Jessie's Girl


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Jessie gestured to the other boy. "This is Lars," he said, "my best friend, certified genius, and the main reason I actually made it into college. Lars, this is..." His mouth suddenly stopped in mid-sentence, and his eyes widened with panic.

"Mary," she said, grinning. "Pleased to meet you, Lars." She slipped her arm around Jessie's waist the same way his arm was around hers. "Pleased to meet you both."



Mary darted up to the end of the line just in time to get the last seat. Sure, she would only have had to wait five minutes, but this was the fair! Five minutes was an eternity of standing and waiting when there was cotton candy to eat, carnival games to play, and most significantly for purposes of this example, roller-coasters to ride.

She looked over at the boy she was sitting next to. He had blue eyes that looked huge until he took his glasses off and put them in his pocket for safekeeping, dark hair that he kept slicked back in a sort of cute-if-a-little-too-serious way, and what Mary had to admit was an cute body in a geeky sort of way (like she could talk). They both snapped the restraints down onto themselves, securing them into the seats (whoa. Déjà vu, for some reason), and the ride started.

They'd been advertising the new roller-coaster all spring long, the tallest one in the state, and Mary felt the familiar tightness in her body as they started up that first big hill. It wasn't just anticipation, she knew that. It was more, it was always more, but she'd never been able to put the sensation into words. She just knew that she loved to ride them, loved the exhilarating feel of danger and excitement and just...aliveness! They started down the hill, and in the rush of wind that blew into her eyes as they swooped down, her knee pressed against the boy's knee. She felt a sudden tingle right between her thighs and realized something that she hadn't realized in the last decade of riding roller-coasters, in the first eighteen years of her suddenly-very-sheltered-seeming life for that matter. That tight, nervous feeling that felt like anticipation, only better? Oh, wow. That was arousal.

With every dip, every swoop, every curve, she became more aware of it, and more aware of the guy next to her. He kept looking over at her when he thought she wasn't looking at him, and she thought that was cute, really cute; and she pressed her thighs together tightly, because somehow the whole whoosh and the rush and the swoops and the dives all made it seem even better. Didn't they say love was like a roller-coaster ride? Maybe falling in love on a roller-coaster made falling in love even better. It certainly made the roller-coaster ride better.

He was feeling it too, she could tell. His hand just sort of found its way into hers, and his skin felt so warm against hers, it was perfect. When the ride ended, they practically dragged each other into the nearest quiet place they could find, a little alley between two of the rides, and she unzipped his fly, and he was already hard, and then she pulled her skirt up a little and slid her panties aside, and god, she'd never felt like this before, and he pulled a condom out of his wallet, and she was so glad he'd thought of that because this was all way too new and different to her to think about that, and then he just slipped it inside her, and oh, it felt so good, filling her up so much, he wasn't very big, but he somehow seemed to know all the right ways to touch her inside, and he pushed her back against the wall, and she felt an electric surge of pleasure running through her whole body, and suddenly she wished she'd done this before, because oh, and oh, and oh, and ohhhhhhh...

Mary let out a long, low moan, and she felt the boy's muscles go all rigid for a long moment. Then, slowly, sheepishly, he backed away, pulling the condom off of his dick. "Hi," he said, his first words to her. "I don't usually, um, introduce myself like that,, you're gorgeous." He put his cock back into his pants, and rezipped his fly.

"Oh," Mary said, adjusting her panties back into position, "I, um, thanks.. I mean, I don't want you to think--" She straightened her dress. "I mean, I don't just, you know, do that all the time. I mean, I actually never..." She blushed. "That was my first time. I'm a total science geek, I never went out on dates at all in high school, I..." She took a deep breath, let her flow of babble dry up. "It was really nice, though."

The boy blushed. "It was nice for me too." He looked around. "Wanna have a soda?"


The two of them walked down the midway together, both of them feeling just a little bit tongue-tied. It seemed like such a crazy way to meet. Suddenly, another boy ran up to them. This one had blue eyes as well, and sandy blond hair that curled underneath a baseball cap in a way that made him look like a doofy frat boy. "Lars!" he shouted. "Glad I found you in this crowd, I thought I was going to have to go back to the car to--" He stopped when he saw Mary. "Oh, um, hi," he said. He noticed that Lars had his arm around her. "Hi," he said again, a little nervously.

Lars gestured to the other boy. "This is Jessie," he said, "my best friend, my white knight, and the main reason I actually survived long enough to get to college. Jessie, this is..." His mouth suddenly stopped in mid-sentence, and his eyes widened with panic.

"Mary," she said, grinning. "Pleased to meet you, Jessie." She slipped her arm around Lars' waist the same way his arm was around hers. "Pleased to meet you both."


Mary gasped again, feeling her pussy twitching around Lars' cock as another orgasm hit. She didn't know how he seemed to know every erogenous zone she had, but she certainly wasn't complaining...six months into the relationship, and she felt like she'd made up for all the years of post-pubescent innocence. She felt him spasm inside her, and she smiled in anticipation. It might take him a while to build back up, but he certainly knew how to pass the time.

She felt his fingers on her nipples, tweaking and pinching them, and she sighed softly. "I love you," she said, curling up into his back.

"Happy six-month anniversary," he said into her ear.

SPOOL. Mary curled up against Lars, feeling the gentle afterglow and the warm, just-been-fucked sensation between her thighs. "So where were we?" she asked.

"You were talking about confinement theory," he said, snuggling up to her.

"Right," she said. "So the idea is that the reason you don't see free quarks is because the strong force keeps them from separating. Frank Wilczek theorized that the further apart they get, the more the strong force acts on them, and the closer they get, the less the strong force acts on them. And he'd proposed this back in 1973, but it wasn't confirmed for a long while, which is why he didn't win the Nobel for it until just this year. But even back in '73, nobody could find any evidence of free quarks, and--" She stopped. "Sorry, I know I'm going all geeky on you."

"It's OK," he said, kissing her on the back of the neck. "Sure, my field is robotics, but I'm interested in lots of other disciplines. Besides," he said, and she could actually hear the grin in his voice, "you're so sexy when you're geeky."


"Finnegan's Wake!" Mary shouted in triumph.

Jessie rolled his eyes. "I don't believe it!" he said. "You spotted us four wedges, and you still kicked our butts!" He turned to his girlfriend (Mary could never remember their names, and it seemed like Jessie never could either. He was nice to them, and all, but Jessie never had been big on 'commitment'.) "Can you believe this? My friends, the super-geniuses."

Lars took a sip of wine. "I'm just a regular genius. Mary's the super-genius."

She kissed him. "You're just being modest."


"I think he's going to ask me to marry him, Jessie!" Mary squealed out, barely able to contain her excitement.

"Really? Marriage? I mean, I know you guys have been living together for a while now, but I, that's a big step. You sure?"

"Pretty sure. I mean, we talked it over, and we agreed that we wanted to wait until we both had our PhDs, but now that we've both finished our dissertations...oh, he's been trying to hide it, but I saw the look in his eye when we passed that jewelry store, and..." She hugged herself in happiness. "I just feel like I'm going to pop, I'm so excited!"

Jessie nodded, clearly not quite understanding her enthusiasm for matrimony, but glad to see a friend happy nonetheless. "That's great, Mary. I mean, you know you're always going to be Lars' Girlfriend to me, but you know I think you're cool, and I'm happy for you. Not just because it's going to make Lars happy, either. Because I really think you're cool."

Mary smiled. Jessie never really had a way with words. "Thanks," she said, giving him a hug.


"That's awesome," Jessie said, as Mary showed him the ring. "Guess you were right, huh, Mary?"

"Right about what?" Lars said, trying to keep his face composed in an expression of innocent surprise. "Did I not manage to keep my sinister plans a secret from you?"

"You're good at a lot of things," Mary said, planting a wet kiss on Lars' lips, "but keeping secrets isn't one of them."

"Oh, you say that now," Lars said, "but wait until I show you guys my doctoral project!"

Mary gasped. "You're actually going to let us in on what you've been doing for your PhD?"

"Tomorrow, I promise."


Mary sighed happily as Lars' tongue gently flicked at her clit. If anything, the years of their relationship had only made him better at finding her pleasure buttons. "Whoa, slow down," she said, her voice unsteady, "I...ohhh...I dunno how much more of this I can take."

He looked up at her, and it was so sexy the way his eyes were framed by the valley of her thighs. "Special occasion, love," he said. "Celebrating our engagement," he gave her a tiny little kitty lick, "and the big unveiling tomorrow..." he placed just the very tip of his tongue on the very tip of her clit, just for a moment, and she whimpered, "it's a big night. And I want it to be the best night of your life."

His fingers brushed her labia, and Mary just melted. "okay," she said in a tiny voice, as she let the pleasure overflow again.


"Here it is, guys," Lars said, gesturing proudly, "my lab."

"Awesome, dude!" Jessie said. "Like something out of a comic book! Where'd you get all the robots? Where'd you get all the money? This is freaking amazing, my man!"

"I made all the robots, and actually, I made all the money, too. I've got a couple of patents, some stuff I sold to IBM while I was working on my Bachelor's degree. You asked why we never seemed to worry about money, honey, well...that's why."

Mary was just gaping. "And you call me a super-genius. This is unbelievable, love! The humanoid robots alone, that's PhD material right there! And you say that's not your project?"

"Nope." He pointed to two reclining couches. "This is. It's a Memory Recorder and Transcriber. It actually reads your memories, and stores them as data. That's actually why I brought you here today. One, I'd like to try it on someone other than me, and two..." His voice got a little rough. "The last few days have been just so wonderful. I want to make sure they're preserved perfectly."

Mary felt her eyes welling up with tears. "How can I say no?" she said, hopping onto one of the couches.

Jessie hopped onto the couch next to her. He looked at the straps and buckles. "Restraints? This isn't going to be anything kinky, is it? Because you know I don't swing that way, mon ami, that was why I broke up with Charlene. Boy-girl-girl. That's my rule."

Lars laughed. "No, nothing kinky. It's just that you need to keep perfectly still for the recorder to get a good imprint of your brain, is all. They're just to keep you immobile while it records." He strapped them both in, and gave Mary a kiss.

"'re not going to show all our memories to the professors, are you? Because I want you to get your PhD, and all, but..."

"Don't worry, honey," he said, as a spherical robot hovered over to him. "I'll be showing a few of them," he leaned in close and lowered his voice, "but the fun ones will be just for you and I to watch."


Jessie sat up from the couch, stretching a little. "I think I have a crick in my neck," he said. "That took longer than I thought it would, bro."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Lars said, unbuckling Mary. "At least you had me to keep you company, though. When I was testing this, it was just me and the robots."

Mary swung herself up into a sitting position. "Just think," she said. "All our memories, perfectly preserved in your computer. Better than pictures, or's all right there, the past, exactly as we remember it." She kissed Lars again. "Magnificent, my super-genius."

Lars blushed. Jessie came over and clapped him on the back. "And now, my friend, it is bachelor party planning time! I see Hooters for the initial eating session, and..." Lars gave a little eye-roll to Mary as Jessie went on, and she responded with a helpless little shrug.

What was there to say? He was the same old Jessie she remembered.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
You are the genius!

Seriously, where do your ideas come from? Your writing is so good and you are an incredibly tallented storyteller. I love your straight stories. You know just how to make me tingle. Thank you.

GigglingGoblinGigglingGoblinover 8 years ago
Holy How

This is a brilliantly tragic story. It implies everything we need to know, while still leaving you wondering—are they better off? Is Jessie better off? Would Jessie and Mary have worked out?

Wonderfully done, JBEMCSA. This is one of my favorites.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Finally the genius guy gets the genius girl, instead of her going off with the football jock and wasting her life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Not what I expected, but still a really good read. 4 stars mate.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Interesting, but wrong ending

This story would have been far better if Jessie and Mary had been able to escape Lars' plan via some fatal flaw in his "genius" planning. As it was, it read a bit like a textbook account of some historical events rather than a story with any real tension. The process description of the memory modifications was very well done, but there was no drama to the story, no uncertainty, no real reason to give a damn at the end.

Sorry dude, but only three stars for now.

bj2004bj2004almost 9 years ago

To drawn out too much irrelevant detail

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