Johnny's Impala

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A young virgin loses her virginity to a bad boy.
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Anonymous said:

Hi Jenni! Can you write a story where a girl loses her virginity to a bad boy? She's a good girl, book smart, but not street smart. She should say no to this guy, but she doesn't know how and she's left after to wonder if she got pregnant. The bad boy needs to be really bad. Maybe he's in a gang or a drug dealer. Thanks!

Johnny's Impala

I was only nineteen when I met Johnny. He was twenty-six and bad news. Everyone told me so, although I was much too naive to listen to anything but the beating of my heart. I was smitten with Johnny the moment we met. There was something about him that made me feel things I never realized were possible. He made my heart pound with lust no matter what he did. Maybe that's why I let him do whatever he wanted to me.

Johnny didn't want me at first. It took several months of me hanging around and showing up at his front door wanting to hang out.

"Lila, you need to get out of here. You don't belong in this life. Now go on," he said as I stood at his front door, my body aching for something that I wasn't aware of. I didn't know why I kept showing up at Johnny's front door. I didn't know what it was I wanted. All I knew was that I couldn't stop myself. I felt out of control in ways I'd never been before.

"Please, Johnny. I just want to hang out with you. Let me in?" I stuck my arm in the door as he tried to close it, and he sighed heavily.

"Fine. Come out here," he pushed past me and led me toward his old Chevy Impala. I knew that this car was important to Johnny, and I liked how it looked in the moonlight as he unlocked it with a key. "Get in," he grumbled. He was always so grumpy.

I got into the car and sat in the passenger seat, tasting the victory of being alone with Johnny in his car for the first time. I looked at him, his dark features the sexiest I had ever known. I didn't know what it was about Johnny that made me want to get close to him, but I couldn't get my thoughts off of him. Even when we were apart, I couldn't stop thinking about the way the nape of Johnny's neck met his hairline and the way his eyes darted from left to right as he backed the Impala out of his driveway.

I rode next to him in silence, unsure of where he was taking me but not caring where it was. I would have gone anywhere with Johnny, even though everyone warned me that he was bad news. I knew he was in a gang, and I'd heard that he was a drug dealer. I knew these were bad things, and yet, Johnny didn't seem like a bad person. He was irresistible to me, and I continued to stare at his profile while he kept his eyes on the road.

"Why are you hanging around me, Lila? What are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, surprised that he was putting me on the spot. "I just like you. Is that so wrong?"

"Why do you like me?" Johnny asked with a rude smirk.

"I don't know. I just find you...attractive." I couldn't explain my feelings because I didn't understand them, but I tried my best. "I want to kiss you."

Johnny tried to stifle a laugh.

"Why are you laughing at me?" I cried, the hurt in my voice obvious.

"Because you're funny."

I began to cry as Johnny continued to drive. I felt so stupid for trying to tell him how I felt. I looked straight ahead at the road, watching the stillness of the desert. Johnny finally turned off in a spot I had never been before. Little alarm bells started ringing in my head, trying to tell me that I was stupid for going off alone with Johnny. He followed a long, winding road before he finally pulled off into the darkness. There were no streetlights, and I realized that Johnny and I were finally alone the way I wanted. Why was I feeling so uneasy? Why had I put myself in this position?

"Where are we?" I asked with a sniffle.

"Oh God, are you crying?" Johnny asked me as if he was horrified by the prospect that I was.

"No?" I lied.

"Well, we're alone. Why don't you get on this dick? Come suck it."

"Suck it?" I asked, unsure of what he wanted me to do. Johnny didn't know it, but I was a virgin, and I didn't really know much about sex. Johnny was the first man I had a crush on and the first one that I wanted to do anything sexual with. It's just that I had never done anything sexual, and I was a bit scared of how he would use me. Johnny was the type of man who just took what he wanted. It was part of what I liked so much about him, but I never thought he would take so much from me.

"You know I have a gun, right?" Johnny asked suddenly.

"What? No. Why do you have a gun?"

"Just in case someone tries to fuck with me. You know? Lemme show you."

Johnny reached into his pants and pulled a small pistol from his waistband. He presented it to me, and I noticed how the barrel caught the light of the moon. I reached one finger out and touched it, afraid to get too close to it since I had no idea how to operate a gun.

"You look scared." Johnny chuckled.

"I...I've never seen a real gun before," I admitted. "I don't know anything about guns."

"What are you doing here with me then? Do you want some coke or something? You want to do some crank?"

"I don't know. I don't like coke. What is crank?"

"You've done coke?" he asked in surprise.

"Yeah. My mom buys cases of it at a time."

"No, dumb dumb. Not Coca-Cola. Cocaine."

"Oh! No, I've never tried that."

"You want to?"

"No. I don't think so."

"It'll make what's about to happen next way better."

"What's going to happen next?

"First, you're going to suck my dick, and then I'm going to fuck you."

"Fuck me?"

"Oh, don't act like you don't want this. You've been sniffing around here looking for something. I know what you're looking for. This dick." He grabbed his crotch provocatively, and my heart did a little flip-flop.

"Maybe," was all I could think of to say. That's when Johnny lunged at me. Suddenly his mouth was on mine, and then his tongue was in my mouth. I felt weird, mostly because I had never been kissed so aggressively. I didn't know what to do, and my limbs froze. My mouth softened, and I let Johnny kiss me the way he wanted to. His kisses were much more aggressive than I had anticipated.

Johnny's hands were everywhere, but mostly up my dress, trying to hook their way into my panties so he could feel my pussy. I was still hairy down there. I had never considered that I would be having sex with Johnny so soon. I always dreamed of us being a couple for a while before he tried to have sex with me. At the same time, I didn't say no to him, even when his fingers found my pussy and wriggled their way into my hole.

Johnny's fingers were working in and out of me. No one had ever done such a thing to me, and I moaned, excited by how it felt to have him finger fucking me. My pussy became slick with wetness. I was unable to believe the sensations that he was evoking in me. No one had ever done this to me. It was all new, and it made me love Johnny even more.

"Get naked. Now." Johnny stared me down.

"I...I don't know..." I began.

"I said, get naked! When I say something, you do it. You want me to want you, don't you?" he barked at me.

"Yes," I said in a tiny, meek voice.

"Then get naked. I want to see your titties and your pussy."

"I'm scared," I said honestly.

"If you want me to fuck you, you're going to have to get naked. Okay?" He stared me down.

"Okay," I said slowly, realizing that Johnny was more advanced than me, and if I didn't get on his level, then I would be alone. I didn't want to be without him. This was the best moment of my life. I took off my dress slowly and then my bra and panties.

"There we go. You have a really sexy body, honey. I'm going to make you feel so good. Crawl into the backseat for me."

Johnny wasn't asking. He followed after he removed his pants and underwear. He left his t-shirt on, but his big dick poked out from underneath it. I had never gotten a good look at a cock before, and my eyes settled on Johnny's, scrutinizing it. The way he narrowed his eyes until I obeyed scared me enough to make me scramble quickly into the backseat.

"Touch it."

"Um...okay." I grabbed Johnny's cock, not really sure of what I should be doing with it. I wished that I had watched porn or that I had some type of experience with a dick, but I fumbled with it until Johnny shook his head with distaste.

"You've never given a hand job before? Jesus."

"I'm sorry, Johnny. I can learn if you teach me. I want to learn," I said quickly, hoping my eagerness would somehow make up for the fact that I had no idea what I was doing.

"Put it in your mouth."

I obeyed, bending down until my mouth was level with his cock. I opened my mouth as Johnny pushed his dick into it. He grabbed me by the head and fucked my face.

"Open your mouth wider. No wider! There you go. Now try your best to stay relaxed and don't choke. I need to fuck this stupid, little face. You know you have no business fucking with me. You know I'm bad news, that I'm just going to use your body and throw it away like a piece of trash. You know that, don't you?"

I nodded, his cock now down my throat. I was doing an excellent job of taking it. I was trying my best not to think about how my whole face was impaled by Johnny's big dick.

"You're pretty good at this. Open wider. Let me fuck that stupid face." He held my head in place as he used my throat. He groaned with pleasure as he used me. I wish I could say that I felt bad about what was happening to me, but I was proud of myself for taking his cock this way on my first try. I actually felt like I was good at something that someone valued, and the fact that it was Johnny made me so happy. I would have done anything for him.

"I want to fuck your pussy now," Johnny announced suddenly, ripping his cock from my throat and turning me around into doggy style. His Impala had a pretty roomy backseat, big enough for us to have sex in.

"Okay," I said, not thinking about the implications of allowing Johnny to fuck me bareback. He didn't bother with a condom as he entered me from behind. He met some resistance from my flesh as he attempted to push all the way inside of me.

"Damn, you are tight! Let me get some lube." Johnny laughed as he spit into his own hand and then used his saliva to coat the entrance to my pussy. Now, his cock slid inside of me more easily, but it was still so tight that he could barely push it all the way in. "You have the tightest little cunt I've ever felt," he breathed into my ear.

"Thanks, Johnny," I beamed with pride as I realized the man of my dreams was now inside of me. His cock was spreading my pussy open for the first time, and I was losing my virginity exactly the way that I wanted to. I wasn't prepared for the sensations that started out painful but melted into a perfect pleasure that spread through me rapidly. I was filled with the power of Johnny's cock, his long, slow strokes moving faster with each pump of his dick.

"Your tight pussy is so much better than I thought it would be. You might be useful to me after all," Johnny said through clenched teeth. It sounded like he was struggling with something, although I didn't understand that he was trying to stop himself from cumming too quickly. He slowed down a bit. "You like this dick?"

"Yes!" I said eagerly. I did love his dick, especially now that it was inside of me.

"How about we try it in your butt?" Johnny dared me to say no as I turned my head to meet his eyes, but I wasn't going to do that. If I wanted to be Johnny's favorite sex toy, I would have to do whatever it took to be that person.

"I've never done that, but I can try," I said honestly.

"I knew you were a good sport, Lila. Let me get some lube going." I heard him spit into his own hand. I waited patiently as he coated his dick with his saliva before attempting to push it into my tight, little virgin asshole. I let out a long, slow groan of pain as his cock went into me.

"Ouch! That hurts!" I cried, but he didn't stop. He pushed his cock deeper and deeper until he was all the way in me. I had never dreamed that this would happen to me, but here I was, unable to say no to Johnny. I already loved him, that much I knew. I would let him do anything he wanted to me, and I would enjoy it. I wanted him to know that my ass was his just as much as my pussy and my face. I would let him use me however he needed to, and I would love it because it was him. It didn't matter that he was in a gang or that he sold drugs. All that mattered was his perfect cock in my ass, using me. I wanted him to use me. I wanted him to use my body to feel good. That was all that mattered.

"Don't clench your asshole, Lila. Let me up inside of you." Johnny's instructions were basic, and I tried my best to do as he asked. As soon as I stopped clenching my butt cheeks together, his cock sunk even deeper into my asshole. I couldn't believe how far up inside my ass he was. I was a bit worried about it, but I shouldn't have been. Johnny had obviously been fucking girls in the ass for years. He knew what he was doing as he grabbed a chunk of my hair and pulled my whole head back. His cock pounded my asshole from behind in ways that virgins shouldn't have to deal with.

I allowed this to happen, and now I was paying the price. I screamed loudly, unable to control the sensations that were building in my pussy. I had never had an orgasm before, but the pleasure I felt was the beginning of my first one. The harder Johnny pulled my hair, the more the sensations built.

"This asshole belongs to me now. You understand? This asshole belongs to me! It's mine. Mine, bitch. You get it? Huh?" He was breathing down my neck now, and I tried to nod but realized I couldn't. Johnny's breath on my neck was too much. It pushed me forward, past the pleasure, and into a new realm. I was screaming now, my fingers reaching down to my clit reflexively. I was already cumming when my fingers hit my clit, but as I rubbed myself, the orgasm continued, my screams growing louder and then softer as the orgasm began to fade.

"I'm going to cum up in this ass!" Johnny screamed, and I felt the contractions of his orgasm as his dick exploded in my asshole. He finished himself off inside of me until his cock began to go limp. He pulled himself out of me and then laughed. "Stay right there; I need to take a picture."

I waited as he took a few photos of my gaped asshole. He stopped to show them to me.

"No one will ever believe I fucked your tight, little asshole, Lila."

"Why not?"

"Because you're a prude."

"I'm not a prude."

"You weren't today. Now get over here and suck my dick."

"I...I thought we just had sex."

"I tried to warn you not to get involved with me, Lila, but you wouldn't listen. Now you're going to get all your holes used all the time. You'll love it, you little slut."

"I'm not a slut!" I informed him.

"Maybe not yet. But you will be. Now, get your mouth on my cock."

"No, I can't."

Johnny reached for his gun and pointed it at my face. "You want to argue? Or are you going to suck my dick?"

"I'll suck it!" I said quickly, my heart pounding. I liked that Johnny was a bad boy, and I was going to do every nasty thing he asked, even if it was licking my own ass juices off of his cock.

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SlutProblemsSlutProblemsabout 2 years agoAuthor

No one has ever called me a bastard before! Ahahahaha! I can't even...

Ass to mouth is something I would NEVER DO in real life. It's one of my hard limits. I do write about it a lot though because I consider it extremely degrading and that's hot in a story like this. It's a story. Calm down. Breathe. Meditate. It's not real.

Man, I never thought about him making her his hoe and pimping her out. That would have been a much sicker ending! Maybe I do need a sequel.

theMasterBaitertheMasterBaiterover 2 years ago

Hot! I love the dominance and him hurting her a little. Thats the sort of thing I write about most often. But most of all, I love that she got what she wanted and will keep getting it. Maybe he will pimp her out or just share her, but I'm sure she will enjoy that as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This was a really hot got right into my head...I'd love to see you do a couple more chapters of the prude chick turned into a mob chick...5 Stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

a2m? Well, better include a trip to the medical clinic as well, you sick bastard.

SlutProblemsSlutProblemsover 2 years agoAuthor

It's funny, I totally DIDN'T deliver what anon ordered. I forgot the pregnancy scare. I was looking for the de-virginize section when I published this here but since I rarely write stories like this I had no idea what it was called. It's called first time? Okay. Noted for next time. Thank you Jon.

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