Jugs and Her Demon

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The romantic evolution of milk-siblings.
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Author's Note: For those readers who are seeking a story with upfront, in-your-face, graphic sex, please opt-out and choose another story. This story takes time to develop as evidenced by childhood flashbacks and the amount of dialogue between the main characters. Hopefully, however, you will enjoy the telling of Luke's and Rika's love story.

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"Luke! Luke Tam! Wait for me!" was the rather loud call that came from behind me and seemingly across the crowded college quad.

Without turning, I knew immediately it was Rika Tomita, my longtime childhood playmate and friend. However, instead of stopping, I instinctively lengthen my stride to distance myself from the source of further embarrassment.

My name is Luke, and the son of Harry and Sally Tam who immigrated from Hong Kong to help my father's ailing unmarried uncle who was willing to serve as their citizenship sponsor. They worked in his "cracked seed" shop that sold Asian preserved/candied fruit/snacks, groceries, and other conveniences in a small cosmopolitan suburban neighborhood. Because their shop was the only one of its kind and was located near an elementary school, it was always busy and profitable.

Fortunately, my father was quite a handyman, and he repaired and maintained his uncle's small building, its store, and the two second-story apartments, one for his uncle and one for my parents. In sharp contrast to my father's calm and methodical demeanor, my mother was the typical Chinese woman -- bossy, hyperactive, and overly protective of her loved one -- who ultimately became the face of the store due to her extroverted customer service.

For my parents, becoming American citizens was their driving goal. Except for my father's uncle, they believed that they could better acculturate into their adopted country by distancing themselves from other Chinese families. It helped that they had a basic grasp of English given Hong Kong's British influence and were physically removed from the general Chinese community concentrated in the city's Chinatown and its surrounding neighborhoods.

Soon after they became naturalized citizens, my father's uncle passed away, leaving my parents his building, store, and apartments. They decided to move into his larger vacant quarters and to rent their smaller unit. In keeping with their assimilation effort, they elected to rent to Ichiro Tomita (Uncle Itchy as I childishly came to call him), an amiable, humorous, and animated Japanese national who was the captain of a tuna fishing boat.

Uncle Itchy had a green card and as such, shared my parents' dream of becoming an American citizen. To help establish his residency, he paid his rent in six-month increments even though he was away at sea for much of the time. While he was willing to help out whenever he was in port, what really endeared him to my parents and especially my mother was when he brought from Japan an arranged wife, Sachie.

Aunty Sachie (as I referred to her) had a sweet, gentle, and acquiescing disposition. My mother immediately liked Ichiro's newly wedded wife and took her under her protective wing, calling her "mui mui" (Cantonese for "younger sister"). Sachie gratefully reciprocate the familial bonding by referring to my mom as "oneechan" (Japanese for "older sister"),

Aunty's appeal was further enhanced by her innate cuteness, petite body, and...well...being as busty as hell. While my rather flat-chested mother jokingly expressed her disgust at Aunty Sachie's ample bosom, my randy Uncle Itchy was thoroughly delighted. My uncle's and aunt's bedroom romps made my dad envious and ultimately spurred my mom to become very competitive (which shocked and delighted my dad).

It came as no surprise when both women soon found themselves pregnant. Their bond strengthened as they shared first-time pregnancy experiences, the same doctor, and prenatal and maternity plans. When it was discovered that my uncle would be at sea around his wife's due date, my parents stepped up and reassured their friends that they would take care of Aunty Sachie despite my mom being due about the same time.

As it was, I was born first and was named Luke because my father had seen the movie "Cool Hand Luke" and thought the name epitomized standing up for one's rights no matter the adversity. To him, my name signified the American ideal that he wanted his son to be. However, for some reason, Aunty Sachie had difficulty pronouncing my name and promptly "Japanized" it into Luku-kun (-kun being an added male familiar suffix).

Rika whose name meant "sharp, witty, clever" (according to the kanji variation used by Aunty Sachie), was born a week after me. Upon seeing her, my mother promptly gave Rika the Cantonese nickname "Mei Lai" (beautiful) because Rika was a miniature version of her mother. Little did my mom know at the time just how true this nickname would turn out to be.

"Oniichan (Japanese for older brother)! Slow down!" interrupted my reminiscence as I rounded the curve in the walkway. Casually looking over my shoulder, I spotted Rika's four-foot-eleven form hustling toward me as fast as her slender little legs could go. However, in doing so, her extra-large breasts obscenely heaved and swayed with each step, making her run seem slightly off-balance. Still, I could easily see that Rika had truly become the younger (albeit more energetic) version of Aunty Sachie.

When Rika caught my sly glance, she increased her pace before bellowing at the top of her lungs, "Luku-kun! You stop now...or I am telling Aunty Sally...just how mean you were to me...again!"

The thought of receiving one of my mom's Chinese rants (that would have been stoked by Rika's embellishments) was enough to make me automatically stop dead in my tracks. The very next moment, an enormous mass of sponginess crashed into my back, followed by a muffled "Oomph!" before two arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

"Caught ya! Can't run away now," Rika panted heavily as she suggestively smashed her huge boobs against me. "You're mine now...always have been...always will be. Heh, heh, heh!"

"Rika! Let me go!" I begged, even though I knew it was a useless plea to the Japanese imp who had me in her clutches. "Can you behave yourself? We are in public...and people are looking! And why are you always smashing your...what, 32Cs...into my back?"

"That's because when I rub them into your chest this morning to wake you up...hey, your mom told me to 'get her lazy son out of bed and to college by 'any means'...I was rudely startled by 'something'...rather large and hard...poking me through your blanket!"

"Well, no one told you to jump onto my bed...straddle my hips...and do your patented booby-squashing on my chest. You know that a young guy cannot always control when he pops a boner... particularly in the morning...and certainly when molested by a certain little prick tease."

"Molested? Prick tease? Hmmph! You're lucky I was absolutely shocked this morning... or else I would have stripped and crawled under the blankets to snuggle with you like I did when we were kids...and before you became a muscular six-foot giant, Shit, you're a sickening thirteen inches tall than cute little me. Hmmph!

"Momma says that when you were born, you were always demanding and hungry. You stressed poor Aunty Sally out so much that she couldn't produce enough breastmilk. Fortunately for you, my momma could and was more than willing to wet nurse you to help her oneechan. But little did momma know that you would be such a piggy...draining not only your assigned breast but some of mine too! No wonder I am so tiny..."

"Tiny? You sure could fool me," I snickered as I leaned back into Rika's billowy chest.

"Well...I am petite in all other aspects except 'that' one. Hey, I cannot help it if I inherited my momma's genes. And before you ask again, I'll have you know that I'm currently a 32D...hmmph...although the bras that I bought at the start of the academic term are getting a little bit snug. I hope I don't have to go into the next cup size because I'll really look like a little dairy cow!"

Then shifting to hold one of my arms between her bountiful mounds, Rika looked up at me. "Come on. Let's walk to class together. You know that we've been sitting next to each other since kindergarten...you'd be lost without me...and who would keep me focused on my studies?"

When I flashed her a false grimace of reluctance, Rika hugged me closer and whispered, "Plus, there are some guys in class who keep hitting on me...ugh..." When she saw my face instantly harden, Rika smiled demurely at me. "I want to remind them that I have an oniichan to protect me..."

I had to reflect on Rika's comments since they highlighted the unique aspects of our long but odd relationship. We were milk-siblings who were nursed by Aunty Sachie... I latched onto Aunty's fully extended right nipple...Rika to her mother's left...with the two of us facing each other. In exchange for groceries and other household necessities from my parents, Aunty Sachie nursed us for over a year, and then babysat and cared for us as a stay-at-home mom. Rika and I nursed and ate, played and fought, bathed and toilet trained, and did virtually everything together.

We grew up with an intense sense of attachment that was without personal boundaries. For some strange reason, a young Rika had to touch me to fall asleep. When we were separated at night, she would cry so much that my mom had to rescue poor Aunty by getting Rika and letting her crawl into my bed.

Rika was quick to take this to the extreme once she was given our apartment key, and treated my parents, our apartment, my bedroom, and especially my bed as hers. This odd but accepted behavior was especially appreciated by Uncle Itchy when he returned to port. During the ensuing period, Aunty Sachie and he would have a "conjugal reunion," and Rika stayed in my apartment, making it a point to sleep with me.

Did I have a say in the matter? Hell no! Rika was the darling of everyone's eyes. She especially endeared herself to my mom, quickly picking up conversational Cantonese, and demonstrating her cleverness at manipulating me (which was greatly prized by my own manipulative mother) to do what I didn't want to do.

As we grew up, Rika's cuteness and friendliness made her a magnet to friends and acquaintances. However, a little after she turned ten, her girlish figure began to change, and her breasts started (and never stopped) sprouting noticeably from her chest. Of course, this ultimately drew another form of attention -- unwanted and masculine -- and resulted in her being tauntingly nicknamed "Jugs.'

And that's where I came in. From the time I was old enough to understand, my sole purpose in life was to protect Rika. This had been parentally instilled (drilled was more like it) in me. Aunty Sachie constantly reminded me that I was Rika's oniisan -- and -- my mom charging me to protect her little mei lai. Uncle Itchy made me swear to safeguard his precious daughter when he was at sea, and even went so far as to show me how to fight. Surprisingly my own low-key father reinforced this training with his own version of Hong Kong street fighting and his philosophy that it was a man's duty to protect his womenfolk.

And so, I began scowling and glaring a lot, and for many guys, this was enough for them to think twice about messing with Rika. Yes, I got into some fights...taking a dirty beating a couple of times...but true to my father's Cool Hand Luke ideal, I never gave up or lost, ultimately scaring away any harassers of Rika. Of course, it helped that Rika was there to offer her form of tender loving care to me which somehow made the hurt worthwhile.

It was, however, Paul Kobayashi, a punk who I beat up in elementary school for constantly bothering Rika, who took to calling me Rika's "Oni" (Japanese for demon) which was a derisive shortening of the "oniichan" that Rika always called me. While it was meant to be a put-down, the nickname was somehow fitting and stuck. And so, behind our backs, we were often but quietly referred to as "Jugs and her Demon."

Now before you think that our relationship was one-sided, it was not. By being constantly around, displaying extraordinary familiarity, and simply clinging to me, Rika discouraged most females interested in fooling around with the proverbial bad boy. Apart from the skankiest tramps, what girl would try to compete with a very pretty and personable Asian pixie with bodacious ta-tas? Most simply assumed that given her degree of intimacy with me Rika had been doing the dirty deed with me... from an early age...and often. Rika simply never tried to correct such a misperception. Sigh!

"Luku-kun," purred Rika as she deftly steered me into an alcove of a nearby vine-shrouded wall, trapping me in it with her small body. "You know that this weekend your parents are flying back to Hong Kong to visit family during the lunar New Year's festivities. My daddy has finally decided to take my momma on a long-overdue honeymoon cruise to the Pacific Northwest. And can you believe that Aunty Sally said that we don't have to cover the store since closing for two weeks wouldn't be the end of the world?

"Anyway...how are we celebrating our birthdays that will occur while they are gone? Were you planning on wining and dining me? You know that we will have the two apartments all to ourselves like we did when we were kids." Then with a sly smile gracing her lovely lips, "If you want to, we could bathe together and snuggle up in bed like we used to do...hint, hint."

"Rika! We'll soon be twenty-two years old and graduating from college. We are no longer babies and so, stop acting like one! Heck, look at how much you've 'grown'...I mean just look at your big boobies, Jugs! When was the last time you could look down and see your toes, you naughty little girl?"

"Oooh, you're so mean to me, Luku-kun...always teasing me! I'll never forget when we were one year old and bathing together...and you told me that because I was a bad little girl, the boogeyman cut off my ding-ding. I cried so much because I wanted to pee like you. Momma finally had to calm me down by explaining the difference between boys and girls. Hmmph! You were just plain mean...then and now!"

"Alright, alright! Enough with the guilt-trip childhood stories...and just to let you know my mom whipped the shit out of me when you went bawling to her and told her how I was bullying her mei lai, you spoiled brat! But, Rika, my point is that we're adults now and that if we get into bed...especially naked like you do...one thing might lead to another..."

"And what's wrong with that?" teased Rika as she snuggled up to me and provocatively pressed herself against my arm. "We could do things that we never dreamed of when we were little..."

"Rika! You're like a sister to me and..."

I never got a chance to complete my objection as a small hand shot between my legs to brazenly grab my crotch. "Don't say another fucking word, Luke Tam! For the very last time...and I mean, last...we're milk-siblings 'cuz we suckled my momma's boobs... but we're NOT biological siblings! Do you understand?" And as to emphasize her point, Rika gave me a quick squeeze of my nuts.

When I jerked in the wincing pain, Rika snorted, "Plus, I want to see...up close and personal...what the hell poked me between my legs this morning...ehhh..."

"Oh, why do I bother? You won't listen to me or common sense. The only good thing is that you won't be able to my mom to complain about me! Hah! What would Aunty Sachie and my mom say if they knew what a shameless little...and I emphasize 'little'...slut Rika has become?"

Looking up at me, Rika cupped and heft her magnificent titties so as if to present them to me as she quipped, "Luke, what makes you think our mothers didn't suggest what I am so blatantly hinting at? They know that a certain someone is rather dense when it comes to picking up my subtle overtures. You do know that you're not the swiftest one around.

Then after nonchalantly brushing herself against my jean-clad hardening manhood, Rika went on to say, "So, to keep things simple, I'm adopting the Aunty Sally's...your mom's... way of dealing with men. Here's the plan, Luke! This Saturday we'll put our parents into their respective taxis and see them off. Then we will go to your apartment where I will take care of the food and you will mix the drinks...extra-dry vodka martinis. We will then see what happens as the night progresses. Do I make myself clear? I do? Good!" And with that, Rika pulled my face down to hers and standing tippy-toed, kissed me lightly on the lips as if to seal the deal - another big sigh!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Extra-dry vodka martinis...particularly when consumed by the pitcher...aaah...do wonders in calming the nerves (mine that is) frazzled by a sense of uncertainty, helplessness, and inevitable doom. And so, I with Rika took leisurely sips between bites of ahi sashimi - courtesy of Uncle Itchy, assorted rolled sushi - courtesy of Aunty Sachi, sliced roasted pork - courtesy of my dad, and spring rolls courtesy of my mom. (Was there some sort of familial conspiracy going on that I was unaware of?)

Rika was simply stunning. She wore this thin sleeveless midriff top that seemed painted on, highlighting the fullness of her enormous breasts and soft flat stomach. Her usual halter bikini that she wore underneath her top struggled desperately to hold back her unbelievably huge breasts. Her rather stiff large nipples punched eye-catching bumps in the severely strain material of her bikini bra and her skimpy top.

Her loose pull-up short shorts hung low off her modest hips, snuggly cupped her pussy, and barely concealed (and often failed) the firm roundness of her tight sweet butt cheeks. To complete the picture of loveliness, Rika framed her sparkling almond-shaped brown eyes, button nose, delicate lips, and inviting neck with stray wisps of her long dark hair that was casually pinned in a high ponytail.

Yet, as alluring as she was, Rika for once was not lewdly in my face or blatantly suggestive. This sudden but subtle change in her behavior (along with good food and copious amounts of martinis) made me relax and lower my guard. So, as we joked, laughed, and played around, I thought nothing of reclining on the living room couch with Rika sprawled on top of me as we had done so often when younger.

Lifting her face from my chest, my lovely fairy mumbled contently, "Ummm, thank you for a nice dinner and drinks...and just hanging with me. This is a nice way to celebrate our birthdays and our been together for so long. This is the way it should be -- definitely." Then after fondly gazing at me, Rika softly asked, "Luku-kun...do you...love me?"

Without thinking, I gently hugged her and whispered, "Don't you know that I do... always have. I loved you, you silly little girl."

This brought a squeal of uninhibited delight from Rika who proceeded to wriggle (an amazing feat considering her springy melons were sandwiched between us) up my chest. Holding my face, she kissed the living daylights out me me...her wiggling electrical eel of a tongue wreaking havoc in my paralyzed mouth...as her carnal intentions became instantly apparent.

When we desperately broke for air, I managed to squeak a frantic "Wait, Rika! What are you doing? How the hell did we go from 'this is nice' to 'let me cram my tongue down your throat'? Stop...please..."

"God, Luke, what is wrong with you? You're a goddamn broken record...you know that don't you? Here I am all 'hot and horny'...practically throwing myself at you...and all you can say is a wimpy 'slow down'...'stop please.' Shit! You'd think I was forcing myself on you...like sexually molesting you! Hmmph! You sure don't do much for a girl's positive self-image or pride!"