Jupiter Rising Ch. 01

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A new case for our Detective and her father.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/04/2020
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This story is part of an ongoing series. The chronological order of my stories is listed in WifeWatchman's biography.

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racism, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.


This story is dedicated to Dr. Albert Einstein and Professor Stephen Hawking, CH CBE FRS FRSA.

Part 1 - Prologue

10:00pm, Sunday, February 2nd. The weather was clear and cold at the University Observatory on the far (east) side of the mountain finger which dominated the eastern side of our County. On the Observation Deck, with the large telescope towering over us, were six smaller telescopes for observing the planets in the night-time sky.

Professor Stephanie Steele and a number of her graduate students were here. And despite it being a school night, Laura and I had allowed Carole, Jim, Ross, and Ian to be there with us, since Marie was there. Edward Steele and his daughter Selena were also there.

The grad students had made a point to talk to me, mostly to thank me for bringing Peter Blassingame to Justice and getting him convicted for the murder of their fellow Astronomy major, Steven Walter Henry. (Author's note: 'Unresolved', 'Vox Populi Vox Dei'.) I told them that getting Justice for good people like Steven is what made my job worth doing.

"Daddy!" exclaimed Carole as she looked into one of the telescopes, standing on a crate. "I can see Saturn's rings!"

"Let's take a look." I said. Carole hopped off the crate, keeping her feet and knees together like a good Paratrooper to make a good landing. I sat on the crate and looked into the eyepiece. Sure enough, Saturn was right in the middle of the view, and the rings were very visible.

"Let's get a couple of photos." said Stephanie Steele. The eyepiece had a viewer for the eye, and also one for a camera hookup. Stephanie aligned the telescope and took digital photos, which came out very well.

"Carole!" I heard Marie squeal from the next telescope over. "I can see Jupiter!" She and Carole took turns looking at Jupiter while Laura looked at Saturn. Then we parents went over and saw Jupiter, whose colorful bands were very visible, along with three of its moons.

"That's very nice." Laura said as she took photos with the digital camera. My wife had a strong interest in science and technology, dontcha know, so she was enjoying the evening as much as the rest of us.

"Daddy," asked Carole, "did you earn the Astronomy Merit Badge in the Boy Scouts?"

"Yes, I did." I said, knowing Carole had found my old Merit Badge sash in a box, and knew which Merit Badges I'd earned. And it is possible that Carole had help from her grandmother in finding that box and its contents. But I digress.

As everyone continued to look at things in the telescopes, Selena Steele said "I need to go. I have to go to the City to catch a flight to Charlotte, North Carolina tomorrow. J.P. (Goldman) normally attends this conference, but he's sending me in his stead, to meet all the so-called 'Big Boys'." With that, she hugged Carole, Marie, Stephanie, Edward, me, and Laura. Then she left.

Stephanie Steele and I had a quiet few minutes of conversation. "Did you ever hear any more about that serial bomber that was using my formulae as his pattern?" she asked me.

"No, I never did." I said. "Detective Beale in Atlanta said the bombings in Druid Hills just stopped right after Cindy and I visited there." (Author's note: 'Four Square', Ch. 03.) "And the L.A.P.D. is watching, but nothing new there. I'm thinking the bomber either stopped and lay low, or went to another city and just hasn't been caught yet."

Laura finally announced that it was past certain kids's bedtime. They very politely thanked Professor Steele for hosting them to see the planets, which made me proud as a parent. Then we headed home...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dawn, Monday, February 3rd. The Astronomy students thanking me for bringing Peter Blassingame to Justice was one of the many things on my mind as I stood in front of the gravestone of TCPD Corporal Peter M. Feeley on the anniversary of his death at the hands of Detective Angela Harlan, the Black Widow. (Author's note: 'Case of the Black Widow', Ch. 05.)

It had been a hard year. Two more Officers had died, and while I took those deaths personally, they had not been the result of the utter failure on my part that had led to Pete Feeley's death. I resolved once again to Corporal Feeley's Spirit to not fail that way again.

I heard a noise behind me, and turned my head to look, halfway expecting to see Teresa Croyle there, ready to admonish me. And Teresa was there... as was Carole Troy, and Pete's son, Peter D. Feeley. Little Pete and Carole came up to me.

"Please excuse us for disturbing you, sir." said Carole with great formality.

"Please excuse us, sir." said Pete.

"You are not disturbing me." I said. "I am glad you are here."

"What was my daddy like, Mr. Crowbar?" asked little Pete, who was now becoming old enough to understand his father's sacrifice.

"Your daddy was a very good Police Officer." I said. "He was a very positive person, too, which is why your mom loved him."

"Carole says I'm going to be a Police Officer like my dad." said Pete. "Will you help me grow up to be a good Police Officer, so my daddy in Heaven will be proud of me?"

Wow, that one hit me right between the eyes, and I felt the emotion welling up inside me. "Of course I will." I said. "And so will your mom, and our many friends on the Police Force. But you can be anything you want... Police Officer, FBI Agent, something else. Don't grow up too fast, okay?"

"Yes sir." said Pete as he looked at his father's gravestone. After a few moments, we bowed formally, then respectfully retreated to our vehicles, where Teresa was waiting for us.

"Carole asked me to bring her and Pete." said Teresa. "Tanya will come by later today."

I nodded. Teresa said she'd take Pete home, and Carole got into my Police SUV with me. "So, Carole," I said, meaning it whimsically, "is Pete going to be a Police Officer?"

"It's a done deal, Daddy." Carole said. "A done deal..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the redheaded MILF reporterette at 7:00am, Monday, February 3rd, from atop the building at the corner of Riverside and College, with the State Office Building in the distance behind her. "The Impeachment trial of deeply unpopular Governor Val Jared gets underway today!"

Bettina began: "The State House Managers will begin laying out their devastating case in the State Senate Chamber today, showing why Val Jared's crimes of abuse of power, racism, and obstruction of the Legislature are more than enough to warrant his conviction and removal from office!"

Bettina: "It is expected that the Managers will begin by showing how the Governor conspired with Police Commander Donald Troy... who took the Fifth rather than cooperate with an FBI investigation, and accepted a pardon from the Governor... to harass two women who brought credible claims that the Governor sexually harassed them. They will then show that the Governor pardoned Commander Troy in a quid pro quo arrangement."

(Author's note: For the complete story of the Rodman/Braselton case and subsequent issues, newer readers (and older ones, too) should read 'The Saga Continues', Ch. 02, 03; 'Swamp Frogs'; 'One Night In Bangkok', Ch. 04; 'Shipping & Handling', Ch.01; and of course 'No Way Out', Ch. 03-05.)

Bettina: "Managers wanted to compel Commander Troy to testify against the Governor in the Impeachment trial, but Troy's lawyer said that Commander Troy had already testified truthfully under an immunity agreement, and that agreement was still binding upon the Legislature. It is not clear whether or not Donald Troy can be compelled to testify again, and whether or not the previous Immunity Agreement holds, and it would take months to work it out in the Courts."

Bettina: "And in national news, the FBI confirmed that they have reached a settlement with Donald Troy after they damaged his home during a raid to arrest him weeks ago. Donald Troy has not responded to KXTC's repeated requests for comment on the matter. And now let's go to trusted reporter Lester Holder for more on that case. Lester!"

"That's right, Bettina!" said Lester Holder, from an 'undisclosed location' that appeared to be the backyard of KXTC studios. "While Governor Jared's pardon means Donald Troy's legal woes in the Betty Morelli case are over, experts are questioning if there was not evidence that would've proved Troy's guilt, and that that 'smoking gun' is the real reason Jared pardoned Troy. Experts also agree that Commander Troy's credibility with blacks, already at a low point, is now utterly destroyed, and it would be hypocritical of white Police Officer Donald Troy to arrest and charge blacks with crimes after he was pardoned himself..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"And there it is." I said as we drank coffee in the Chief's Conference Room "I can't make arrests, now. And that Media mantra will soon be the whole TCPD being unable to arrest blacks as long as I'm Police Commander. And if we do make arrests, blacks will claim discrimination and abuse by the Police, and they'll start having protests, and so on and so forth."

"Yep." agreed Sheriff Griswold. "That's how I see it, too."

"That's why it won't be you out there arresting them, Don." said Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle. "It'll be me and our Officers making 'fair and balanced' arrests of all lawbreakers, regardless of color, creed, orientation, or national origin... or however that boilerplate goes." Captain Tanya Perlman smiled brightly at that.

"It's an optics game, Commander Croyle." said Chief Moynahan. "Perception is the reality, and the Media knows it. We have to be very careful; remember that the Feds are trying to hammer us and force us into a Consent Decreeee..."

It was then that everyone noticed that Commander Cindy Ross was not participating in the conversation. We looked over at her to see that she was looking at the television monitor, but was not seeing it.

"You okay?" Teresa asked quietly, right into Cindy's ear.

"Uhhh..." Cindy said, coming out of it. "Yes... yes, I'm okay."

"Thinking about what Penis Holder said about the 'smoking gun'?" I asked.

"I think I'll exercise my right to silence on the matter." Cindy said.


The door opened to reveal Lt. Jerome Davis. "Ladies, gentlemen," he said, "our guests are here."

"Ah yes." I said with a smile as I got up "One of our honorees today at Promotions and Medals Day has to attend elementary school, so we're giving her her awards early. If you'll follow me, please..."

Part 2 - Ceremonies

We were wearing our formal uniforms with medals today. We went into MCD, where the Detectives, also attired in formal uniforms, were gathered in a circle around their guest, who was wearing her 'Sunday best' and fearlessly holding court.

Carole Diana Troy had been talking about Saturn's rings and Jupiter's bands, and then Lieutenant Rudistan began engaging her in conversation. Rudistan had formidable repartée skills, but my favorite six-year-old was holding her own.

"So you're going to win the Police Boxing Matches, Carole?" Rudistan asked mischievously.

"One day I will." Carole said. "But it's going to be hard to beat Daddy and Aunt Cindy."

"But they're not competing." said Joanne Warner, who was officially returning from maternity leave. "The Chief won't let them."

"Nor me." said Jerome Davis, somewhat forlornly.

"That won't last forever." Carole said confidently. "One day my daddy will be Police Chief, and then it will be Kay-tee-bar-the-dorrrrr." Detectives broke out laughing at that.

"Ah," I said, coming up to Carole in the middle of the room, "I see that you are revealing my secret plans to catch up to Commander Ross in Police Boxing Matches trophies." A green crowbar was waved in my general direction. However, Carole's face fell a bit; she was taking me more seriously than she should have.

"Uh oh, I've said too much again." Carole said. "Daddy says I talk too much, sometimes."

"Your daddy is right about that." said Carole's mother, who'd been watching and drinking coffee while sitting at one of the empty desks. Some Detectives chuckled uncertainly.

"That's okay, Carole." said Rudistan with great joviality. "Commander Ross says that about me."

"And I'm right about that, too." admonished the Green Crowbar.

"Yes, it's okay, Carole." I said, patting her on the shoulder. "These Detectives need to feel the fear that I might indeed find my way back into the Police Boxing Matches ring."

"Whoaaaaa..." said a chorus of Detectives, and one Green Crowbar.

"You're not Police Chief yet, Mr. Crowbarrrr." admonished Chief Moynahan.

"No sir, and I hope it stays that way for a long, long time." I replied. "Okay, let's get started. One of our Detectives already has a mission today... second grade. So we'll have her awards early. Sheriff, will you do the honors?"

"I sure will." said Sheriff Griswold, beaming as he came up. He read the Certificate of Appreciation, which praised Carole for protecting a K-9 Corps Police Dog at great risk to her own life. Everyone applauded as Carole accepted the framed Citation and shook the Sheriff's hand.

Chief Moynahan stepped up, and announced a Certificate of Achievement for Carole's observations that helped lead to the successful cracking of the 'Time Flies' case. Carole politely shook the Chief's hand as she accepted the award and the Detectives applauded.

"And there's one more thing." I said, stepping up. "As you know, it is my job to make sure that this is the very best Police Force in the world. Fortunately, with great Officers, Detectives, and Leaders like all of you, that is not a hard job. But we can be just a little bit better."

I then grinned as I said "And just as we couldn't wait for Lieutenant Rudistan to grow up..." Laughter broke out and Rudistan grinned jovially at that, then I said "... we can't wait until this Detective graduates second grade, much less the Police Academy."

I took out a silver TCPD Auxiliary Detective Badge, No. 1642, pinned to a leather holder affixed to a chain necklace. "Carole Troy, please raise your right hand and repeat after me." I said. I then administered to Carole the TCPD Police Officer's Oath.

"Congratulations, Auxiliary Detective Troy." I said as I put the Badge on Carole's neck as if it were an MOV. "And there's no 'honorary' about it."

"Thank you, sir." Carole said happily. Then she crisply saluted me. I came to attention and saluted her back, knowing what salutes meant. This was the first salute exchanged between me and Carole as Police Officers.

It would not be the last.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After Laura took Carole to school, the rest of us got ready for the Promotions and Medals Ceremonies. We were inducting six new Rookies to the Police Force, and there were a number of pay grade promotions among the Uniformed Ranks.

Roy McGhillie was getting a new badge that said 'Senior Sergeant', as he was moving to 1st Precinct and out of the Detective Corps. And Joanne Laurer was being promoted to Detective-1 from Senior Patrolman.

There were a number of Certificates of Achievement and a few Achievement Medals for Police actions during the 'Homewrecker' and 'Time Flies' cases, with all of the Intelligence Branch personnel getting something for their outstanding work on their inaugural cases.

And Sheriff Griswold ambushed me with a Certificate of Appreciation for organizing and conducting the Christmas Eve 'First Amendment Rally'. The applause from the Police Force was very strong, and I suspected that it was for more than just saving Christmas for the Cancer Kids. It was a show of support for their Police Commander, despite my having taken the Fifth and accepted the Governor's pardon in the Betty Morelli case...

Part 3 - Traffic Stop

10:30am, Monday, February 3rd. Amber Harris was driving in her KXTC sedan towards the KXTC studios when she saw a Police cruiser fall in behind her. She was already going below the speed limit, but slowed down more. That was to no avail; the Police cruiser's blue lightbar came on.

She pulled over to the side of the road, and speed-dialed a KXTC number that would record the traffic stop with her leaving the connection open. A moment later, Corporal Hicks exited his vehicle and came up to her window cautiously, and Amber lowered her window halfway, just enough to speak through.

"May I see your license and registration, please." Hicks courteously asked.

"Why did you stop me?" Amber angrily demanded to know.

"You were driving over the speed limit, ma'am." said Hicks.

"I was not!" Amber spat angrily. "I was under the speed limit the entire time!"

"May I see your license and registration, please." said Hicks again.

"No you may not!" Amber yelled. "I'm calling a lawyer right now."

"Ma'am, step out of the car, please." said Hicks, his hand over his holstered weapon.

"I demand a female Officer be present before I unlock the vehicle." Amber said.

"You got it." said another voice, coming up to the car. It was TCPD Deputy Chief Cindy Ross, carrying her green crowbar. "Get out of the car, Harris."

Amber stared hatefully at Cindy, but only when Cindy intimated swinging her crowbar to break Amber's car window did Amber finally respond. She undid her seatbelt and opened the door, and slowly swung her legs to get out. That was not fast enough for the Green Crowbar.

"I said get out of the goddamned car!" Cindy yelled, grabbing Amber's arm and violently pulling her out of the car. Amber stumbled to her knees, and Cindy forcibly pulled her up and slammed her against the rear door.

Amber was wearing a clingy blue blouse that showed off her big, milk-filled breasts, blue jeans that looked painted on, so tight were they, and brown high-heel sandals. Cindy began frisking Amber, getting good feels around her breasts and crotch, and letting her hand roam down the curves of Amber's shapely legs. It wasn't so much to get a good feel of Amber, but to humiliate her. After all, Cindy was the daughter of a master psychologist.

"Hey!" Amber protested as she was felt up.

"Shut up, bitch." Cindy said, her voice relatively low.

"Why was I pulled over?" Amber demanded to know.

Corporal Hicks said "You were going 36 miles per hour in a 35 MPH zone."

"And she failed to follow your lawful instructions to show her ID." Cindy said. "She also resisted arrest in not getting out of the car when I told her to." She was pushing Amber's neck, forcing the blonde reporterette's head to be pressed against the glass of the rear door's window. "Those are parole violations, Amber. Parole. Violations. Back to prison for three years."

"You're full of shit!" Amber said. "This is a unlawful stop, and Police harassment and brutality!" She barely noticed that Hicks had backed off and gone back to his vehicle, leaving Amber alone with Cindy.

"Let me tell you something, bitch." Cindy whispered into Amber's ear from close behind. "I'm sick and tired of your bullshit games about Betty Morelli's baby. I will not tolerate it---"