John's Options - Boss or Threesome?


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I continued, "I suggest just finishing around that area. You're bound to run into people that are fun to hang out with or a boy or two for that matter." I engaged my eyes toward the small girl that made the comment a moment ago.

"I'm Ashley and I can see nothing really gets past you. My friend over there is a bit wild but never really acts on the shit she says." Ashley implied.

I toned my voice down more, "That's good because, this town makes it very easy for girls, such as yourselves, to fulfill obligations like that easily. However, you could get in trouble quick because not many are trustworthy. Please be careful and just let me know if I can help at anytime. I'll be here throughout the entire evening."

Ashley smiled at me with more than just a thank you look. She followed saying, "We've brought our own stuff to have a good time. We'll be safe and it's good to know you'll be here to keep and eye on us. We'll stay out of trouble tonight, and probably hit the strip in the morning."

"Sounds like a good idea. Can I gather your team together so I can give them their keys and have everyone on their way?" I shifted the conversation back to a professional context. Jennifer was done with the coaches and was taking another phone call that came in. I didn't want her to see me flirting with the hot soccer player too long.

Ashley grabbed everyone's attention and was yelling over some of her teammates to settle down. I was able to begin speaking to everyone about where the rooms would be located. Where the pool was and how late it was open. I rambled on a bit more with about what else the hotel had to offer. I presented myself to be there to meet every need they might have, and help be their personal concierge shall they have any requests.

The girls took to the last part quite nicely and many walked off and cracking remarks as, "You'll be hearing form me shortly" to "Thank you Mr. Woods."

Jennifer was glad to see the group was done and that everyone was on their way. The hotel was now down to only nine arrivals and it wasn't even 7pm yet. This actually made it look like the rest of the evening could be pretty boring.

Jennifer said, "I think you're going to have your hands full with that bunch. A couple of them couldn't keep there eyes off you."

She made me feel embarrassed about conversing with Ashley at a somewhat personal level. I knew that she viewed them as immature teenagers and if I was in anyway going to portray myself as equal to them, I would lose any opportunity to take Jennifer to the Charity Banquet.

I had to get myself back to a high level of maturity in order to make her desire an evening with me.

"Looks as though I've done my job, then. After all, you were the one that trained me to connect at the customer's level." I made my statement clear and focused to withdraw any doubts she may have had.

It must have worked because she began to swivel back and forth a tiny bit, like she was a bit excited and said, "Good. Keep it up, but don't get too close to the customer. Otherwise you may lose focus on everyone else in the hotel." Her eyebrows raised when she mentioned the word everyone else.

I was glad to see with her swaying going on and her focus on word "everyone else" that she really meant her. Even though, verbally it was relating to the customers of the hotel. Jennifer was quite intelligent, and I loved that about her. It made her that much more desirable. She could find ways to manipulate things to go her way. It appeared she was manipulating things to move her way as the evening progressed.

I had another 20 minutes of checking in a couple guests and answering some phone calls before Jake came back with his car. He was quite relieved that everything went okay, but he was sorry it took over an hour to get back. I didn't mind as the time alone with Jennifer could pay off greatly.

"So what did I miss?" Jakes asked.

"Well to tell you the truth, a shit load has been going on. Before you had to leave I was talking to Jennifer about my friend Eric, and how he invited me to a Charity Banquet. However I didn't want to go because I don't have anyone I trust to go with. After a few more details, she actually offered to be my date." I responded.

"Wow?" Jake reacted with a puzzled look. "I wouldn't have expected that. She's so by the book. Although, I'm not shocked now that I think about it."

"Why's that?" I had to know.

"When you're not here, she's constantly talking about the things you do, and how we need to be more like you. You've kind of set the bar around here. She has you up on a pedestal." Jake evaluated the situation for what he thought of it.

He continued, "If that be the case, there's no way you're not going to take her, right?"

"I've thought about it the entire night. The only thing stopping me was the rules of our job, but since she oversees the rules, I can't see why not try one night out." I replied.

"Good. I tell you, I'd like to know everything....." Jake had to cutoff his sentence when all the sudden Jennifer's office door opened and she came back out.

We couldn't think of anything to talk about in that second to pretend we were conversing, but we had been playing room key basketball with the trash can. It was just enough to distract her from thinking we were talking about her.

"Who's winning?" Jennifer asked.

"I'm up 12-9" Jake answered

I'm glad he knew because I wasn't even keeping score. Hell maybe he just made it up. Good response either way.

"I think that's about it for tonight Gentleman. I appreciate all your help and John thanks for your help with the group tonight. They appear to be settled in." She was good at giving appreciation.

Jake was looking at the computer and was a bit surprised to see that the group had already showed up. He asked, "When did they come?"

I quickly answered, "About 40 minutes ago. Jennifer and I got them in smoothly."

I looked over at Jennifer and she was giving me a stare and a smirk. Not sure what she was pointing out, but it was either jealously or disapproval. Probably a little of both.

"I won't be in tomorrow as I have a Sales Meeting with our Revenue Manager. Just call if you need anything, but Mark will be in by noon. Have a good night and I'll see you after the weekend." Jennifer wrapped up her things and headed out the back door which led into our lobby.

We both said have a good night and she waved good bye to both of us, but only looked at me.

"I think you might be right. She may have a thing for you." Jake remarked as he was watching the back of her walk through the second set of sliding doors.

"We'll find out soon enough. I figure I'll need to give her one week's notice. I'll just ask her when she comes back in next week. I work the PM shift on Tuesday and she'll be wrapping up her day when I come in. Should be good timing." I said back to Jake.

The phone rang again, this time I decided to answer, "Guest Services this is John speaking how may I help you?"

It was Ashley calling from room 205 on the second floor, "Hello John. We were going to head to the pool and wondered where we could find pool towels?"

I responded,"Well, Ashley, we keep them at the pool but this late in the evening there may not be enough for your entire team. I suppose I could...."

"Oh no, it's just Rebecca, Kate, Lori and I going." She interrupted.

"I think you'll have enough then." I concluded.

"Great. Will I see you down there?" Ashley asked with a small giggle in the background.

I could sense the group of girls in the background listening to the conversation, "I can come down if you need me for anything. We have a phone at the pool, but I am obligated to remain at the Desk."

"If you find a break, we'll just be hanging out. Feel free to drop in. Bye bye." She hung up the phone and once again I began to feel stretched. I didn't want to think about Ashley and her soccer friends hitting on me, when Jennifer was really all I cared about.

The hotel continued on with its regular phone calls and we had another shuttle run to the airport, which I decided to take. It was nice to step away from the hotel for a moment. When I returned with the arriving guests, Jake had two requests waiting for me. One was to deliver an ice bucket to room 209 and guests at the pool needed more towels.

I welcomed the guests to our hotel, and they thanked me for the ride as I began to walk down the hallway towards Laundry. The entrance to the pool was right across from Laundry and when I arrived I could see the pool increased to 6 girls, and a middle aged couple in the hot tub.

I was thankful the girls were not alone, but I was still feeling nervous about being around Ashley. She was becoming quite seductive and she didn't even have to say a word. Not to mention her friends Rebecca, Kate and Lori being quite the nice sight as well.

I gathered the requested items from Laundry and walked to the elevator around the corner. Taking only a minute to arrive at room 209 and drop off the ice bucket. It was another part of the soccer team, and they were polite saying thank you and I wished them a good night.

Then, I went back down the elevator with the extra pool towels ready to deal with Ashley's friends. I pushed open the glass doorway to enter our outdoor pool. It had a small walkway down to it and there was an option to turn right into the parking lot or press forward entering the pool.

The small walkway allowed enough time for the girls to see me coming and they acted as expected. All of them stopped talking and addressed their attention toward me. I still felt a bit nervous as one girl is easy to deal with, but once they come in packs speaking begins to feel like your on stage giving a lecture.

I walked down the cement path to the gate that had to be opened with a room key. I had the hotel Master Key and opened the swinging gate. Ashley swam over to the edge of the pool, resting her head on her folded arms. Once again an appealing look on her face and one of her friends also swam over.

She climbed the latter out of the pool wearing a White Sting Bikini. Her entire body was tanned and not much of any tan lines. Her dark hair dropped down to rest on her shoulders, dripping water down her body. Each drop reflected the white florescent lights shining above the pool. It almost looked like sparkling glitter and with that skinny athletic body she could have been on a swimsuit cover.

She walked towards me and asked, "May I have on of those?"

I stretched out my arms allowing her to choose as many as she needed, commenting "Go right ahead."

"Thanks for coming quick, I'm not the night owl like the rest of the gang. I'm ready throw on the PJ's and chill in bed." She was drying her self off while speaking.

"I can understand that, I have a test tomorrow and I'll be going to bed once I get off work." I replied.

She began gathering her things once she dried off, and Ashley still resting at the pools edge said, "Come on Becca, you don't have to turn in this early?"

"This Vegas heat beat me down. I just want to take a shower and relax in the room." Rebecca responded while grabbing her sunglasses and placing them on top her head.

"Suit yourself. We'll be up in while." Ashley said while moving her eyes towards me.

"John, can you please leave the rest here on the chair with my jeans hanging from it. I set them down, right next to her size 6 Calvin Klein jeans. I glanced at the tag since it was exposed.

"Ashley!" yelled another girl by the other end of the pool. "What time are we meeting in the lobby tomorrow?" she said while in the middle of a conversation with her two other teammates.

"8 o'clock." She replied lightly.

While this was going on the couple from the hot tub began to dry off and collect their things. The girl resting outside the pool with her feet in the water, stepped out and started to make way for the hot tub.

"Looks like it'll just be us five, unless I can interest you in a swim to make it six?" Ashley couldn't seem to resist speaking to me in a tone that only I could hear. She already knew the answer.

"Sorry, Ashley. I'm still working and I have to cram for a test tomorrow after work." I said softly but I still think loud enough that the other three girls could hear. Their conversation had nearly come to a dead silence.

"I'm going to head back in and make sure Jake is okay." I stayed professional and kept a smile on my face looking at the other girls and ending with Ashley.

"Byyeeeee...." Ashley replying with a very sad tone in her voice, and this time she had back up with the other girls moaning, "Awe...."

I waved and gave them a little frown as the gate closed to the pool. Ashley never looked away just hanging onto the edge of the pool. Lucky for me she never got out. I don't think ogling at her figure would help matters much.

The evening was testing my willpower like I couldn't believe. Clearly Ashley was interested. Rebecca I wasn't sure about but wasn't denying me either. Then the group of girls giving me their pouts as I leave.

Only a few seconds did it take for me to get back to the front desk. Jake was their and he was hunching over the desk with a particular grin on his face.

"Dude. They're freaking hot as hell." He exclaimed while throwing his hands up in the air.

There's a girl, Rebecca, that came down here with some of her other friends and they were all wanting to know about tomorrow's breakfast. But they only had on their bikini's. I can't believe how hot they are." Jake said with quite a passion.

"If I didn't have three calls on hold, you would be here and probably stuck here as I'm not sure I would ever come back." She said laughing.

I chuckled back at his remark and said, "I know" while walking around the back office to enter the front desk.

"So anything happen out there when you brought the towels?" he anxiously asked.

I began to tell him the story in almost every detail. I left out the part where Ashley asked me to stay and the girl's reaction. Jake would be all over me for not staying. Especially now the hotel was dead.

We continued making up scenarios and laughing at different situations that could happen with the girls and with Jennifer and I while we got through the remainder of the shift. Jake was leaving at the 11pm hour and I was to follow at 11:30pm once we knew there was nobody to pick up at the airport.

Our Night Audit associate, Craig, came in at 10:55pm and casually asked how we were doing. We let him know the usual BS and informed him about what was going on in the hotel.

Craig had been working at the hotel for over 15 years and loved working this late shift. He was divorced with two kids and they got to visit him on the weekends. He was a reliable associate for the hotel and was great to have working when only one person was on staff.

Jake was done for the night and was punching out at the time clock as I remained at the desk. He came around the corner and paused a moment to say, "It's been a fun night, and thanks for covering earlier. I'd be dead tomorrow if I didn't have my ride."

I told him it was not a problem and wished him a good night. He exited the doors and I was alone at the desk while Craig was in the back office assorting paperwork for the evening.

I had a couple calls from a few guests requesting wake up calls when a third call came down. I answered, "Good Evening, Front Desk this is John speaking how may I help you?"

"I hate to bother you again, we just got back from the pool and wanted to watch a movie, but it's not working. Can you help us with it?" asked a girl from 205.

"Well, what is wrong with it?" I asked.

She replied, "The signal is lost each time we request a movie. The menu screen works, but no movie comes up."

I let her know it may have something to do with the cable and I'd be happy to check it for her. She thanked me and told me her room number, which I already knew because it said it on the phone.

This was Ashley's room and I guess that must have been Lori or Kate calling, because I knew Rebecca and Ashley's voice.

I told Craig I'm going to help a guest with their movies and that I would be back shortly. This time I took the stairwell close to the Front Desk. I popped out right near their room and gave a light knock at the door.

Rebecca answered the door wearing black silk pajamas and was happy to see me in a profound way.

"Thanks for coming. I'm happy you were able to come. We weren't sure if you had gone home for the night. I remember you said you had a test to study for tomorrow." Rebecca stated with some concern.

"Nope. I'm still here ready to help you girls anyway I can. I guess the movies aren't working?" I asked stating the obvious.

"Yeah, nothing works!" snapped a chipper voice in the back of the room.

"Well I guess I should take a look." I stated while I gazed at Rebecca's eyes. She stared with me a brief moment and then looked inward and rolling her head inward to invite me in.

The lights were all off except for a night light they had plugged in and one candle lit on the end table between the two beds. There was also light seeping through the cracks in the bathroom. You could hear the shower running and a voice from inside humming a tune. I could recognize that the other two girls were Lori and Kate sitting on the far bed playing cards. It had to be Ashley in the shower.

"John. You've helped us so much tonight and we haven't properly introduced ourselves. I'm Rebecca but the girls call me Becca." She said quite politely. "This is Kate and Lori."

Each of them said hello and gave a suttle wave to me. They were in little jogging shorts and t-shirts with wet hair from showering. The dirty blonde haired girl Lori was sitting pretzel style facing me and Kate was sitting with her back to me. I could her collarbone leading into her athletic shoulders quite nicely, because of the three she was the only one with short hair. She turned to get up and show me what was wrong with the television.

"You see, I click menu and nothing happens." Kate stated while explaining the situation.

She then pulled me around to the side of the television and asked, "Do you think it could be that this wire isn't plugged into the wall?"

Kate looked at me smiling and waiting for my reaction. I was taking a moment to assess the situation and it took only a few seconds to realize they just wanted to see me again.

Kate, hurried to continue on and held up her hand with her index finger pointing while whispering, "Just one moment please."

"Becca, go ahead." Kate whispered.

Immediately Rebecca started to speak as if the three of them were the only people in the room again and that I was not even there.

"I thought Jake was pretty cute myself. I hope he's on shift tomorrow. I'll ask him to take me to the strip." She proclaimed to Kate and Lori.

They responded just as loud and were clearly escalating their voices. Lori and Kate were both agreeing, but then made other presumptions of their own, "John is the one I'd want though."

"Oh, me too. Maybe we can share." Stated Kate with a serious laugh.

The shower had turned off, and Becca opened the door a crack.

"Hey Ash, Lori and Kate are going to offer a threesome to your boy John." Hollered Rebecca into the bathroom.

"That's crap! You can have him after I'm done with him, but you'll be lucky if he's got anything left." Yelled Ashley out of the steamy bathroom.

I didn't know what to do. I was caught in the middle of a trap, and didn't know how to get out. Although, the bait was so good I didn't want to leave. The girls in the bedroom were all looking at me while making their statements. Each one pushing me to the point of no return.

Rebecca walked like a cat towards me in her black silk pajamas which were so soft it looked like they were going to melt on her body. She pressed her finger against her lips signaling me to stay quiet. Then she hollered again, "Actually, I was messing around about Jake. I don't think you girls have a shot with John. Didn't you see how he was ogling over my body at the pool? Hell Ash, he didn't even look your way. He was a deer caught in my head lights."