Just Once If You Don't Mind - Ending

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An ending to Kalimaxos's story.
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Kalimaxos challenged writers to finish his story about a wife trying to have her sex cake and eat it too. This is my effort. My story will make more sense if you read the original.

As the scene opens, Rick, our protagonist, has just learned that his wife Marcy plans to have sex with a doctor while on a charity medical mission to Colombia, and further, that she has arranged for a neighbor who is in the swinging lifestyle, to keep Rick happy. The neighbor, Leslie, has just opened a bottle of wine.


"So, Rick, what do we do?"

I took my glass, swirled the wine for a few seconds, and thought.

"Well Leslie," I finally replied, "you are a very beautiful young woman, and I am very sure that having sex with you would be a very enjoyable experience. But right now my mind is racing, my emotions are exploding, and my heart aches. I doubt if I could even get it up to perform, let alone have it be any kind of a rewarding experience for either of us."

"I understand," she said. "You've been hit with a lot, and hit where it hurts. May I just stay here for a while and keep you company? Maybe talking through some things would help. Vincent and I did not jump right into the open marriage thing - it was something that we talked about for a long time, and then we dipped our toes in the water before going through with it. Marcy has placed you in the position of having to take a swan dive.

"I do have a question, though," she continued. "Marcy told me that she knew you had had an affair when you were overseas with someone named Diedre. She said she felt as though her fling on this trip would be sort of a compensation for that."

"Yes, Leslie, I did stray once. Once in 20 years. I did not have an affair. I served in Iraq with a woman who had feelings for me, and I admit I had some feelings for her. She had been my girl friend in high school, and evidently the magic of a first love had not left her. But I was determined to be a faithful husband, so I rebuffed her suggestions that we should 'get together.' She did corner me one day after a close call with a roadside bomb, and she gave me a blowjob. I reciprocated with my tongue and fingers. But we did not have intercourse - I have not had intercourse with anyone but Marcy since our first date.

"Evidently Diedre was hurt by the fact that I would not sleep with her, so when she came home before I did she made it a point to give Marcy the idea that there had been something going on between us. When I got home Marcy asked me about it, and I foolishly lied and denied anything had happened. If only I had come clean and told her the truth about that one and only transgression, she would not have felt betrayed and felt justified in what she's doing now."

"What are you going to do? I I know from our conversations how much Marcy loves you," Leslie said.

"I don't know, Leslie," I replied. "One thing I know for sure is that I'm not going to do anything at all for a few days while I settle down to where I can think straight. And while Marcy's scheme to keep me busy with you was clever, I'm afraid I'm not going to take the two of you up on it. Whether or not Marcy respects our marital vows, and it looks like she doesn't, I still do. Frankly, I have reason to suspect that Marcy carried on some extra-marital activity at the hospital before now when I was inn Korea, although I don't know for sure and don't know whether it was with Tray or somebody else. I didn't do anything about it because I didn't want to believe it. Now I think maybe I've been made the fool more than once."

"Part of me wants to get out one of my old fake passports from when I was in Army Intelligence and fly down to Bogota and castrate the son of a bitch, then fly back and play innocent when Marcy gets home. Or maybe catch them both in the act and shoot them, then fly home and get on with my life.

"Part of me wants to run right out to a divorce lawyer and ditch the bitch.

"And, quite honestly, part of me wants to take you in my arms right now, fuck you from here to next week, and go along with Marcy's crazy plan. Maybe even woo you away from your kinky husband and make a new life of it.

"But the rational part of my brain says 'slow down, cool down, think this through and don't do anything stupid.'"

With that I drained my wine glass. Marcy filled it up, and sat down next to me on the sofa. She put her arm around my shoulders and pulled me toward her like a mother comforting her lovesick teenager.

"I have an idea," she said. "Let's go to your room, lie down in bed and just let me hold you. We can keep our clothes on. I know you didn't sleep much last night - let's take a nap. Maybe when you wake up the world will seem a little less confusing."

So we did that. And she was right. Her gentle touch, her kind words, the feel of her body spooned against mine, all did make me feel better. And when I woke up I had a better idea of what I was going to do. My decision was made easier by the fact that I woke up to the feeling of Leslie's lips on my cock. When she had noticed me beginning to stir from sleep, she silently slid down and took me in her mouth, awakening me to a delightful blow job.

"Ummmm, that feels good," I said, and I heard her giggle.

"I thought you might like it," she said, then went back down for more.

When I began to feel the excitement rise in my loins, I stopped her. "I've made a couple of decisions," I said. "First of all, I'm going to fuck you silly. Next of all, I'm going to show you the letter Marcy left for me - I assume you haven't read it."

"No, I think I know pretty much what's in it from what she told me, but I didn't read it."

"Okay, well after we fuck I want you to read it and then answer me a question about if you see what I see. Leave Little Rick alone and come back up here."

She crawled back up to let me put my arms around her and kiss her. She let me help her out of her clothes - she never wears much - and she returned the favor, pilling my shirt up and off and then moving to pull off my trousers. I was still on my back. She climbed on top of me and sat herself down on my groin, steering my proud soldier into her slick pussy. She began scooting her pelvis and I began thrusting, and before long we settled into a smooth and comfortable rhythm. She leaned down to lie on my chest, and we kissed. It started as a sweet gentle kiss, but as the excitement down below began to grow, our kissing became more urgent, our tongues probing and our breathing becoming ragged. She was the first woman other than my wife that I had been inside for more than 20 years and the sensations were at once familiar and novel. For one thing, she was considerably younger and more athletic in her lovemaking than Marcy.

It didn't take long before we both came - I pulsed first and she followed almost immediately. As we came down off the pleasure high I hugged her so tightly I almost squeezed the wind out of her. I realized I was crying. The emotional roller coaster of the past few days combined with the ecstatic rush of our sexmaking crashed in my mind and I collapsed, weak and tired and crushed.

"Are you okay, Rick? Did I do something wrong?"

I forced myself to get a grip. "No, Les, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm just a little overcome by all that's happened. Then I straightened up, stiffened my spine, and declared, "Army Colonel's don't cry."

She led me to the shower, we washed and dried each other, then I led her back to the kitchen where I had her sit and read Marcy's declaration of independence while I fixed us both up with stiff drinks.

She finished reading as I set her drink in front of her and sat down across the table from her. She looked up and looked straight into my eyes.

"Wow," she said. "That's a real kick in the nuts."

"Yeah," I said. "But there's one particular part I want get your reading on. Where she says she realizes that what she's doing might lead me to divorce her. As I thought about that after I read it, all I could think was, she knows I might divorce her, yet she goes ahead and does it anyway. Isn't that pretty much like saying that her marriage to me might as well be over? I mean, if I knew something I might do would could cause her to divorce me, I damn well wouldn't do it. Am I reading that right? Is that what she means?"

Leslie hesitated before she replied, considering her words. "I see what you mean," she finally said. "I was going to say that maybe she didn't really think that through as much as she should, but reading the rest of the letter, and having had the conversations about this that we had leading up, I think she knew exactly what she was saying, and I think you read it right."

I took a deep breath. "Well then a divorce is what she's going to get. And for the next five and a half weeks I'm going to fuck you as often as you and Vincent will let me. I don't think I'm of a mind to perform for an audience, but who knows? Maybe we can stream our sessions to his phone or something."

With that Leslie went home to make supper for Vincent. She brought leftovers back after they had eaten, and watched me while I ate.

"I told Vincent that I don't think you should be alone tonight, and that I'd be staying here with you. He's okay with that, only asking that if we have sex, we make a video or stream it to him."

"Okay, I said. "I need to get up and get out in the morning because I have a lot of things I need to do. I need to go to the bank and separate our finances, and I need to see our lawyer and get him started with the divorce paperwork. Marcy laid in plenty of groceries before she left, and I'm actually pretty handy in the kitchen, so I should be all set that way."

"Plus, I'll be feeding you sometimes too." Leslie interjected.

"Great, I said. "They serve a pretty good dinner at the VFW hall, and tomorrow is Friday so they'll be having their weekly fish fry. How about if I meet you and Vincent there for drinks when he gets off work, and then I'll buy you guys dinner."

"That sounds like a plan and a half," she said, smiling. "Maybe the three of us can sit and work out how you two are going to share me for the rest of the time she's away."

"Maybe longer," I said, under my breath. She heard me and laughed.

"Maybe, soldier. We'll just have to see what-all you have in the way of maneuvers."

Marcie had brought along an overnight bag, so after cleaning up my dishes we retired to the bedroom to discover what each of had to bring to the deal. It was a good night. Trust me. After a couple of hours of horizontal calisthenics I slept through the night for the first time in a week.

The next day I went to the bank. I pulled out half of the money in our accounts and opened an account at another bank in only my name. I canceled our joint credit cards and paid off the balances. I kept my personal credit card that I'd carried since my Army days.

Then I went to see Jack O'Reilly, my longtime friend and attorney. After I told him my story he agreed to prepare the divorce papers. "You have time, she won't be back in the country for another five weeks," I told him. "I will take my personal items that have meaning for me and she can have the house. We each have our own car. The cabin on the lake is mine, I inherited it from my parents, and I'll keep that. She can have the country club membership, I hate golf and my knees are no good for tennis any more. If I need exercise I can join a gym."

He promised to provide me with a draft document in 10 days, and I agreed that would be fine.

"I'm sorry about this, Rick," he said, taking my hand. "I know you and Marcy have spent a lot of years apart, and it's been tough on the marriage," The way he said it made me wonder if he knew something about what had gone on in her life during my absences. I didn't ask him, I figured it didn't really matter any more.

I finished my business by 4 o'clock, and went to the VFW to wet my whistle and meet Vince and Leslie. "I'll have to remember to ask him if he likes Vince or Vincent," I thought to myself, remembering that Leslie always called him Vincent. I figured if I was going to be fucking his wife at least I could show him enough respect to call him the name he prefers.

I was about halfway into my second single-malt when the kinky couple arrived. I had tipped off the staff that I would be entertaining guests so they had no trouble getting in and joining me. They ordered drinks and I had Joe behind the bar run a tab. We moved from the bar to a table. The Friday night fish fry is a big draw to the club and the place was crowded. We sat and looked at each other for a minute. I had never been in the company of a man whose loving wife I had fucked just a few hours before, and intended to keep on fucking with his knowledge and encouragement. To say it was a weird feeling understates it.

Finally Leslie broke the ice. "Did you get all your business taken care of today?" She asked.

"Yes, I split our finances and got my attorney started on the divorce papers."

"How are you going to break it to her?" Vincent asked.

"Well, I thought about mailing them to her in Bogota, but then I realized that she'd have to bring them back here to execute them anyway, so I'll wait until she gets back. I think I'll have her served in the lobby of the hotel where she says she'll be waiting for me for our big reunion and reboot of our marriage."

The waitress came over and we ordered our fish dinners and another round of drinks. We were served quickly, and tucked into our food. I asked, "I've been meaning to ask, do you prefer to be called Vincent or Vince?"

"Either is okay with me. My friends usually call me Vince. Leslie has always called me Vincent, just like my mother."

"Okay Vince, well I guess before we go any further I should thank you for sharing this beautiful young woman with me. She is a joy to be with and she has helped me tremendously to get through this ordeal."

"You are welcome," he replied. "I'm glad you appreciate her. We kinda stumbled into the open marriage lifestyle a few years ago, and it has strengthened our relationship, I believe." Leslie nodded in agreement.

"Well, if I could, I would steal her from you for the rest of the time my cheating wife is away fucking her doctor friend," I said. "But I don't think that's realistic. Perhaps she could keep me company during the day when you're at work, and come home to you in the evening. Would that work?"

Vince nodded in agreement, but Leslie spoke up. "Vincent, dear, I think Rick is going to need me some nights too. Maybe every two or three nights I should spend with him. This shock has been really hard on him."

Vince looked at her, and at me, and swallowed. "Well, I guess that's okay," he said. "Maybe I can get some dates while you're with him."

"Yes, dear, that would work. Call Julie. And maybe Rick will agree at some point that you can stay with us, eh Rick?"

"We'll see," I said. "I'm new to this, let's start with baby steps. How about if we set up a video with the phone and stream it."

Vince grinned. "That will work," he said.

As it turned out, neither of us had to worry. When we were done at the club I invited them back to the house for a nightcap. We sat in the living room with our drinks, and Leslie sat on the couch with me while Vince sat in a wingback chair. We had a nice conversation about our lives, our families, our careers, and so forth. At one point I noticed Leslie's hand on my thigh. As the conversation moved forward, so did her hand, creeping up toward my package. Vince was very nonchalant, but it was clear he was watching. I wrapped my arm around Leslie, and found I could reach all the way around to her front and rub her breast. Which I did. Still no reaction from Vince. She put her hand on my cock and reached her fingers around. I slid my hand into her top. She wasn't wearing a bra.

At that point Vince stood up, saying he had work to do in the morning and needed to get to bed. He thanked me for the dinner and conversation, then kissed Leslie on the lips and walked out the door to go home. "You kids take good care of each other tonight," he said as he closed the door.

That released the beast in us both. We began to kiss with passion, rubbing and stroking each other's bodies and parts: breasts, cock, pussy, balls, whatever we could get our hands on. I had her lie down on the couch and I pulled off her shorts and thong. I went down on her and used my tongue and lips and fingers to work her hot, wet pussy for all I was worth. Orgasm after orgasm rolled through her body as I worked my tongue between her labia and over her clit, meanwhile fingering her cunt. With her fourth orgasm she began to spurt, spraying my face with pussy juice. I worked harder. I tongued her hole, stuck two fingers in her back door, and nibbled on her clit. She howled like a wolf. She bucked and squirmed and I never let up.

Finally she was done, and so was I. We collapsed for a few minutes catching her breath. Then I led her to the bedroom and we made love all night. In an apparent attempt to prove she wasn't a heartless bitch, before she left Marcy had secured a bottle of Viagra, which she stuck in my medicine cabinet. I almost didn't find it, but when I went for the dental floss there it was. I used it that night. Talk about a miracle drug! We finally dozed off as the sun began to light the eastern horizon. We slept for three hours, then again I woke up to the feeling of Leslie's mouth on Little Rick. We started up and did it all over again.

Life went on like this for the next few days. Our third night together we streamed our activity to Vince. I don't know what he did while he watched us rut like animals, but I hope he didn't get a cramp in his hand.

Then I got a letter from Marcy. It was a newsy little missive about all the good work they had been doing for the impoverished people of Colombia, and how gratifying it was to see lives restored and people made whole again. She added that after our phone conversation, when I interrupted their tryst, she had had second thoughts. She said that she really hadn't been enjoying her illicit sex with her doctor all that much, so after three nights she had taken her stuff back to her room and had not slept with anybody since. She hoped we could get past her lapse of judgment.

That night I had Leslie call Marcy with her phone for a "girl talk." She set the phone between us as we sat in bed, and put it on speaker. When Marcy answered it was clear from her breathing that she had been engaged in vigorous physical activity. "Just a minute, Les, let me go back to my room," she said, and we could hear the sounds of her getting up, moving across a room, walking through the connecting door and closing it.

"How's it going, girlfriend?" Leslie asked, with a confidential tone.

"Oh God, Leslie, you wouldn't believe it. I spent the first three nights with Tray, and we really rocked each other's world. But then the guys decided that we should change it up, so I switched off to Gary's room, and Penny took over with Tray and the other nurse went with the other doc. Three more days of crazy sex, and then we traded again. Oh, Leslie, you can't believe what a rush it is to have different men one after the other."

"You forget, Marcy, I do know what that's like," Leslie said.

"Then it really got hot," Marcy went on. "After we had traded off three times it came to the weekend and all the couples came to Tray's room and we opened the connecting door to my room and all of us spent the entire weekend using all the beds drinking, fucking, trading whenever we felt like it. I was DPed for the first time in my life, and we all were spitfucked, with one guy in our cunt and another guy in our mouth. Two whole days and three nights. Room service brought food and booze every so often - I went to the door to once to let them in completely nude with cum on my face and running down my leg. God it was hot.