Justice For Some


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We were ushered into a very nice conference room, where I tried not to stare at the opulence of the surroundings.

When the team if lawyers entered, I leaned over to Carole and asked where were the parents. They will be here, at future meetings, she said. I want them here, I said. OK, let me do the talking, she replied.

After the good morning pleasantries, Carole very quietly said, "Let's save us all some time, here. No parents, no discussion. OK?"

You could have heard a pin drop.

After some discreet whispering, all three sets of parents entered, and sat across from us.

Carole started by saying that no settlement would ever be reached without some sort of explanation of why these kids murdered Edwin. A show of remorse would help, too. All this while her hand was softly on top of both my folded hands.

Not a word from any of the parents. Carole whispered in my ear to get up and follow her out the door. When one of the lawyers asked us to wait, she very sternly said that we weren't kidding, and led me out of the room. As we were waiting for the elevator, her dad approached and asked us back into the room.

"After we are taken seriously, schedule another meeting. Not one minute before."

"Its a deal," dad responded, "you have my word. And respect."

Round one to the underdogs.

Driving home, I got a huge case of the blues thinking about my Edwin, and why he was murdered. My sadness must have been evident, as Carole put her hand on mine as we drove in total silence.

"Shall I drop you at your apartment?" she asked.

"No, its way too quiet," I replied.


I just nodded, still in my self imposed funk.

While we ate a light lunch, I just rambled on about how callous those parents seemed to be. Carole assured me that all people of money weren't like that. I kept my thoughts to myself, thinking those lawyers, her dad included, seemed as shitty as those people.

We did stop at my little apartment so I could pick up a few things. Carole came in with me causing a bit of uneasiness about my meager belongings. When she asked about a wood carving we had, I told her Edwin's grandfather made it for our wedding. Just holding that piece of wood and thinking about our wedding, I started to cry, again.

Without saying a word, Carole put her arms around me and just held me, silently.

After a few minutes she asked if we should leave. I nodded my assent.

Very softly, Carole said to me, "if this place makes you so sad, would you like to move in with me?"

I just stared at her and meekly smiled. I told her I had about ten more days until my rent was due, which I didn't know how I could afford, so I just nodded yes. Since this apartment came mostly furnished, I didn't have a lot of things to move.

As I moved around our, my tiny space I wondered if I was making a huge mistake. Yes, I cared for Carole, deeply, but moving in together was a huge step.

She seemed to be a mind reader when she added, you can start out in my spare room, if you choose.

Slowly, my smile returned, but this place still brought me great sadness.

Off we went, to what might be my permanent house, at least for the foreseeable future.

When we got inside, Carole told me she had some work to do, online, and for me to just try to relax.

Sitting in her living room, there was nothing I wanted to watch on TV, so I turned on one of the music channels on her cable, I never knew existed.

I was just sort of daydreaming, when Carole came out and asked if I could do her a favor. Sure, if I can, I answered. She set me up in her kitchen, with a laptop, and gave me a list of things I had no idea what they were.

Sitting next to me, with this list between us, she told me these were cases that had things to do with our case, and for me to do some research, while she was working on another case.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" I asked.

"Letitia, don't sell yourself short, I know you can do this, and there are no wrong answers. Just make notations on this list such as dates, case numbers, and the like."

As she got up to go back to her own work, she leaned over and gave me several scorching kisses, that almost caught me by surprise. I found my hand wandering into her panties, causing both of us to look at each other and agree to get some actual work done before going to her, or our bedroom.

As I started doing this research, I couldn't stop grinning. I was doing work for a lawyer, who was fighting for me!

I was so tuned into my research, I didn't hear Carole walking up behind me. When she lightly kissed the back of my neck, it felt so good, I let out a soft moan. Jokingly, I said in my most grownup voice, "how do you expect me to get my work done if you only have sex on your mind?" We both started laughing, and moving to the master bedroom.

I decided I would see if I was capable of being in charge, for once. I place my hands on her shoulders, kissing her deeply, and lifting her skimpy tank top over her head. Kissing her very hard nipples and easing her onto the bed. Her hands lifted my shirt off, and started playing with my nipples. I moved down her body, kissing every inch of her glowing skin. When I got to her thong, I moved one hand inside and very softly touched her pussy lips, and upward toward her clitoris. I felt her hips thrusting up meeting my probing fingers. I moved into place, removing her thong and placed two fingers as deep as I could. In and out. Licking her clit. Moving my mouth all over her pussy. Licking, probing, and moving one very wet finger to her little back door entrance.

"Are you sure, my love?" she panted.

I just nodded, just to see if I dared. Slowly, my fingertip entered her behind, causing a very throaty moan.

"Oh, God, yes, fuck me!"

I guess I was doing this correctly, as her moaning gave way to the biggest orgasm I ever gave her in our short relationship. My face was drenched with her delicious sex juices. I think I was panting as hard as Carole was, holding her body next to mine. She just laid in my arms smiling at my and lightly kissing my cheeks. My nose. My forehead.

"Whatever gave you the idea to do that?"

"Are you glad I did?"

"Dumb fucking question, my lover!"

"I guess I won't be staying in your guest room, right?"

Just laying in each others arms, not saying a word, I felt her hands moving down my body, stopping at my panties. One hand slipped them down over my hips, and moved between my open thighs. Two fingers opened my lips making way for her very talented tongue. I was holding the back of her head as I suddenly felt a finger at my back door. She stopped, wetted her finger, and ran it around my brown pucker. My God, I was on fire. Slowly, her finger went up to the first knuckle. Another moist finger joined the first one. In and out. Licking up and down. Sucking on my clit. I was having a very difficult time breathing, I was panting so hard. My body began shaking, for the first time in my life, I drenched her face with girl cum. She quickly moved up my body, letting me taste my own fluids.

We just laid in each others arms not saying a word. I looked in her eyes and whispered, "I love you, Carole."

"Oh, Letitia, you make me so happy, and I love you so much!"

We both fell sound asleep. About an hour later, we both woke up smiling at each other.

"We should eat," I said. "Food!" We both broke out in laughter. After a quick cleanup, we went into the kitchen to survey the choices for dinner.

After seeing nothing that interested either of us, we decided on Chinese delivered. We did make the decision that one or both of us should have clothes on to greet the delivery kid.

Another planning session after dinner, then just sitting on her couch, feeling so decadent without any clothing except our panties on.

"Will you come to work with me in the morning?"

"Sure, but why?"

"Just humor me."

Arriving at her fairly simple law office, she introduced me to her office staff of 6 other people. One lawyer, one paralegal and four secretaries. They all seemed really nice and welcoming.

I was set up in a small office and continued doing more research that Carole asked for. This was far more interesting than waitressing.

I went in each day that week, and felt very good with the work I was getting accomplished. Several of the people there, besides Carole told me how important the job I was doing was.

Friday just before lunch Carole came running into the little room I was working in, telling me we have a meeting the following Monday morning. We were making headway, I thought.

We made dinner at home that night, and after finishing, we sat in the living room, just talking. Carole, sipping on a glass of wine, and me with my iced tea.

Taking my hands in hers, she asks if I enjoyed working at her office. Silly question, I replied. Then the stunner. You want to make it permanent? I was shocked!

"Doing what?" I stammered.

"We want you to be a research assistant." And you would be paid, she added.

This time the tears I was shedding, were tears of joy. She just held my body close to hers, as I nodded my agreement.

Sunday, more shopping. Everyday clothes. A few more nice things. In the few weeks we had been together, eating right and getting some well needed exercise, both in and out of bed, we both noticed I had lost more than a few pounds, and gained a whole bunch of confidence.

Monday morning. I was quite nervous, hoping I would be able to speak, if asked.

Carole had cautioned me not to act surprised at anything I would hear regarding any monetary offer. The meeting started with each set of parents telling me they literally could not answer why their sons did what they did, but all three apologized for their sons actions, saying nothing they said would ease my pain.

After a few minutes, they handed Carole a folder that she opened and handed to me, after she read it. Remembering what she told me, I thought my eyes would fall out of my head, and I felt a little light headed. If she didn't have her hands on mine, I might have passed out.

I read the bottom line. Three times. Then a fourth time for good measure. I thought I was going to pee my panties.

"We the undersigned agree to pay Letitia Robin Little Bear the sum of $2,500,000."

I looked at Carole and just quietly sobbed, nodding my agreement. I couldn't even imagine a sum of money with that many zeroes.

Papers were signed. Handshakes were made. Most everybody left, except Carole's dad. He quietly told me to listen to his daughter's advice, as she knows her way around money, as well as the law.

Epilogue: I had done some research not requested by my new boss, and had her take one third of my settlement. Agreed, she said. We then took the long drive onto the Olympic Peninsula, to visit my family. When we got there, my entire family was waiting for me. My in laws, too. They all asked at once if this lovely woman with me was my lawyer. Not only that, I replied, she is my girlfriend and the love of my life.

Both of us met with our Tribal Chairman and Council. After about an hour, we went into our meeting hall, with a huge contingent of members present. I took the microphone and after overcoming some nerves, I started to talk.

"Everyone here knows we are sorely lacking in medical care and supplies. I have told our Council that I would be donating enough money to build a proper clinic, staff it full time and keep it in supplies for at least two years. It will be called the Edwin Little Bear Medical Center."

After all the cheering and questions, my parents had Carole and I over for dinner. My mother and grandmother had been cooking all day, and had enough food for a small army.

I whispered to Carole, that I had told her they would try to fatten her up. My ninety something year old grandmother leaned over at the dinner table and told Carole she was all right for a skinny girl. Carole gave her the biggest hug and kiss on the forehead. All my family welcomed her into the clan.

Laying in bed, together, that night, she put her head on my shoulder and told me too many trips up here and she would have to go on a special diet. After having another good laugh, she very quietly whispered in my ear, "Would you marry me?"

I couldn't say yes fast enough. She told me her parents would want some big celebration in Seattle for their family and friends, but she would agree to whatever my Tribal customs dictated.

Who would have ever thought that out of such a tragedy, I would find someone not only to love, but who also loved me back, for myself.

Yes, we were married. Both at her parents magnificent house, and back at my Tribal meeting house.

We have even started talking about children, but that is for another time.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
DickSimpsonDickSimpsonover 2 years ago

No wonder he is anonymous. If he had the balls to identify himself someone could do a public service by kicking his ass. Good story, and shows some of the way (pc) Native Americans are treated.

JustplainjeffJustplainjeffover 3 years agoAuthor

I just have to comment to that mindless asshole from two days ago. Please cover up, as your ignorance is showing. And, as what you can do, "gey kocken offen yahn"

steppinontoessteppinontoesover 3 years ago

Another great story, hope there is a follow up in the works.

BillyslateBillyslateover 3 years ago

To Brief Although Enjoyable!!

This was an unusual storyline, which is a nice change of pace from the many "Lesbian Love Stories" posted on this site. However, my major negative thought (s) was the story seemed a bit hurried, especially towards the end. I really feel that "Justice For Some" would have been an "awesome" story, had in been 3.5 to 4-pages in length.

RRC2RRC2over 3 years ago

Jeff, you know I'm a fan. And this story only makes my opinion stronger. There are a couple of moments where I am laughing out loud at the characters' personalities, and other times where the emotions fly full and free. And all in two Literotica pages.


JustplainjeffJustplainjeffover 3 years agoAuthor

This is a note to the Anonymous dipshit who emailed me calling into question my historical facts if the Tribe my heroine belonged to. Quoting, here, "Archiological digs around Neah Bay have proven The Makah Tribe's history to be around 3,800 years old."

This jackass then questioned my ancestors. Mine hailed from what we now call Ukrain, Austria and Lithuania.

Thanks for letting me rant.

MaonaighMaonaighover 3 years ago
One glaring error...

A very good little story although I think it could have been extended a little (it seemed to end a bit abruptly). There was one---to me---glaring error: you wrote that Letitia was feeling 'decedent'. I think you meant 'decadent'. 'Decedent' is a dead person. Nevertheless, I've given five stars for the tale as a whole.

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