Joan's Year Of Changes


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That's when everything changed.

Before I could turn and leave the table, Joan blurted out, "Kevin is Jim's step-son."

I came back to my seat and just stared at Joan.

Joan took a long breath and let the words float out on the exhale. "Kevin's a senior. He's 18; Believe me, I checked his records. You don't hear much about him. I think it's because, he's not been able to hold his grades up. A Few years ago he was held back a grade but that's all I know.

My mind was blank. I tried to articulate my incredulity but nothing came. I couldn't speak so Joan spoke for me.

She took a breath and unlike her previous disclosures, her words came slow and measured. "Jim and I were inside the house. It was getting dark outside and neither of us thought to close the drapes. No one was supposed to be home for another hour and a half. But Kevin came home early and saw us through the window. He must have taken the pictures with his phone. I didn't know he was there and I'm sure Jim didn't know."

"Ok, Then he sent these pictures?" I asked, pointing at the table.

Joan nodded.

"Why would he send them here?"

"What do you think?" Joan asked through a deepening frown.

I looked at one of the pictures. It was the one with Joan bent over the counter and Jim standing behind her. He was sweating and concentrating on the white woman beneath him. Joan was staring toward the camera.

"If he is sending them here, then he wants one of two things. He wants you to stop seeing Jim. So he sent these here for me to find and then I would make you stop. But that's pretty risky, I mean, how would he know that I wouldn't say something to Jim? Then everything would be out in the open. Then again, maybe he's just mad and wants to get back at you."

Joan stared at me as I puzzled over the situation; she didn't move and didn't show any emotion. When I went silent and looked up at her she flashed me an uneasy grin.

"You're here. So you knew he was sending them. He told you." I said.

"Yeah he did." Joan replied and then fell silent.

"Well, then he's not trying to get back at you or he wouldn't have told you anything. So, what you're saying is that you and Jim didn't know that Kevin had photographed your fuck session and then Kevin tells you he has pictures and...and he told you because he wanted something and you didn't give it to him. What did he want?"

Joan leaned forward and with her manicured index finger audibly stabbed the picture of her on her knees worshipping Jim's black cock. It was the one where she had one hand wrapped around the base and the other was cupping his big black balls. In it she was licking the underside of his shaft while staring up into his eyes.

Joan tapped her finger on the picture as she told me the rest of her story. "Jim and I had no idea that Kevin was outside. I suppose we should have been more careful but Kevin is never home that early. That night was the only exception. He's the one who locks down the weight room after the team is finished with the equipment. There was a power outage at the school. Evidently a truck took out a telephone pole down the street. Who would have figured? I mean the chances have to be one in a million. But none of that matters now. Kevin came home early, and, he must have seen us just before he opened the door.

When I left, I didn't see Kevin on my way to my car. He wasn't in the yard. I didn't think anything was amiss. I went home took a shower and talked to you on the phone before I went to bed."

I interrupted and asked "Was that the night we had phone sex?"

Joan answered, "Yes it was and it was great wasn't it."

I didn't say anything because it was great, but after finding out what precipitated it, how could I admit to that again?"

Joan continued with her confession, "The next day, I didn't see Jim or Kevin.. I only know Kevin through my formal introduction to Jim. He's not in any of my classes."

I nodded my head and motioned for her to continue, she was enjoying this too much. I knew I should have been angry, no furious at her and I was angry but it wasn't enough.

Joan continued to drone on about her classes that day. "Nothing unusual, the kids were as thick headed as normal but after my time with Jim, none of that stuff mattered. So I had a great day and when it was over, I went home. I didn't let myself feel guilty about not staying late. It was too nice of a day to worry about anything. When I got home, I watched some TV and just relaxed.

The next day started out just as good. I got to work early and had my lessons sitting, ready on my desk. Class after class everything went fine until lunch. You know I've got the 'C' lunch duty. It's the late lunch but I have a free period just before it, so it feels like an extra long lunch break. I was just putting the last of my things into my desk drawer when someone knocked at the door. The door was open so I waved whoever it was to come on in. I was a little startled when I looked up and saw it was Kevin. Like I said he isn't in any of my classes. I asked how I could help him. He didn't answer me. He just stood next to my desk looking down at me in a peculiar kind of haughty way. I asked again if I could help him and he said, "Yeah, you see Miss King, there's something you ought to know. My Mom had to leave my real dad. He used to hit her. She left him, and her family to come here. I was little when we moved but I knew it was something she had to do. She's always worked hard, she said it was for me and I've never forgotten that.

Jim's a good guy. With him around Mom don't have to work so hard. She still works weird times and is gone a lot but she don't come home so tired anymore. She used to go to bed in her work clothes. Now she works her forty and she's done. What can you do for me Miss King?" He was livid as he glared down at me like he was condemning me or something.

He put a piece of paper on my desk. I didn't see where it came from; I don't remember seeing his hands move. The paper was like these but I don't see it in any of these copies. I couldn't say anything. I just looked up at him. He put his finger in my face and told me to stay away from Jim. In fact I'll never forget his exact words, "Bitch I better never see you in or near my house again. You best tell Jim it was all a mistake and that you and him are through; if you don't I'm going to send these pictures to your husband, your church, your neighbors and to anyone else that cares about you.

Joan stopped and I took advantage of the silence to ask the obvious, "So what did you tell him?"

Joan answered wide eyed, "I told him it was a terrible mistake. I said that I didn't mean to hurt him and his mother. I was sorry really sorry and that I would tell Jim that it was over and that I would never do such a thing again. I was practically pleading with him to forgive me but he just stared at me."

I let the words "practically pleading with him to forgive me" roll around in my head" Joan hadn't pleaded any forgiveness from me. The hollow feeling this revelation made was quickly filled with the overwhelming desire to hear her story.

Joan was still rattling off her conversation with Kevin, "He told me that I better be true to my word. I told him I would be and then, that haughty look of his changed. His lip curled a bit and he put his left hand on my desk. He leaned in close to me and said, "I understand why Jim did what he did. You're a whore behind the door."

Joan looked incensed, "He called me a whore. I asked him not to talk to me like that, but he didn't listen. He just kept going on about how I dressed."

"What do you mean about how you dressed?" I asked.

Joan swallowed and then said, "He said that I was always wearing the right clothes but that my skirt was just a little too short and my blouse was always just a little low. He said that I must enjoy the attention. I guess he thought he was complimenting me because he said that I was smart. If anyone tried to say that Ms. King was dressing inappropriately it sounded more like male teenage wishful thinking than reality.

Kevin stood up straight and said he understood why Jim was taken in by me. He said Jim just needs to know that it was wrong. He then said, "You're going to tell him that, but how do you know it was wrong? I know you said so, but saying and knowing are two different things." Ed, you know what he did?"

I shook my head.

Joan dropped her gaze and shook her head disbelievingly as she said, "He grabbed his crotch and said that he was going to give me what I wanted."

"What did you do then?" I asked in a higher tone than I had planned.

"I told him to get the hell out. I got up from my desk, and pointed out the door. That's when he told me that I'd be sorry, but I was so angry that I didn't care. That is until he left. I went into a panic as soon as he was gone. I didn't follow him out into the hall because I didn't want to be on camera. I mean what if he sent those pictures to you or Fr. Wilson, my parents, or one of the girls?" All of that stuff kept running through my head. I called Karen to cover lunch for me, then I tried to find Kevin, but I didn't see him anywhere.

I didn't see him the next day or the next. I started to believe he was just bluffing. You and I had such a great weekend that I almost forgot about him. And then, this." Joan spread her hands out over the table top.

"Yeah, and this." I said angrily.

Joan deflated a bit. But she seemed to understand her own stupidity.

"So how did he tell you?" I asked through the sudden stillness.

Joan gave me a straight smile and said, "There was a brown envelope taped to my door."

"Oh my God, he put pictures in it?" I asked

"No; there was only a piece of paper in it." Joan replied.

I told her to let me see it so she got up to get it from her purse. She handed me a neatly folded note. On one side was typed.

A bargain is a bargain. You didn't keep up your end so I don't have any choice but to do as I said. Your husband will be interested in what I left on your front porch. I'll talk to you about any remedy for this.

I read it and then read it again.

"As soon as I got it, I left. I could barely dial the phone for the office to tell them that I was really sick and I had to go home for the afternoon. You were already home when I got here." Joan said. She gave me a pitiful look and sat back in her chair.

My temper boiled as I stared at the floor. A couple of hours ago, all I could think about was getting home so I could take a nap before Joan came home. I was going to take a fucking nap. Now, everything was wrong.

I started to speak, the words came out in bursts. I honestly can't remember it all but I do remember saying, "Look at what the fuck you've done. Damn it Joan you've ruined our family and you've fucked with Jim's family. And all for what? For what?"

I stood up and without thinking upended the kitchen table. The look in Joan's eyes bothered me but only for a moment. She should have been scared. No, no, she should have been terrified. The whole mess was her fault; all her damn fault. I punched a hole in the wall and then turned to Joan. She was cowering in the corner. There was stark terror in her eyes. I stood in front of her, my fists clenched. I couldn't hear anything but my own fury. I reached out for her but stopped.

I hissed through my teeth and then yelled, "I got to get out of here."

I left. I just got in the car and drove. I didn't take anything with me. I didn't want to stop and talk to anyone. So I didn't really go anywhere. I drove through our neighborhood and past my office. I drove by the elementary and high schools where the girls attended. I walked through the park where I had proposed to Joan and I drove by our first house.

When I finally came home, it was two thirty in the morning. The house was lit up and Joan met me in the living room. Before I could say anything she told me that she was going to quit her job. Then, when I didn't respond, she said "I'll give you a quick divorce if you want one."

But I had other plans.

After Joan sat down on the couch I said, "No, I don't want a divorce. You got this family into this mess and we're going to get it out. First, this Kevin thinks he's playing some kind of game. But, I'm not a high school kid. Let's see how he is going to act when he comes up against a man who doesn't think this is a game. As far your little affair is concerned we're keeping those pictures. I want you as my wife. From now on, I won't be denied. Do you understand?"

Joan nodded, then asked cautiously, "What are you planning Ed? Kevin's only eighteen, you're not going to hurt him, are you?"

I explained my plan. It was simple; really, she would play along with Kevin and set a meeting with him. Then she would text me and I would show up and play the role of the angry violent husband. That would show him that he didn't want to play this game.

Joan nodded; then reiterated my intentions by saying, "So, you want me to agree to meet with Kevin. Let you know where so you can show up to scare him."

"Yeah that's right." I said.

"Do you think it will work?" she asked plainly.

"Yes I do. He's a kid and he's fucking with a man and He'll see it's not a game."

It took some talking but Joan agreed to do it.

That next day we both missed work so we could talk through the reasons for her affair. It was a dispassionate discussion about needs and time and lack of attention. I got a huge erection when she described their love making. She said that Jim held her firmly and without saying anything made her do what he wanted. He made her want to please him. She admitted to being at Jim's house only twice but having little meetings at the school. Most were in the office where they would kiss and neck like teenagers. Once she let him unbutton her top and fondle her bare breasts. She would have fucked him but a student knocked on the outer door to his office.

After that episode in his office Jim came by her classroom more often. He talked to her in the halls between classes and he often walked her to her car. Joan warmed to the attention by wearing revealing outfits. I should've made her quit her job but the stories of her assignations with a large black man were too disarming. They were the stuff of my deepest fantasies. I found my self hoping to hear more. By the end of the day, I couldn't tell her to quit her job.

Early on the second day, Joan sent me a text. She was meeting Kevin at 5:30 PM in the coach's office behind the gymnasium. Since Kevin was responsible for locking up the weight room he would be the last person to leave the gym.

I met Joan after her last class so she could show me to the coach's office. The office sits at the intersection of two halls. With the lights out, Kevin would be able to see or hear anyone approaching from the gymnasium or the weight room. Joan unlocked the outside door so I could enter from the only blind side to the office. She went back to her office and I left until quarter after five.

When I returned, the parking lot was empty. The hall was empty and dark. The office lights were on. Everything was ready for my performance. I walked up to the edge of the glass and stopped. Joan and Kevin were talking.

He was saying in a deep smooth voice "I'm glad you came around. It would have been a messy business with getting these pictures out to everyone. This makes it easier on both of us. Besides, you'll like what I'm giving you."

Joan replied, "Let me see it."

Kevin said, "Fuck that bitch; did you do what I told you?"

"Yes", Joan said.

"Prove it. Pull that tiny little skirt up. Show me that you've been teaching your classes without any panties.

I peered around the corner and saw Kevin sitting on a desk angled away from me. Joan was standing in front of him. She was slowly lifting the hem of her skirt. She never took her eyes off his. She stopped for just a moment. I could only see the side of her face but what I saw was half of a broad smile.

Joan held the skirt bunched up in her fists. It was impossible to see if she was wearing panties. Kevin put his arms around her waist, lifted the skirt and planted his palms on her bare ass. They held that close embrace for several moments. I stood motionless and watched him manhandle my wife. I couldn't look away from it. He fondled her with the same surety and rightfulness as when I pet my dog.

When he stepped back, Joan was breathing rapidly and looked flush. Standing in front of that black boy with her skirt around her waist; I could see her neatly trimmed pussy. Joan never trimmed her pubic hair; at least not for me. She looked over at the window and our eyes locked.

She never told me about going to school without panties. She never told me that he had made any demands upon her at all. I edged away from the window and began to fume. Why did she trim her pussy like that? What the hell was going on?

I heard Kevin say, "Damn! Now that's more like it. Now let me see those tits.

I peered around the edge of the window and saw Joan unbuttoning her top. She then reached around and unfastened her bra. In a moment the bra was on the floor and she was standing in front of Kevin with her shirt open, and no panties. She only looked my way for a second before dropping to her knees. She wanted this to happen. The truth of it was in her eyes. I've never seen her so aroused. Perhaps she was hoping that I would stop her by charging into the office. That was the plan; not going without panties and waxing her pussy.

I took a step down the hall and then leaned against the wall. I was only a few inches from the window but the angle kept me from being seen. I could hear them talking.

"Damn, you are so hot, baby. You'll do just fine. From now on you and I are going to have a great time." Kevin said with a growl.

In her best propitiating teacher voice, Joan tried to admonish her young black lover by saying, "Kevin we can't get caught doing this. You've got too much to lose. I've got too much to lose. If this gets out..."

Kevin stopped her shrill pleading by saying, "I'm only going to say this once. You hear; only once! No one, not even your happy husband has to know about this. If he or your pretty daughters find out; it'll be because of you; not me. Understand me?" There was a long silence. Then Kevin commanded Joan to get into position.

I pushed away from the wall and once again peered through the window. I was startled when Joan's open palms were suddenly planted on the glass. I took another step and I saw her face. She was looking down and seemingly concentrating on something. Then her head jerked forward and she almost hit the glass. She closed her eyes and bit her lip. Then in the next moment she pushed back leaving her hands on the glass while her torso surged back and forth. Kevin was fucking her.

"Now, bitch, say what you need to say. Tell me what I told you." Kevin commanded. He didn't sound like a high school senior. He sounded like a man who knew his woman's place.

Joan closed her eyes as she said "I'll fuck you, Kevin; where ever you want, whenever you want and I'll be just the way you want me, but please we can't let anyone find out."

Kevin slammed into her hard almost knocking her into the glass again.

What did I tell you? Kevin growled. Then he continued in a low thick measured tone. "If you do as I say, when I say to do it then no one is going know. You do what you're told and in a year, the only thing I'll be is a shitty smile on your face. Now say it."

Joan's expression changed. She had a slight snarl on her lips and her eyes were half closed. "Fuck me, please fuck me Kevin. I want to be yours; I want to give myself to you. I'll do whatever you want. Just please make me do it. Make me yours all yours; from now and forever."