Jebidiah's Change Bk. 01 Ch. 15


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"If I can help I will, Mila. I should have returned your sword long before now, you have my trust, I hope I have yours."

She nodded, still thinking. She looked over at Joy who just smiled and nodded herself as if she understood what was going on. "Bora asked me... No. This not be by Bora." She took a deep breath before quickly saying "I want sex magic." Joy hopped up and down, silently clapping with excitement, biting her lip to contain her squeals.

"Mila," he began.

"Don't say it." three voices said from behind him. He turned to see Dana, Crystal, and, for a surprise, Shirley, standing in an arc, watching the conversation. "It's like Greta said, Jeb," Dana said, "she already asked for it, it's impolite to question her."

"Yes, I suppose so. It's not like everyone hasn't been expecting this," he glanced at Joy's beaming face, "or instigating it as much as they can." He looked back at Mila, who looked decidedly unsure of herself, still clutching her sword. "It will be an honor to bond with you, Mila Hairfoot."

The bonding was not as difficult as Jebiidah had feared it might be. It was easy enough to reach out to Mila's desire, a roaring beacon that shocked him with the intensity. Mila laid herself over Joy, hugging each other as Jebidiah mounted Mila from behind, doggy-style. Mila's dirty talk began almost immediately, again in clear commonspeak instead of her broken speech patterns, and this time she also pulled Crystal in for a searing kiss which quickly began to alternate between Joy and Crystal. Out of everyone else, Mila's bonding was more like a bond with the group, not concentrated on Jebidiah alone. It wasn't until Crystal joined that the bonding magic flared into existence. When Dana joined, touching, fondling, and encouraging where needed, the bond took hold with Mila's orgasm, in the most loving and caring kind of bonding that Jebidiah had experienced.

It wasn't long after, maybe thirty minutes, before the door to their room burst open allowing Greta and Tenner to run over to their tangle of naked, sweaty bodies. The two ignored the protests of the others and jumped up onto the bed to find Mila, promptly swamping her with hugs and kisses. "Welcome aboard munchkin number 2." Tenner finally said. "We gave our regards and came when we felt the bond take hold. We won't be staying though, sorry, but we won't see much of our family after today."

Jebidiah laid his head back, too tired to move yet while the girls jostled him around as they got to talking and hugging each other with so many squeals mixed in his ears were beginning to hurt. "Is this level of sexual activity normal?"

The question stopped everyone and they turned in surprise, Sift and Kelek were standing some distance away, looking over the group of bodies on the bed. After a moment's breath they all burst out laughing. Kelek sniffed the air, said something to Sift then marched off while hissing her laughter.

The next few hours were once again hours of Jebidiah's life he would never get back as the girls and Sift discussed the mating habits of the kingdom and what they knew of other regions. Sift managed to work in some of her newer knowledge of the word 'fuck' and it just encouraged the girls further. "For the love of the Divine, stop corrupting Sift!" His protest was met with laughter and loud boos. All in all, he thought, it was a marvelous evening.

-- Silvertoe, Fourth Tenday of Yantaen 813 AGR --

They made good time on their march to Silvertoe, passing groups of prisoners being sent back to Soldier's Rest as they went. By the time they reached the city, everything was mostly settled. The First Stockmar had breached the outer walls even before the Third Tonstar had breezed through the Plusk lands, meeting little resistance. From what Jebidiah and the others could learn, the Plusk forces had departed long before and their whereabouts were unknown. Jebidiah once again missed out on seeing the sights of the city as the siege was progressing through the third wall. There was little need for his own forces, so they continued on to the capital at an easier pace.

The trip back was even more relaxed than when they first departed only a few tenday before but his group had grown much in that time. They spent the nights reaffirming the bonds they had built and the days training and getting to know the new military personnel they had picked up. Joy spent a majority of her time going over the new supplies they had picked up and firming up her role in the House. Shirley opened up more and began to help Greta with her songwriting, showing a flair for a turn of phrase that surprised and elated Greta. Kelek and Sift continued their sometimes heated discussions. Life became almost normal, if Jebidiah ignored that he now had a House and the start of an army and led three times the number of people back to the capital than he had started out with. Small things.

-- Tonstar Keep, Sixth Tenday of Yantaen 813 AGR --

Jebidiah, his wives, Stern, and Kelek sat around the conference table in the Council Chamber. Joining them was Michael, Princess Stephanie, and Prince Consort Matthew.

"Sorry to be cryptic with the summons, Lord Valor, but with as 'delicate' as the current political climate is there was concern with how open the Crown can involve itself in your House." The Prince started out.

"No need for apology, Your Royal Highness. We are here at your leisure, willing to serve." Jebidiah answered.

"I cannot stay as long as I would wish, things being what they are, but I am sure Stephanie will be taking your ear off soon enough,"

"Father..." the princess grumbled.

With a smile and a chuckle he continued. "You and your House have done the kingdom a great service, more than could reasonably be expected of anyone in your circumstances, training, or experience. We understand your bonding will take place as previously scheduled on this Summer's Eve?" Nods of agreement and wide smiles answered him. "Our proclamation will go out tomorrow to make sure our will is known before then. We recognize and acknowledge the refounding of House Valor and immediately raise current and future family members to the nobility with suitable titles. Jebidiah, as head of the House, you will be elevated to Duke of Evergrow, replacing the current Duchess Kaern. Crystal, as Jebidiah's Prime, you are also being elevated to Duchess. However, going against tradition, it is Her Majesty's decision that Dana will also be elevated to Duchess as befitting a member of the Royal Family."

"Next, as a member of the peerage you are entitled to land and grants. A portion of the Queen's lands are being set aside for your house, to the north of the capital to run from the banks of the Tonstar to the north west between the lands of Huse Miekel and House Kaern, through Evergrow Woods to the edge of Wuthemma Hills. Along the highway between Forest's Edge and Woodhaven, you are instructed to build Valor Keep and by proxy, Valor City or a name of your choosing. Your first directive from the Crown is to establish a garrison to hold the forces of House Kaern, currently under rebellion, at bay until sufficient forces from the south and west can be brought to bear against them. So we decree."

Somber nods greeted his statement. Starting a keep, community, and garrison while on a war footing was a monumental task. "We are deeply honored with the Crown's largesse and we give our oath to fulfill our duties as her Majesty deems fit." Jebidiah answered for the rest.

"Well, with all that formality out of the way," the Prince continued with his own smile, "may I say 'welcome back home' Dana and, of course, the rest of your new family. To keep you all busy in the abundant free time you are about to have on your hands," this brought chuckles all around, "I know quite a few of the Keep artificer staff that have banded together requesting a new university to be set up in your city to examine a certain amount of old books and other trinkets you picked up on your expedition. If even a third of our forays into the wilds were as profitable as yours, we could never keep a lid on all the Houses as it is. Congratulations are in order all around. I am looking forward to your bonding ceremony."

"You are coming, Uncle?" Dana asked in surprise.

"Well, a few of us decided we might set aside some time..."

-- Bh'orel Academy, Summer's Eve 813 AGR --

The gathering of witnesses far surpassed Jebidiah's wildest imagination. Not so long ago, in what seemed like a past lifetime, the girls had all discussed what they wanted for their bonding ceremony. It was expected to have some of the nobility present considering the Houses involved in their pod, even possibly the Prince Consort to represent the Crown. Maybe a hundred people in total was the most they said they wanted. As Jebidiah looked around the Academy parade grounds, 'thousands' may not give justice to the number present.

Along the small stone wall that surrounded the garden and ancient oak that dominated the area between the parade grounds and Bh'orel Headquarters stood the Queen herself along with Prince Matthew at her side. The Stockmar ladies who were able to attend joined with the Royals. The rest of the immediate royal family fanned out around them, Michael smiled and nodded from his spot beside Princess Stephanie as Jebidiah's gaze met his. More of the Tonstar family spread out around them, most Jebidiah still had yet to meet.

Jebidiah and his full group stood in a circle around the priestess of Darido who led the ceremony. Joining him in the center, in yet another sign of the uniqueness of the event, were priestesses of both Comlain and Bora who had declared their presence was demanded. Jebidiah held Crystal and Dana's hand to either of his sides, Tenner was next to Crystal, and Joy was next to Dana. Greta was almost squished between Joy and Mila. Even though they all were already bonded they were really there for the remaining two. Stern and Kelek gingerly held each other's hand, the contrast between the two nearly as comical as Mila's small hand in Stern's massive paw.

On the opposite side of the parade ground from the Crown and royal family was a line of Bh'orel First, Yantzee at the center of the line, First of the First of House Valor, his hand clasped the pole from which the banner of House Valor glinted bronze in the sunlight. Captain Withers stood at his side to share the spot of honor, her hand also clasped to the banner. The rest of the line were all of the Valor First, impressive in their adornment and shields. Behind them, though, was a sight to behold. Spread out in precise ranks, standing at parade rest, were the 1st Battalion of the Valorian Army. Someone somewhere had acquired a mountain of bronze helms which the soldiers all wore. The sea of bronze complimented the scene in a way that made Jebidiah's heart swell. Surrounding them all, the rest of the grounds were a sea of House colors, Bh'orel colors, and a smattering of others as everyone jostled for a position to view the ceremony.

Her Holiness Marybeth Tonstar began the ceremony with the customary benediction of Darido upon the new family and those present, everything moved forward as expected until the Priestess of Bora stepped forward during a pause in the ceremony.

"Know all present that on this Summer's Eve, most holy of days of Lady Bora, Mistress of Summer, Mother of All, wishes peace and prosperity upon this union, as she holds dear in her heart several members including her Champion. To ensure that peace finds this family, another of Her Chosen will be raised from within, the Warrior of Love and Peace." Her words, delivered in a husky but clear voice that stirred the loins, were met with hushed silence and various looks. Bora had no champions, chosen, or warriors.

The silence was broken when the priestess of Comlain spoke next, her feminine voice booming out loud and clear, "Before Comlain may impart His Blessing upon His Champion, the circle must be completed. Child, come forward, take the place you desire, do our Father's bidding."

This pronouncement produced murmurs of voices in the crowd as nobody yet again had any clue what was going on. Even the Queen looked around with concern and made to speak when a concentrated gasp and cry arose from one section of onlookers. They parted as if pushed aside by a set of giant hands leaving a void in which Shirley stood, alone. Jebidiah's breath was lost, his mind could focus on nothing except the vision before him, for it was not just 'Shirley' standing there. Before them all stood Shirley the Battle Mage, the 'Mad Lady' herself, her skin flushed, her white sharp-toothed smile gleaming from within her purplish flushed complexion, golden eyes absolutely glowing. She was dressed in the bronze House Valor dress, slightly modified it seemed as the bodice showed an amount of cleavage Jebidiah's other wives had not managed. Her hair whipped around her horns as if alive. Those upswept horns, much like Crystal's tusks, were capped in a delicate bronze sleeve that her seething hair would allow to flash in the sunlight. She was the definition of breathtaking and some of those surrounding her actually knelt in deference. She moved forward so smoothly she appeared to be floating. Stern and Kelek broke their hands apart and Shirley joined the circle, taking each of their now free hands to complete the circle once again.

"Are you sure Shirely?" Jebidiah asked when he remembered to breathe again. He was so caught up in the events and Shirley's majestic presence as much as anyone else that he failed to notice how much he was required to raise his voice over the din around them.

Shirely giggled, her golden gaze falling on Jebidiah, "I am merely one of Comlain's Mistresses of Battle, who am I to ignore what the Divine require of me?" Her laughter peeled out and the rest of his family joined in. Their laughter calmed much of the turmoil around them as awed voices were heard to say phrases like "Mad Lord" and "Mad Lady".

"The circle is complete. Let the ceremony commence. Comlain's Champion is declared. His House is risen. His Eight is complete." The Comlain priestess intoned.

Her Holiness Tonstar, slightly flustered by the additions to the ceremony, resumed her role and started the magic for the binding. It was too much for a single priest to handle the ritual, even with the preparations that had taken place beforehand, so several priestesses had stepped out of the crowd to lend their support. The priestesses of Bora and Comlain joined in as well as a swirl of magic formed in the air around Jebidiah then began to spread out, slowly expanding until it encompassed his entire group in a swirling ring of light.

It reminded him in many ways of the binding he had done to each of his wives individually, but it was missing the complexity of colors and the broad depth of the magic fabric that he was now used to. He let go of Crystal and Dana, turned to face outward, and began picking at the magic threads swirling around him, pulling the thinner ring apart until it was nearly a wall of magic, adjusting some threads while mixing in more types of magic where his instincts told him they were needed. The priestesses had no idea what he was doing, weaving his hands about chanting his own words of power, but the feeling of magic building was pervasive until even the non-magically inclined could tell something was happening. As the ritual came to its close, as Jebidiah finished with his own words of power, he spread his arms out to grab hold of the swirling wall, arresting its movements, holding off the magic.

Jebidiah stared directly at the Priestess of Comlain as the other priestesses only gaped at what was happening, feeling the change in their spell. "This is my family Comlain. I will work with you, but we will not be controlled. My terms. My decisions." He let go of the magic as it collapsed, the impact drove his wives and even Stern to their knees as the bond was established. The magic physically manifested in a surge of air strong enough to ruffle clothing of those several ranks deep within the crowd. Once again, nobody knew what had happened or how to react. The bonding never produced a physical reaction.

The laughter of the Comlain priestess broke up the uncomfortable silence. Her eyes began to glow like the diviners did when pronouncing a Divination. This was unlike the other Divinations though, she began to levitate off the ground, her feet settling close to two feet off the ground. A very male voice boomed from her motionless lips. "Jebidiah Tonstar Valor, First of your Name, you may have your family but you are the Prime of My Eight. The trial of the Twelve awaits. Everyone watches, Jebidiah, do not test me and do not fail me." She dropped back down onto her feet, the light gone, unsteady in her stance but she did not faint like the other diviners had.

"Is that what I look like when it happens?" Crystal asked into the stunned silence. Crystal's question opened the floodgates.

Joy stared around in amazement, "By the Divines, Jeb, this feels like so much more!"

Dana just confronted him, "What the fuck did you do, Jeb? Even I felt the magic change."

Greta and Tenner wore looks of pure rapture and Jebidiah just managed to catch a glimpse of Mila pulling Greta's hand in for a quick kiss.

"This feels strange." Stern exclaimed as Kelek just looked in the air at a spot before her, concentrating on something only she could see.

So many other overlapping questions came at him rapid fire until a hysterical laughter drew everyone's attention. Shirley held her hands before her, moved them about as if examining her arms then looked at Jebidiah while trying to stifle uncontrollable giggles. "I can feel you, I can taste your magic. I can feel him as well. It is everywhere on me, can you feel him?" She threw her back in laughter again then stared straight back at Jebidiah. Her eyes had changed from glittering gold to solid orbs of bronze with flecks of gold mixed in. "We have battles to fight, husband of mine. Champion of Comlain. We will shake the world and our enemies will burn." She twirled again, laughing more before grabbing Stern's hands, forcing the huge man to dance with her. Kelek's hissing laughter joined in and she began hopping about. When Joy joined Kelek, the sight of the dancing lizard and almost Halfling was enough for the rest to break into laughter that filled their circle. A raucous cheer arose behind them as the Valor armswomen raised their swords into the air, a mixture of yells started up, "Champion", "Mad Lord", "Mad Lady", "The Eight'' being some of the more prominent but all soon fell in line with the primary, overriding chant that won the day. Jebidiah stopped his celebration for a minute when Michael joined their group to shake his hand and Stephanie gave Dana a hug. Jebidiah searched out and met the Queen's gaze. She nodded to him then turned and left. The thunderous chant of 'Valor', raised by thousands of voices, filled the air that followed her.

So many emotions, sadness that this book is done, joy at finishing the project, pride at creating something others have enjoyed, excitement at what is to come next. I will be taking a break from publishing before I start rolling out Book 2. Tonstar Rising will continue at its slower pace, but I want to build back up my cushion of three to four chapters before I begin releasing again. It doesn't help that Spring is upon us and I have much to do around the farm.

If anyone wishes to be a beta reader, please reach out to me. I have three so far, me, myself, and I, and I find they are not always trustworthy. I would like to add two more if possible. You'll get to read a chapter a few weeks before publishing, I just ask for feedback in return.

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Anomandaris2Anomandaris2about 1 month ago

Most excellent and fun yarn. I'm looking forward to continuing this journey with you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Great series. Please think of publishing this as a book. I will buy it!

Lathanar1Lathanar1about 1 month agoAuthor

Thank you loyal readers. This was supposed to be a trial thing but has become so much fun it has bitten into my sleeptime but it is worth the reward. The response for beta readers was more than I was expecting. I have selected several, so for now I have enough but I will add any other requests to the list. I am sure spots will open up, first come first serve sort of thing. Thank you all again!

LordkalvenLordkalvenabout 2 months ago

Great series. Can not wait for the next book to start and the lives of these characters to continue. Keep up the great writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Good book. Lot of interesting things to consider for the next book. Looking forward to the next book. Keep up the good work.

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