and even the muscles around my sex felt sore and yet so pleasurable and sensitive. My nipples were hard like diamonds and touching them with my slick fingers was shooting waves of heat straight down to my pussy. I felt a seam on the right side of my dress pop and then another one followed it. After the third seam popped, my brilliant form finally stopped growing.

I reached down quickly to the hem of my dress and pulled it up and over my head. My naked breasts bounced out from the constricting material and i looked down at my body.

I was completely nude and blushed furiously as i admired my transformation. My torso was toned and the muscle definition in my arms and legs was astonishing. My slit was soaking wet to the touch and i ran my hands covered in juicy peaches over my body and groaned lewdly.

My bust was at least at big as Veronica's now, probably even bigger. Jacob Waters wouldn't be able to keep his hands off me, like this.

I felt so beautiful and incredible with my body changed. I felt so confident and happy. It occurred to me that this is what God must feel like, and a burst of joy broke out on my face and heat swelled down my chest and my hard abdomen. I watched as my stomach muscles flexed like ripcord and my pussy ached to be touched.

My face felt molten hot and i realized i was almost winded with pleasure. I tried to steady myself, feeling suddenly woozy and stumbled. I lost my balance and crashed into the rack but caught myself using the wooden support beam and watched as two jars of golden peaches fell down off the shelf. One of them shattered on the ground but not the other one. It didn't break on impact with the packed earth and, almost instinctually, i picked it up and slid off the lid to the jar.

The lightheadedness was adding to the sensation and i was worried about losing my balance again so I kneeled and then sat with my feet directly under my butt, my legs spread, exposing my sex. I arched my back and held the jar up in the air with one hand and the other moved to my chest rubbing the naked flesh of my soft boobs and slipping lower to caress my tender sex.

Delectable peach jam slid down into my open mouth and I swallowed it all hungrily, barely even stopping to breathe. Then again i felt my breasts begin to swell and grow as i tweaked my nipples and groped my large mounds. My muscled core tightened up suddenly and i felt myself on the brink of a powerful orgasm.

I had reached climax before, of course.

Private moments out in the barn, moaning after watching a mare get bred by one of our stallions.

Alone in my bed with imagined visions of Jacob and Christopher Waters, coming to me like ghosts in the night together, touching me and pleasing me. Feeding me their desire and hunger and I, eating of it. Those feelings had been amazing, incredible even.

But they were nothing compared to this. This orgasm's approach had my legs trembling violently and my heart pounding a mile a minute.

Explosive sensations were taking control of my body as my hand moved and my throat swallowed down gulp after gulp. With a final swallow, I emptied the jar and let it drop to the ground. My hand instantly joined the other one and while i teased and caressed my breasts, my newly freed hand pushed two fingers into my vagina and stroked me closer and closer to climax.

My body was burning so hot that my breath was fogging every time i exhaled, like it was snowing outside and someone had left a window open.

My enlarged breasts grew even more and hung heavily from my chest, protruding outward with my back arched. My muscles all over my body stretched and felt tight, and my voice moaned out a few desperate words. I held the weight of my breasts with my arm and they were gorgeous, perfectly natural and rounded, like sweetly ripened fruit hanging from a branch just begging to be picked. The climax kept building and building as my heart pounded like a drum and I pinched tighter on my nipples. My long slender fingers moved and writhed inside of my opening and pushed at an exquisite spot deep within me. I curled my toes and gasped, shaking and giving me shivers up my spine when I touched that red hot button. I reached right up the edge, then with a howl of pure ecstasy i felt my orgasm crash into me like a galloping horse.

My legs trembled violently under my weight as my body writhed and convulsed. My hard abdomen flexed and tightened as a milky white fluid squirted out of my cunt and coated the ground in front of me, covering the jar I had just been holding and mixing with the peach preserves from the destroyed one.

My sex clenched on my invading fingers and convulsed with aftershocks as i heaved air in and out my lungs, sustaining a trembling low moan as my orgasm finally finished and left me breathless and weak.

Ecstasy, pure and divine washed over me.

What a night to be alive.


Part II: Shadowed Wings

I felt conciousness fading from me and I surrendered to the bliss. My breathing calmed a touch and I was able to recover some of my wits.

Not many of them, though.

I lay on my soiled dress like a bed roll and I thought sleep would take me but I merely sat there, my conciousness floating lightly like a cloud. That feeling from earlier returned and I felt suddenly like I was divine. Like I had power in my veins and my soul was strengthened.

Part of me expected a sort of glamour to wave over my eyes and leave me with reality firmly in place. This had been something like a dream and bordered on the depths of fantasy. After my mind cleared of the dizziness and haze, I was left with my thoughts wandering.

What I had just experienced was no hallucination. I reached down to my chest and felt the sensitive skin under my heavy breast and it tingled like fire again.

This definitely was no hallucination.

The reality of the situation hit me then; the strange ravenous hunger, the mindbending pleasure and the transformation of my body. I had just done something significant, or I suppose something significant had just happened to me.

For the first time since I had left Gram's peach grove on this strange night, fear settled into my belly. Not the kind of anxiety and discomfort I had when I was feeling shy or someone frightened me.

What I felt was real fear.

It settled in like a shard of ice in my stomach and I was glancing around nervously, expecting someone to be there. Feeling somehow like there had been eyes on me and I had no clue they were there until now.