Jill and the Bad Boy

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Married woman tempted by danger.
5.4k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/15/2018
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Danny knew he'd made the right decision as soon as he laid eyes on Jill.

She was his new neighbor and a very fine piece of eye candy. She was married and her husband, Aaron, seemed nice enough. Danny wasn't too interested in Aaron but it was a bit of luck to have a sexy woman like Jill living next door. He knew he'd made the right decision to move jobs and move to a different city.

Jill was in her mid-twenties and she had a very pleasing body. She wasn't as skinny as his usual "type" but he liked the curves that came with that. Her tits were about D-cup or maybe a little bigger. Danny prided himself on being able to judge a woman's bust size. What guy didn't enjoy big, juicy tits like hers? Most of all, Danny noted the way the neighbour had exposed her cleavage at their first meeting. That might have been an accident - maybe. It made him much more interested in Jill than "just a neighbor". He knew he'd enjoy catching a look at Jill whenever possible.

Danny was new in town, moving from a nearby city for a work promotion. He'd found a good gym near home to keep up with his workouts. Danny was an amateur body builder. Six feet, two inches, about 115 kilos. He could easily bench press 130 kilos. His muscles always caught the eye of other people as they strained against his shirts. He knew women liked his body since he was seemingly never short of offers.

That had caused a problem with his girlfriend. She didn't like the fact that Danny "cheated" on her. At first, he'd tried lying about it but, somehow, she always found out. Danny wasn't the "marrying kind" and monogamy was just not the right fit for him. He'd left her behind as well when he moved. He was better off without her, free to pursue any woman who caught his eye.

Danny loved women and he enjoyed the way they responded to him. He didn't want a "relationship" - he wanted to experience as much good sex as he could with as many women as he could. Whatever his former girlfriend thought, Danny could only see positives in being a "bad boy". What was wrong with that? "Sowing his seed" it was called and he was all in favour of it. Women loved what he did for them. He would take command in bed, toss them around and fuck them good and proper. His muscles were an advantage in winning-over women and they all seemed happy to be overpowered in the bedroom.

Now he had the sexy neighbour to watch and have her look at him. All in all, he knew the decision to move had been the right one.

Jill could not believe her eyes the first time she laid eyes on the new neighbor. He was moving into the apartment next door and Jill arrived home one Saturday morning to see Danny lugging boxes through his front door. What a sight he was.

The guy was a few years older, she guessed. He was huge - like those guys from the wrestling shows on TV! Next to her compact five-seven, he was enormous with his six feet, two-inch height and his massive muscles. His was the kind of body that had muscles on top of muscles. She wondered if he ever just ripped out of his shirts. Danny was a magnificent sight and Jill instantly was happy about the new eye candy in the up-market apartment block.

Jill had "had a thing" for big muscles in college. She'd not actually dated any jocks but had enjoyed every opportunity to flirt with them and let them flirt back. It had been fun to fool around a little bit - in between boyfriends. She liked jocks. There was something about their intense confidence that was very attractive to her. Maybe it was arrogance but Jill never minded. They knew they had wonderful bodies and they knew that people lusted after them. Was that wrong? It gave them a sense of "danger" and Jill had always found that very sexy.

She still enjoyed looking at bodies that were big and chiselled. It was a turn-on to think about a guy like that, imagining him as he worked hard to make his body so amazing. All that pumping and straining. Jocks were dedicated to their bodies and weight lifters even more so. Yes, once upon a time she'd fantasised about that sort of man. Imagining their physical power in bed, dreaming of their stamina to have sex all night long with their huge cocks. She was sure in her own mind that big hunks would have big cocks and Jill liked to think about how they would feel when they were hard and throbbing.

Jill didn't think much of that after her first meeting with Danny. To her dismay, she realised that she'd accidentally left her top buttons undone and shown him more of her cleavage than intended. The new neighbor would have gotten a great look at her D-cups tits. But she decided not to worry about what Danny might have seen. Luckily, she had been wearing one of her nice bras - though it was a little tight now that her tits seemed to be on their way to double-D size.

Although she'd enjoyed flirting with big, muscly jocks in college, Jill had decided that they weren't "right" for her. The feeling of "danger" was very attractive but Jill just hadn't been ready. She had known that her parents would not approve of a boyfriend like that. And she assumed all such guys spent so much time working on their muscles, and being chased by other women, that they'd have no time for her.

Someone gentle and dependable seemed better. In the end, Aaron had come along and made a big effort to woo her. He had an "average" body and a good career ahead of him. They'd gotten married early as she had no doubt of his love for her and he was, after all, a safe and reliable husband.

Their sex life was enjoyable and Jill sometimes like to spice things up. Aaron was the only man who she'd ever "blown" on her knees, regularly lowering herself before his erection and sucking him till he ejaculated in her mouth. Jill liked to think of it as their "naughty pleasure".

But now Danny was living next door and there was no way to avoid him. And Jill soon realised that she didn't want to avoid him. She tried to ignore those thoughts, at first. But his hands! Watching him carry those boxes, she'd seen his hands and been smitten. They were big and strong, with thick fingers and a seeming power to hold and crush whatever they wanted. Jill had swooned over hands like that in the days when she'd flirted with the college jocks.

It was unfair to compare, but her husband would never have a body to match Danny. The new neighbour had the most incredible shoulders that Jill kept hoping she'd get to watch carrying more stuff. They bulged and rippled under his shirts, moving down smoothly to his massive biceps that she knew were bigger than both her hands could fit around.


The next Saturday morning, Jill heard Danny and she went outside to see what he was up to. The sexy new neighbor was moving some furniture into his apartment.

"I'd love to help. But I don't think you need any help, with those muscles."

Danny flashed his winning smile back at her. "Its just like another workout I guess."

Jill was momentarily blinded by that smile - the kind of smile that could make a woman feel at the centre of the universe. The men who had a smile like that had an unfair advantage and they knew it.

"Hmmm. Yes, I know you like your workouts." Jill cringed inside - surely she could come up with a more intelligent line than that.

"Some women like my workouts as well," he grinned back. This was the most basic flirting but he liked the challenge of keeping the sexy neighbor chatting.

"Oh really? Is that what your girlfriend says?"

She saw his reaction. There it was. The "bad boy", the cockiness - this was a man who never lacked for girlfriends or sexual opportunities.

"Or should I say girlfriends - plural?"

What Jill wanted to was to let Danny know that she knew - he was a bad boy jock who was casual in his attitudes to women and always confident that his amazing body would win them over. What she got, however, was something else.

The look in his eyes - he didn't care that she knew. That was the cockiness of a man like Danny. That was the cockiness that had so attracted her to his type, back in college. Before she married Aaron.

She watched his shoulders disappear inside the apartment and wondered if she'd just made a mistake. She felt foolish after her clumsy attempt at flirting. But he hadn't seemed to mind. Well, he wouldn't - a guy like Danny measured his success by the amount of attention he got from women. And Jill had just given him his morning dose.

Jill knew she was better at flirting than she'd shown Danny. And there was no denying she, too, enjoyed the challenge. It was all harmless, surely. She liked the way he made her feel. Jill always thought there were things she'd like to change about her body. But she liked her boobs and the reactions they got from men. She still had a great body with curves that looked fine under a t-shirt or a tight dress. Men always seemed to notice - Danny was no exception. And that smile of his was enough to brighten any woman's day.

She started leaving her buttons undone. It was a way to tempt Danny. To make him look at her. Jill thought of it as a reward for that sexy smile he showed her.

It happened often enough because Jill started trying to find excuses to be outside whenever Danny was on the landing or the stairs. It was enough just to be near that body and that smile. Watching that impressive body could have kept her occupied all day long. The way he moved, knowing she was looking at him, was almost a turn-on in itself. She was sure she knew the difference between cockiness and arrogance. And how could a man with that body not be cocky when he knew that women lusted after him?

Jill was sure she wasn't lusting - she'd done her share of that once before. But Danny always flashed that delicious smile of his. And, somehow, he usually found a reason to put his hands on her. He would touch her arm or her shoulder as he moved past her. Sometimes he would brush against her and Jill would feel a jolt of electricity at being in contact with that amazing, powerful body.

Still in denial, Jill began to work out Danny's gym routine. She even changed the time of day she left for work. That way she would be sure to "bump into" Danny as he returned from the gym, usually shirtless and glistening. It left her feeling warm and aroused for the rest of the day.

Danny enjoyed the attention he was getting from Jill. She was a "good sort" and he liked to flirt with her. Her D-cup tits were her best asset but she was pretty on top of that. He liked the way her short brown hair framed her face. She was five feet and seven inches in height - not tiny but still smaller than him and easy enough to handle in bed.

Danny liked to watch her tits bounce and her curves move. He could not have mistaken the fact that Jill started to wear her shirts with the top few buttons undone. It was a regular thing, a display of her wares. He liked the view and he liked his neighbor.

He knew Jill was married - he'd even met the husband briefly a few times. That wouldn't stop Danny. It was nice to know he could flirt with the married neighbour and make her juices flow. He really didn't care about marriage and what vows other people took. Twice before he'd worked his way into the bed of women with "serious" boyfriends. He'd enjoyed it very much, taking what he wanted and moving on. If he didn't conquer Jill then there was nothing lost - he'd been in town for three weeks and already was sleeping with two separate women.

Jill told herself it was all good fun. The loyal wife was proud of her tits - they'd always gotten plenty of admiring looks and there was no doubt they'd helped to catch Aaron. Jocks like Danny were way too transparent. In college she'd tired of them staring at her boobs but only for a while. When she was in her "bad boy" phase, Jill had lapped up the attention her tits had brought her. She was happy to let them bounce as she walked past some jocks or to sit "just so" in a bar where the boys could steal glimpses and ogle at her bust.

Now, with her new neighbour, she'd re-discovered the fun of having a man stare at her tits. "Two can play at this game," she thought to herself.

Danny decided to have some fun. It was time to "ramp-up" the flirting. Since Jill was a married woman, he was sure that closer physical contact would have the desired effect.

The next morning, as he arrived home from the gym, he saw the chance. Smiling at her, exchanging greetings, he made sure to "accidentally" bump into his neighbour on the landing. She was so tiny compared to his massive bulk that he almost knocked her over. It was just the excuse Danny needed to grab her and hold her with his big, soft hands. The scent of his sweat was strong still.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said, making sure to flash his big smile. His hands were holding her firmly. Gripping her upper arms as if to steady her. His muscles barely flexed with her tiny size but she was eye-height to his massive chest. She'd admired bodies like his but never gotten so close.

"No no, its fine. I'm sorry," she mumbled, a little pissed-off but also feeling especially lucky.

Danny made sure to rub against Jill as he finally let her pass by. He enjoyed knowing she'd have his smell in her nostrils for the rest of the day.


For her part, Jill spent much of the day thinking about her "close encounter". Was it really an accident? Danny knew she was married - he'd met Aaron. Had he intended them to "bump into" each other so he could touch her? That was the kind of thing that a cocky guy would do. It wasn't that she objected - she'd been thrilled to be so close to his wonderful body. And his beautiful hands had felt good, grabbing her arms and softly touching her.

Accident or not, Jill was sure that her new neighbor was flirting with her. She enjoyed it very much. There could be no doubt given the way her nipples had hardened and her cunt stayed moist all day long. Jill had enjoyed that kind of flirting at college. She told herself it was safe to let Danny enjoy himself. So long as her husband didn't catch them but, then, Aaron would hardly recognise the signs.

Danny knew he'd hit the spot. The sexy neighbour with the big tits had not reacted badly at all. She'd not pulled away. Nor had her routine changed - he noticed she still tried to meet him each morning, looking at his huge muscles and hoping to be rewarded with his wondrous smile.

Of course he played along. Danny knew just what he was doing and he was enjoying himself. He was used to the idea that women like Jill couldn't help themselves. She was married, that was true, but what should he care about that? If Jill stayed true to her vows, Danny would have some harmless fun. With two other women "on the go", he didn't need Jill. But the idea of another conquest, of tempting the sexy, busty wife away from her marriage, was doing wonders for his ego.

Jill still hadn't thought that what she was doing was dangerous. She loved the eye candy - never missing a chance to spy on Danny with his wonderful hands and his most sexy shoulders. Those shoulders spoke of strength and power and the idea that he could overwhelm any woman he wanted. It made Jill's cunt throb to think about it sometimes.

There was no doubt that Danny was doing his best to flirt with her. Jill had no intention of making him stop. It didn't mean anything serious and she loved the idea that another man would want her sexually. Aaron mostly took it for granted when she made herself look sexy for him.

"Hi Danny," she said to him one morning with a smile. Once again, he'd come back from the gym without a shirt on. Even though the weather was colder now, he made sure to let Jill see his huge muscles, knowing the effect it was having on her. Danny made it worse by stepping right next to Jill, his size looming over her.

"Big workout this morning," he said casually. "My muscles are really hard. I'll need a massage later." It was an invitation - a deliberate offer to Jill, if only she'd accept.

"They look just fine to me," she said, agog at being so close to Danny and his amazing body.

"Yeah, but not everyone likes a body as hard as this."

"Oh really?", she replied. At that moment, Jill slipped. The offer had been made and now, without thinking, she accepted. There was no other explanation except that she seemed to lose control of her hands. She reached out to the muscled body in front of her. Just like that, Jill was actually touching the incredible physique she'd watched those past weeks. And the feeling of his huge body was incredible. She supposed this was what those muscle-men on TV actually felt like.

Jill ran her fingertips across Danny's sweaty skin, feeling his bulk and the power. His biceps were so big she could not reach around them with both hands. His chest was unbelievable and she saw the way his sinews rippled as he moved.

"You're right," Jill murmured. "They are hard."

Then, suddenly realising she was touching her neighbor, stroking his massive chest, she stepped back with a start.

"Oh, god, I'm sorry. That was wrong of me." She struggled for something to say next. "I just thought you might like a second opinion." She was blushing furiously.

Danny simply smiled his winning smile. "Its good. I like it when you touch me. Anytime".

Bingo! He knew he'd hit the spot that time. He sauntered off to his apartment for a quick shower before work.

That day, Jill accepted the truth that this was more than flirting. She knew what Danny was doing. She knew it involved danger. He was making it way too obvious. What if her husband had seen them? But Danny didn't care since he was not taking a risk. That was the risk with cocky men like him. Danny knew he couldn't lose.

She had actually touched him. It put Jill in the weaker position now that he knew she was hot for him. But who was she kidding? Danny had known it all along. He was a cocky, bad boy, hunk of a man who knew how to tempt women into bed. Women just like her.

The real problem was what to do next. The obvious answer was the wrong answer, as far as Jill was concerned. She fought to keep Danny out of her thoughts. It was hard, even at work, when quiet moments allowed her brain to turn to the sensation of his skin, the size of his muscles. She wondered how it would feel to be held in those powerful arms, to be pulled against a chest so massive and hard. The thought of his beautiful hands on her body was almost too much.

She found herself thinking about his cock as well. She imagined it must be like those cocks she'd teased while in college. Jill had always wanted to think that jocks had thick cocks that stayed hard for hours. Thinking those thoughts about Danny made her cunt moist.

Jill did try to tell herself things with Danny had gone far enough. He knew she was married and, surely, he would not take ask her to forget that. But later that night, as she had sex with her husband, her thoughts were filled with her sexy, muscled neighbour. It made her orgasms more satisfying to imagine him stroking inside her cunt and the feeling of her hands on his impressive shoulders. She told herself it was just a fantasy and she would get over it soon enough. But she went to sleep that night feeling dissatisfied with her sex life - in her mind, a muscled, strong man like Danny would have more stamina and would see to it that she came over and over until she begged for rest.


Danny was cocky but not enough to assume his sexy neighbor would jump straight into his bed. Married women mostly had a view about being faithful. Many of them might fantasise about other men but they'd swear to themselves they'd never act on such thoughts. Danny wasn't sure he really wanted to get Jill into bed. Except that she had great tits and, well, he knew she was there for the taking.

His ego was automatically rising to the challenge. He would have to "work" this one. If she succumbed he'd notch up another "win". If she held out, then he'd have fun anyway.