Jennie's "Nightmare" Ch. 04


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"So then back off," Joanne said. "Give her time."

"I should, but vacation is only for a week," Jennie said.

"Don't worry," Mindy put in. "I'll keep you and Mr. H busy the rest of the week, especially knowing that we aren't going to continue having fun when we return home."

"I said I wasn't sure," Jennie replied. "I still don't think it's the smartest idea, but then again, just look at you."

"You horny slut!" Tara laughed. Jennie just smiled and shrugged, causing the others to laugh as well.

"Don't look now," Joanne teased. "But it seems like dear little Rosa is trying to make time with your husband again." They all glanced over to the pool where Rosa was smiling at Greg while they chatted.

"Maybe you should let her have him," Tara frowned. "She's so horny that she's not thinking straight. Maybe a little sex will relax her."

"You want me to give my husband to a woman who looks like Rosa?" Jennie asked incredulously. "Are you crazy?"

"Afraid he'll leave you for her?" Tara asked. Jennie hesitated, but Mindy jumped in.

"No way!" the dark haired girl answered. "Mr. H loves Mrs. H a lot! He'd never leave her!"

"You know, she's right," Joanne put in. Jennie looked at the golden haired woman and shrugged.

"I know, but Rosa is so damn beautiful!" she replied.

"Of course she is," Mindy laughed. "It's one of the reasons why you want her so badly!" Jennie looked at the young woman in shock for a moment before she laughed as well.

"True," she admitted.

"So then, are you willing to let her sleep with your husband?" Tara asked.

"Definitely not," Jennie replied. "Not when there's nothing in it for me. I'm just not that nice of a person."

"We could have some fun alone?" Mindy offered.

"We will," Jennie smiled sexily. "We already have, but you don't have anything to do with Rosa. Now, in one of these two offered..."

"You conniving bitch!" Tara said, but she was laughing.

"I'm just having fun," Jennie replied. "After all, you two are exclusive."

"We are," Joanne agreed slowly. "But this is vacation. Maybe, if Tara wanted, we could have a little fun."

"Are you serious?" Tara asked, no longer laughing.

"Only if you want me to be," Joanne replied. "We fantasized about the possibility last night in bed. I'm only suggesting we make it a reality."

"You guys fantasized about getting Mrs. H in bed last night?" Mindy asked in surprise. The two blonds ignored her as they continued to stare into each other's eyes.

"We only ever been with each other," Tara said tentatively. "It's always been enough."

Jennie was surprised that it was Tara who was doing the actual hesitating. She always came across as such a flirt. Of course, they were all just joking anyway.

"And it still is," Joanne said confidently. "I just thought it might be fun. I mean, the same thing we said to Jennie about Greg not leaving her is true for us. We love each other just as much."

"More," Tara smiled.

"I doubt that," Jennie put in, but she was smiling.

"So, what do you want to do?" Joanne asked.

"Have fun," Tara said, smiling slowly.

"Oh great!" Mindy interjected. "Mr. H gets Rosa and the three of you have fun together. Me, I get stuck watching the kids!"

"Well, it was what you were brought along for," Jennie grinned, still enjoying the joke.

"I know, I know," the dark haired girl sighed. "But if I'd known this was going to be orgy central and that I was going to be left out..."

"Not necessarily," Tara said, looking pointedly at Joanne.

"I am curious about her nipples," the golden haired blond admitted. "And another gymnast in bed could be lots of fun."

"I agree," Tara smiled, and then turned to Mindy and added, "You can play too."

"Alright!" the young woman cried. "Now how do we set this up?"

"I'd say we just let it happen tonight after dinner," Joanne put in.

"Does that sound good to you Jennie?" Tara asked. All three of the other women were looking at Jennie. She suddenly realized that they weren't' joking.

"Whoa!" Jennie cried. "I was just kidding around! You three are serious, aren't you?"

"Definitely," Mindy replied. Her nipples were still poking through her suit. Tara and Joanne exchanged a look.

"I believe we are," Joanne finally said.

"We can't..." Jennie began, but the golden haired woman cut her off.

"Just think about it before saying no," Joanne said. "I doubt you'll get Rosa to join you anyway."

"It could be a lot of fun," Tara added.

Jennie opened her mouth to continue the conversation, but they were interrupted by the return of Greg and the kids.

"The water is beautiful!" he said as he leaned over and kissed his wife. Jennie smiled afterward and then helped dry the kids.

"So?" Tara asked a few moments later.

"I'll think about it," Jennie smiled.

"Think about what?" Greg asked. His wife just shook her head. He frowned, but didn't push.

"It's just about lunch time," Mindy said to Jennie. "Why don't you and Mr. H go take a nap? I'll watch the kids."

"Are you sure?" Jennie asked. Mindy smiled and nodded.

"We'll help her," Tara put in.

"No we won't," Joanne disagreed. "I think we could use a nap of our own."

"That sounds nice," Tara smiled excitedly, knowing that there wouldn't be much sleep for either couple when they went back to their rooms.

"Can you let Rosa know we'll be sleeping for a bit?" Joanne asked Mindy.

"No problem," the girl replied. "Now the four of you get going!"

"Yes mam!" Greg laughed, pulling Jennie along by the hand.

An hour later they were lying in each other's arms. Neither had slept, but they were okay with that. Their bodies were coated in a thin layer of sweat from their play.

"Greg," Jennie said tentatively. "I have a question for you."

"Yes?" he asked.

"Would you let me spend the night with Joanne and Tara," she asked, and then added nervously. "I'd prefer you with me, but they're really not into men."

"That must have been some conversation by the pool," Greg joked, trying to decide how to answer.

"It was," Jennie admitted. "They invited Mindy and I to join them."

"Mindy too?" Greg asked rhetorically.

"We don't have to go," Jennie said. "Not if you don't want me to."

"But you want to," he sighed.

"Not if it's going to hurt you or our marriage in anyway," Jennie said quickly. Greg met her gaze and saw that she was serious.

"It won't," he finally said. "Go ahead. Have fun."

"Are you sure?" Jennie asked.

"Yes," he replied. "I just wish you could film it. I'd love to see what happens. I'll probably be up half the night thinking about it."

"Oh, I'm betting you'll be up half the night," Jennie smiled. "But you'll be too busy to think about what we're doing."

"Why?" Greg frowned.

"Well, Rosa will have to sleep somewhere."

"Are you serious?" he asked in surprise. "I thought you wanted to share her?"

"I do, but it doesn't look like she's going to accept my offer," Jennie replied. "And yes, I'm serious. How could I deny you a little fun with such a gorgeous redhead when you're letting me have fun with Mindy and two extremely hot blonds?"

"One doesn't have to follow the other," Greg sighed. "I don't want to do anything to hurt you either, you know."

"I know. It won't hurt me," Jennie replied, and then grinned, adding, "Of course, I wouldn't mind if you filmed it."

"I don't think Rosa will go for it," Greg laughed.

"Probably not," she agreed, and then rested her head on her husband shoulder as she hugged him tight.

"I guess we should be getting back," he said a few moments later.

"Yes, we should," Jennie said, but instead of moving off Greg, she climbed on top of him and rubbed her body against his.

"Again?" her husband asked.

"Again," Jennie insisted, brushing the breasts against his face. She felt his cock react between them. It wasn't long before Jennie was riding her husband.

"That feels so good!" Greg sighed.

"Just wait until tonight," Jennie smiled. "It will be Rosa's breasts in your face and her red haired...well, you know...rubbing against..."

"The word is pussy," Greg interjected, reminding her that he liked when she talked dirty. Jennie knew. She hesitated saying the word because it seemed to excite Greg when he suggested a particularly nasty word for her to say.

"Yes, pussy!" Jennie said throatily. "Her red haired pussy! Can't you just picture it grinding against you? Making you cock hard and long, just like it is now!"

"And you'll be in a naked pile with three of the loveliest women around!" Greg groaned. "I can just picture you with your face buried in between Joanne's legs while Tara and Mindy take turns at your breasts and pussy!"

"Now that's sounds like a very interesting possibility!" Jennie laughed, her eyes aflame as she imagined it.

"You said it!" Greg groaned and rolled over with Jennie in his arms. He was now on top and Greg didn't waste any time. He slammed into her pussy hard and kissed her passionately.

They both had their orgasms together a few moments later and lay in each other's arms until they caught their breath. They were very close to nodding off, but they knew they didn't have the time.

"I'll take a shower first," Jennie volunteered as she got up and bent over to give Greg a quick kiss. He held her close and turned the kiss into something more meaningful.

"We still have a little more time," Greg began, but Jennie quickly pulled away.

"Oh no you don't!" she laughed. "We're already late!" Greg frowned as she disappeared into the bathroom, but then smiled when he realized what was going to happen in a few hours.

He was actually going to get to sleep with Rosa! Jennie had given him permission to bed the red head beauty. It was almost too much to wish for and it was actually going to happen.

"Maybe," Greg said aloud, to calm himself. "Just be patient and see what happens."

Jennie exited the shower and Greg took his turn. It wasn't long before they were on their way back to the pool.

"Are we really going to do this tonight?" Greg asked.

"I'll let you know," Jennie teased, but she knew that it was going to happen. So did Greg.

Rosa looked up when they arrived and smiled sexily at Greg. He smiled back. Jennie didn't mind. She was too busy exchanging her own sexy smile with the other ladies.


"The kids are finally asleep," Jennie sighed as she and Mindy joined the others.

"It took a while," Greg frowned.

"They were over tired," Mindy explained.

"Here," Tara said, handing over two glasses of wine. "We're already a bottle ahead of you."

"In that case, it's decision time," Jennie said, sipping from her glass and then putting it down. Mindy saw her expression and downed half of her own glass.

"What's going on?" Rosa asked with a frown.

"It's time for you to make a decision," Jennie said to the red head. "Are you going to take me up on my offer from yesterday or not?"

"What?" Rosa asked, hearing Jennie's words, but shocked that she was actually bring their conversion up in front of everyone.

"Are you going to accept my invitation to join Greg and me for a night of passion or not?" Jennie clarified.

"I'd do it," Mindy put in before Rosa could respond. "You won't be disappointed."

"And God knows you need to get laid!" Tara put in.

"I can't!" Rosa cried.

"Are you sure?" Joanne asked calmly, looking at her friend in the eyes.

"Yes!" Rosa replied. Joanne looked at her carefully and nodded.

"She really isn't ready," the golden haired blond said to the others.

"Okay," Jennie sighed, but then she smiled and asked, "Are you two still interested in what we discussed this afternoon?"

She was looking at Joanne and Tara. The two blonds exchanged a look and both nodded at the same time. They looked nervous and excited. Jennie didn't blame them. She was feeling the same way.

"Well Rosa," Jennie said, looking at Greg for confirmation. He nodded. "In that case, have fun with my husband. Just remember, he's mine and you can't keep him."

"What?" Rosa asked, totally stunned this time.

"I'm letting you have what you want," Jennie smiled. "A night with Greg."

"But you said that I'd never get to sleep with him unless I was willing to..." Rosa said, but wasn't able to finish.

"I know what I said," Jennie said. "But that was before your friends stepped in to help out."

"You mean you're going back to our place with them?" Rosa asked.

"Both Mindy and I are going," Jennie replied.

"But..." Rosa began. Tara interrupted.

"Oh, let's go already!" the pale blond snapped. "It will sink in eventually and I'm not willing to wait any longer."

"Should I be nervous?" Jennie grinned.

Tara just smiled wickedly causing some of the others to laugh. Jennie wasn't one of them. She was too busy thinking about what Tara's eyes promised. She could already feel her body responding. Jennie shook the thought from her head and turned to Greg.

"I'll see you in the morning," Jennie said and gave him a kiss goodbye.

"In the morning," he agreed, hugging her close for a moment before releasing her. They exchanged one more love filled look before Jennie and the others quickly slipped out of the room.

"They really are going to..." Rosa began.

"Yes, they are," Greg smiled. "You can go join them if you'd like?"

"No," Rosa answered quickly. "I'd rather stay here."

"And do what?" Greg teased.

"What comes natural," Rosa responded with a sexy smile.

"Are you sure?" he asked, giving her one more chance to walk away despite his desire.

Rosa looked at Jennie's husband and shook her head slowly. This was real. It wasn't a dream. She could sleep with Greg if she wanted to. She even had his wife's permission. The question was, did she really want to? Rosa finished the wine in her glass in one swallow.

"Lets go to the bedroom," she said in reply. Her voice was surprisingly calm.

A few moments later Greg sat on his bed with Rosa standing in front of him. He reached up and pulled the straps of her dress off. It fell to the floor exposing her bra and panties. Rosa stood straight, but was obviously nervous. Greg met her gaze and smiled. She relaxed a little and slowly smiled in return. He pulled off the bra and panties, leaving her naked.

"You really are very beautiful," Greg said as he took his time looking at her entire body.

One of the things that struck him the most was that she was nothing like Jennie. It wasn't just the lighter skin and red hair either. Her breasts were not nearly as big and her hips, though still nicely curved, were narrower. Yet, despite the differences Greg still found her body exciting and desirous.

It didn't hurt that Rosa was one of the few truly beautiful people. Faces like hers graced the covers of some of the best magazines in the world. Rosa's smile grew as she watched him study her.

Her thick red hair was a big turn on to Greg. Truthfully, he's always had a thing for redheads, but after he met Jennie he stopped thinking about it for the most part. Of course, it all came back when Rosa came over for dinner with Tara and Joanne the first day they met. She was so beautiful and hot!

"And here I am with her," Greg mumbled under his breath as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Pardon?" Rosa asked, not quite hearing his words.

"Nothing," Greg smiled as he reached for her. Rosa came into his arms willingly.

In moments she was lying on her back with Greg leaning over her and kissing her passionately. This lasted for quite a while before he started making his way down her body. The redhead gasped when his teeth grazed her nipples. Greg smiled and nibbled on them.

She wasn't his Jennie, but she was a beautiful woman with a strong need. He could feel it almost like an electrical charge when they touched. Greg knew what to do to help her gain her release.

"Oh God!" Rosa cried in excitement. "I need to feel you inside me!"

"Later," Greg said confidently.

"Please! I need you now!" she insisted.

"Soon," he said as he continued to kiss his way down her body.

Greg made his way between her legs. The hair there was just as red as on her head. It was also surprisingly thick, though trimmed for a bathing suit. He drove his tongue through it and quickly licked up and down the length of Rosa's pink slit. She took hold on his head and pushed his face against her hard. Greg pushed his tongue inside of her.

"Yes!" the redhead cried. "Lick me! Make me cum!"

Greg smiled to himself and then focused on doing exactly that. It didn't take long. He loved the taste of Rosa! Her red hair was soaked by the time her orgasm took her.

"Thank you!" Rosa cried out. "Oh thank you! It's been so long!"

"No, thank you," Greg smiled. His face was wet with her juices. He took a moment to clean it before kissing her.

Rosa stiffened slightly when his tongue slipped into her mouth because she could still taste herself on his lips, but it wasn't that bad so she quickly forgot about it and enjoyed the kiss.

"Do you still want to feel me inside of you?" Greg asked a few moments later. He already knew the answer, but wanted to see Rosa's reaction.

She didn't disappoint him. The desire in her expression returned and she rubbed his cock through his pants in answer. He smiled and laughed, "I guess so."

Greg stood just long enough to take off his clothes. Rosa watched with a smile. His cock was hard and slapped against his stomach when he pulled off his underwear. Rosa literally moaned when she saw.

"Oh my!" she said and bit her bottom lip. "Very nice!" Greg smiled and climbed back into bed.

"First, you have to take care of me the way I took care of you," he said, laying down on his back. Rosa eyes burned with desire as she got between his legs without comment or complaint.

She met his gaze intently as she slowly took his cock into her mouth. Greg grunted and reached out with both hands. He grabbed her full head of thick red hair and showed her the motion he wanted. Rosa quickly fell into it. Greg groaned when she got it right and continued to watch. The sight of her red hair bobbing up and down while she sucked him really got to Greg!

Rosa started fondling his balls while she licked his cock. Greg let her control her actions for a while although he didn't release her head. She licked up and down the length of his cock and even took a few moments to lick and suck his balls. He groaned when she did this, causing her to smile.

"You have a wicked tongue!" he gasped. Rosa's smile grew momentarily brighter before she went back to sucking on the head of his cock. Her eyes were so lust filled that they made Greg's balls tingle when he looked into them!

He took hold of her head again and started fucking her mouth. Rosa didn't fight it and actually took more than half his cock into her mouth with each stroke. He couldn't see her eyes anymore, but it didn't matter by this point. They were burned into his mind.

Greg shoved his cock as deeply as it would go and came. Every muscle in his body tightened as his orgasm hit. Rosa moaned as his cum splashed in her mouth and down her throat.

"Wow!" Greg said when he was done. "You're very good at that!"

"Thanks," Rosa said with a smile as she blushed and wiped the corners of her mouth. "You did such a good job before, I figured I owed you."

"Come here," Greg smiled reaching for Rosa. Again, she came into his arms willingly.

Greg kissed her briefly and looked her body up and down again. Her pale skin and freckles were nothing like his Jennie's skin tone. Her ass was more heart shaped as well.

"I like the way you look at me," Rosa sighed.

"Like a dog looks at its bone?" Greg asked with a grin, causing her to laugh.

"Like a man who wants to devour all of me," she responded, her desire plain to see in her expression.

"Same difference," he joked.

"Not really," Rosa said, but she was still smiling. The sexual tension had barely ebbed with their orgasms, and suddenly it peaked again.