Jonah and the Fairy


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With the word 'pervert' echoing through my mind, backed up with the knowledge that if I continued to stare at her I would have to soon adjust myself and then the fear that she would wake and see me looking at her came to me and I felt the heat of my cheeks telling me to behave like a gentleman and not some asshole lurker. What was left of her dress wasn't worth saving so I tossed it into the basket ready to sort it out later, the flimsy panties just keeping her modest.

Modesty once again came to the fore and I covered her with a blanket and sat next to her checking out her wounds, the smell of burnt hair unmistakable to me. The lighting had scored across the left side of her head leaving a burn mark about three inches long on her temple. I needed to make sure she stayed warm so dashed out of the bedroom and into the dayroom carefully listening out in case she called.

By the time I had pushed more logs onto the fire and returned she had kicked the cover off the bed, picking it up and replacing it I again sat next to her and checked her pulse. It was strong and regular sighing with relief, I wasn't sure I could cope with someone ill; my medical knowledge was close to non existent. Again she kicked the blanket off followed by a growl of frustration, it was obvious to me she wasn't going to settle and with my option few and dwindling to less then that, it was time to play a hunch.

The blanket now in my hands I spread it onto the floor next to the fire and went back to the bed carrying her to the fire and then placing her back onto the blanket, the change within her was almost instant, the warmth radius of the fire now seemed to relax her and what was once a troubled sleep was now replaced with a peaceful one. I once again tried to cover her with the blanket; it lasted a few minutes before she again kicked it off and then curled into a fetal position facing the fire. Her breathing became more regular, another sigh of relief on my part, more for finally finding a comfortable position for her than anything else.

There seemed little point in going to bed, the feeling that I should keep a close eye on her just in case remained. Sitting on the easy chair my mind drifted over what had happened today. From the loss of my truck to finding this woman so high up the mountain I made a mental note to go back to the tree after the storm and see if there was any form of identification, she must have been on the mountain for a reason. Finally my eyes grew heavy and sleep enveloped me.

I woke with a start, and then winced with pain as my body tried to stretch out of the chair. The memories of last night came to me so vividly now, I looked down at the woman who was still sat on the blanket but with her knees tucked under her chin, her arms around her legs looking intently a me and I blushed, she frowned in confusion and tilted her head ever so slightly to the left before placing her chin back onto her knees, her eyes never left me for a moment.

"My name is Jonah, how are you feeling this morning?"

She looked in shock when I spoke, then releasing her arms from around her legs slowly got up, still her eyes bored into me. I was curious so I made to move, instantly she lowered her body ready to pounce her eyes watching me her whole body tense and alert, her hands balled into fists her eyes then darted to both windows and the door before again settling on me. I had to suppress a smile, after all here was a woman as naked as the day she was born totally at ease with that nakedness with her fists clenched ready for a fight, could this morning get any weirder.

This time I did smile, thinking to myself I'm sure it could and would, I relaxed back into my chair and watched; her hands relaxed and so did her demeanor. Slowly I made another attempt to get up, pointing to the cabin door as I did so. She looked apprehensive and backed towards the middle of the cabin her hands once again fists. Making sure my movements where slow and deliberate and my gaze only on the door my hand opened it and I walked outside, it took a few seconds before her head appeared and she looked around at the devastation the storm had caused.

Leaving my new friend on the porch I headed for the spot I found her. Watching the ground as I moved looking for any clue about her, I looked back once. She stood in the doorway watching everything; at least her hands were again relaxed. Now by the tree my search became more intense, looking around it, even trying to guess her route and backtracking that way I came up with nothing but the remnants of her dress. I was still no nearer to figuring this out and it was starting to become frustrating.

Moving back to the cabin and sitting down on a chair on the porch I started to ponder my option, with the bridge gone we were effectively cut off from the town, no radio's or even mobiles worked up here. It simply meant I had to gut it out until help came from town and who knew how long that would be, especially if they found my truck and figured I went into the river with it, no one from town would be in any hurry to fix the bridge if they thought I was dead.

So deep was I in thought I didn't even notice the woman had now sat next to me. She seemed to sense my worry and sat next to me as comfort. The man in me still couldn't help glancing at her, still in wonder at how she took her own nakedness so dismissively, feeling my resolve waning I stood slowly so I didn't panic her and went back inside, by the time she had followed me I had pulled out an old t-shirt and shorts from one of the draws, tossing them onto the bed as she stood next to it watching me.

"You need to put some clothes on. I can't handle you walking around here naked like this."

She stood her ground, I couldn't be in the same room as her, the bulge in my trousers would soon give me away so I left and set about clearing the damage around the cabin, and minutes later she joined me again naked. In frustration I grabbed her wrist and dragged her back into the cabin, strangely she didn't resist or even put up a fight as we went back into the cabin and stopped by the clothes, lifting her arms I slid the t-shirt onto her, then squatted down and put the shorts on and pulled them up, instinctively closing my eyes as I started getting close to waist height with them.

When I stood she just looked me in the eyes, the slap across the face came seconds later but it was worth it. Returning to the clearing and the mess outside she followed a few minutes later, still dressed thankfully, and between us we set about the task of pulling the branches to one side ready to be cut up for firewood and sifting through the rest of the wreckage still in the vain hope of finding anything that would help with the identification of this woman.

There seemed to be one of those natural pauses in our work cycle, using it to get us both a drink and a towel apiece, she took the break to remove her now sweat soaked t-shirt and hang it up for the sun to dry off. I breathed a sigh of relief when the shorts stayed on.

"We have to give you a name."

She looked up from her seated position on the branch she had pulled the full length of the clearing by herself and waited.

"Since we can't find anything up here with your name on it I'm going to give you my Mom's name, Robin."

Robin seemed to think about it for a moment and then smiled and nodded in agreement. I leapt off of my seat.

"You can understand what I'm saying."

"Yes of course I can, but I wasn't going to say anything until I had a name. I was beginning to wonder if you would ever get around to it, for a man your not that bright are you."

She gave me a confused look as though I should have already known all this; my eyes sought the heavens, inwardly seeking the patience I needed not to shout at her. She also had the voice of an angel and the tongue of a viper, just what I needed to be stranded on a mountain with.

"Can you at least tell me your real name?"

"I wish I could, but my memories are from waking on the floor and seeing you in the chair onwards, I have tried to remember something, anything but it's all a blank."

Robin then slid off of her seat and we again set about cleaning up the damage, her t-shirt still drying in the sun. I never noticed before but she was very muscular, nothing like a power lifter or anything like that but I could plainly see the muscle tone on her lean body as she lifted and dragged some impressive sized branches on her own.

"Explain to me why you insist I wear clothes when all you do is look at my body?"

I was so busted, and with no fall back position I simply told the truth.

"Would you believe I was admiring your muscle tone?"

Robin stopped what she was doing looked long and hard at me, finally shrugging her shoulders and said.

"Yes I would."

She then went back to dragging the branch towards the cabin and then dropping it amongst the others, before heading back to her t-shirt and checking to see if it was dry enough to put back on. That's when I notice her back.

"Robin can you come here a moment please."

I got the feeling she was reluctant at first but with a shrug she walked over to me, her t-shirt in hand. The best I got was a half turn; Robin was not going to turn her back on me that was for sure. I held her shoulder, she tensed then relaxed a little and I slowly leaned in to take a closer look, there seemed to be two scars starting from both shoulder blades and ran about six inches down her back. I ran a finger along one, Robin giggled and said that it tickled when I did that, she took her t-shirt and dressed again.

It was getting towards evening and we had cleared all the damage and cut all the branches into firewood, loaded it all into the shed so it could dry. I let Robin shower first and of course came out of the shower room naked but for a towel around her head, inwardly I groaned she was not making life easy for me that was for sure.

"Please put some clothes on Robin."

When I returned she was sat crossed legged in front of the fire and much to my relief one of my t-shirts on as well. She waited until I was sat in the chair I fell asleep in the night before watching me while I did. There really wasn't anywhere else I could modestly sit, Robin may have a t-shirt on but it was apparent that was all she had on and that chair was the only one that afforded me the ability not to sit and stare at what was between her legs.

"What happens to me now?"

"We need to get you back to civilization, since the bridge is out now and the river is way to dangerous that's going to be a few days hike over the mountain just to get to the nearest road maybe another half a day if we don't get a lift into town when we get to the road."

Robin thought for a moment, her eyes became so distant. Finally she turned and stared at the fire. It must have been a full ten minutes before she spoke again not taking her eyes off of the fire she said.

"I can't go to town, I don't know why but I can't. I'm at peace here, to me this is civilization at least let me stay until my memories return."

Her statement held so much emotion within it that I couldn't refuse her, she may be a pain in the ass, a poser with a hot little body and just a little weird but aren't we all some of that somewhere. So it was agreed that was what she would do, seeing the tension leave her body made me realize I had done the right thing. Dinner was next on the agenda, a smiling Robin helped and soon we were tucking into that.

Coffee was on the porch and between the both of us we talked for hours. For an amnesiac Robin sure had an opinion about most things regarding the mountain, both of us pausing just long enough to watch the full moon rise, its glow giving us enough light so we wouldn't have to bring lights outside, we both watched in awe as the moon seemed to get brighter and that's when things started to get really weird.

Robin for her part had her eyes closed and was relaxing in her chair her face pointing towards the moon, the moons light bathing her whole body it seemed the longer she sat there the bigger her smile got even though her eyes where shut. I've seen sun bathing but this moon bathing thing is sure new to me, Robin's breathing became deeper and more rhythmic, and I watched in total fascination, in through the nose out through the mouth steadily getting deeper and deeper as the minutes ticked by.

Her chest would expand more as she breathed her nipples now more prominent through the t-shirt, her hands clutched the arms of the chair so tightly her knuckles where white, at one stage I heard the wooden arm rests splinter just before Robin's eyes shot open looking directly at me. The air was thick with tension as her mouth opened and she said.

"I can smell you."

Really I thought, what part, the confusion, anxiety must be the fear she could smell. My throat tightened and my mouth went very dry, I licked my lips desperately trying to figure out what the heck was going on and what was happening to Robin. She stood and I quickly did the same. My mind was in freeze mode and totally useless to me I was operating on instinct now, when I had those talks with Dad about women he never mentioned anything like this. There sure seemed to be a big gap in my education that was for sure.

"Robin you don't look to good I think we should go inside, let you lay down for a while."

She covered the distance between us in three steps and I didn't hear any of them, just the beating sound of my heart in my ears, her hands were on my shirt and in one motion ripped it open, held onto it and pulled me to her. Robin's nose now touching my chest as I heard her inhale, pause for a moment and do it again.

"It is you, I can smell you. This body attracts you."

My Dad always said it with flowers around Mom and here I was with some woman I had just met with her nose stuck to my chest. She shuffled for a moment and felt her shorts touch my leg as they fell to the ground, one hand left my now useless shirt, Robin groaned and pulled her head away from my chest, her eyes blazed sex, the redness of her cheeks even more pronounced now as her hand came between us, it glistened in the moonlight. Robin stuck out her tongue and run the palm of her hand the full length of it and then smiled her eyes even brighter than before.

"I taste nice as well."

My mouth fell open in shock and she quickly locked her mouth to mine finding my tongue and connecting hers to it, my taste buds now tasting her sex. My brain now hit sensory overload I took a step back she mirrored it. I did it again and promptly fell down the stairs onto the ground. Robin held on and came with me landing on top of me, the smile on her face and that look she had worried me even more now, this woman was stronger than she looked and was showing little effort in keeping me on the clearing floor.

Her hand slid into the top of my shorts, my ass lifted off the ground a couple of times before that ripping sound that was all too familiar to me now. There was no point in trying to hide my hard on from her, she already had her hand around it but it was the gentle way she stroked it that seemed at odds with her behavior.

"Jonah I need this, now more than you or I will ever understand."

She looked at me her eyes showed a glimmer of confusion, as though she was acting on an instinct that both felt right and frightened her at the same time.

"Give this to me please Jonah."

I felt she left words hanging from her plea and I did wonder, if I refused, would she take it instead, Robin was strong enough that was for sure her whole body was a sheen of perspiration her perky little breasts moved at an increased rate as her body pulled more oxygen into her lungs, to me at that moment in time she was simply sex on legs. I just hoped I could come to terms with what the hell this was when daylight and the consequences of our action caught up with us both.

Robin had already moved to straddle me and still holding onto my cock attempted to slide down it, moving her hand only when she knew I wouldn't resist. She had the warmest tightest pussy and even as well lubricated as she was Robin had to work up and down on me for a good five minutes to get me in there. The slow moan as she finally bottomed out was so intense. Robin moved slightly to make sure I was completely inside her and then clamped her vaginal muscles to hold me there, her eyes were closed again and that satisfied smile returned.

Even when her lips moved it took me a moment to fully realize what she had just said and even when she repeated it I couldn't believe it yet she said it one more time and still that smile on her face and her eyes closed blissfully enjoying the moment.

"Your mine now, all mine now."

Just what the fuck was she talking about? My confused brain slowly started to clear and hurt got run over by anger at her remark, although unguarded it really pissed me off. Too many things were wrong with this situation, I'm sure any red blooded male would jump at the chance to be where I was right about now. Me, I was just pissed and the more Robin sought to enjoy herself using me as nothing more than a living vibrator the more pissed I got.

Robin still blissfully unaware that I was watching her closely, simply continued to ride me, her juices now formed a damp patch between us and every time she hit bottom a wet slapping sound could be heard. I was amazed that even as angry as I was with all this I was still like an iron rod inside her. Was I attracted to her, hell yes. Was I going to take being subservient to a woman I had just met, hell no.

She shuddered and gently moaned her climax was close now. I figure it was just about then I lost it. My folks didn't raise any fool and it didn't take Einstein to work out what was going to happen if I let this slide. The second her vaginal muscles relaxed ready to welcome her orgasm I put my hands under her arms and lifted her off, Robins eyes shot open surprised and then panicked when she see the look on my face.

Twisting so she had to reach out to balance herself she ended up on all fours beside me which was all I needed. Grabbing as much of her hair as I could I held on and forcing myself back into her from behind thrusting as hard as I could and unashamedly using her hair as leverage I just kept fucking her harder and harder. Her body gave her away and any chance she had of changing the situation her own body overrode in favor of the pleasure it was receiving.

Robin came so hard I swear even the moon took a step back in amazement. Just as pissed now as I was then I still kept at her, even taking the opportunity of slapping her ass to vent that frustration as well, that pushed Robin over the edge again and if the first orgasm wasn't enough her whole body turned in on her, she screamed, bucked and came all over the place, from the waist down I was one big puddle. That experience pushed me over the edge and I came deep inside her.

Letting go of her hair allowed her to lurch forward onto her arms panting for breath her orgasm had beaten her to a pulp and judging from the state of her body as it twitched and she moaned before slumping sideways to the ground, my cock leaving her to the sound of her panting and a soft plop, mixed cum leaked out of her at an extraordinary rate. My anger had abated now to the realization of what I had done to Robin who was still my guest. Even when I looked back over the last few minutes I knew there was no right or wrong.

What had happened had happened and it would take time for both of us to get our heads around it, even with one of those few moments of clarity it still didn't stop me leaning down to her head, she watched me as I leaned in close, to spent to stop me, her eyes took on an uncertain look.

"There is no you Robin, just as there is no me. It's us or nothing, equal Robin I'm subservient to no one ever."
