Jessica's Change Management Ch. 11


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"C'mon bitch, join our game." He told me.

To tell the truth, I didn't feel like playing a drinking game. I didn't feel like joining this pompous jerk, either. Due to his black, over-gelled hair, I had started simply calling him Gel-Boy in my mind. After all, there were about 20 frat boys around the house and they all looked similar. I couldn't keep up with all those names.

"You're not just a hired help, Hooters, you're a guest." Gel-Boy seemed to grasp what I was thinking. "A guest at a 'booze 'n bitches party' has to take part in a game."

In my tipsy state, this remark somehow sounded flattering. I was more than a servant girl for him. He considered me a full party guest. Well, I could use a break from all the running around and carrying beers.

"But I'm not good at card games." I giggled apologetically. "I don't even know this game."

"It's called 'Bus Driver'." Gel-Boy told me. "It's probably too complex for you, Hooters. So I'm gonna tell you what to do when it's your turn."

I didn't even notice his slur, trying to focus on the game instead. I hadn't heard of it before, but I noticed that each player had three cards lying in front of him, face down.

"What about this. We make it a bit easier for you, silly boob." Gel-Boy suggested. "You only play for each bro who needs a fresh beer."

"The rules are simple." He explained. "First round, you gotta choose red or black. You're wrong we tell you how to hand over the beer. Gettit, Hooters?"

That sounded weird. Not the game. That sounded easy. But the result. How did they want me to hand over a bottle?

"Um... red then. It's a girly color. Hihihi!" I replied after not finding a meaning in it.

"Aaand...!" Gel-Boy shouted when he turned the card. "Dadumm! It's black."

Damnit! First try, first loss. This wasn't starting well.

"So..., bitch! Suck on that neck 'n hand it over with your slut hatch. It's not good for talking anyways." Gel-boy told me the consequence of my loss.

Oh, so that's what he meant. I would have never guessed that!

Shooting Matt a look, I saw him shrugging. Apparently, he liked Gel-Boy's idea. Looking around at all the other fratsters, I detected that they all expected me to do it. I didn't really have a choice, did I?

"Wow! That's sooo stupid! Hihihi!" I giggled, my voice starting to sound as tipsy as I felt.

Carefully, I placed the full tray on the wooden table and bent over it. At least, these preppy jerks allowed this concession. Lowering my face, my lips got close to a beer bottle.

Oops! I was staggering on my high-heeled wedge sneakers, almost knocking over two other bottles. I had to concentrate to manage to touch the neck of the closest bottle with my luscious lips. Slowly, I engulfed the round neck with my mouth and let my soft lips slide down a few inches. Vigorously pressing my lips around the top of the bottleneck, I started lifting the bottle inch by inch.

Uh-oh! I almost knocked over another beer when I tilted the bottle. Heee! I really had to be careful! After lifting it a couple more inches, I felt the bottle sliding. I was losing control! It was about to slip away and fall down! Hurriedly, I sat the bottle back onto the tray to regain my grip.

"Hihihi! It's not that easy, you know, boys." I excused my clumsiness.

Looking around the table with an apologetic smile, I noticed that half the frat boys watched my bitchface at work while the other half ogled my buns. In my bent-over position, the tiny booty shorts had slipped deep into my ass crack. The orange polyester tightly stretched over the upper half of my round ass curve while the lower half hung out. I guess they didn't mind my klutziness as long as they were treated to such a sexy sight.

Shaking my head, I tried to cast off the tipsiness. After collecting myself, I pressed my lips around the top of the bottleneck. Feeling my cheeks straining, I lifted it up again. This time, I had a better grip on the bottle but my cheeks started hurting from the tension. I couldn't keep this tight grip for much longer. As fast as I could, I moved my mouth over to Gel-Boy's waiting hand. Any second, I feared getting a cramp and letting the bottle slip out.

Yay! I had succeeded!

Hey! This had been hard work!

Still, I breathed a sigh of relief as soon as Gel-Boy had taken the bottle from my mouth and turned around.

"Not so fast, Hooters!" He stopped me. "Time to bump glasses!"

Huh? A toast? Why did he want to drink a toast with me?

Even though I didn't get his intent, I followed his instruction and took a bottle from the tray. It didn't really matter anyhow. Actually, I was quite grateful to get a drink after all that stress. Besides, you only raise a toast with other guests not with a waitress, right? Saying cheers with a bright smile, I clanked glasses with the pompous Gel-Boy.

"Now, toast to the old boys." He ordered next, pointing to a photo of an alum.

'What a stupid idea,' I thought when I lifted my arm to raise my bottle. It didn't turn out so stupid, however. Instead, I was the one being dumb, because I totally forgot about the choker's special gimmick. Lifting my arm, I also raised the attached chain, which in turn pushed up my tank top.

Before I knew what was happening, I felt the white top sliding over my right nipple exposing my teardrop-shaped funbag to the band of fratsters. Gasp! I hadn't expected that! I was baring my boobie!

The college kids were going nuts when they saw my naked tit and puffy nipple in all its glory. These boys were so silly! Yet, I shuddered from embarrassment. I might have been tipsy, but nonetheless, a sense of shame overwhelmed me that manifested itself as goosebumps covering my whole body.

Even though I had experienced a lot of sexual exposure over the course of the last few weeks, it had always been my interns or a few hardened gangbangers who had seen me naked. Getting exposed to a bunch of young boys who represented the up-and-coming elite felt completely different!

To add insult to injury, Matt high-fived Gel-Boy to congratulate him on outsmarting the stupid serving hoe. Reaching over to me, the arrogant host pulled the white tank top back down over my heavy boobie while shaking his head as if he wanted to say: 'Boy oh boy, gotta take care of everything, can't have this airhead booby ditz do anything on her own.' Unfortunately, I almost had to agree with him. Thus, I took a couple of sips from one of the beer bottles to drown the shame.

The next two frat boys I had to serve were young freshmen with spikey hair styles called Austin and Brandon. One was blond and the other brown-haired, which was the only characteristic I could use to tell them apart, so I decided to call them Spike-Boy and Blond-Boy. They were already so drunk that they could barely sit straight anymore. Luckily, I guessed the color of both cards right, so I could simply hand them their beers with my hand.

Obviously, though, Gel-Boy's idea of exposing my titties had appealed to them because they told me to toast to some photos, too. Despite my buzz, I wouldn't fall for the same trick twice. I am not that stupid! Therefore, I was careful not to lift my arm too high.

The next frat boy waving me over was the senior Aaron who had started my waitress job. With his striped polo shirt and side-parted blond hair, he looked so snobbish that I instantly had to call him Snob-Boy in my mind. As he was more experienced than the freshmen were, he wasn't as hammered.

By now, all players had shown their first card and the game had reached the second phase. This time, I had to guess if the card was higher or lower than the first one. Snob-Boy had a 9. Not a perfect card but not too much in the middle, either. Of course, I went with higher, and of course, I was wrong.

"This is awesome!" He celebrated.

"What up, bitch? Running outta luck?" He mocked me with delight when he saw that I wasn't celebrating his victory as much. "Hey, I bet a slut like you was getting bored anyways. Now, Hooters, use those hooters to give me that beer."

What a prick! I wanted to shoot a furious look at this bloated jerk. But... Oops! I swayed and had to latch onto the table to keep steady. The surprise turned my glance into an encouraging wink. Um, I guess I had just sent a different message than intended. Didn't matter, though. The main point was serving beer, right?

Thus, I placed the tray on the table and bent over it. I know, I know, it sounds absurd, but deep inside I still wanted to keep my decency. I didn't want to expose my boobies to these college kids. Therefore, I desperately tried to find a way to lift the bottle without pulling the tank top over my tits. With my big, ole funbags still covered, I cupped them from both sides and pressed them together before pushing them towards the first bottle on the tray.

The white fabric was stretched so taut, however, that it didn't allow a dent in between my titties. So I ended up pushing the bottle around the tray with my rack, which made the boys holler in delight.

Tihi! The way I tried to enclose the bottle with my big boobs must have looked so ridiculous, especially as the bottle was escaping me by sliding away. However, I was entertaining the boys. I was more than a serving wench. I was an entertainer, or rather an entershamer...

Anyways, this wasn't working. I had to find another way. Relenting a bit, I lifted my arms until the choker-chains had pushed the top up to reveal the lower curve of my funbags.

"Woo-hoo! Underboobs!" The frat boys hooted. "Underboobs! Underboobs!"

Indeed, the students got a perfect view of the bottom of my tits. At least, though, they didn't see my full rack.

With the white tank pulled up like that, there was a wide gap underneath the top and I made full use of it. Cupping my soft boobies with both hands, I imposed the tank top over the bottle and pushed the neck through my cleavage. Adding pressure from the sides, I firmly squeezed my tits and lifted the bottle. It was working! Keeping my bent position with my hands at the sides of my juicy juggs, I turned over to Snob-Boy.

Tihi! This must have looked so comical.

Nonetheless, the blond senior seemed disappointed that he hadn't managed to make me flash my tits. Grabbing the bottle, he roughly pulled it out, trying to push my tank higher up. I was prepared, however, and tightly clutched the white top so he still didn't manage to expose my boobies.

"Lookit, bitch! Your ponytail's come loose!" Snob-Boy reacted with anger in his voice.

Reflexively, I reached up to check out my ponytail.

Uh-oh! Not so fast! This was a trick and I had almost fallen for it.

Reaching back to my ponytail, I had to lift my arms. The chain reaction would have caused the chains to push up my top! So I stopped just short of exposing my titties.

Hey, well spotted, girl! Flashing a smile, I was somewhat proud of myself. I hadn't let this sleazy jerk dupe me.

In the meantime, the drinking game had reached the third phase and I had to choose if the third card would be within or outside the first two cards. By now, the booze had a clear effect on all the students because the group mood was getting ever raunchier and boozier.

The frat boy waving me over to serve him a fresh beer had a jack and a queen so this was easy. But everything seemed quite easy right now. I guess the alcohol was not only affecting the boys.

Choosing outside, I won. Yay! So I simply handed him the beer. As he was already quite shitfaced, he was the third to try the 'toasting-trick'. Not with me, though. Not with Missy Bitchface.

Now that I had served all fratsters a new beer, I was ready for a break. To relax a bit, I grasped the leftover beer and took a sip. It tasted better and better and I felt more and more mellow.

The game, however, wasn't over yet. After the third round, the loser had to be decided. Gel-Boy dealt out a pyramid of cards with one on top, two in the middle, and three at the bottom. Each player discarded those cards from his stack that equaled the ones on the pyramid. The player keeping the most cards was the loser. That turned out to be Matt. Unfortunately, he was the one frat boy I hadn't served a beer yet.

"Oh fuck, I've lost! But hey, I'm the birthday boy!" The arrogant host exclaimed. "You gotta sub in for me, CT."

I had played for every other frat boy at the table so I didn't even think about arguing. Even though I had no clue what was awaiting me, it didn't matter. We were here to have some fun, right? Holding the stack of cards, Gel-Boy dealt out five cards, face up, for Matt.

"You gotta drive the bus now, CT." He explained. "Each card's a stop, 'n for each one, you gotta say higher or lower. Gettit?"

The rules of the game weren't hard to get. What I didn't get, though, was why he was calling me 'CT'. Had he meant cutie? So class!

With a slap to my ass, Matt started the game. The first three cards were 8, king, and ace. So this was easy. Choosing higher, lower, and lower, I guessed right with all three. So clever! The fourth card, however, was a jack. This was hard. Choosing higher, I crossed my fingers.

"Nine it is!" Gel-boy exclaimed after dealing out the card.

Oh no! Too bad! I had lost. But what did it mean?

"Aw! That's a pity, CT. Now, you gotta down as many shots as stops you made before starting all over. Right bros?" Matt explained to the cheers of his buddies.

Um, what, please?!? I didn't know if I had heard him correctly or if my buzz had blurred my hearing. I had to down four shots?!? So sick! Thus far, they had all sipped beer! Yet, I saw a shot glass in front of each frat boy. I hadn't even noticed it before. Tihi!

"Yeah, we're not playing the pussy version here, CT." Matt told me while filling a shot glass with tequila.

Hey, what's it with the 'CT' thingie? This time, it hadn't sounded like cutie at all.

"I'm just a girl. Hihihi! I can't hold so much liquor!" I blurted out apologetically.

I had never drowned so many shots at once. I would totally lose my shit. What else could I offer, though?

"Can I choose an alternative?" I asked bashfully.

Maybe, these boys would be so nice to give me a second option. At least, you gotta try, right?

"What you wanna do instead then?" Matt inquired.

"I don't know. Hihihi!" I giggled. "What can I do?"

Whew, I didn't know the game, so I didn't have a clue what kind of options I had.

"Hm, you could drop four pieces of clothing, CT." Matt suggested.

Grrr! Of course, he had to propose that. What a surprise.

"Nice try, Matt, but..." My voice trailed off.

Yeah, but what?!? I was so tipsy I almost forgot my objection while saying the sentence.

"... but I already told you I won't strip in front of your bros." I eventually remembered.

"Besides, what's it with the CT thingie?" I finally had to ask, sounding annoyed.

"Hehehe! You haven't noticed?" He chuckled before pointing to my orange booty shorts. "It's the perfect name for you! My bros love the sight of your CT!"

Gasp! Looking into the dark windows, I checked out my orange booty shorts. They were so small and so tight they dug deep into my pussy. Without a thong underneath, there was a glaring wedge visible, like in-your-face visible! Oops! I was showing off my camel toe to all the boys!

A wave of embarrassment surged through me, somewhat clearing my head. I had been so adamant about not showing my charms to these frat boys. Yet, I had shown my camel toe all the time. I shouldn't feel so exposed, however, should I? After all, the college kids had already seen a boobie, right? Still, I felt so humiliated.

"Though, camelhoe's a better name for you, slut bunny. We don't want people confusing names, right? You're the serving hoe not the party cutie." Matt went one better.

Camelhoe?!? So not cool! However, I was too ashamed to feel riled by the presumptuous douche's taunt. Flaunting my camel toe while being totally ignorant about it? So silly! My insistence on not showing my charms? So ridiculous! I could only giggle stupidly at the new nickname while flushing bright red in shame.

"Still, no idea, huh, silly boob?" Matt didn't let up. "What about this? I get as many tries as stops you make. Let's see if I can bring out that camel toe. You're already flaunting your CT anyways."

"Ain't making a difference if it shows more or less, right?" He added casually. "Better than stripping of your clothes, ain't it?"

Um, come again? I had barely listened to Matt. Hey, I was still struggling with the realization that I had been the frat boys' camelhoe all this time. So cut me some slack, okay? If I got more buzzed, more such thingies would slip my attention, wouldn't they? So best I simply nodded to agree to the arrogant host's suggestion, right?

"OK, Matt. But only four tries." I gave in.

"Four tries till you drive the bus again." He corrected me.

"Ooowww!" I yelled out before I could object.

Matt had started the four tries before giving me a chance to prepare. Anyhow, I wouldn't have been able to prepare for what he was doing anyways. Grabbing the hem of my bright orange booty shorts at the front, he had pulled on it.

"Wedgie! Wooh!" The band of frat boys hollered.

Uh-oh! Matt had pulled on my polyester shorts so roughly that the fabric had bitten into my sensitive pussy! He was giving me a wedgie like I was a nerdy schoolgirl! Totally mean! Bringing out my camel toe? That was it? I had expected something completely different!







Fuck! This hurt!

My arms were flapping, the chains were rucking up my top, and my underboobs were showing. All the while, Matt pulled the bright orange booty shorts as high as possible. The thin polyester dug into my pussy. Deep, deeper, deepestest. The orange fabric got firmly pressed into my ass crack as well and pinched the soft skin there. So ouchie!

Matt had managed to drive up the booty shorts really high. They basically ate my ass and my buns hung out almost completely. My pussy lips had filled with blood, which made them puff up and stand out even more profoundly than before. My camel toe looked like it was about to burst my shorts any moment.

"That game ain't finished yet, slut bunny!" Matt reminded me that I had to continue playing.

I didn't like it, but I didn't object. You know why? I didn't want to show the boys that I had forgotten about the rules of the game. I am no idiot, just tipsy, right? Whether I liked it or not, I had to finish all five cards in one string before the game was over.

Let's go! Once again, I chose higher, lower, and lower and guessed right with all three. This time, though, I chose lower for the jack.

"Aaand a... king!" Matt roared when Gel-Boy dealt out the card.

Oh no, not again! I could plead with Matt. I could offer something else. But what?

The painful wedgies had cleared my head, but I still was too woozy to come up with any kind of idea. All I knew was that I couldn't take another four wedgies. As soon as the card was shown, however, the motherfucker had his hands on my booty shorts.



This time, my scream drowned out the frat boys' hoots when the orange polyester dug into my poor pussy. The pressure brought me to my tiptoes, making me stagger on my high wedge sneakers. It didn't help at all, though. I couldn't escape the dreaded wedgies. Remember me riding the flip chart in the office? It was like that! But why wasn't I better attuned to it then? It hurt just as bad. Really ouchie!



I yelled so loud that I raised my arms to cover my mouth and didn't notice what was happening before it was too late. Lifting my arms, the chains pushed my white tank top so far up that both my titties slipped out.