Joan's Baby

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First she didn'twant one and then she did.
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I hated the holidays. I didn't used to, but for the last three years they had been hell for me. Actually, it wasn't the holidays so much as it was my mother. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my mother, but I did hate being around her. She lives far enough away from me that for most of the year my only contact with her is by phone. When I'm on the phone and she gets on her kick I can hang up, but when she visits over the holidays and the contact is up close and in person I can't get away. Her kick?

"When are you going to have kids? When are you going to give me grandbabies? Jesus Joan, you have been married six years now and it is time for you to start a family. I want grandchildren."


At first I was able to put her off by telling her that Donny and I had decided not to have kids until we were financially stable and that we had some places we wanted to go and some things we wanted to do before we settled down and started a family. It was our third anniversary when she started hacking on me.

"Donny has a good job, you are in your own home now, and I want grandbabies while I'm still young enough to enjoy them"

The problem I had with that was that I was just the opposite. I was still young enough to want to have some life before I saddled myself with kids. I couldn't tell my mother that so I lied.

"We are trying mother, it just hasn't happened yet."

It was the wrong thing to say because at least once a week after that she would ask if anything had happened yet and I would say no, that we were still trying. This went on for about six months and then she started giving me advice on things I could do that would increase my chances of getting pregnant. I would say that I would try them and in the next phone conversation I would tell her that I had, but that so far nothing was happening.

I got to where I dreaded talking to her on the phone. I bought myself a brief respite one day when I lost it and went off on her. I was having a bad day anyway and when the phone rang and I answered it and heard my mother say "Hello Joan" I just said, "Good morning mother and no, I am not pregnant." Then we got into an argument and I told her that it seemed like the only reason she ever called me was to see if I was going to have a god damned baby. We didn't talk for weeks after that.


But the holidays were the worst. Mom always came the week of Thanksgiving and stayed until the day after Christmas. You can always hang up the phone on someone, but how do you hang up on someone sitting across the table from you? Grandbabies, grandbabies, grandbabies is all I heard for hours on end.

My mother was constantly on the subject and always saying things like, "When I was your age I already had you and Sarah (my sister) and I'm here to tell you that the older you get the harder it is to raise a child. You need to start your family now."

The mention of my sister Sarah always pissed me off. I both hated Sarah and envied her and both for the same reason - she didn't have to put up with the shit from mom that I did. On Sarah's twenty-first birthday mom asked her when she was going to settle down, get married and start having kids. Sarah said, in front of all the guests at her birthday party, "I'm not. I'm gay and my significant other and I have no plans to adopt." What that did of course was push all of my mothers attention off onto me.


Donny and I had been married seven years when I finally decided that the time was right to have children. I talked it over with Donny and he seemed reluctant, but he said, "Okay, if that's what you want." The gods must have decided to make me pay for all the lies I told my mother because a year and a half went by without my getting pregnant. I even did all the things that my mother had suggested back when I was faking it and nothing happened. I went in and had myself tested and was told that I should have no trouble conceiving and bearing a child. I asked Donny to get tested and a week later he told me that he had been tested and that he had a high sperm count.

"It will happen honey, we just have to keep trying."

We did keep trying and nothing happened. We would have kept on trying with nothing happening for years if I hadn't run into an old friend from school one day while grocery shopping. Gwen and I had gone to community college together and we had kept in touch. Not really close touch, but we exchanged Christmas cards and talked on the phone half a dozen times a year. She had gotten her degree in nursing and had gone to work for a clinic. We left the grocery store and went a Denny's to have lunch and talk. Halfway through the meal she said, "Can I ask you something really personal?"

"I guess so, but I don't promise to give you an answer."

"If you don't, you don't, but I'm curious so I'll ask anyway. How is your love life?"

It wasn't what I expected and I hesitated a moment or two before deciding to answer. "It is fine."

"Good. I was worried about it. You know men, they have such fragile egos when it comes to their manliness that they will sometimes lie."

"I don't understand. Why the question and why were you worried and what were you worried about?"

"Just curious is all. Donny says your love life is great every time he comes in for his check up and to get his shot, but I never knew whether he was lying or not. Not everyone in the male contraceptive program tells the truth and that skews the data. We know for a fact that the side effects of the Cocktail - that's what we call it, "The Cocktail" - can have a limiting effect on male erection in about four percent of the sample. But that number could be lower or higher depending on the truthfulness of the program volunteers. When Donny came in and volunteered for the program he told us that you had a great sex life and you have maintained a great sex life. I was just curious."

No more so than I now am I thought as I said, "Donny never did tell me much about the program other than that he had volunteered because of the problems that I was having with the pill."

"Well, like I said, we don't have an official name for it yet, but the cocktail is a mixture of synthetic testosterone and progestin and it is supposed to inhibit the production of sperm in the male."

"I guess we can assume that it is working with Donny and me, but how about others?"

"So far it has proven to be about eighty percent effective."

"So you do have failures?"

"Oh yes, and we make sure that the volunteers are aware of that fact. In fact, we make them sign a waiver acknowledging it."


I walked away from my lunch with Gwen mad enough to kill. That bastard! That miserable bastard! "Sure honey, okay, whatever you want" and all the time he was a volunteer in a male contraceptive program. There I was trying everything I could think of to get pregnant - I even stood on my head after making love so the sperm would flow down to the egg - and Donny was doing his best to see that it never happened. I was mad! I was fucking furious and if Donny would have been there just then I would have done him some serious bodily harm. I was so mad I stopped at a bar to get a drink and calm me down.

I was sitting at a table sipping a vodka tonic and making plans to castrate Donny when I got home when I heard, "Joan baby, long time no see."

I looked up and saw Harry, an old boyfriend of mine. Actually he was an old lover. Harry was the second man I'd ever had sex with. "Mind if I join you?" and I told him to go ahead. Six drinks later I was on my back on a bed in the Bide-A-Wee Motel as Harry tried to make up for the eight years he hadn't seen my pussy. It was my first time being unfaithful to my husband, which kind of shows just how pissed at him I really was.

Harry fucked me four times that afternoon and we were getting dressed to leave when he asked if he could see me again. I was on the verge of saying, "No Harry, this was a mistake, a pleasurable mistake, but a mistake just the same" when a thought hit me - what if Harry had gotten me pregnant? Wouldn't that just serve Donny right! Donny already knew that there was a twenty percent failure rate in the program he was on. Yeah, why not.

"I'd like that Harry, but you can never, ever contact me, so give me a number where I can reach you."

He gave me his number and for the next two months Harry and I tried to fuck each other to death. We met three or four times a week during the day and I met him on Tuesday nights when Donny went bowling, but as much sperm as Harry shot into me I still didn't become pregnant. By that time I was determined to have a baby and since Donny and Harry had not produced I looked around for other old boyfriends or old lovers. By the end of the year I was juggling seven guys, counting Donny and Harry, and I had never been so sexually satisfied in my life, but I still wasn't pregnant.


Then one afternoon I was having lunch with Harry prior to an afternoon session at the Bide-A-Wee.

"I played cards with a bunch of guys last night."

"Oh? Did you win or lose?"

"Depends on the way you look at it."

"That's a strange answer."

"Yeah, well, you know how guys are, they like to brag about their sexual conquests."

"Yeah, so?"

"Well, first John bragged about how he was fucking you and then Art chimed in and said he was fucking you which made Mark laugh and we asked him what he thought was so funny he said he said, "I wonder how she manages it. I'm getting some too. She must spend most of her day on her back. We are all getting each other's sloppy seconds and never knew it." I didn't mention that we were getting it on. So, is it true? Are you doing all of us?"

What the hey, I was caught so I admitted that it was true. Then Harry wanted to know why.

"Did something change you into a nymphomaniac?"

"No, I'm just trying to get myself pregnant."

"That's what husbands are for."

"Some maybe, but not mine" and I told him the whole story.

"You don't care that you would be sticking him with somebody else's kid?"

"What I am trying to do Harry is give me a child. I'm the one who will stay at home and raise it. I want a baby and Donny is lying to me telling me he is trying hard to knock me up. The bottom line is that he will never know. Besides, it might end up being his. The program he is in has a twenty percent failure rate. Add to that the holidays are fast approaching and I don't want to go through another holiday season listening to my mother whine about when am I going to give her grand kids."

Then Harry wanted to know if I knew when I would be my most fertile and did I track temperatures and all that and I told him that I did.

"Next time you are fertile we will see to it that you get pregnant."


"Trust me on this one sweetheart, you won't be disappointed."


A week later, on a Monday, I called Harry and told him that the charts showed that Wednesday was going to be my peak time that month.

"Meet me at the Bide-A-Wee at noon tomorrow and plan on staying there as long as possible before you have to go home to Donny."

That night at dinner I told Donny that he wasn't going to be going bowling Tuesday night. "You are going to spend Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights between my legs and we will get the job done."

"But honey, we are in a run for first place and I need to be there."

"Tough shit Donny. You be here tomorrow night or the only holes you will be sticking your dick into will be the three drilled into your bowling ball."

Hey, he at least deserved a chance at being the daddy even if he had been screwing me around.


I was at the motel at eleven-thirty and Harry was already there waiting in the parking lot. He went in and got us a room and five minutes later he was between my legs and going for glory. He was in mid-stroke when there was a knock on the door and he stopped and pulled out of me which set me off screaming at him.

"God damn it Harry, I was almost there. What the fuck are you doing leaving me hanging like this?"

"Just hang on sweetheart, you have all afternoon."

He answered the door and John and Art were standing there. Harry let them in and they started undressing.

"What the hell is going on her Harry?"

"What is going on sweetheart is that we are going to keep a cock in you all afternoon and we intend..." and there was another knock on the door interrupted him. He opened the door and Mark was standing there with two other guys that I'd never seen before. Harry stepped aside and let the three into the room and then closed the door.

"As I was saying, we are going to keep a cock in you all afternoon and pump so much sperm into you that you will slosh when you walk. We will do the same thing tomorrow and Thursday and if that doesn't get you pregnant then you may as well assume that the gods don't want you raising a kid. Okay, you know John, Art and Mark, but you have never met Bill and Steve. They are friends of mine and I vouch for them. I asked them to join us for the next three days because of their history. Bill has six kids and his wife swears that all he has to do is look at her and smile and another one is on the way. Steve has seven kids and his wife won't even let him touch her anymore unless she has her diaphragm in, he has a condom on and he pulls out before he cums. Since I didn't clear this with you ahead of time all that has to happen now is for you to say yes."

I looked around the room at the six men. It was a big step for me. I'd never been with more than one man at a time before, but then I considered that the holidays were coming and with them my mother and I did want a baby. I took one last look around the room and then spread my legs wide, "Gentlemen, start your engines."


I looked around the room at the six people and smiled to myself and then I said, "This is a very special Thanksgiving for me. I'm thankful that I can announce that I'm pregnant and that there will be another chair at this table next year"

The range of emotions from the others at the table was mixed. My mother was overjoyed of course. Sarah and Milly (her 'significant other') had looks of "Oh you poor sap" on their faces and Donny's parents were congratulatory, but Donny was stunned. I smiled at him, but he didn't smile back.

"I saved the announcement for today sweetie because I wanted it to surprise you."

"Well you certainly did that."


Did I feel bad about doing that to Donny? Not at all. I wanted a baby and I got one and there is one chance in seven that the baby is his. He did make love to me a total of sixteen times over the three days and nights when the other six were fucking me. Oh I'll admit that the odds are nowhere near one in seven, but my math skills are not nearly good enough to figure out the real odds. Take Donny's sixteen times, factor in the twenty percent failure rate of the contraceptive program, add the number of times six other men had made sperm deposits in me over the same three day period and only God could come up with the real odds.

I had a beautiful nine pound baby boy and I named him Donald Evans Marcus, Junior. Am I going to get a DNA test to find out who the real father is? No. It doesn't matter to me who the father is, the baby is mine and that is all that matters, at least to me.

My last day as a round-heeled slut was the day after the doctor confirmed that I was with child. I called all the guys and thanked them for their efforts and then I met them at the Bide-A-Wee for a celebration. Following that I was loyal to Donny for the next three years, right up to the day he left me. And no, it had nothing to do with the baby. Donny left me for a secretary who works where he works. She was ten years younger than me, had bigger boobs and god knows what else.

Life got real interesting after that. Was I pissed? Hell yes, but even as pissed as I was I wasn't a total bitch. Since Donny had obviously not wanted to be a father and was only a so-so daddy after the baby came I cut him a deal. Instead of selling the house and splitting the proceeds he signed the house over to me, I didn't ask for alimony and we never mentioned little Donny in the divorce papers so he didn't have to pay child support.

My mother moved in with me and became my live-in babysitter and I went back to work. One year after the divorce I began dating again and Harry found out and stated coming around. We dated several times and then started keeping steady company. He keeps after me to make the arrangement permanent and I was considering it when something totally surprising and unexpected occurred. Donny's relationship with his husband stealing bimbo cratered and he came home begging for forgiveness and asked me to take him back.

Interesting situation that. I loved him and I was crushed when he left me and since he'd been gone I don't believe a day went by that I didn't think of him. That put me between a rock and a hard place because I had developed some pretty strong feelings for Harry.

"You can't seriously be thinking of taking him back," said Harry, "Especially after what he did to you."

"I don't know Harry, maybe that was Fate's way of seeing to it that I got my comeuppance for what I did to him."

"But he did it to you out in the open in front of God and everybody. He doesn't have any idea of what you did."

"I didn't say that HE did it to punish me Harry, I said maybe it was Fate's way."


I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I'm in the position of going steady with Harry, but I'm dating Donny as I try to figure out what to do. A weird relationship to be sure, but one with unique benefits - my sex life is outstanding what with two men after me. I may not ever make a decision if I can keep both of them hanging around.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Did JPB die and his wife take over his account? What a piece of crap.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

That poor kid is going to grow up in a truly fucked up home.

oldtwitoldtwit6 months ago

Very cleaver, nicely written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Harry knows what she did to her first husband and nonetheless wants to be her second? Oh well, you can't fix stupid...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Might be your worst slut story , but not sure .

That's steep competition

ReadyOneReadyOnealmost 2 years ago

Donny was a so-so daddy and she couldn't trust him. Harry was stepping up to the plate and she was happy with him. Not a tough desicion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Better option was to just not invite Mom for holidays and hang up the phone when she started up. But then there would have been no story, so there's that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

tkh . . .2110 - Your right, good story with stupid people. Sadly real life is as bad or worse.

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

Damn that was a steaming pile, even by LW standard.

amyyumamyyumover 5 years ago
Really entertaining

I loved it 5* worth.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 5 years ago
By all means, don't talk to one another

He doesn't want to be a dad. She wants to be a mom. He enters a contraceptive study and she becomes a round heal slut. Why not sit down a talk about it rather than all of the lying and sneaking around. Stupid people! Good story.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
No one

Worth caring about in this garbage pile.

imhaplessimhaplessabout 6 years ago
Entertaining and original

5* in my humble opinion

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
No way

Let the dirty who're have a thousand kids from a thousand men. The only humiliation job didn't heap on husband is the black basketball team which did her after each game!

MightyHornyMightyHornyover 6 years ago
Everybody got what they were looking for here...

Not feeling the least bit sorry for Donny, 'cause, let's face it: he's an asshole, and therefore deserved all the backstabbing, unknown or otherwise, that he got.

Not feeling much sympathy, though, for Joan, 'cause she's a child. Pretty much every single one of her actions and reactions came from a place of extreme immaturity. I know that JPB mostly wrote his female characters as if they're nymphos stuck in their pre-teens, and this one is a prime example of it.

Actually, no one is really likable in this story (BTW, I know this is a JPB trope, but, seriously... why are his male characters always quite ready to pull trains on sluts? I personally do not know anyone that are so willing to share pussy with every single friend they have... must be a Bob thing.) But I still gonna give it a 4*, 'cause, ultimately, I do feel that Johann had a right to get back at Donny somehow... even though what she chose to do ultimately cheaped her.

In any case, for once, I don't feel sorry for anyone after reading a JPB tale. Always a plus.

sinsational83sinsational83over 7 years ago

Oh just so you know, I've given this story 3 stars. Only because of the writing and the fact that as a story it wasn't too bad.

sinsational83sinsational83over 7 years ago

I'm just wondering if you are a cuckold yourself. Or if you are just a wanna be cuckold. I mean so far any story I have read of yours are about wimp assed men that seem to always put up with their wives screwing around on them. Like I said I'm just wondering.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Does Donny not know Harry or any of the other guys?

It seems to me that he would have heard through the grapevine that his wife was a slut. Guys being guys, they like to talk. Someone, somewhere would have certainly let the cat out of the bag and told someone, who told someone else and Donny would know it wasn't his kid and that she had been hanging horns on him. I wonder if Donny had the divorce re-opened, asked for 1/2 the house and sued the men for being the Father. Court orders a DNA test, the real Father is found and made to pay child support, Donny's name is removed from the birth certificate and he goes on his happy, happy way glad to finally know the truth. Needs another chapter Bob.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
This didn't work.

I think Donny asked for and got a DNA test. When he was proved to not be the Father, he took everything in the divorce, moved away and she never heard from him again. She sued the guys involved, found out who the Father really was and is getting child support from him. She's still single because what she did to Donny came out at the Divorce hearing and no one wanted to have anything to do with the cheating slut.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago
a whore

who thinks a cock is the same as love and a family. when her pussy gets old and the cocks get old too she is up shit creek, where cheating fucking whore need to be. once JPB wrote a good slut wife, i hate her and she is not even real.

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 12 years ago
just another old whore story

Donny should be castrated and her pussy should be sewed close.

chytownchytownover 12 years ago
O K Read.

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
A Rose by another name

Once a slut, always a slut. Donny needs to run.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
What A Fucking Skank

Very unsatisfying story. The only REAL solution is that she should have divorced the stupid husband as soon as she discovered he was in the program. She did NO ONE any favors having a child who's dad was never going to be a real "Daddy" as well as probably not his biological "FATHER". He DID NOT WANT CHILDREN.

And believe me, one and all, that child WILL discover the truth, sooner or later. The Truth Will ALWAYS Come Out. Always.And as for that limp-dick, Harry, all he wanted was a shot at a slut's hot sloppy pussy. And let's not talk about Disease. It's almost a surety that the so-called "round-heeled bitch" would, in real life contract some nasty STD, and infect the baby as well.

The fact is that this kid's gonna get fucked, too, but not in a way he could ever appreciate. Not like his nasty mom could. His putative father is practically a saint here. He just had two monogamous(relatively!) relationships. But his wife!! Six males in a Motel 66??? Whatdafuck?? They all deserve a bullet, cuz they all took home whatever the stupid bitch transferred to THEM!!

"Reality Sucks!". Words to live by.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
dna of the baby

Who was the donny or harry?

Pat M.


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