Jessica's Change Management Ch. 12


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He didn't.

With precision, the tanned prick downed his final throw in the red plastic cup. Groan! I had to drink another load of slobber. This time, I didn't shoot Justy a look 'cause simply shrugging.

I barely had time to do anything anyways 'cause Über-douche was next to me in seconds. Grabbing the cup, he held it over my open mouth. I tried to look anywhere but into the cup.


The tanned prick didn't have any of that, giving me a harsh bitchslap. Owie! That blow really hurt so I focused on watching the yukky drool to avoid another face slap. Once again, it took way long for the thick spit to inch down the side of the cup. I so couldn't take the wait, so I started licking the sticky, frothy drool right out of the cup when it reached the rim.

Even though my whole body shuddered in disgust, I totally pulled through and finished my 'drink' in record time. It was way gross so I couldn't prevent retching dryly all the time. I felt so queasy I was ready to puke any second.

Still, I kept everything down. No way, I would barf. I was way too proud to fail. Of course, finishing my drink only meant that Über-douche got his chance to make me cough up throat slime which he totally relished for sure.

"Hey bros, good thing I didn't wash my hands after the last piss. Hehehe!" He joked when he pushed three of his fingers down my throat.

"Eeehhh! Hurgh! Hurgh! Eeewww!" I wailed in revulsion when the rancid taste affirmed his remark.

By now, I could even confirm that the super nasty taste was piss 'cause Matty's birthday pissy bitch. Anyhow, it didn't really make it any better. Total creep out!

Über-douche, though, didn't care about my nausea. Instead, he tried to make me puke all over his hand 'cause he kept his fingers down my gullet until my body started writhing around like uncontrollably. Ugh! That boy brought me close to feinting.

Without giving me something like a break to spit out the slobber, the drool sprayed from my mouth every time my body convulsed violently. It basically sprayed everywhere! Thick slobber splashed all over my funbaggies, drenching my cleavage but so not hitting the cup. Über-douche literally made me work up tons of spit to finally fill half the cup.

"Dude, the way you're using the bitch's three slut skills at once is totally awesome. She only got five anyways. Three outta five! Sweet!" I suddenly heard Matty exclaiming.

Uh-ho! The birthday boy must have just walked into the leisure room. Of course, he had to start deriding me instantly. Grrr! Seeing me dressed as a simple-minded waitress made him really harp on about my skills, right? I shuddered so hard when I thought about the five skills. I guess he was talking about my three holes and two boobies, wasn't he? That was all I was for him. A walking set of holes and tits.

With the cup refilled, Justy's team had its turn. Über-douche's team was leading 2-0 so they had to score. Ryan, that fratster who had taken my smartphone, was the first in line. His first throw was way too short, though, and didn't hit me at all. I guess, with his carefully styled 'just-rolled-out-of-bed' look, he was more of a hipster than an athlete. The second toss, however, hit the cup's rim and sprung away for sure.

"Uiiih!" I yelped when the third throw hit me right on the nipple.

My nip was super hard! The impact sent a super pleasant shiver all the way down my body until it reached my pussy and made it throb. Closing my eyes, I totally groaned out my excitement. Fuck! I was getting pleasure out of this demeaning situation.

"Hey, the slut likes it!" Style-boy exclaimed. "We should get a point for that!"

Nope! I didn't like this. Nope! The boys shouldn't get extra points. Unlike me, though, Justy's team really liked the idea. At least, Über-douche's team was on my side and disapproved. One team whooped their approval, like vocally, and the other protested, like full-throatedly. While the teams bawled at each other, Justy thought on his feet.

"Dude, you can't get a point for making the serving hoe grunt. That'd be too easy!" He determined. "The idea's awesome, though. What you think 'bout a free spit, dudes?"

Um, I didn't really think anything good about it for sure. I wasn't asked, though.

"Woo-hoo!" The frat boys actually hollered their agreement.

When I saw Style-Boy strolling over to me really quickly, I reflexively opened my mouth to protest. That was a bad idea, though, 'cause I didn't come to uttering any words.



He had spat right into my open mouth! I felt half the glob of spittle hitting the back of my mouth and the other half sticking to my lower lip. Ugh! So gross! Now, I was literally getting pelted with balls and spit!

"He didn't say a word 'bout spitting in the cup, did he?" Style-Boy chuckled when I shot him a furious look. "Be glad you already got some spit in your mouth, Hooters. Less facefucking needed."

Um, I guess he had a point there. Still gross, though! Whatever, another fratster was ready to toss the ball for Justy's team. He was called Ben and looked so much less stylish, wearing flip flops and a black t-shirt with the slogan 'F.B.I -- Female Body Inspector' on it. Say sexist! Holding the ball in his hand, he seemed kinda indecisive, though. Apparently, there were too many inviting targets by now, like the cup, my face, and my nipples.



The first throw landed in my face, making me recoil until my wrist cuffs stopped my motion. So not cool! I had just moved the ping-pong table a few inches backwards. Gosh! I hated getting hit in the face with the ball lots. I totally couldn't help yammering and complaining 'though it only gave the frat boys a good laugh and spurred them on.



In quick succession, the second toss hit my left nipple and the third hit my right nipple. That prick hadn't even targeted the cup. Gawd! The more these fratties riled each other up the raunchier it got. No way, I could tell how this would end. Actually, I could only hope for D-Roddie to show up and put his plan in motion. Oh yeah, D-Roddie! I had totally forgotten about my man and his plan. Oops! Silly me!

With a triumphant grin, the Female-Body-Inspector strolled around the table. Would you believe anybody wearing a shirt with a slogan like that would ever get to touch a girl? As if! Today, though, that dude would actually get to spit on a girl.

"Ask me nicely 'n you get my spit, slut!" He told me.

How brash! He was about to degrade me and wanted me to beg for it.

"Please, hihihi! Spit on me, hihihi!" I giggled.


Ugh! He spat a super fat glob right on my left cheek that I totally felt dribbling down my soft skin. So absurd!

"You didn't ask nice enough, Miss Asslete!" That boy scolded me.

From the corner of my eyes, for sure, I saw the disappointed look on Matt's face. Uh-oh! I so didn't want to piss him off. So far, mostly, he had respected my boundaries.

"Thank you, sir, for, you know, making my stupid bitchface prettier." I so degraded myself with newfound enthusiasm. "My mouth is sooo dry. Please sir, get my, you know, stupid slut hatch super nice 'n wet."


Yay! I mean, nay! It did the trick. Still, I so couldn't keep myself from shuddering when the thick lump of slobber hit the roof of my mouth. Barf! Dutifully, though, I lowered my head and let the spittle drool out into the red cup.

Über-douche's team was still leading 2-0. With only three shots left, they totally looked about to win the game, which I so didn't like. The tanned prick had basically acted like a total shithead. No way did I want his team to win!

It was time for the final player. It was time for Justy. Thank goodie! Or not? He wouldn't let me down, would he? He was my intern after all and I had served him super dutifully over the last week, right?

Taking all three balls at once, the slimeball threw the first one. With a really nice arch, it went right into the cup. Yay! He was targeting the cup! And he was sinking his shots!

The second ball hit my chest right over the cup. Nay! Watching it bounce off my body, almost, I rooted really loudly for the ball to drop into the cup. It did drop, but it hit the inside of my left booby and deflected off it. Shoot! So close.

The third toss was way too short. Duh! It even hit the tabletop in the middle of the ping-pong table. Bouncing off, though, it jumped towards me and hit the back rim of the cup. Bouncing to the front rim, it dropped down and landed inside the cup. Oh wow! Justy had sunk the final shot.

"Whoot! Whoot!" Style-Boy and F.B.I.-Boy cheered.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Über-douche's team whined.

Um, what was going on? I was totally confused, looking from one team to the other. Both teams had hit two shots. It should be a draw, right?

"It's, like, the end of the game?" I asked totally puzzled. "We have, you know, a winner? Like, already?"

"Oh silly boob. A bounce-shot's two points. So it's 3-2." Matty was the first to notice my puzzlement. "Justin's team got the win."

"Oh, okay. I guess I'm not, like, an expert of the rules, you know. Hihihi!" I giggled in embarrassment when I had to admit my ignorance.

The boys snickered at my lack of knowledge. Fine, I didn't know all the rules. Whatever! It was a stupid rule anyways. Having a winner was good, though, I suppose. After all, Über-douche hadn't won.

"Stupid bitch! If a ball's bounced you can swipe!" Pink-Boy chided me. "You should have armed the ball away!"

"The result can't count! Miss Asslete's biased! She helped them win!" Über-douche protested.

Woah! Hold on! What? Nobody had told me about that bounce-shot thingie. I so hadn't done it on purpose. Still, they were totally putting the blame on me. Seriously? I felt super indignant, 'though I didn't say that loud, 'cause I didn't want to appear too stupid to know the dang beer pong rules.

"That stupid asslete wouldn't have hit the ball anyways. So who cares?" The female-body-inspector insisted on his team's victory. "We're the winners and the winner takes it all!"

"Let's tap that ass, bros!" He called out while stepping behind me and grabbing my hips.

Woah! Woah! Hold on again! What?!?

No one tapped any ass here, like not at all. Despite being flustered, and woozy, and tipsy, I vaguely remembered that I had set some kinda boundaries for the party. What had they been again? Oh right, I had pledged not to fuck the fratties.

"I told you, Matty, I'm not fucking your bros." I literally stamped my foot to show my annoyance.

While shooting the arrogant host a furious look, I tried to wriggle my ass away from F.B.I-Boy, which really wasn't easy 'cause shackles.

"You're right. You said so." Matty agreed with me surprisingly.

Seems like he was in a soft mood or stuff 'cause birthday.

"Though... you also agreed to give a prize, Missy Bitchface." He argued. "You're already flaunting your skillbags 'n skillholes. You're already letting my bros finger you. What else you wanna offer, Hooters?"

Gulp! The presumptuous douche was right. I had totally accepted Justy's suggestion, but I so hadn't expected the prize to be something like a free fuck for the winning team. Instead, I had hoped lots that they might have forgotten about it. I mean, I had totally forgotten about it myself. Of course, Matty hadn't, though.

Gawd! I was really acting like a docile waitress, like in looks and smarts, right? I had agreed to the idea without considering the consequences. Again! Whatever! As an exec, I was totally used to thinking outside the box and giving consulting tips to my subordinates. I could come up with a few alternatives super quickly, couldn't I?

Meh! That was easier said than done. What could I offer? The fratties had seen my juicy juggies. They had seen my skillholes. Letting them fuck me totally seemed like the next logical step 'cause progression. There was only a single idea that sprung to my mind. It wasn't really lots, but at least I was prepared. I had really tried my best to avoid showing off my throwing skills, but everyone has to make concessions sometimes, right?

"Um, what about this, boys? Be, you know, a sport and give me, like, three shots. Please?!?" I pleaded with them, purring super sexily.

"If I hit, like, all three, the winning team gets a strip tease. You know, looking but not touching. Hihhihi!" I suggested. "If I hit two, the winning team can totally cum on me. Like, hose me but not stick me, you know. If I hit, like, one, the winning team can, you know, fuck my suckhole. Hihhihi! If I hit none, the winners can, like, bang my butthole, like totally."

"Wooh!" The female-body-inspector cheered.

That was a bitching sign.

"Boo!" The losing team complained.

That was a bad sign.

"Oh come on! Lame!" Justy and Style-Boy raised a hue and cry as well.

That was a worse sign.

"We've won fair 'n square." Style-Boy squawked. "We should get to bang the bitch anyway."

"Absolutely, dude. It's a cop-out." Justy agreed.

"I bet Miss Asslete lied 'bout her throwing skills. She wants to fool us, bros." Style-Boy didn't relent. "What if she hits all three? We've already seen her assets. Where's the prize in that?"

Bullshit! I so hadn't lied about my qualities as a beer pong player. I had offered a totally fair deal, hadn't I? The frat boys didn't seem convinced, though. Justy's team continued raising a clamor while Über-douche's team kept on protesting against their loss.

"What 'bout a compromise, bros?" Matty eventually took the lead and silenced the dudes. "Actually, Missy Bitchface's idea's kinda epic. We just need a better incentive."

"How 'bout this?" He came up with his own suggestion. "If Hooters hits three, the winners get the bitch's suckhole. If she hits two, the winners get the bitch's shithole. If she hits one, the winners get the bitch's suckhole 'n shithole... 'n the losers get a rematch. If she hits none, it's a free for all."

Free for all?!? Seriously? Rematch?!? Really seriously!?!

Nuh-nuh-nuh! This couldn't happen. This was a totally different level!

"Whoot! Whoot!" All six college kids hollered and jeered.

"Dude, that sounds epic!" Style-Boy exclaimed.

"It should be its own drinking game." Über-douche agreed. "Slut pong, the ultimate game for all the frat sluts out there. Hehehe!"

Um, so that's what they deemed fair? They obviously didn't think much of my throwing skills. I tried to come up with another suggestion super desperately. But my smarts had totally left me. Anyhow, the approval was so overwhelming that any objection was futile. They would only laugh at my additional offers.

"All righty, Matty. If you, like, seriously think slut pong's gonna rock." I said, hoping he would change his mind.

"Okie doke then. I'll do it." I felt compelled to agree to Matty's suggestion when he didn't react at all.

My consent caused a cheer that was way loud and made me smile involuntarily. After all, it was my job to tend to the party guests and make them happy, right?

Now that they had my say-so, the college kids were mega quick to place three plastic cups on the other side of the ping-pong table while Justy opened the wrist cuffs to release me. Rubbing my wrists, I tried to prepare for the throws really hard. This was super important! I was basically in control of my own destiny.

Taking the first ball, I lifted my arm and aimed way carefully. Standing on the other side of the ping-pong table, it was quite the distance. Shooting the ball, I overestimated the distance and the ball went way wide, not even hitting the table.

Shoot! The first try was gone.

I totally wanted to get the best result, so I decided to make use of the bounce-shot rule. Taking the shot, I exerted less force. The shot was short and bounced off the table. Yay! The angel was too low, though, and the ball hopped over the cup.

Darn! The second try was wasted.

Only one shot was left. I was so nervous my hand was totally trembling. I had to play it safe now. No more trick shots. Aiming for the final time, I closed my left eye 'cause sharper focus. Trying to find the medium strength between the first and second shot, I threw the ball. It hit the rim. It bounced high up in the air. It dropped straight downward. It sunk into the cup.

Yay! I had hit the final shot!

"Suckhole 'n shithole. That's what it is!" Matty announced for everyone.

It was decided. The three members of Justy's team would get to fuck my mouth and asshole. What about my boundaries, though? They were about to be crossed. However, I had fought long and hard to maintain them, hadn't I? It wasn't really my fault, right?

With the prize decided, the three college kids were all over me in seconds. Justy grabbed the chains above my titties, yanked on them, and pushed me down onto my knees really roughly. The romp was on.

Grasping my white tanky, Justy tugged on it really hard, pulling it down until my big, ole funbaggies toppled out. Grabbing the bright orange booty shorts, he yanked them down just as harshly, letting them slip down to my feet. Grrr! Now, all my assets were fully exposed. Taking the rhinestone choker, the slimeball wrapped each chain around one of my juicy juggies. Once, twice, thrice! Pulling on the chains, they tightened super strongly until they squeezed my soft titty meat and made my boobies bulge obscenely. Justy then continued to guide the chains under my armpits. But why?

Oh, I see! Seizing my wrists, he turned my arms onto my back and cuffed them there. He had shackled me again! This time, he had tied my arms behind my back rendering my hands useless.

While Justy got me into position, I heard the sound of two zippers and excited chatter from the other two winners, Style-Boy and F.B.I.-Boy. However, my rude intern totally kept the lead by stepping right in front of me.

"You want my dick, dollie?" He asked waving his cock around. "What you want me to do with it?"

Oh boy! A bunch of preppy frat boys watched me kneeling in a fraternity with my arms cuffed behind my back! A bunch of pompous fratties had just used my face and bobbies as a dartboard! Yet, I was so aroused that my mouth was literally watering at the sight of a hard cock.

"Please sirrr!" I moaned. "I'm, like, a milfy bitch, you know, on the prowl for young cock. This stripper coug needs it, like, so bad!"

I was so excited I almost slurred the final words. This was so embarrassing but it was the truth. I had been totally determined not to fuck any fratties. I had totally been determined not to let any frat boy watch me getting fucked. I guess that hadn't turned out so well, 'cause here I was on my knees, super wet and super excited, begging for young frat cocks. At least, it gave me a chance to show that I was way more than a simple waitress.

"Sweet, bitch! Show these guys what a well-trained throat whore you are then, Missy Bitchface." Justy instructed me.

To reinforce his words, he totally proved his brutal streak once again by grabbing the chains and yanking my face close to his cock. With my arms tied to my back, for sure, I would have fallen straight onto my face if he hadn't held me in place.

"C'mon dollie, say aah and make that slut hatch useful." The slimeball ordered.

Having my mouth called a slut hatch was as demeaning as the first time. I totally despised it. Still, I held my lips open really dutifully. Justy continued making full use of the rhinestone choker by pulling me around on the chains. My rude intern had full control over my body. Actually, I was simply a fucktoy for him to be directed and used as he saw fit.

With the pull on the chains, he pushed my squeezed titties up really painfully. More importantly, though, he pushed my mouth over his hard cock. He continued until his hard shaft slipped way past my uvula and was buried down my throat way deep.

His cock was way deep down my gullet so my throat muscles quickly began convulsing super heavily. My throat pipe really tightened and relaxed in turns, squeezing the slimeball's shaft and giving him a deluxe cock-massage.
