Jennifer Comes Out Pt. 02

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Jennifer steps out for a night out dressed to impress.
3.3k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/23/2024
Created 05/07/2024
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The apartment door shuts with a satisfying click behind Jen, like slammin' the lid on a secret. Nice. No nosey neighbors, no awkward run-ins in the hallway. Just her, the cool Chicago air, and a night that's about to get real interesting.

She leans against the brick, a smoke already between her cherry red lips. Flick of the gold lighter, and that cigarette's glowing like a tiny runway beacon. First drag sends a sweet puff skyward, mixed with a healthy dose of nervousness-.A single cigarette is all she is bringing tonight. "I don't want to smell like cigarettes tonight"

The night air hittin' her bare legs is a familiar feeling, takin' her back to sneaky childhood nights. Sneakin' out on the porch, decked out in her mom's clothes, waitin' for a car to pass by just so she could feel watched, real. Seein' those women in magazines and on TV, wishin' she could feel like that. Those nights planted a seed deep down, a dream of bein' Jennifer, the woman she always knew she was inside.

Tonight, that dream cracks the pavement. Tonight, Jen steps out as who she really is, not some dude named David. A sly grin stretches across her face as she waits for the Uber. Boystown better buckle up, 'cause tonight's the night.

The Uber pulls up with a smooth hiss of brakes, and Jennifer takes a final drag of her cigarette, flicking the butt into a nearby ashtray with practiced nonchalance. That last puff of "Poison" by Liz Taylor hangs in the air, a sweet, intoxicating cloud that perfectly complements her look.

The driver, a young guy with a friendly smile and eyes that linger a little too long on her short skirt, steps out of the sleek black SUV. He makes a show of walking around to the passenger side, clearly eager to get a closer look at the vision in red, black, and gold waiting for him. As he opens the door, Jennifer can't help but notice his appreciative gaze sweep over her entire outfit, a silent compliment that sends a thrill through her.

"Jennifer?" he asks, his voice warm and friendly.

"That's me," she replies, her voice a breathy purr. "Thanks for coming so quick, the night is young and all that, right?" She flashes him a smile that could melt glaciers, batting her eyelashes for good measure.

He chuckles, a low rumble that sends a shiver down her spine (a good shiver, mind you). "No problem at all, beautiful. Hop in, let's get you to where you need to be."

As Jennifer climbs into the back seat, she can't help but notice the way his gaze trails down her legs, lingering on the flash of red peeking out from under the skirt. Score one for Jennifer. This validation, this subtle confirmation that she passes as a woman, is a heady rush.

He slides behind the wheel, starting the engine. "So, Jennifer, where are we headed tonight?

"Boystown, please" she replies, leaning back against the plush leather seat. "First time out in a while, so I'm feeling a little...feisty." She winks, the playful glint in her hazel eyes accentuated by the dramatic lashes.

The driver throws his head back and laughs. "Feisty, huh? Well, Boystown's definitely the place for you then. Anything you're looking for in particular?"

Jennifer takes a moment to consider her reply. She can't give too much away, but she wants to plant a seed, a subtle hint about her desires. "Maybe," she says, her voice as whispery as she can. "Just hoping to meet someone who appreciates a good conversation and a woman who knows how to have a good time." She throws him another smile, one that promises a night to remember.

The driver grins, clearly smitten. "Well, consider yourself lucky, beautiful. I know all the best spots in Boystown. Tonight could be pretty interesting."

Jennifer leans back in the plush leather seat, the city lights blurring past the window. She checks her phone for the hundredth time, a nervous habit.

DRIVER (20s, charming smile) glances at her in the rearview mirror, his voice smooth as butter. "So, Jennifer, where'd a pretty lady like you come up with a name like that?"

JENNIFER (flirtatious) "Funny you should ask. Always felt like a Jennifer, you know? Strong, independent, maybe a little bit of trouble." She winks, her eyes sparkling.

DRIVER (chuckles) "Trouble, huh? Well, there's definitely something interesting going on behind those eyes. What kind of trouble are we talkin' about?"

JENNIFER (plays with the gold chain around her neck) "The kind that keeps you on your toes. The kind that makes a night unforgettable."

The driver lets out a low whistle, his gaze lingering a beat too long on her legs. "Sounds like my kinda night. So, first time out in Boystown?"

JENNIFER (sips from her phone case - disguised flask) "Something like that. Heard it's a lively crowd. Looking to meet some new people, have some fun."

DRIVER (grins) "Well, consider yourself lucky. Boystown's practically bursting at the seams with interesting folks. And if you're lookin' for fun, I might know a place or two..." He trails off, his voice suggestive.

JENNIFER (raises an eyebrow) "Oh yeah? Tell me more." A playful challenge in her voice.

The driver leans forward a little, keeping his eyes on the road but his tone dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "There's this spot called The Drinker. Legendary place in Boystown. Live music, drag shows, people from all walks of life. Guaranteed to be a good time."

JENNIFER (leans in, intrigued) "The Drinker, huh? Sounds like my kinda scene. Always up for a good drag show."

DRIVER (smirks) "Excellent choice. It's packed on weekends, but I might be able to snag us a decent table. Wouldn't want a beautiful woman like yourself standing all night, now would we?"

Jennifer can't help but laugh, a little flustered by his forwardness but secretly enjoying the attention. This is all part of the game, and she's playing it perfectly.

JENNIFER (teasingly) "Alright, alright, smooth talker. You've convinced me. The Drinker it is."

The driver throws his head back and laughs, clearly pleased with himself. "Excellent choice. Tonight's gonna be a night to remember, Jennifer. I just know it."

The car continues its journey deeper into the heart of Boystown, the energy of the neighborhood starting to buzz around them. Jennifer leans back, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. This is just the beginning.

Alright, here's the scene with a more casual, Chicago twist, keeping it hot and fresh:

The Uber screeches to a halt in front of The Drinker, a neon jungle pulsing in the heart of Boystown. Chris, the driver, kept the whole ride flirty as a ferret on Red Bull.

His compliments were like whispers of sweet nothin' laced with extra somethin'-somethin', makin' Jennifer feel like the hottest dish on the menu.

Slamming the car into park, Chris scribbles somethin' on a napkin, his eyes lingerin' a tick too long on the crimson miniskirt huggin' Jennifer's curves. "Here's my digits, beautiful," he murmurs, voice husky like a bad boy with a bad cough. "You seem like the kinda dame who knows how to paint the town red. Maybe sometime we can..."

The rest hangs in the air, a juicy invitation.

With practiced cool, Jennifer goes to open the door, but Chris stops her with a playful, "Hold yer horses there, let a gentleman assist." He hops out, his grin wider than a Kardashian's selfie stick as he circles to the passenger side. Openin' the door, he leans in, his voice a low rumble ticklin' her ear. "You're gonna turn heads tonight, Jennifer. Don't forget," he says, slippin' the napkin with his number into her hand, "what I said about a good time."

Jennifer steps out, the move smooth as silk after hours of practice. Legs together for a classy exit, she emerges with an air of quiet confidence. The crimson miniskirt practically screams "look at me!" and the hemline shows off just enough toned leg to make a grown man blush. It's a calculated look, designed to turn heads with an air of sophisticated sass.

Glancin' back, she catches Chris's eye, a slow smile spreadin' across his face like butter on a hot day. "You're gonna turn heads tonight, Jennifer," he says, his voice a rumble that sends a shiver of excitement (there, replaced anticipation with excitement) down her spine. It's the perfect farewell -- a mix of appreciation and a hint of somethin' more tempting.

Jennifer takes a deep breath, the air cracklin' with energy. Her lashes, long and fierce extensions that enhance her natural beauty instead of takin' over, flutter with each blink. The high heels click a sassy rhythm on the sidewalk, each step more confident than the last. Every inch of her screams "Jennifer," the woman she's always known herself to be. As she struts towards the bar, a trail of eyes follow her, a secret thrill ticklin' under her cool exterior.

Pushin' open The Drinker's heavy oak door, a wall of sound washes over her.

Pulsatin' music mixes with the roar of conversation and laughter that sounds straight outta a frat party. The air's thick with spilled drinks, fancy perfume, and somethin' faintly floral -- maybe incense? The bar itself is a kaleidoscope of color and texture. Rainbow flags hang from the ceiling, castin' a playful glow on the wild mix of patrons.

There's sleek couples lookin' like they walked outta a magazine, muscle dudes in tank tops and leather jackets, and a group of drag queens whose outfits would make Liberace faint. Laughter spills from every corner, creatin' an atmosphere of uninhibited joy.

Jennifer decides a bathroom stop is in order, a power move to check her reflection and maybe down a shot of Dutch courage. The restroom's a surprisingly chic oasis, with fancy fixtures and single-stall bathrooms decorated with glitter mosaics. A quick peek in the mirror confirms everything -- Jennifer's lookin' like a million bucks.

Steppin' back out, she sets her sights on the bar, hopin' to snag a stool for some solo recon. But before she can even get close, a voice cuts through the noise.

Alright, here's the scene with a more casual Chicago twist:

"Hey there, dollface," the smooth voice cut through the noise. "You lookin' finer than a deep dish on a Friday night. Mind if I buy you a drink?"

Jennifer glanced over, takin' him in. Not bad on the eyes, with a sharp suit and an air of success -- shavin' his head like a damn cue ball though, and the goatee was questionable. "Thanks, that's sweet," she said, flashin' him a smile that could melt glaciers. Her gaze lingered for a sec before casually scoutin' the bar. This dude wasn't exactly sendin' her heart into overdrive. "Actually, I was supposed to meet someone, but they seem to be Chicago time fashionably late."

"No worries at all," he said, gesturin' to the empty stool next to him. "Why don't you keep a girl company while you wait? Name's Michael."

Jennifer slid onto the stool, intrigued by the hint of sweat beadin' on his forehead despite the air conditionin'. "Jennifer," she replied, holdin' out a hand.

Michael shook it, his grip firmer than necessary. "So, Jennifer, why'd The Drinker drag you out tonight?"

Jennifer took a sip from her water (not ready to give up control just yet) and fiddled with the hem of her crimson miniskirt. "Lookin' for a good time, maybe meetin' some folks who ain't afraid to break the mold." Casual on the surface, but underneath, a thrill buzzed in her veins.

"Well, this is definitely the spot for that," Michael chuckled, maybe a little too nervously. "So, what kind of 'break the mold' are we talkin' about?"

Jennifer leaned in, a playful glint in her eyes. "The kinda dude who takes charge, you know? Someone who can call the shots and keep me on my toes."

Michael's smile flickered for a sec. "Oh, I can definitely take charge," he assured her, a bit too eager in his voice. "Big choices, little details, I got it all covered."

Jennifer raised an eyebrow, a flicker of disappointment flittin' across her face. This wasn't quite the vibe either. "Everything, huh? All the decisions? Ain't there somethin' exciting about a little... surrendah?" She purred the word, watchin' his reaction like a hawk.

Michael's smile looked practiced now. "Sure, sure," he said quickly. "A little mystery can be fun. But ultimately, someone's gotta be in control, right?"

"Maybe," Jennifer said, takin' another slow sip of her water. "But control's a tango, Michael, not a one-man show. I think I see my friend over there. Nice meetin' you, but gotta go." She stood up, her smile polite but lackin' the spark she craved.

"Oh, uh, yeah," Michael stammered, a touch confused. "Catch you around sometime, Jennifer?"

"Maybe you will," Jennifer said with a wink, already scancin' the bar for someone who oozed a different kinda energy. The convo with Michael was fine, but his need to be the captain of the ship was a major turn-off. Tonight, she was lookin' for a Dominant, someone who could take control with a firm hand and an aura that demanded respect. She was a beautiful puzzle piece, yearnin' to be perfectly slotted into a place of exquisite submission.

The bar throbbed like a bass bin on max volume. Strobe lights flashed faster than a scammer's smile, music hammered your chest like a jealous ex, and the air clung thick with spilled tequila and desperation. This dive had it all: a gaggle of socialites lookin' like they walked off a reality show, all diamonds and disdain, gossipin' louder than a drag queen on Red Bull. Across the room, a coven of drag queens reigned supreme, their costumes defying physics and good taste in equal measure. Feathers, glitter, enough sass to drown a sailor, and platform heels that could double as skyscrapers. Tucked in a corner booth, two dudes built like brick shithouses were makin' out like teenagers on prom night. Leather jackets, stubble, the whole nine yards.

Jennifer stalked through this glorious mess like a lioness in a red miniskirt. Every click of her heels was a silent challenge, her crimson dress practically hummin' under the strobes. Forget huntin', not tonight. She was the bait, a succulent morsel waitin' to be snatched up by the perfect predator. Not some Neanderthal caveman type, but someone who craved a delicate surrender, someone who appreciated the power simmerin' beneath the crimson facade.

Suddenly, a figure caught her eye. He perched on a barstool, a solitary island in this sea of flailing bodies. Tall and broad-shouldered, he filled out his worn leather jacket like it was made for him. A mess of dark curls shadowed his face, and a drink strategically placed in his hand obscured most of it. But even from here, she could see a hint of amusement sparklin' in his eyes as he surveyed the scene. He radiated exactly what she was lookin' for - strong, confident, maybe even a little mysterious.

Jennifer slid up next to him, her smile sharper than a stiletto. "Mind if I join you, handsome?" she purred, her voice all honey and heat.

The man lowered his drink, revealin' kind brown eyes framed by thick glasses. A genuine smile spread across his face, crinkling the corners of his eyes. "Absolutely," he drawled in a voice that sent shivers down her spine, smooth as molasses and laced with amusement. "This zoo can get a little crowded, can't it?"

"A little," Jennifer admitted, battin' her eyelashes playfully. "But hey, sometimes a girl gotta cast her net and wait for the right predator to snag her, right?"

The man chuckled, a hint of somethin' deeper flicker in his eyes. "So, are you waitin' for somethin' specific tonight?"

Jennifer leaned in a touch, relishing the spark that crackled between them. "Perhaps," she murmured, her voice a low purr. "Someone who appreciates a beautiful creature like myself, a strong man who enjoys a...willing submission."

The man's smile softened, his gaze lingerin' for a moment on her very red outfit. "Willing submission," he repeated, his voice thoughtful. "That's a powerful image. But," he continued, his gaze droppin' to her again, a hint of hesitation flippin' across his features, "this might not be the best huntin' ground for that kinda prey."

A flicker of disappointment crossed Jennifer's face, but she held her head high. "Not the best huntin' ground?"

The man took a sip of his drink, then set it down with a sigh. "Let's just say," he began, his voice droppin' to a conspiratorial whisper, "I tend to favor a different dynamic. Big guys, you know? The kind with a...well, a bit of a softer side. Strong, but who appreciate a man who can take the reins sometimes."

Jennifer blinked, surprised. A softer side? This wasn't quite what she had envisioned. Yet, a flicker of curiosity ignited within her. "Big guys with a softer side?" she repeated slowly.

"Absolutely," he confirmed, his eyes crinkling at the corners with amusement. "Big guys who wouldn't mind a little...gentle guidance. The kind who appreciate a strong woman who can handle herself, but also knows when to offer a soft touch."

Intrigue battled with disappointment in Jennifer's chest. This wasn't the harsh, dominant control she initially craved, but the idea of a strong man yearnin' for a gentle hand held a strange appeal. "Gentle guidance, huh?" she purred, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "Sounds intriguing. But where does one find these...tall, teddy bear types?"

The man chuckled, his gaze lingerin' on her one last time. "Well, beautiful," he said, a touch of regret

Alright, here's the scene with a more casual Chicago twist:

The wind smacked Jennifer like a drunk at a Cubs game. One minute she was basking in the heat of the first bar, the next she was fightin' a mini-hurricane in a fire engine red leather skirt that threatened to turn into a flashier-than-Christmas-lights neon sign with every gust. Her "killer heels," as she'd christened them earlier, now felt more like medieval torture devices designed by a particularly sadistic gnome with a foot fetish.

"Seriously, feet?" she muttered, wincin' as a rogue crack in the sidewalk sent a fresh jolt of pain shootin' up her leg. "Maybe jeans weren't such a bad idea after all." But then the image of the guy from the first bar popped into her head - the way he'd eyed her backside in those damn jeans. Ugh, forget jeans.

The sidewalk was basically a warzone of uneven pavement and rogue pebbles, each one a tiny enemy soldier determined to take down her already-battered feet. Across the street, the new bar beckoned like a mirage in the Sahara. Warm light spilled out onto the sidewalk, promisin' a world free of bitin' wind and creepy catcallers.

Speakin' of creepy... a beat-up pickup truck lurched to a stop beside her, the bass thumpin' like a bad dubstep remix of her internal monologue. A pair of aviator shades hid the driver's eyes, but Jennifer could practically feel him leerin' at her.

"Hey there, Red! Need a lift?"

Jennifer ignored him, pickin' up her pace. Click-clack, click-clack, her heels went against the deserted street, a defiant rhythm against the silence. "Why do I put myself through this?" she grumbled, breath puffing out in white clouds like a Chicago winter. "Seriously, sweatpants, takeout, and a rom-com marathon with Sarah sounds amazing right about now."

But the loneliness was a stubborn weed in her garden of desires. It gnawed at her, whisperin' promises of somethin'... more. Maybe this new place would be different. Maybe tonight, just maybe, this bar held exactly what she was lookin' for, even if it was just a night of forgettin' the pickup-truck jerks and the warzone sidewalks. With a renewed dose of "screw it" determination, Jennifer pushed open the heavy oak door, steppin' into a world of warm light and smooth jazz. The pain in her feet was still there, but for now, it was a dull throb compared to the spark of hope flickerin' in her chest.

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