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"Oh Fuck!" she shouted as I adjusted the water to be warmer and then rinsed her body. When I was finished I sat next to her and pulled her onto my lap and wrapped her in my arms.

"I am sorry for that, but it looked like you needed a good orgasm or two," I said as I kissed her forehead and just held her limp body in my arms. "Now are you ready for a nice nap? We can clean up later?" as I picked her up and carried her wet body to my King size bed and laid her down on the outside and I went around and laid down in the middle and pulled her body against mine.

The next thing I knew I heard her breathing slow and steady as she had fallen asleep. She was wrapped across my body as I went to sleep. We both slept for some time and I awoke with her still asleep with her face nuzzled against my neck, her left leg over my right, and her left hand resting between my belly button and groin. I really had to use the bathroom and I slid out from under her body and took care of business. When I returned she was just waking up and stretching her body. It was about nine in the evening and I turned on the whirlpool tub and opened a couple of bottles of water for us to drink.

Julia looked up at me as I handed her a bottle and said "My God you are an amazing lover. No one has ever made me cum like you. I can not wait to fuck your brains out." as she sat up on the edge of the bed.

"That will have to wait as what we did was just me playing with your body. I enjoy teasing and making women orgasm just for my own fun, but when I am ready and only when I want to make love to your body will we have intercourse. I am thinking maybe a month of us living with each other as I do not want us to move too fast. Think of what we did as an icebreaker." I slipped down into the swirling water and motioned for Julia to do the same opposite me.

"I thought we would become lovers when I moved in yesterday, but now we will be roommates till you want to have this body?" she said with a hint of anger in her voice.

I looked at her and thought I needed to be careful of what I said next. "I thought we should take it slowly when it comes to making love and I do not want you to think I want you as a toy. I hope we have a long time living with each other here and we will be friends first."

"What if I want you to bend me over the edge of this hot tub and you do to me what we both know we want to have happened. Let's be honest with each other and not beat around the bush. Yes we each need personal space and us living nude will inflame desires from time to time and I see nothing wrong with this. If you want for now to wait I will abide by your wishes, but know this I was thinking of giving you the same pleasure you gave me. Be it a hand job or a blow job. I also have the need of giving pleasure to a partner." Julia said as she looked at me.

"I say we just relax and let me fix dinner and we will see what the evening brings us," I told her as I stood up and let the water drain down my body and I helped her get out of the tub. We both dried off and went upstairs. Julia made a salad as I put some hamburgers under the broiler for us. Making dinner did not take long and before it was time to eat. Simple burgers on bread and a salad, but it was tasty and filling for us. I cleaned the broiler pan and Julia did the rest of the dishes. It was nice just working next to her and our hips would bump against each other from time to time. We talked about just about anything as we worked and not sex. Once done we went to the living room and Julia picked an action movie and she and I sat side by side on the sofa. I was thirsty and went and got us a couple of beers as I did not want to get drunk, but still, have a nice time watching the movie.

Julia snuggled right up against me as the movie continued and I put my right arm on the back of the sofa as she had her head on my shoulder. "This is nice just watching a movie as it has been so long for me," she said.

I laughed and said "What watching a movie? I am sure you have watched a ton of them while single."

She smacked my chest with her hand and told me. "Silly watching a movie with someone and not all alone!"

"Likewise I never date and hate to go out so I always come home and workout," I said as I gave her a good hug.

She leaned back and had a serious look on her face before asking "With the way you went down on me and made me orgasm. Most women would line up to have you in their beds. Shit just thinking of it makes me want to go down on you."

"Thanks for the confidence builder, but it is something I have fun doing. Actual sex-like penetration does not really turn me on a much as the foreplay. My Aunt who never pulled a punch when it came to talking about adult matters said that if a woman can get out of bed right after sex her lover did not do their job. A woman should have to take a while to recover and have a Just Fucked look on her face. When her lover, whether male or female is finished with her." I said.

"You learned well and she would be proud of you. Plus she was open-minded enough to teach you what a woman needs in bed. I wonder if there was anything practical or hands-on with her?" Julia whispered as she kissed my right ear.

"Nope we always talked openly and she would answer any question I had when it came to sex. She was a great lady and I miss our talks badly." I said remembering all the late nights we shared with each other.

"How old were you when she passed away?" Julia asked.

"I was seventeen when she was taken in a car crash. A drunk driver hit her car and she died on impact." I told her as I leaned my head back.

Julia kissed my neck before saying."I am so sorry I would have loved meeting her. I bet we would have had a lot in common as I was like her with my Niece when she was growing up."

We stayed silent for a while and the movie ended. I stood up and held out my hand to Julia before saying. "I would like to just sleep with you tonight and maybe a few more nights in a row. That is if you are interested in just nuzzling and sleeping with me for now. I promise we will make love when the time is right, but I think we are becoming more open with each other and friendship is always a good start." We went to my room where it was quiet and set the alarm for us to start the coming day and Julia and I slept well.

I woke up in the morning and Julia was already up and I did not bother dressing at all. I could not see the point any longer. I smelled coffee and there was a note on the table that read. "I have a lot to do and wanted to say thank you for yesterday and last night I slept so well I can not remember the last time I slept like I did last night. See you this evening and I hope you have a good day ahead."

I looked out the window and it was a nasty-looking day so I called my two clients and talked to them about rescheduling the repairs. One was a tractor transmission that would need my shop and they said they would have it delivered to my shop the next day and the other was a nice older lady who wanted an oil change in her spare car and it could wait a few days.

There I had the day off so I went downstairs and had a hard workout and ended with a thirty-five-minute run on the treadmill. I turned on the steam room and whirlpool and it was well past two in the afternoon before I was finished and I felt really good. I did not bother dressing at all for the day and started the grill under the covered porch and put on some ribs, sausage, chicken breasts as well as a few large steaks. Roasted potatoes, carrots, and onions in foil so they would not burn and cook slowly.

Dinner for the next few nights was well underway and I made a nice garden salad and decided tonight we would not have anything to drink, but sweet tea, and if Julia wanted we could smoke some weed. I checked to clock and it was after four so I went downstairs and set up the massage table so I could give Julia a head-to-toe massage to help her relax after her long day. I also pulled out the swing and had it on the one-ton winch in case we wanted to play afterward, but had it behind a screen about ten feet from the massage table.

Lots of ice-cold bottles of water as well as fruit drinks were in the mini-fridge. I went upstairs and was on the porch flipping the meats over when I saw Julia pull into the garage. I let her park and when she got to the porch she stopped and did a double-take as I handed her a bottle of water.

"Hi I see you are relaxed," she said with a huge smile on her face.

I laughed and said," Since we have slept with each other and you know I am a naturalist why not fully enjoy the day off." I said as I pulled her to me and kissed her lips.

She laughed as she pulled away from me and started undressing. I have never been naked outdoors. she said as she stripped and laid her clothing on the counter. I pulled her to me and kissed her again.

"After dinner I have plans and I hope you enjoy them as I worked out hard today and made sure everything is set up. If you want to grab a shower as dinner will be ready in about a half-hour." I said as I swatted her lightly on her firm ass.

Julia swayed her hips as she picked up her clothing and I watched her walk away thinking tonight was going to be a good night. I made sure all the veggies were ready and pre-cut all the meats as I was taking them off the grill and carried it all inside and got everything ready for dinner. I did open a bottle of Merlot for us to share with dinner as it seemed a good idea and poured us each a nice chalice each. Julia came out dried off with her hair damp and sat down at the table.

"I see you went all out today, but this is way too much for us tonight?" she said as she looked at me.

"When I grill I make enough for a few days and we can snack when we want. Just heat and eat in the microwave and it is all good." I said as I fixed both our plates.

She smiled as she sipped her wine and as soon as I sat down we both ate dinner without too many things to say. When complete she got up and put the plates and dishes in the dishwasher and I wrapped the leftovers in foil and put it all in the fridge for the next day. I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her body just under her soft breasts and kissed the back of her neck and she could feel my cock slip between the cheeks of her ass. "Mister if you keep this up I will have my way with you!" she moaned as she took my hands and put them on her breasts.

I whispered in her ear as I rolled her now erect nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and said: "I plan on making love to you unless you have a problem with this tonight."

Julia turned around and stood on her toes and put her arms around my neck and kissed me. Her mouth opened and I felt her tongue caress my lips as I used my strong hands to pick her up and kiss her back. I put her down and held out my hand and led her downstairs where I had the temp set to eighty degrees and she saw the massage table set up.

"Facedown first," I said and waited for her to get settled. I turned the lights very low and poured some lube into my hands and worked on her neck and shoulders. She was tight and as I moved my hands and massaged her muscles she started relaxing. I made sure to work on both arms including her hands before moving down to the lower part of her back and sides.

When I found a knot she would groan a little and as I worked it out she moaned. I then moved to her feet and up both legs till I reached her ass and I spread her thighs wide. I could smell her arousal and avoided touching her labia and continued working on her body. Her ass was not tight at all at this point and I wiped her body down with a warm wet towel. As I rinsed the lube off her body she seemed to melt under my hands.

I leaned down and kissed her right earlobe and felt her quiver as she moaned. "Now flip over so I can do your front." as I helped her roll over and center herself on the table. Her chest and neck were flushed and I stood on her left side and started working on her shoulders and neck from the front and then down her torso. I avoided the erogenous zones of her breasts and moved down to her waist.

I took my time as I again did her feet and in doing so caused her to moan and she was softly lifting and dropping her hips as if I was caressing higher up her body. I got her calves and then to her thighs. Spreading her legs wide I worked her inner thighs and when I was completed Julia was looking at me with semi-closed eyes and slow breathing.

"My god you are amazing. I have never had this good a massage in my life. I can not wait to see where the rest of the night takes us and I am completely at your mercy as long as you make love to me tonight." she said as I moved to the head of the table and by lifting her from under her shoulders pulled her body till her head was off the table and it was laid way back leaving her mouth level with my semi-erect cock.

I pushed my hips forward and she opened her mouth and I entered her mouth as I leaned down and now caressed her breasts. I did not push far into her mouth as I did not want to really have a blow job but more letting her enjoy the taste of my pre-cum as I was releasing a fair amount.

I played with her like this for a while and then pulled back and kissed her as I helped her sit up on the table. "Now we will have some cold water and relax in the steam room,'' I said as I picked her body up in my arms and carried her into the steam room. I had already set the padding and towels in place and she laid down and I sat next to her and leaned back and closed my eyes as the steam soaked into her now relaxed muscles. Julia said nothing as she laid on the bench till I had enough and offered her my hand and helped her stand up.

"Julia I need to tell you something if I may," I said as I pulled her body to mine.

She kissed me and said "Let me say something first. I have always liked you and respected you, but now I have fallen in love with a man who I want to be with for the rest of my life. If we stop right now I would still say I love you no matter where we go from here,"

I was shocked and kissed her and did not say anything, but I pulled the screen back and pointed to the swing and she went weak in the knees. "Are you OK?" I asked as I held her up.

"God yes I am and if you do not help me into that thing fast I can not be responsible for what I will do to your body," she said as I walked her to it and helped her into the swing. I had the velcro straps around her wrists and a spreader bar holding her arms up and shoulder height and then did the same thing to her ankles.

I tilted the swing till she was supported under her shoulders and ass leaving me complete access to her body. There was no part of her I could not toy while in this position. I raised her body up till she was at the height of her vagina was at the same height as my cock ducking under the spreader bar. I reached back and covered my bald cock in lube and looked at her. Julia had her head raised up and as I pressed the tip of my now very erect cock between the folds of her labia she just nodded her head yes.

Between as wet as she was and the thick layer of lube I did not stop pressing into her till I was fully into her pussy. My knees started to go weak, but I held myself in place buried as deeply in her as possible. I used my hands to tease her erect nipples and could feel her vaginal tract contract and relax around my shaft. I gathered my strength and moved my hands from her breasts to the sides of her hips and used them to push her away and let gravity slide her back down onto my cock.

I fucked her soaking pussy for a long time and did not bother thinking of my own orgasm as I was having more fun making sure she was enjoying herself. I looked up towards her face and noticed her head was back and she was gripping the supports tightly as I pulled her against me and rolled my hips making my cock grind as deep into her as possible and felt her explode. Her body arched and a pool of ejaculate covered my body.

Most guys would have stopped, but I continued on. Driving myself in long slow strokes leaving just the tip of my erect cock in her pussy and slowly letting gravity let her slide back down onto me. I would use my left hand to pinch her erect nipples hard bringing lustful groans from her.

"Stop Oh God please stop!" She groaned and I pulled out of her.

"One problem Julia I have not cum yet," I said as I ducked under the spreader bar and spun her around. Her face was lower than my cock and I know she could see the mess we had made all over my crotch. I pressed the up button and slowly raised her body up till she was level with mine and kissed her. I untied the ties on her hands and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"You keep this up and I will have to tell you I love you fucking bastard!" she said between kisses. "How is it a man can last as long as you do and still not have his release.?" she added.

"Let me take you to bed and we will see how long I can last. By the way, you already have said you love me and I am starting to fall in love with you." I whispered as I slowly lowered her till I could help her out of the swing. I handed her some water and made sure she was steady on her feet as we walked to the bed.

I laid in the middle of the bed and Julia straddled my hips and leaned down and kissed me, "I hope you don't mind if I have my way with you?" she said as I felt her nipples harden against my smooth chest and felt her slide herself down till the head of my erect cock was nudging her cunt. I raised my hips and tried to enter her, but she moved with me and kissed me, and said "Now now it is my turn to play. Be a good man and let me have my fun with your body."

I put my hands up over my head and grasped the balusters in the headboard and asked: "Like this?" as she smiled and slipped lower onto my body again bringing the tip of my erection between her labia. I groaned as she slipped onto my cock and her breast rubbed against my chest. I felt my cock sliding deeper into her body and then she sat upright driving me deep as possible into her cunt. "Oh fuck you are good!" I almost grunted.

"Not so fast honey I have a long way to tease you. she said with a smile as she lifted herself off my cock. I gripped the headboard as she lowered her mouth to the head of my now throbbing cock and she wrapped her hands around the base of my cock and slowly started to masturbate my cock in her mouth. The feeling she was giving me caused my entire body to become rigid as I was so close to orgasm. Julia hummed as my cockhead was in the passage to her throat and I could feel the muscles as she swallowed around it.

"Fuck you keep going and I will cum fast!" I grunted as she pulled back keeping just the tip of my cock between her lips and looked me in the eyes. She plunged her head back down and deep-throated my cock. My toes were curling and I was not going to last long. Most women licked and teased, but Julia was a woman possessed and swallowed me as deep as possible. I lifted my hips and she gulped hard and I came hard. Blast after blast of my orgasm went right into her throat as I gripped her head and held her down without thinking. My body was rigid as I continued coming and I let go of her head and laid back on the bed trying to catch my breath.

"See I like to play as well!" she said as she crawled up my body and kissed me. I could taste myself on her lips and it did not bother me as we rolled around on the bed with our hands roaming freely across each other's bodies. Soon I was erect again and she straddled my hips again and slipped my cock into herself and she placed her hands on my shoulders and rode my cock.

There was no urgency as she took her time and I let her do to me whatever she wanted to do to me. I laid back and allowed her to ride me for a long time and then she turned herself around without coming off of my cock and was facing my feet with her nice ass in my direction. I put my hands on her hips as she leaned forwards and had her hands just above my knees. The way she was riding me let me go deeper into her and suddenly she sat bolt upright and almost fell backward as I could feel her vaginal and inner thighs contract and relax quickly. I put my hands just under her armpits and held her by the rib cage for a few moments.