Junction Pt. 04


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Jace sent a Text to them. "4 Mastro97A units came in. all eliminated. Your 2 units killed one unit who teleported behind us. I took the gloves off for the other 3 who were thoroughly fried by a flaming tornado. No survivors. Gave them no place to run. Tunnels are a bitch for finding an escape. I destroyed the main tunnel aftward using the enemy RPG units. 24 of them."

The Minister of Defense smiled, "4 of your Mastro units were also eliminated. The tunnel collapse saw they died quickly. You should know better than to trust dwarves."

The Blue Dragon King looked at the vid of not just his eldest but also one of his youngest sons. He sighed. "Ceasefire. Call in RECD. Orders are sent."

The Gold Dragon King shook his head, "We are still bombing those tunnels back to their sources. They are in unclaimed lands after all. I would order your troops to retreat rapidly."

The Blue Dragon King looked over, "You don't have enough airfields after losing your forward bases."

The Blue Dragon King looked up as the next wave of bombers hit and then the ones that went to Avalon hit. The Blue Dragon King scrambled. "Alright. You have more airfields we did not know about apparently. Withdrawing from this skirmish. Hard to call it a fucking war when forced to retreat this fast!"

The council came online as the King sent the dragon units to dwarven lands to get his 3 prisoners. Jace teleported back to his car in the neighboring area as the Mastro teams took over officially. The Commander nodded to Jace before he left, "You know your shit, Commander."

Jace nodded to him, "I was trained by the best and he was elven and a member of the Elven Royal Family. I was trained to survive and when to unleash. To know when to get directions from the Minister of Defense...like dealing with your prisoners and calling in for this joint operation."

Jace teleported to town to the tents and spoke with the miners after the Royal BodyGuards showed to secure the prisoners.

Jace looked at all of the miners, "The dwarven mines are in shambles at the moment. I set you with enough funds to survive for a while on the surface. I also know of a new mining start-up company looking for miners. Fair pay for fair work.

40% of the ownership pledged to the employees. Mineral rights already in place and as soon as the roads are in, 2 new surface towns to live within instead of deep in the mines. The name is Dragon's Eyes Exploration Mining or (DEEM). It is wholly owned by me currently." Jace had his glasses on still and took them off. "You can see why the name."

A few of them chuckled as he put the glasses back on, "You could spend the next few months working to build your own town, or hiring in others. I am leaving this pad here for those who wish to sign on, give your name, occupation including specialties, and years of service.

I will get better food sent into the new tent city that will be placed in both new towns. I have 4 mineral claims already on the books through 4 subsidiaries. In short, you would be competing against the dwarves. I had a plan for rescuing you from their slavery ways.

The ones who have shown this City-State no loyalty and treated you as less than shit. I have broken the bonds that held you. You have to choose to go back to the dwarves or work for this new company and break the ground for it.

I am willing to put 10 million DC's into each of the 4 sites. Only one has to pay off to break even. If all 4 do, you could all become wealthy men and women. There is nothing I can do to fix your fertility.

However, clerics, if you have the right assets, could potentially. Especially if you become entitled. Things to think about. The King would not make this offer and he expects you to be miners somewhere. I am giving you an option to steer your own course in this matter or go back to being quasi-slave labor to the dwarves."

Jace left them to discuss matters and got in his vehicle to head home. It was late and he had the auto-drive function on. He got a call from the Minister of Defense. Jace smiled, "You know what time it is, Sir?"

The Minister of Defense laughed, "Yes, that is my line. You saved our asses today and kept them from being exposed by it while working with 2 Mastro units. Elven led Mastro units. I heard you pulled out 25,283 humans from the mines. When will they be getting back to work?"

Jace smiled, "It might be awhile. They will go back to mining but they took a lot of abuse at the hands of the dwarves. I decided to take matters into my own hands. Search for a new startup called DEEM. Then Crystal Innovations, Metallurgical Mastery, Fuels Exploration, and Valiant Mining subsidiaries under that company.

I own them all. Nothing in the laws states miners have to work for the dwarves here. Miners could be put to work in this new startup. Which the parent company will be 40% employee-owned. Giving the price-fixing information, having the dwarves having actual competition for a change in mining would seem like a sound investment opportunity.

I knew from what I heard from Coop that I might have to pull them out. Setting the companies up was easy, getting the mineral rights to explore mining was also easy for a company with no employees. Not very expensive to do either as an insurance policy. Nobody on your end caught it before now.

The Dragon Eyes making them think it was another dragon led startup company. Two of those sites pay off and it will create a lot of wealthy miners, even when we come in under half of what the dwarves were charging you. They will have to do those high-risk mines themselves or pay them properly to compete.

Time to get the dwarves into your military as well. They like playing with BoulDenver weapons. Conscripting from them might be a good idea. Especially those who are sons and daughters of the 3 entitled ring leaders. If they want to become entitled eventually, they need to fucking earn their way as the elves have done as a people."

The Minister pulled up the information and shook his head, "Alright, you had a plan going in. This is not that different from another Sands Industries or Phantom Corp. except you are doing it for mining and got the right to build 2 new villages out in the wilds you are overseeing. You did it without us knowing about it. You called in human services though."

Jace nodded, "Sent the information to justify that including murder and rape. I will cover the medical expenses and food costs after the initial treatment services are done, some are extensive. Which was a Human Services requirement for the disaster we left them in for many years. I sent the evidence to back up that decision as well.

I have a monitor on a pad I left behind. I have over 20,000 employees so far. I did not know about the weapons until I got in, but as hard as they were pushing to keep Marshals out; we needed to know why. Don't forget to search those 3 for hidden assets."

The Minister of Defense shook his head, "Commander Brilnishna sent a message back to the head of the Royal House about you. Needless to say, she was pleased to see you working with the Elven General and Elven commanders in charge of the 2 Mastro units.

Casualties at the bases were significant. He had started evacuating before we bombed and then they blew the tunnels under the base. The General had been setting up a perimeter. But several hundred fell in the explosion and collapsed. We did the other base on the southern border and the casualties were higher.

The local General did not work to set up a perimeter yet as he awaited the results. We had not ordered an evacuation at that point for that location. An oversight on my part. Your brother-in-law is alive but in need of serious medical treatment. This might put him out of the service."

Jace nodded, "I have work for him if he makes that choice and I will cover his medical bills. I just sent a message to Mass General hospital we have used in the past. Told them to bill me directly for whatever he needs.

To get a helo out there and extract him. They will ensure he is flown directly there, I paid for the helo extraction, to get him the best treatment. His wife, Darla, does not need to worry about paying for that. She will be worried enough about him being injured."

The Minister of Defense nodded, "The King is still in with RECD and the Blue Dragon King is getting chastised for starting a war, especially one that lasted less than a day. The other airfields came in handy. Reparations will be steep as we captured 2 sons, including his eldest. At least two of our Mastro units did officially."

Jace nodded, "Go from 1 base in each province to 3-4 in each of those provinces and set up airfields in the other wilds to strengthen air support. Smaller targets instead of the massive bases we had out there. Harder for a mage to bring them down if they are flying higher and are bombers, Sir."

The Minister of Defense nodded, "Unless the mages are flying around as you showed, but those were fighters you brought down. I understand what you are saying. We might need to look at our defensive systems some more. Regardless you brought it to a halt quickly and chose to join them.

You knew when to call us and ask if we wanted them eliminated. Calling it a 'Joint-Op' where you focused on saving civilian lives. You decimated their militia. The Army is working with your Marshals on-site to collect munitions. They had stockpiles of it for a prolonged campaign.

They were prepared to go to war to get favored race status with another Royal Family after all of these years. They are off the table at the moment which pleased the Elven Royal House I might add. You ensured to work to repair some of those bridges. Brandialshane and Kindra were both pleased with you aiding to repair elven relations."

Jace smiled, "I am home now. Going to have some hot sex with my wives, eat first because I am famished, and get some sleep before taking on the next one."

The Minister ended the call as Jace shut off his vehicle and went inside.


Darla contacted Hellen who woke Coop. "Something happened out in Claremont. The base was attacked! His aid said he was being transported via a helo to the city, it was sent for him. Said he was in serious to critical condition."

Coop got up and got dressed as he checked the news feeds. He shook his head, "They hit both bases on the southern border! Both bases were heavily damaged. Yet they have already declared a ceasefire and an end to hostilities. That likely means they managed to capture high-value targets in this attack. Dragons most likely."

He contacted Jace who groaned, "I should have contacted you through Hellen. I am sorry. I just sat down to eat for, first time today. I am at home and just got off comms with the Minister of Defense who contacted me for my part in that activity. I was told he was injured.

Not the extent of the injuries. I already informed the hospital I am covering his medical expenses above and beyond what the military might do for him. I had them deploy a helo to get him from the base. It might be severe enough to end his military career. I was not given details on his injuries.

Let Darla know whatever he needs, that it is covered. Including clerical healing if required as we all know that is expensive. If he decides to separate from this action, that I have work for him to do. Work he is suited for if he decides to go that route Not just at a desk collecting a paycheck but real work.

Check your stack of messages from me. I sent several while your comms were off. I worked with the Minister of Defense to turn a War into a damned border skirmish. The Dwarves were involved and I found enough BoulDenver arms to outfit my own damned army."

Coop looped in Darla who was driving, "Jace had them send the helo. He is covering the medical expenses. He wanted the best care for him. He was in the Holly Wilds when this occurred. The Minister of Defense told him he got injured and Jace made arrangements.

Jace has work if he decides to separate after this. I am still putting together details but they hit both bases, not just his on the southern border. The news is sketchy as there are no camera crews, just reports and we don't know if they are exaggerated or not."

Jace spoke to her, "Take it slow and easy. I will get Rayne up in a few minutes. Sarah and Rayne will drive me to the hospital to be with you as well. I got word and jumped straight to action in getting him looked after. I told Coop I had not been off the comms with the Minister of Defense 10 minutes when Coop contacted me. A lot of pieces are in motion right now."

Darla sighed, "Alright, that lets me know who dispatched the helo to get him to the hospital. I knew that one was rather expensive, but I am not complaining. Thank you for looking after him and taking care of this. I will see you there."

Hellen woke Both Sarah and Rayne to get them moving. She let them know, "Jace was all over it, home now, and was downstairs eating." Those 2 were dressed when he walked in and he finished recharging for the damage he took from stray bullets and magical use. Jace sighed, "Your Mother?'

Rayne nodded, "I'll drive. You look about ready to fall over."

He hooked them both into comms and gave them the rundown of what happened in the Holly Wilds. The fact he was not out near her brother. Also, what he had set up for a contingency to deal with the miners. Sarah smiled, "You sure you don't have precognition?"

Jace shrugged, "I look at the tactical. I could not account for them tunneling to the enemy. Once I saw the weapons it clicked. I could see them doing it under the base if they thought they could get away with it to further hamper capability and embarrass the King.

I had not thought about the other base also being done. The Minister of Defense ordered that but did not order an evacuation or deployment of troops at the same time. The Holly Wilds started setting up a perimeter, that was how they avoided a lot of casualties."

Jace slept for the rest of the ride to the hospital. They went in and then went to emergency surgery. A doctor came out and looked at Darla, "I am Doctor Vaden. He broke his lower back. We move him wrong or too fast and we could sever his spinal cord. His chance of walking again is extremely remote at best."

Jace looked at him, "Anti-inflammatories to stop the swelling. You got an x-ray machine to monitor the movement?"

Doctor Vaden nodded, "We do but the damaged section is in 3 pieces. His chances of walking again are near impossible."

Jace pointed, "Show me. Also the MRI."

Doctor Vaden brought out an x-ray, CT, and MRI images. Jace nodded. "I can help. I could control all three pieces and align them as I work to slowly rotate his hips to get it aligned. The cord is intact by some miracle. I am an evoker. Telekinetics is something I do a lot of."

Doctor Vaden looked at Darla, "He is not a doctor."

Jace shook his head, "No just trained as a field medic in Spec-ops training and I know what I am doing. I would not offer if I did not believe I could do it."

Darla looked at Jace and then the doctor, "Let him try, it's more of a chance than you said he has right now. I'll sign a waiver. You have nobody to do it and he has skills. You are saying no chance and Jace says he can do it to improve his chances. I'll take his word that he will do the best for my husband as he has always done for this family."

Doctor Vaden sighed. "I have to protest." Darla signed the waiver.

Jace nodded and walked in and stood outside the area where they were operating. "I don't need to go in. Turn the monitors so I can see his bones on your X-ray machine and an active CT image. Don't make me have to go in to move them."

Doctor Vaden had them turn the displays. MRI could not be used during this because of the instruments in the room. Jace put up a shield over the body to keep anyone from touching him. "I have him isolated from being touched."

Jace then used his x-ray vision and modeled the pieces in 3-dimensions and movements before he started. He raised him as he laid there off the table. He grabbed each section individually and slowly rotated his hips and upper body and the bones inside until they aligned. Jace spotted an additional fourth bone fragment through his x-ray vision.

He paused and recalculated even more models using his original as a base of the movement. He then moved it into alignment. All while keeping an eye on the cord on the CT scan to ensure it was not damaged by his efforts. He burned through 1,842Ki in his expansion unit before he stopped and placed his body face down on the table and aligned. Jace nodded to the doctors in the room, "He is yours again. Could one of your doctors do that?"

Doctor Vaden shook his head, "No, and not with the fourth piece being missed in the image. You got skills for a caster."

Jace nodded, "I am a Commander in the Marshal Service and he's family. Get the anti-inflammatories in him to keep the compression down as it will still swell."

Doctor Vaden nodded, "I know. I am the Doctor. We got it from here."

Jace stepped out and looked at Darla, "There was a fourth fragment of bone as well. It filled the gap in the L5 vertebrae but was hidden until we started. I dealt with that. All the pieces are in place. It appears intact as they ran the CT on him while I made the changes.

The doctor stated no doctor could have done that. At least without cutting him open even more and searching for bones most likely. That would have likely paralyzed him as they searched. Not while he was relatively uncut yet."


Nurse Jackson shook her head, "That was a profound level of control on an evoker! Working so many objects at once while levitating him. How could he do that?"

Doctor Vaden shook his head, "He burned over 1,800 Ki doing all of that to give him the ability to walk again. I monitored him. That was 18 human lifetimes to make one man be able to walk!" Doctor Vaden went in and fused the bones back together and to each other after injecting the anti-inflammatories.

He walked out to see Darla, "I would have given him a 1 in 1 trillion shot of walking again after that. Even with clerical assistance. Now I would say it is 1 in 10 that he can do it without clerical assistance. With it...He should be walking again. I never got your name."

Jace looked at him, "Jace Rivers."

Doctor Vaden stopped, "You're the one from Avalon Wilds with that red dragon?!"

Jace nodded, "I know. I walked again after that obviously. Let me know when he can handle cybernetic implants. If he had mine he would not have broken his back like that. 10x stranded titanium on every bone."

Doctor Vaden nodded, "He is being taken to ICU. You have got skills. Have you thought of med school?"

Jace shook his head, "No. I am typically distrusting of most doctors. CGR most of my life. Top off his Ki on me while you are it. I will risk nothing in this case."

Doctor Vaden nodded, "Alright. How did you do that?"

Jace took a hall Monitor and threw up a split image. He looked at what was displayed. And a middle image which was a composite, including the CT image. The Doctor spoke, "You have a cybernetic unit that gives you x-ray vision! With what we gave you from our angle you had a 3-dimensional model of 2 x-ray images and the CT image! To know how it would fit back together and monitor the cord!"

Jace nodded, "With a 950 processor I ran 24,000 simulations on speed movement and rotation. Then the missing piece revealed itself to me sooner than your own X-ray image because of the angle. I started moving it inside of the model.

I ran another 12,000 models before doing that and finding the best course of action on that. I used the first model as a base to find the line the bone traveled before to get that back into position. That was why I was so slow in moving him. That was why I blocked you from touching him, especially while keeping him levitated on separate force walls to move him from either end while cradling his body in them.
