Joy on Stage Part Ch. 03


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I hadn't even thought to inspect the audience until I came out for my curtain call. I danced out naked, having a little more fun than usual with my state of dress, and before I took my bow, I saw in one of the middle rows, stage right, Miller and Chuck. Both of them applauded respectably—Chuck stood up. We took a group bow, then went out for an encore. They were a weird audience, but they appreciated our work.

My bubble was burst when I finished dressing and went to catch Walt and I found Rosemary waiting for us outside the men's dressing room. I don't think I had ever seen her so pissed. She held Walt when he tried to leave, said she wanted to talk to both of us, and then waited until Papa said his good-byes and went home. We were allowed the privacy of the dressing room for our lecture.

Actually, she took it far easier on us than she could have. If she had been a scorch-the-earth kind of personality, she could have canceled the whole show and sued us for breach of contract. She played it a little more coy than that.

"What happened out there? With the seduction scene?"

I was afraid to say anything, so I followed Walt's lead. "I know you didn't want any male nudity in that part, but it felt wrong to me. So I asked Chelsea to do it a little more realistically."

"How realistically?"

He made a confused face and asked what she meant. Both of us knew he was lying, but he wasn't a lousy actor, most people would have bought it.

Instead of waiting for answer, Rosemary asked us what happened with the blackout. Walt shrugged, only said that he wanted to make it last longer. Didn't it increase the audience's discomfort with that scene? He sounded as if he had actually done it for purely theatrical reasons, it was an amazing level of bullshittery. The only weak spot in our wall was me, refusing to look Rosemary in the eye, shrugging my shoulders, nodding along half-heartedly. I think whenever she was on the verge of believing Walt, she looked at me and knew I had done something I felt was wrong.

In the end, all she did was sigh, cross her arms, scowl at us, and say without incrimination, "Let's go back to the old blocking for the rest of the shows. Alright?"

Bless his commitment, Walt actually fought her on that, but not hard enough that he was in any danger of winning. I wasn't about to risk fucking him again, even if it was a thrill like I never had before, it was far too creepy feeling him drip down my leg while people watched.

After Rosemary left us and we went behind the theater, catching a few stragglers who wanted to tell us how well we had done—I was glad Walt was with me because they seemed more than a little strange—I gave him a kiss and asked him what he wanted to do. He stepped away from me, gave me a smile that was on par with the bullshit he had given Rosemary, and said he had to put in an appearance at his dad's party. He would have invited me, but you know, it wasn't his place to invite anyone.

I slumped my way out to the front of the theater and was almost happy to see Miller and Chuck hanging around with a few more fresh fans. As I signed a handful of autographs and smiled at compliments, I asked my roommates what they were there for, not altogether happy with them, and Miller said he assumed I might need a ride home. Also, he said, he wanted to get my autograph before I got too big.

On the way back to the apartment, I was mostly silent, but having my friends there made me feel a little better. Chuck offered to buy the beer if we stopped, and he didn't skimp, getting a 24-pack of the good stuff, not the great stuff, but a respectable expenditure. We were almost there when Chuck had to open his big mouth again.

"So correct me if I'm wrong... but it sounded a lot like you were fucking up there."


"It was acting, Chuck," I said, but I was probably close to tears. Miller scowled at him, but Chuck only exhaled and sat back in the backseat.

"I know what you sound like. I certainly know what it sounds like. When the lights came up, too, I thought I saw maybe some cum running down—"

"Chuck, I'll throw you out of the fucking car," warned Miller, and I was surprised by how aggressive he was. "I'm not kidding you. This is not something you play around with me on. This is tough on Chelsea, you should know that. Try not being a prick for one night—"

"Okay! Really!" He laughed off the threat and said, "You were great. You were really good."

"Good and naked," I said, unenthused.

He was quiet, then he went on, "You were a really good actress. I mean it."

"You were great, Chels. Absolutely great."

"I mean, you came out of the gate a bit rough, if I'm telling you the truth—but you got into it before the act break. I was really surprised. I didn't know you were that good. And you... well, you weren't fucking, fine, I'm not saying you were... but that was extremely convincing if you weren't."

I looked back at Chuck and smiled at him, then I looked at Miller, who seemed red in the face. I wondered if he was jealous of the smile I gave Chuck.

"You were incredible. Very strong. Full of energy. Very sexy."

"It's easy to be sexy with no clothes on," I said, and Chuck laughed.

Miller said, "Trust me... you see me naked, you realize not everyone can do 'sexy' that way."

We got home and Chuck carried the beer up ahead of us. Miller stayed with me, asking if there was anything he could do to cheer me up. We climbed the stairs and went through the door, closing it behind us. I looked up at him and could tell he felt weird seeing me again. He would probably never get that image of me on the stage, naked, maybe even blowing the lead actor, out of his mind. But Miller being Miller, he smiled at me anyway, for my sake.

I pushed him against the door, stood on my tiptoes, and kissed him. He froze, absolutely afraid. I kissed him again, then pulled away and looked him in the eye.

"I don't want you thinking I have something with Chuck that I don't have with you."

"Uh... Chels... that's okay—"

"Do you want to?" I asked him. He smiled with difficulty, wouldn't quite look me in the eye, and I forced his face back to meet mine. I kissed him again, and I could tell he was thawing. His tongue even brushed against mine. I asked again, "Miller, do you want to?"

Quietly, a voice on the verge of cracking, he said, "I don't want to fuck anything up—"

"This will keep things from fucking up," I replied, laying my hands against his chest. It wasn't so much sexy as it was reassuring. I kissed him again. I said, "I really need someone to make me cum. I want someone I can trust. Someone who won't run out on me. And I think you might want me—maybe just for tonight. You... and me... and if he's not an asshole about it, Chuck."

I looked over my shoulder and saw Chuck standing behind us, gape-mouthed, holding three beers precariously between his two hands. I pressed my body into Miller so he knew I was making the night about him. He responded, to my happy surprise, by daring to cup one of my breasts. I had to stifle a smile as I checked Chuck.

"Do you understand? Me and Miller... you and me... hell, you and Miller while I watch for all I care..."


"Yeah, I don't think that's, uh..."

I intruded on their hetero posturing, "But tonight—that's it. We never do this again. Got me?" I let my weight carry me toward Miller, pressing my tit into his palm. I wriggled a little. "At least... we don't do this again without all three of us on board. Is that cool with you?"

Chuck nodded. I turned to Miller. He nodded.

The three of us took our beers into Miller's bedroom and drank them quickly as we sat on the bed or stood around. I took off my black dress shirt, boots, and jeans, getting comfortable being here like this with them. Chuck took off his shirt, but Miller was hesitant to join us. I smiled at him, sat on his lap, then kissed him on the lips again, slowly drawing my tongue between his lips before we parted. I looked up at Chuck and he bent down and met my mouth with his. I couldn't remember kissing him before, so it was a new experience. I wouldn't have told them, but I liked Miller's kiss better, except for his dumb beard.

I urged Miller to his feet, then took his shirt off. Though he had a slight spare tire developing, it wasn't as ugly as he seemed to think. His arms were bigger, and I took some time gripping them with my fingers. I kissed his nipples and rubbed my cheek against the fair hair on his chest. I looked up to make sure he was alright with crossing the next line, then I unbuckled his slacks and took them down. I pushed my face into the front of his black boxers and searched with my lips until I had the head of his cock. Miller's nervous fingers stroked my face.

Maybe Chuck felt weird standing there, facing another guy as he sprouted a hard-on, so he laid on Mill's bed and began to jostle himself with his fingers. After I felt I had given Miller worthy attention, I looked back to Chuck, smiled, and finished undressing him, dragging his jockeys down to his knees. I wasted no time before leaning in and sucking on the end of his cock. I kept looking back for Miller to make sure he wasn't jealous or hadn't left us, but maybe he thought I was asking him to join. He lowered himself to his knees, behind me, and unhooked my bra. Chuck pulled at it to get it off me and I had to back away long enough to let it fall away. That's when Miller's hands cupped me from behind. They were warm, large, made my tits feel so small. I pressed into his palms as I leaned forward, taking Chuck's cock into my mouth again.

Mill slid a hand into the back of my panties, touched my asshole on his way down, then sunk a finger into my pussy. He didn't find it unwelcoming. I had to take my mouth off Chuck long enough to get accustomed to the sensations, worried I would bite down with my teeth as I got swept up in the feeling. I pushed back into Miller's hand until he had another finger in me, then I dared to continue sucking Chuck's erection.

When I was ready to move on, I backed away from the bed and stood up, placing a hand on Miller's head to keep him in the same spot. He was getting a face full of my crotch for a moment, then I caught my breath long enough to speak.

"I want you to take them off."

Miller didn't hesitate, peeling my panties down my legs. They practically stuck to my nether lips from all the wetness they had seen that night. I had Miller in front of me, Chuck just off my right side, both of my roommates staring at my bare pussy. It might not have been the first time they had seen it, but I knew they had never seen it so close and so wet. For a few seconds, Miller played with my lips, but I didn't let him continue very long before I pushed him down on the bed, stripped away his boxers, and crawled up on him. We were touching intimately like never before, the head of his cock gliding along my slit, and I stared into his eyes as I placed him and slid him inside.

"Oh, god," I panted. "Oh, it's good. It's so good."

I rose and fell on him, nerves popping all over my body, the sweat accumulating on my skin like a searing salve. All of this time I had been doing a play with sex as a central component, yet I had neglected to satisfy my own desires beyond a few masturbation sessions until that night. I ground myself against him, taking in the full length of his cock, rising with a sucking sound filling the air before I lowered myself again. Chuck straddled Mill's legs to get behind me, pressed his wet erection into my lower back, kissing my neck and shoulders, then my face, and playing with my tits. I was happy for his attention, but it all paled compared to Miller's cock filling me.

"You've gotta let me cum," I gasped. "If I don't cum, I'm gonna lose my mind..."

Miller whimpered out something, then slowed his thrusts for a moment before pushing faster with me.

His hands grabbed the cheeks of my ass as I neared my apex. Chuck squeezed my tits, and I felt it start. I put my palms to my forehead as my muscles tensed and it shot through me. I squeaked, then I moaned, then I almost howled as I came.

"Did you...? Chels, did you...?"

"I came," I said between heavy breaths, but Miller was already blasting away inside me. I squeezed him again lovingly, smiled down at him, and he stayed inside until we both had our breath back.

Before I departed from Mill, I asked Chuck to bring me back a damp cloth and a beer, and he brought them for all three of us. I toweled away the semen, sweat, and my own moisture as best I could, then I went to Chuck, hugging him closely.

"I'm sorry I'm such an asshole."

"No, you're not," I said, leaning in to kiss him as I smiled. His finger dipped between the cheeks of my ass and played with me in a new way. I writhed against him, then looked Miller in the eye and winked at him.

I had only planned to satisfy Chuck to be fair, but as soon as his hands were touching me there, I found my fire hadn't died out, only lost some oxygen. I built up my passion as he started to suck on my nipples, and moistened myself to accept him. I didn't let him tinker long before I took his cock and used it to separate my lower lips. I eased him in, happy to have the fullness return; Chuck seemed smaller than Mill, maybe a little wider, definitely more ridged, but the best thing about him was that his body seemed very limber. He lifted me on his thighs and bounced me a few times, I thought it was for my pleasure but I think he just loved to see my tits shake. I angled myself to feel him against my clit and I was amazed he could achieve that much friction there in the pose he was in.

There was no contest this time, I came first. Chuck had surprising resolve. He picked me up and laid me on my back so he could thrust into me while holding my thighs. I gave him a weary smile and Chuck tried to stay focused as he pumped me.

"This is how I pictured it," he said, the only thing he said on the way to his orgasm.

I was staring into Miller's eyes for a moment before I reached out for him, then waved him closer until his dick was in my face. I wrapped my lips around it, stroking his side, eventually moving my fingers to tug against his balls while I sucked him fiercely. Mill grabbed my head by my hair, what was left of it, the roughest thing I had ever seen him do, and he brought me in closer as he thrust into my face, all while Chuck filled my pussy.

When Chuck came inside me, I gripped my legs around his to keep him there while I kept sucking on Mill. He leaned over as if he were going to collapse on me, but bridged over my head as he kept his hips thrusting. Finally, he came and filled my mouth. I swallowed as much as I could manage, but a fair amount spilled onto his bed. I disengaged from both of them and sat up in bed, wiping the right side of my cheek with my palm. I looked at them both and Chuck and I broke out into smiles.

"What time... do you have to be up tomorrow?" Miller asked me.

"Oh, really early," I said, feeling my breath returning at last. "Maybe about... two?" Chuck laughed and I reached out to Miller, stroking that beard I had never cared for until then. "This is a one-night only thing, right? So... we might as well make a night of it."

We did. The three of us rode, pumped, sucked, and squeezed each other until we fell asleep—I'll admit, I was usually the object of attention. I had never been with two men before, and I was grateful I had the experience with people I trusted. Well, yeah, Chuck could be an asshole, but I never caught him taking pictures or spreading the story around to his friends. Never caught him, I should emphasize.

It wasn't the best night of my life, necessarily, but we had kept it from becoming the worst.

* * *

Things weren't quite dull for the rest of the performances of the play, but they weren't too exciting, and never did they quite feel like I thought they would turn out. I continued doing my role, it was sometimes a good night, sometimes things felt a little off, but I almost stopped thinking entirely about being naked on the stage. Walt and I didn't dare repeat our "stage show" that could have ruined both of our careers, but I didn't exactly miss it since I started dating Walt by the end of our second week.

He was a jerk. I could sugar-coat it, he had his moments, and he was charming more often than not, but he was self-absorbed and thoughtless, and outside of acting, we had almost nothing in common. He was a logical positivist, which astounded me since I hadn't heard him say one thing about Ayn Rand or any of those philosophies before we started dating, but once he opened up to me, I kind of wished he would close up again. It wasn't really his fault we didn't get along, we just weren't well-fitting pieces—except in the bedroom. I liked hearing him talk about his mother once in a while because I think she was the one person besides himself that he really loved. I also liked fucking him, hard to put that in a way that isn't crass, but he and I were better between the sheets than anywhere else. I had never had a relationship that was purely about sex before that, and I couldn't say I relished having another one when it was over. While it did nothing for my heart, however, it wasn't all regrettable.

I had a chance to meet his dad a few times, particularly the night before this movie premiere that he had. He had seen the play and he said he thought I was "marvelous," which made me blush all over. I noticed, though, that Dwight Naylor, the esteemed craftsman of acting and superstar, kept talking about my body more than anything else, although he put it as my "look." It was flattering, of course, but it left me wondering whether I had any real talent at all. I think father Naylor was flirting with me. Dwight even suggested that Walt and I blow off our show to come to the premiere, and Walt said he never invited him to premieres, even when he wasn't working, and Walt made a joke that I should expect a call from his dad. I didn't receive one, which is probably for the best, I would have been too starstruck not to go to bed with him.

During the run of the show I got a handful of calls from agents who wanted to represent me, which was a real thrill. I had a friend of mine, Janine, who was a law student and she usually read my contracts for me and verified that everything was solid, but I had never had an agent before, and figured I would look for one when the show was done. I ended up signing with Whitley-Hollis Creative, they didn't make the most impressive pitch, but they had a good reputation, and I was more worried about signing with a bad company than someone who raved about me or lined up a thousand jobs. My agent, Kenny, did get me a few jobs in commercials and lined me up another audition about a week after the play ended, but it wasn't the bonanza I had hoped for. Kenny kept pushing me toward modeling jobs, and I suspected before the summer was over I'd probably take a few of them just to shut him up and, who knows, maybe that was more my speed, I wasn't going to know without giving it a try.

It was Pam who gave me my most exciting offer, said they were looking for a girl about my age and "type" to play a vengeful teen on an episode of her show that was being cast in the next couple of weeks. She wouldn't guarantee me the job, but she thought I was good enough to get it, which was high praise. Pam and I became better friends than I ever would have guessed.

I ended up working with Rosemary three more times, but all in smaller roles. I became convinced that she didn't think much of me as an actress, but sometime during the fourth show I did with her, I realized she wouldn't have invited me back at all if she didn't like me. I never saw Lynne again, that was for sure.