Jumbo Jim's Junior Johnson


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It wasn't long, just a few minutes, before Junior tensed up and tried to push my head away. There was no way I was letting his cum go to waste again, though. I pushed my face harder into his pelvis and gripped his ass tightly with my free hand. I felt the pulse on the bottom of Junior's cock on my tongue as he ejaculated into my mouth, his cum filling all the space that his cock was not. I swallowed as he shot out three little eruptions of semen.

After it was over, I still refused to let him go. I continued to masturbate myself as I felt his erection deflate in my mouth. He was totally soft by the time I came. I sucked him a few times, enjoying the soft feel of his penis, as I rode my climax.

Finally, I released him. Then, I crawled up the bed and Junior opened his arm so that I could lay my head on his shoulder, my arm resting across his soft stomach. I felt intensely satisfied as I drifted to sleep.

It was still dark when I felt something shift under me. It took me a moment to remember that I had a young man in my bed. I moaned and instinctively squeezed him closer to me.

"Are you awake?" Junior breathed quietly.

"Yes," I said.

"I'm sorry I woke you," Junior said, shifting his body again, uncomfortably I thought.

"It's fine. Do you need to pee?" I asked, wondering why he was restless.


"Are you horny again?"

"Yes," he said so softly it was nearly a whisper.

"Do you want to try penetration?" I asked.

There was a moment of silence and then a choked out, "Yes, please."

"Alright, hold on. I'm going to turn on the lights."

I padded over to the door and flipped the switch. The sight of Junior spread out over my bed warmed my heart and set my pussy aflame. I knew just what position I wanted to try, to get Juniors little cock into me.

I laid down on the bed on my side and lifted my top leg, "Straddle my thigh."

Junior climbed on top of me and put a leg on either side of my fat thigh. His balls were warm as they laid against my skin.

"Put my leg on your shoulder," I said as I extended my upper leg. "Now, scoot on up."

Junior jerked his hips forward, slamming his pelvis into mine. His hard cock pummeled my clit. I tried to reach down to reposition his cock, but my own fat was in the way.

"Move your penis to the left," I told him.

Junior hesitated, "Should we be using a condom?"

"I had a tubal ligation so I can't get pregnant, and I don't have any STD's. You're a virgin so you have no STD's. So, there's no need. It's really good that you're thinking about that though," I praised my young lover.

A moment later, I felt the penetration of his cock, feeling like no more than a single finger inside me. However, with each thrust, his thigh slapped against my clit. I let out a little moan of pleasure.

"Am I inside?" Jim asked.

"Yes, you are."

Excited, Jim thrust rapidly, banging his leg into my clit hard and fast. That combined with the sliding feel of his little cock, brought me to the brink of another orgasm. Junior came before I could, however. I thrust my hips into his thigh as I held him inside me until his orgasm fully depleted.

"Let me do this a bit, I might cum," I explained to Junior when he tried to pull away. "It can help me if you play with my boobs a little."

Obediently, Junior reached down and kneaded my breasts. His soft cock slipped out of me as I rocked, semen leaking out between us, squelching with each movement. I spared a thought to appreciate the sheer volume of his cum, and his recovery time. And then I was cumming.

"Thank you!" I said, happily.

"No, thank you," Junior said as he laid down beside me again.


The rest of the summer passed in a haze of sex and rock and roll as Junior spent his days playing music, and as many evenings as possible fucking me. When it was time to see him off to college, I was nearly as sad to see Junior leave as my own son. They were rooming in the same dorm, both my boys together, at least.

Before he left, I made sure to tell Junior that he should date women his own age. He deserved the opportunity to find a woman he could truly grow old and raise a family with. I wasn't going to hold him back from that. Junior had nodded a bit sadly.

"But what if I don't find anyone, will you still have sex with me, sometimes?" Junior had asked.

I had laughed, "Junior, I'd love to play with your cock any time. You can count on that."

But Junior needn't have worried. When Ethan came back home for Thanksgiving, he reported that Junior had a girlfriend, a curvy girl like me. He said it gently, as if afraid I would be sad for this loss of my young lover. I was truly happy for Junior though, and I could only hope that Ethan would find a partner as well. I didn't say that, though. I didn't want my son to feel like I was pushing him to settle down.

Before the school year was over, the demo music that the boys had worked so hard to produce found its' audience and the band spent the next summer touring. They played their last concert of the tour near home, so I made sure to go watch. After the show, I went backstage.

"Mom!" Ethan shouted and hugged me happily when he saw me.

I laughed, "You were great, Sticks," using his band nickname for once.

The rest of the band glanced up and waved. I spotted Junior sitting with a heavyset, and beautiful, girl and waved. He grinned at me and came over, pulling the girl along.

"Ms. Charles, this is my girlfriend, Tina."

"Nice to meet you, Tina," I put my hand out to shake hers, but instead she threw herself into me, hugging me tightly.

"Jim has told me all about you!" Tina breathed into my ear.

I couldn't help the flood of arousal that coursed through me as I felt her breasts squish into mine. I wanted to let my hands drift lower and feel her large ass, but I stopped myself. I was glad that Junior had found such a sexy woman and kept her for nearly a year.

Tina released me from her embrace and took my hand, bouncing happily, "Come on, let's go to the bathroom!"

I braced myself, a bathroom trip could only mean she wanted to talk to about something in private. It was a universal code of women. I wondered just how much Junior had told her about me.

Tina shut the bathroom door behind us and looked under the stalls. Confirming we were alone, she took both my hands in hers, eyes brimming with unshed tears as she smiled. I was struck again by her beauty.

"I wanted to tell you personally, how thankful I am for what you did for Jim. He told me how he would have never had the confidence to ask me out if not for you! And I love him so much, and I was too shy, and so we owe our happiness to you!"

"Oh!" I said, surprised.

"And I wanted to tell you that it's Ok with me if you have sex with Jim again. I've already told him too. I know he misses you. He loves me, but he loves you too. I just want him to be happy!"

"That's... Are you sure?" I asked, bewildered by her excitement and unusual suggestion.

"Oh, yes." Tina nodded happily, a tear sliding down her cheek.

"And what about you?" I asked, "Do you get another partner too?"

Tina looked down, her cheeks burning, "Not yet. But Jim said I should if I want. Because I'm bi, he thinks I shouldn't give up women altogether. But I told him, I just want him! I don't want any other person to come between us.

"That's why I don't mind if he sleeps with you, I know you wouldn't try to break us up, not when Ethan said how happy you were for him when he told you about us, and how Jim said how you encouraged him to date a woman his age."

I reached up and brushed a thumb across the girl's cheek, drying her tear. Tina looked into my eyes, and I saw the jolt of arousal that passed through her at the touch.

"Why don't you join us?" I asked, "It would be sweeter to have you, too. You're a beautiful woman, you know."

Tina's mouth opened, "Are you bi too?"

I nodded, "It's been a while since I was with a woman, though."

"Oh, my gawd, Ms. Charles! I think I love you!"

"You just met me," I laughed.

"But I've heard all about you from my Jim and Ethan. But, yeah, Jim always says I get big feelings fast," Tina laughed.

I raised up on my tip toes and kissed her, stopping her mid-guffaw. Tina wasn't as tall as Jim, but just about everyone is taller than me. Tina returned my kiss enthusiastically, her hands encircling me. I squeezed her butt appreciatively.

"Come on! I want to tell Jim!" Tina gushed, "He's going to be so happy; I just know it!"

I smiled at the bubbly girl, "I'm feeling pretty damn happy right now myself," I said.

When Tina burst back into the band room, pulling me along behind her, I could see the unspoken communication pass through the whole room. I wondered how transparent I was,

or was it just that Tina was so easy to read?

Jim's grin widened and he barked out a laugh. I looked around for Ethan, worried about him feeling left out of all this happy coupling. I wanted him to be happy too.

I met Ethan's eyes and he quirked a sardonic smile at me. I shrugged. I pulled my hand free from Tina and went over to my son.

"Um, I know you probably wanted to sleep at home tonight, but, um, would you mind spending the night at Nos' house instead?" I felt awkwardly like a child trying to negotiate private time with her parents.

Ethan smiled and shook his head, "Nah, Mom, Nos and I don't mind."

It took a few moments for me to register that Ethan had reached out and clasped Nos' hand in his, and not just in a friendly way. My brain re-evaluated the last summer, when Ethan had been spending so much time with his friend. I'd been too distracted by Junior to notice what was right under my nose.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I squealed loudly.

Ethan laughed at my expression and shrugged, "I couldn't seem to find the right time, what with the band practices, and you being distracted and all. Not that I'm complaining about that, because this would have never happened if I hadn't needed a place to stay outside the house."

I hugged my son tightly, then pulled Nos in for a hug too, "I'm so happy!" I danced from foot to foot, rocking the two boys.

"Alright, alright," Ethan laughed and pulled himself and Nos out of my hug.

I couldn't stop thinking about how perfect everything was as I drove Junior and Tina to my house later. My son was in love, his band was doing really well, and I had two young paramours to enjoy. I'd been alone a long time, and I certainly didn't feel like I needed a live-in partner. But a couple to share some sex-filled days with? That sounded like just what I needed to spice up my life a little now that I was officially an empty nester.

I was glad that I had a king size bed as the three of us spilled into my room. And I was really glad I had a giant shower, but it was still a tight fit for Tina, Junior, and I. We laughed as we all tried to get enough water to wash ourselves and each other.

I was struck by how considerate Junior and Tina were of each other, and of me as well. What might have been an awkward encounter leaving one of us feeling like a third wheel, turned into something quite beautiful as we all tried to please each other and share attention evenly.

When the hot water finally ran out, Tina shrieked and tumbled out the shower, with me close behind. Junior laughed at us as he acted like a big tough guy who didn't mind being frozen.

"If you don't get out of that cold water, your penis is going to shrink!" Tina teased him.

"Oh, do you think that's my problem? Maybe my mom bathed me in cold water as a baby?" Junior laughed as he finally got out of the shower and turned off the water.

"If that's the case, then I should thank her, because your cock is beautiful," I declared.

Junior had come a long way from the shy boy he was the first time we spent the night together. I remembered how he'd barely spoken to me and had treated me as if I was a fragile porcelain doll. Now, he roared and lunged for me, his cock pointing the way towards me.

I laughed and hid behind Tina, who stopped his attack with a kiss. I had already decided I'd give in to my impulses, so I didn't hesitate to hug Tina tightly from behind, pressing my pussy into her big ass and grabbing her tits as I put my arms around her. I was delighted when I felt Junior press in from Tina's other side, sandwiching the big girl between us. His arms were long enough that he managed to grip my hips and pull me even tighter into the group hug.

I wormed my hands around between Tina and Junior's chests, trying to find Tina's nipples to pinch. But before I could, Junior pulled Tina and I both back onto the bed, and we all fell in an awkward pile. I took the opportunity to disentangle and climb on the bed next to Junior, while Tina trapped him in place.

"May I please suck you cock now?" I asked, "I have really missed it."

Tina rolled off of Junior to give me access. I opened his legs and rested my head on his thigh, then sucked his penis into my mouth. It was the same perfect fit I remembered, so warm and cute in my mouth.

I was surprised when I felt my own legs being spread and a warm tongue exploring me at the same time. I briefly lifted my head to see that Tina had her face pressed into me, and Junior was working his fingers and thumb into her at the same time, the three of us creating a triangle of oral sex and masturbation.

Happily, I bent back to my enjoyment of Junior's namesake small penis. He was no longer quite so quick to cum, lasting even after I orgasmed from Tina's attention. Not too much longer though, and then I was swallowing his creamy ejaculation. Junior turned then and put his mouth to Tina until she came as well.

Somehow, I ended up laying between the couple, as each teenager suckled one of my breasts. Jim's fingers probed me as Tina's circled my clit. It was incredibly stimulating to have the complete focus of two people on my pleasure, and I shuddered with another orgasm.

I rolled towards Tina and sucked one of her boobs into my mouth in gratitude. Junior spooned behind me, reaching one long arm over to knead Tina's other boob. At some point she reached a critical arousal.

"Jim, please I need you inside me!"

She lay on her side just as I had done that first time with him and let him straddle her thigh, thrusting into her. As she was now fully facing me, I kissed her and pressed my nipples into hers while Junior humped.

Our tongues probed each other's mouths as we rubbed our flesh into each other. Tina began rocking her own hips as Junior stopped thrusting, spilling his seed into her. I pinched Tina's nipple tightly as she rubbed her own clit to another orgasm.

After that, we fell apart again, the three of us laying side by side on the bed with Junior in the middle this time. He opened both his arms and Tina and I cuddled next to him, holding hands across his stomach. I fell asleep quickly.

I was woken early the next morning by the sound of retching from the bathroom. Concerned, I got out of bed to find Tina kneeling over the toilet, her hair hanging limply across her face. I pulled her hair back, holding it out of the way as she retched again. After a couple more dry heaves, Tina sat back on her heels.

"I'm Ok now, I think," she smiled weakly. "I don't know what's been going on with me lately, I've been feeling really nauseous in the mornings and tired all the time."

I frowned, "Do you think you could be pregnant?"

Tina shook her head, "No, I have PCOS, the doctor said I'm basically infertile."

"Basically isn't an absolute. Why don't I run down to the store and get a pregnancy test?" I suggested.

Tina looked worried as she nodded. On the bed, Jim still snored, oblivious to the potential impending massive change to his life.

An hour later, Tina and I stared at the positive test silently. I watched Tina's expression as the shock slowly faded away. I was relieved to see that the emotion that took over was joy.

"Want me to wake Junior so you can tell him?" I asked.

Tina nodded shyly, the quietest she'd been since I'd met her.

I shook Junior awake and went to leave, but Tina caught my hand, "Stay?"

I nodded and sat next to her, putting my arm around her.

"What's wrong?" Junior asked, eyes wide with concern.

"Jim... I..." Not able to find the words, Tina thrust the pregnancy test at Junior.

Confused, Junior took it, then stared at it. As the silence stretched, Tina began to cry quietly. I rubbed her back helplessly.

Finally, Junior snapped back to reality as Tina let out a quiet sob, "Tina! Are you ok?" He dropped the test and went to her.

Tina shook her head, then nodded, "I didn't think I'd ever have a baby, and I wanted to so much. Please tell me you want a baby Jim, because I'm keeping this one!"

"Yes, Tina, yes! I'm going to be a dad!"

And then the two young people collapsed into a blubbering pile. I tried to extricate myself to give them some privacy, but both of them grabbed on to me tightly, not letting me go. I gave in and joined in the crying. As of last night, it seemed that my son wouldn't be having any unexpected babies, so this was probably my only chance for happy surprise pregnancy tears. I figured I might as well get the most out of it.


As it turned out, I wasn't an empty nester for long. With the growing success of the band, all the boys dropped out of college. Junior, Ethan, and Nos used their first earnings to buy a house big enough to raise two families and moved in together, inviting me to join them.

There really was no reason to say 'no'. So, I packed up, sold my house and most of the stuff in it, and moved in. While the band toured, Tina and I took over raising not only her daughter, but the twin boys that Ethan and Nos adopted as well. And while Junior was gone, we entertained each other.

I couldn't have imagined a better retirement than this.

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FortyninemikeFortyninemikeover 1 year ago

Like junior, I have a lil “training” cock, though mine is 4” now. I was smaller in my teens and it too was common knowledge. My wife to be pursued me but she says she didn’t know I was “a lil”. I, a lil bit, think she was disappointed but she never let on. She called it a training cock because it didn’t gag her and it doesn’t bother her to take it up the butt. She let her gfs know and, eventually some of them joined us in bed. This has continued through our 40 year marriage with younger girls and our friends that became couples. With the exception of one, all the guys are bigger than my, 5” to 7.5”, the smaller is 4” on a very good day, but my wife tells him not to exaggerate, it’s only 3.5”. I have to agree with my wife that the small ones are actually good trainers lol. So, anyway, it was great reading your story about a lil and the young loves.

TheGraduate88TheGraduate88over 1 year ago

Nicely done, Juana. I'm fascinated with big women and incest myself (a bit autobiographical I suppose). You might try some of my stuff but I'm definitely following you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I also started with older wo.enwhen i was 16.y 45 year-old aunt

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Lovely story Juana I began my sexual experience with older women a great way to learn x

YellowcutieYellowcutieover 2 years ago

Well done! 9/10!

Would love to read more small penis stories from you. Ever tried writing interracial ones? An exposure to White MILF x Young Asian Guy might be nice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

An experience like the one Junior had with Jen can build confidence and change a young man's life for the better. Often older women are much more understanding and patient with under endowed guys. Many lads wish they had someone to help them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

They not get much better than this yarn. I'm a romantic at heart, soit was a real pleasure to read it.

Paul4playPaul4playover 2 years ago

Thank you, Juana, for this sexy and erotic romance!

You’ve once again created characters who are relatable: vulnerable, sensitive and fun!

And I do appreciate a small penis story that is not humiliating.

Also, thanks for pointing out that there are many ways to arouse a woman other than with penetration.

Congratulations on writing another successful story that makes me hard!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It went from a three to a two when you felt you needed to introduce the same sex aspect. Up to that point it had been a cute and almost believable story. What a waste of talent.

NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77over 2 years ago

Let's hear it for the 'little guy"! So sick of stories with monster 10"+ dicks when the average penis is 5"!!!

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