Jason - My Daughter's Boyfriend

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A night when secrets are revealed.
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1. This story will read better if you've already read 'Jason - My Sister's Boyfriend'

2. The story features an adulterous wife, so all those whose panties get in a knot at the thought of such heresies would be well advised to stop reading now.

This encounter happened following my daughter's wedding, though the foundations had been laid at her Hen-Night a few days earlier. Julie had insisted on the wedding taking place in early January, those of her friends who were at college would still be home for their Christmas vacations; I would have preferred an earlier date, when Julie's pregnancy was less obvious.

Julie too should have been at college, but had relinquished her place at Bristol University, before she even got there. Julie had intended studying for a degree in biology, so she perhaps better than anyone, ought to have known how procreation worked! I was livid, but unable to say too much; I'd been two years younger than she when I'd fallen pregnant with Sarah, my elder daughter and Julie did at least know who'd fathered her child.

That was Thomas; a nice enough lad, but a bit... wet. They'd been dating for a year, though I'd assumed - or perhaps hoped? - that Julie would find someone a little... better, once she'd got away to Uni. On the upside, Tom was a sensible lad who worked in his family's successful electrical business; Tom's family had found them a small house and I envisaged them enjoying a... contented marriage at least.

Julie had got pregnant on the night of their School-Prom and claimed that this had been the first time she they'd made love; her too recently acquired contraceptive pills having let her down. Whatever, Julie was now six months pregnant and it showed; it was with consideration for Julie's pregnancy that her Hen-Night was at least planned to be a low-key, early-night sort of affair.

Besides Julie and a dozen friends, were myself, my elder sister Karen and my elder daughter Sarah. We'd started at a local Chinese restaurant before moving on to a local and reasonably upmarket pub, which offered a DJ and a small dance floor in the rear. Julie's outfit was embellished with the obligatory bridal veil and a pair of L-plates; though perhaps a little too late for those?

It was upon arriving at that pub that things became a little livelier than expected; we walked through the doors to be greeted by rousing cheers and the sound of champagne -- or at least prosecco -- corks popping. This we discovered was down to Sarah's boyfriend, Jason; he'd put money behind the bar for a half-dozen bottles of prosecco for our party, along with a round of drinks for the whole pub to raise a toast to Julie.

Typical Jason and one of the reasons I wasn't enamoured by him: Far too... flashy! He made good money but he knew how to spend it too, fancy cars, exotic holidays and wardrobe full of designer clothes. Jason was easy on the eye, in fact very easy, but at twenty-five I felt he was too old to be with Sarah; but as with Julie's pregnancy, I had to bite my tongue with regard to that age difference, my own husband Danny was twelve years my senior.

Julie had stuck to soft-drinks and I was fairly abstemious too, but with Jason's contribution, the party quickly livened-up. As ever at such events, the bride's friends offered advice on how to handle her wedding night, not that I could see Sarah... swinging from the chandelier when she was six months gone. And as Sarah's friends were all only eighteen or nineteen too, they didn't have much... first-hand knowledge to offer anyway.

I stayed silent; my own daughters were there for Christ sake! But Karen and as the night progressed, Sarah too, were far more loquacious; the younger girls hung on their every word, most especially their anecdotes. Karen cast me sly glances whilst relating some of those and yes, I did recall those episodes too, indeed some of the escapades which Karen described had been mine rather than her own. Our teenaged years had been... naughty.

I found Sarah's contributions the more intriguing, perhaps in part because I knew Jason too and it was only he that would've been her partner. Sarah may have been playing things down -- her mother was listening after all -- but I didn't think so, she'd had too much to drink by then. I was actually rather surprised by how... pedestrian Sarah's sex life sounded to be, there was quite a list of things she adjudged 'Yucky... I never do that!'

Fast-forward to the wedding day and it was a similarly low-key affair: The happy couple and close family went to the Registry Office, then adjourned to a nice restaurant for a late lunch. Then Home to have a rest and change, before regathering for the evening, for a much larger party in the pub where Julie's Hen-Night had concluded; my husband Danny and I were long time friends of the Landlord.

That party too kicked-off as a result of Jason's largesse: Another stack of his cash went behind the bar and prosecco bottles began passing around like water; even I got a little tipsy. Aside from Julie, I suspect that the only person not indulging was Jason himself; he'd borrowed a mini-bus from somewhere and was providing transport to and from the party for anyone who wanted a lift.

It was almost one in the morning before the party wound down - it'd been memorable! Jason and Sarah lived only five minutes walk away, so to allow space for others living further afield, Sarah, along with Karen and Ted who were staying overnight with them, walked, or at least staggered home, while Jason made his last bus-run of the night.

Danny and I were amongst his passengers and while the logical route perhaps didn't dictate it, Jason deemed it 'only right' that the bride's parents should to be the last to get dropped off. I was a little squiffy myself, but by the time we eventually reached our house, Danny was comatose; Jason had to not only help him off the bus, but into the house and upstairs into our bedroom.

Jason left me to 'sort him out', saying that he was going downstairs to get himself something to drink before heading home. I assumed that Jason had meant a tea or a coffee, not a problem, but I still enquired about his wife and guests expecting him home. "You've got to be kidding Annie; all three of them were paralytic, they'll be in bed and sound asleep already"

With Danny settled and a bucket beside the bed! I went downstairs to thank Jason for his contribution to the day and perhaps join him for a cup of tea before he left. Imagine my surprise when I walked into the kitchen to find Jason, glass in hand, with a second -- presumably mine -- sat on the breakfast-bar, along with yet another open bottle of prosecco! Did Jason own a bloody vineyard?

It would've been rude to decline and we were soon working our way down the bottle as we chatted about the day. When Jason poured us both a third glass I queried his driving the van home, but he waved away my concerns saying he could "walk it in twenty-five minutes and provided that I get home before dawn, nobody will notice what time I arrive."

I suspect that it was right then when I got my first suspicion as to Jason's intentions. We split the last of the prosecco a few minutes later; I swallowed mine promptly and announced "Well that's me done; time for bed."

In response Jason threw me a very salacious look, emptied his own glass and replied "Now that certainly sounds like a plan Annie."

Full realisation must have been evident in my expression, Jason read it and reacted before I could move; he was I suppose a good deal more sober than I. An instant later I was pinned between Jason and the breakfast-bar and more germanely, Jason's hand was on my pubis. Not some casual stroke or brush which might be passed off as an accident, but grasping it firmly, with his fingers pressing into the soft centre of my womanhood.

We stared into each others eyes from six inches apart, mine wide as saucers as I strove to recover my breath and quell my racing heart beat. It was several seconds before I spoke and I was aware of Jason's fingers flexing, biting through the fabric of my dress and panties and into my vulva. "What the devil do you think you're doing Jason? I'm not that sort of woman."

Jason's assault continued, while his face split with a Cheshire-cat grin; that grin dumbfounded me completely, comprehension only arriving when Jason replied: "That's not what I've heard Annie. I had a very... enlightening conversation with your sister Karen earlier; is she always so indiscreet when she's had a few drinks?" I now trembled, what the Fuck had Karen told him?

"You always come across as such a strait-laced member of the moral-majority nowadays, but it sounds as if you and Karen were a right pair of scrubbers when you were younger; did you really fuck seven guys in one night at the Knebworth Festival?"

I suppose that Jason saw the answer to that question in my expression? "Fuck me Annie, seven guys, two of them apparently 'black and hung like stallions' with a spot of lesbian incest thrown in to keep the party going while those guys got their breath back; you really were a sleazy whore."

My heart rate was off the scale and my complexion must've been beet-red; I could feel the perspiration trickling down between my breasts. "Y...you... you mustn't say anything Jason... Not to anyone!"

"And why would I want to do that Annie? I'm thinking that your secrets are worth far more to me if I keep them to myself."

Jason's Cheshire-cat grin morphed into a smile, a very wicked smile and that smile told me exactly what his silence would cost. In almost the same moment, I once more became aware of Jason's hand on my crotch, or more specifically, I became aware of its effect; Jason may not yet have felt it from the outside, but my pussy was leaking so much that my panties were damp.

Oh Jesus, Karen had really done it this time! She'd sailed me up shit-creek, then disappeared, taking the paddle with her! Danny knew that Sarah wasn't his own child, but he didn't know about my... lifestyle choices prior to our meeting; neither of my daughters, or indeed anyone else within a hundred miles knew anything about that either; except of course for Karen and now it seemed... Jason.

In that moment I can't honestly say what frightened me the most, the thought of Jason revealing what he now knew, or the consequences of my paying the price of his silence? What I did know -- in the short-term at least! - was that paying Jason's price would be a lot more fun and satisfy a second and very urgent need that had arisen in the last few minutes. I threw my arms around Jason's neck and tried to kiss him!

The immediate result was quite cute, Jason stumbled back half a step with his mouth agape; had he not expected me to acquiesce? More likely, Jason just hadn't anticipated my doing so with such enthusiasm. As mentioned earlier, Jason's very easy on the eye and that lewd groping coupled with is reminders of my younger and... wilder days had set my motor running.

Jason's discombobulation didn't last long and he stepped forward to meet my kiss, it was delivered with a fervour like none I'd ever granted him before and from the look in his eyes, perhaps Sarah nor anyone else had either? We were still wrestling tongues when Jason's hands grabbed the hem of my dress and dragged the skirt up to my hips before Jason's right hand returned to where it had started.

This time though, Jason's hand plunged inside my panties before grasping my mons, I felt his palm drag heavily on my pubic hair in the instant before his fingers found my labia. Both Jason's middle fingers plunged into my cleft and 'plunged' is the appropriate word; I was so wet in there that sharper ears might have heard a splash! Jason's grin returned: "Your cunt's fucking dripping Annie... Karen was right, you are a willing little slut."

My pussy clenched around Jason's intruding fingers and a long forgotten sensation of... submission rumbled through my belly, before exiting via my mouth in a primal groan; was that due to Jason's probing fingers, or the words he'd just used to describe me? I kissed Jason again before replying: "Then fill my cunt with your cock before I make a mess of the floor."

It was my hands rather than Jason's that went to work on his belt buckle and trousers; I was too impatient to wait. Pushing Jason's pants and boxer shorts down, I caught hold of his cock the moment it sprang free; that drew a second groan from my lips, my hand could barely wrap around Jason's shaft. Karen wasn't the only one with a loose tongue and Jason's cock was all that Sarah had promised.

Jason reclaimed the initiative: His fingers left my pussy with an audible slurp, pushing me back against the breakfast bar and sliding my panties to one side, before pressing forward between my legs. Despite my being quite tall Jason's cock still slapped wetly against my lower belly, so Jason's knees were well bent by the time he'd steered that pulsing crown between my labial lips.

A moment of hesitation during which Jason once again looked me straight in the eyes and he obviously liked the message that he saw - I was aiming for 'Now! Please! Do It! FUCK ME!!!!!' then Jason drove his cock into me. All the way in with a single thrust, Jason might have been big, but I was ready; I'd been ready... and waiting I suddenly realised, for nigh on twenty years!

Jason's penetration wasn't violent, but it was powerful and as his knees straightened, he lifted my feet clear of the floor; I gasped and then squealed with the impact. That put a look of concern, even horror onto Jason's face, an expression which I quelled with one smile and a rasped "Yessss... Again... Just like that."

Jason took me at my word; my hands rested lightly on his shoulders as Jason lifted me off my feet with each stroke. My backside bounced against the worktop with every thrust; it wasn't until the following day that I discovered the bruises from that. It didn't take me long, a dozen penetrations at most brought me to a climax during which I howled like a banshee; thank God Danny was dead to the world!

Jason allowed me to rest atop the breakfast bar while my climax passed, though he wasn't idle and began trying to unfasten my dress; it was far too tight for his hands to slip inside it. Eventually, I did the job for him, it was fiddly and I risked my dress being torn otherwise; though once the bodice fell to my waist, I left Jason to release and remove my bra - you men do so enjoy doing that.

It was worth the effort, once my bra fell away Jason gazed silently... almost reverentially, at my breasts, before falling upon them like a ravening beast; his hands, lips, tongue and teeth were all over them and he voiced his appreciation too: "Wow, your tits are awesome Annie; those are the fattest, most chewable nipples that I've ever seen; even better than your daughter's."

I was a little dismayed at Jason's voicing a comparison between Sarah and myself; you can't stop a man for having such thoughts, but to say them out loud... No thank you! And about my breasts especially: I should bloody well hope Jason did prefer mine! It was no contest! Oh, Sarah's a very attractive girl, but she has an altogether more... athletic figure; her boobs are like two molehills, tipped with mosquito bites.

I signalled recovery from my climax by shuffling off the work-top's edge and instantly re-impaling myself on Jason's still stiff cock. My feet were still clear of the floor and I dangled like a coat on its hook in the instant before Jason grabbed my buttocks and began pounding into me once again. Being fucked like this was a new one on me and let's be honest not many positions were.

Jason brought me to a second orgasm like that before turning me around -- feet safely back terra firma -- and bending me face down across the breakfast bar to try for a third; Jesus wept, Jason felt even bigger from that angle! Jason wasn't long into his third effort before I sensed him begin to tense-up and slow his pace, I also realised that I was getting damned sore down there.

Half-turning I pushed Jason away and called out "No; stop it! I'm getting sore, I've had enough." I knew Jason's own climax was approaching and the poor guy looked like a whipped dog when I spoke. But credit to him, Jason didn't simply force me back down and rape me, though I'll bet that he thought about doing so for at least a few moments.

A smart decision on Jason's part; I'd remembered some more of Sarah's words from the Hen-Night. I already had Jason's pussy-slick cock in my hands as I slid to my knees; looking up to his face I simpered "Perhaps you'd settle for my sucking you off instead? All the way to the end... have you shoot your cum into my mouth; I want to swallow every drop of it... I'm guessing it'll taste yummy."

The look on Jason's face was a picture and it provided the answer I'd expected; fortunate, as the only thing Jason managed to vocalise was a bestial growl. Even that petered out to a whimper in the seconds after I'd wrapped my lips around the head and first few inches of his cock. Jason was closer than I'd imagined, my tongue had barely completed three laps of his crown when he shot his load.

And God but did Jason shoot! I almost drowned, clearly I was out of practice. That's perhaps not true; I regularly blow-off Danny, but he's far older than me, never mind Jason, so his flow has... dwindled, in recent years; Though as Jason's seed continued to flood into my throat, I did begin to ponder whether Danny had ever been quite this... copious.

Jason's cum certainly did taste yummy! Though I'd failed in my promise to 'swallow every drop' and felt a dribble running down my chin to drip off onto my breasts; I saw Jason's eyes follow that trickle too, so I scooped it up with a finger and sucked it clean. That drew another grin from Jason and a growled "You dirty mare... a right cum-hungry tart."

I proffer Jason a hand and he helped me to my feet; my knees cracked as I rose, perhaps I'm getting too old for that sort of thing? As I reached my feet Jason's free hand settled on my right buttock and squeezed firmly as he enquired "Do do you still take it In the arse Annie?"

My response was intentionally sharp; I slapped Jason's hand away: "No, I do not! Besides, it's almost four in the morning, you need to be going home and I need to clean up and go to bed. Get your trousers on, we're done here."

"Fair enough... we can leave it until next time."

"There won't be any 'next time' and don't you dare say a word about this or anything that you've heard from bloody Karen. When you see her in the morning, you can tell Karen that I will be speaking to her!"

Jason nodded, seemingly contrite as he pulled up his pants, took a look around the room and headed for the door. "I'll get rid of this..." Jason said, as he stuck a finger into the neck of the prosecco bottle and carried it away with him. A glum looking Jason was through and had half-closed the front door when he unleashed that wicked grin of his and added: "There will be a next time Annie... and we both know it."

I was shaking like a leaf as I pulled up my dress; I didn't bother with fastening it, or replacing my bra; the cocky bastard was right of course, I did want a next time... lots of them!

I snatched up a tea-towel to wipe away the sticky puddle where I'd leaked onto the vinyl floor, along with a couple of other spots that I found on the worktop. I was tossing that soiled towel into the washing machine when I saw it and my trembles returned with a vengeance; between the toaster and the microwave sat the prosecco bottle's cork.

Save for one glance back towards the washing machine, I stared at it long and hard, as the memory of finding another and unexplained prosecco cork flooded back: It had borne exactly the same logo and I'd found it in almost the same spot, but despite my searching high and low I hadn't been able to find a matching bottle.