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Quickly, I asked her "What do you want to do the rest of the day. You aren't going to waste your vacation laying around watching TV are you." She stretched and smiled at me.

"I don't know I am pretty comfortable here like this. I could be content to stay here. But if you want to do something that's Ok." She answered.

I thought furiously. "How about if we go down to that really tall hotel and go up to the top to see the view. I hear they have a rollercoaster at the top that you can ride on."

That got her attention, roller coasters and young women always go together. "Cool," She exclaimed as she jumped up "Can we go there?"

"Sure but you'll have to get changed and I need to finish dressing."

"Ok" she called as she bounded out of the room. I stood to get my gym shorts off and pull underwear and jeans on. I had just pulled my jeans up and had not even had a chance to close them yet when she returned to my room, wearing only a pair of thong panties, carrying a pair of shorts and a top. She was babbling away as she got dressed, first pulling on the shorts then sitting down on the bed facing me while she pulled on her socks and sneakers and finally pulling her top on. All very nonchalant, like being half dressed in front of me was the most natural thing. I finished closing up my pants as quickly as I could and pulled on a casual shirt, trying all the time not to look at her beautiful young breasts, and not at all succeeding.

Finally she was dressed and I was no longer distracted, at least not as much, and she turned to me and said, "I am so glad you are not all hung up on the skin thing, I mean when I get dressed and all. It's nice to be comfortable around you."

I looked at her and laughed a bit. "Well hung up? No, I'm not hung up, I will admit that having you run around my room half naked is a bit distracting. You are a beautiful women and I might be old but I'm not dead."

"You're not old! You're just ... mature. Besides I don't mind if you look at me. It's nice to be appreciated, to know somebody finds me attractive. Do you remember, yesterday in that store when I tried the jeans on and you were saying how tight they were, and the girl was whispering to me.?"

I glanced at her as we walked out of the room and down the hall "Yeah, I remember."

"Well do you have any idea what she was saying?"

"No I don't. What was she saying?"

"She said that you might be complaining with your mouth about how tight they were, but the bulge in your pants was saying how much you liked them."

Now I was embarrassed again and I am sure it showed as I could feel my face heat up. When she noticed my blush she giggled and pulled closer to me. "Don't be embarrassed I was flattered that I had that kind of effect on you. I mean ever since we've been here you have been a perfect gentleman and never really showed that you noticed me, as a woman, at all. It was really nice to see that I could interest you."

"Kahlea if I were younger or you were older I would be showing a lot of interest in you. But you're the same age as my youngest daughter. That's a little bit too much for me."

"Well, I don't see where age should be a big deal. It wouldn't bother me."

Neither of us said anything after that for a few minutes. I chose to take the new monorail to our destination rather than drive and look for parking, figuring we could either walk back and sightsee or take the monorail again or some of both. The ride down was nice with nothing more said about sex or relationships. We went up to the top of the hotel and rode the rollercoaster, which damn near gave me a heart attack, then stood around on the observation deck looking at all the sights. On the way back we went to the Star Trek exhibit at another hotel and wandered through the exhibits, went on the ride they had then had a drink in the Quarks bar with costumed Klingons walking amongst us. By the time we were done it was early evening. I decided that a visit to the Hard Rock was a good idea for dinner and as a treat for Kahlea. Truth be told I liked the place, it was fun and interesting with a lot of "old" music running, perfect for someone of my advanced years.

Kahlea was thrilled with the place and the display of costumes and instruments from some of the legends of Rock. We ate and listened to the music then walked thru the display areas of the hotel. It's amazing how much time you can spend looking at things like that. Before leaving we visited the Bar for a drink and sat and talked some about inconsequential things. Finally it was 9:00 PM and we took a cab back to our hotel. All in all it was a nice relaxing afternoon of sight seeing. By the time we got back to the room we were tired and in the back of my mind was the start of the show the next day. Exhibits opened at noon and I wanted to get registered and get started on the work aspect of my trip.

We entered the room and set our packages down, souvenir T shirts and things, and Kahlea looked at me with her demur little girl look "Can I ask a favor."

Without thinking I answered "Sure, what is it?"

Well your room has that huge bathtub and mine is just a regular one. I'd really like to take a bath in the big one. If it's alright with you."

That was an easy and harmless request. I smiled as I answered "Sure go ahead. I'm going to put the TV on and get ready for bed. It's early but tomorrow starts the work part of my trip."

"Oh, thank you. Am I still going to help you at the convention thing?"

"I'd like that, if you're willing?"

"Ok, I think it might be fun. Besides after all you've done for me the least I can do is carry stuff for you and help out. Now I'm gong to take a nice soaky bath." She announced as she went to her room to gather up her bath things. She was back a couple of minutes later carrying her stuff and her T shirt night gown and wearing just her thong panties as she walked through my room and into my bathroom. I laid on the bed with the TV on and noticed that she did not bother to close the bathroom door and that from my position on the bed I could see into the bathroom through the mirror on the wall and in the reflection of the bathroom I could see the bathroom mirror and in that I had an unobstructed view of the bathtub.

I tried not to look to be polite and proper but I just could not help staring as she lowered her luscious young body into the water then sat there enjoying her bath. I watched her bathe herself for what seemed like forever. Then suddenly she looked into the mirror and our eyes met and a huge grin spread across her face as she stared at me. My first reaction was to look away. Like a little boy caught peeking and embarrassed he got caught but my eyes were drawn back to the mirror and the sight of her in my tub. She kept looking at me from time to time and smiling saying nothing. Eventually she got out and dried herself off, taking her time with the towel and checking to make sure I was watching. Then when she was done instead of putting on her T shirt she simply walked out and climbed up onto the bed and laid on her belly looking at the TV. He perfect round ass cheeks staring me in the face and her pussy inches from my hand. "Watcha watchin?" she asked as though it were the most natural thing in the world.

Now she had me. I had no idea what was on TV. What I had been watching for the last half hour was her naked body. I wasn't sure what to answer so I decided on the truth "You, I've been watching you."

She looked back over her shoulder and smiled. "I know. It makes me feel good to have you watch me. I'm glad you don't think I'm too fat or ugly or something." As she finished her statement she turned around on the bed to put her head at the same end as mine and laid on her side. I now had a perfect close up view of her body next to me in bed, and a hardon to match the sight.

She took hold of my arm and pulled close to me, hugging my arm. "Thanks." She said "Thanks for making me feel good about myself." And she leaned over and kissed me on the lips. A long slow lingering kiss, then she laid her head on my chest and said nothing more.

We stayed like that for a long while just letting the TV run and at least for my part not paying attention to it. Finally I shook myself out of neverland and said "Well, I guess its bedtime." And I reached up and turned off the light. She made no move to leave, but instead looked up at me.

"Is it Ok if I stay with you again tonight."

I looked back at her "If I say no, you'll just come back after I'm asleep anyway. Won't you?"

She smiled by way of a response. "Ok but you better put something on. I don't know what will happen if I wake in the middle of the night and find a naked woman in my bed."

She giggled and got up and put her T shirt on before crawling under the covers and snuggling up to me. I laid there a long time before I was able to go to sleep, all the time arguing with myself about whether I should put my hands on this nymph. She was open enough about her body that it seemed like an invitation and she had dropped what I thought were hints. On the other hand maybe she was just a very open and uninhibited person and her comments were innocent. In the end the fact that she was over 30 years younger than I won out and I decided that it was too much like child molesting. I eventually drifted off to sleep, half afraid that I would wake in the middle of the night with her lips around my dick, half hoping too.

When I woke it was dawn and she was still sleeping beside me, her one hand gripping my arm and the other laying on my chest, while her head was lying against my arm. I had a near desperate need to take a leak so as carefully as I could I slipped out of her grasp and headed for the toilet. I took care of business and decided that it would be a good chance to get a shower so I started the water running and slipped out of my shorts before stepping into the stream of hot water.

I was enjoying the stream of hot water as I dumped some shampoo and worked it into my hair then rinsed it out. Just then, with my eyes closed and the shower rinsing the soap off of my face I heard the glass door open and Kahlea's voice, "Room for two in here?" She asked as she stepped in.

I sputtered the water off of my face and wiped my eyes to see the naked nymph standing next to me holding a washcloth and bar of soap. She was lathering up the cloth as I looked on dumbfounded. Finally I regained my voice. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked

"Saving time showering with a friend." She answered with a smile "Oh what's the big deal. You've already seen everything I have and I've seen all of your important parts. Now turn around and let me do your back."

I didn't know what to do but comply. Her answer had been so matter of fact and natural that she made it seem like an everyday thing. I turned and put my back to her and she began to wash me down. Rubbing the cloth over my back and down my sides. It seemed more like a massage than a bath and in a few seconds I was almost in a trance with the pleasure of it. It wasn't a sexual feeling but it was extremely sensual. Before long she finished my back and before I knew it she had her hand on my ass rubbing the cloth across it and down the back of my thighs and my legs.

As she finished she stood back up and before I could turn or do anything she had reached around and was washing my chest and shoulders, rubbing the soapy cloth across my skin. She proceeded down across my abdomen and then to my relief/frustration down my legs completely ignoring my cock and balls. I assumed she considered it to private and was going to let me do it myself, that is until she stood up and without hesitation began to wash my privates. To my embarrassment I had a hardon and she only made it worse as she ran the soapy rag up and down my shaft. I was beginning to wonder if she was going to masturbate me or wash me as she was spending a lot more time than was needed on that.

Then just as suddenly she stopped and held out the cloth to me. "Would you do my back for me?'

What else could I say, of course I would. I took the cloth and she turned and presented me with her back and perfect ass. I started at her shoulders and began to work down her arms and back to her ass. I took my time trying to mimic what she had done for me. I think I succeeded as I heard her purr like a cat. Then down her legs as I stood up I could not resist and took a moment to run the rag over her ass again. Then I stopped.

She looked back over her shoulder "You can do the rest if you'd like." She offered. I hesitated and then thought "in for a penny, in for a pound." And reached around her and began to wash her shoulders and belly. This meant I had to stand closer to her than I had before and it left my 7 ½ inch cock pressed against her back. I was extremely self conscious of the fact but short of standing back and leaning forward to reach her, a very awkward position, I didn't see any way around it. She did not seem disturbed by it at all.

I ignored her tits and sex and moved down to wash her legs. Once done I stood up again and held the washcloth out for her. Instead of taking it she leaned back against me and said "You missed some spots." Again I hesitated. Now her body was pressed fully against mine and my balls were pressed against her ass, my dick in the small of her back. I surrendered to the inevitable and lay the washcloth on her breast and started to wash them. I felt her nipple stiffen under my touch and at the same time my dick jumped a bit. Then I moved to her other breast and did the same. She leaned back against me even more and then as I moved my hand off of her breasts and down onto her stomach she grasped my wrist and gently pushed my hand and the washcloth down to her sex. I gently washed her there, running the soapy rag over her while she held my wrist. I felt her draw a deep breath and then release it and she pulled my wrist back up to her breasts and directed me to rub her there some more.

I was lost in the sensuality of what we were doing when I suddenly felt her free hand reach back between us and encircle my manhood. Then as I ran my soapy clothe over her hard nipples she stroked me. Slowly at first then more vigorously. I wanted to stop her, I knew I should stop her. I wanted to stop myself, but I couldn't. It was the first time in years that a woman had touched my sex and done anything even remotely sexual and it felt so good. It didn't last long though. In no time at all I shot a huge load of cum up her back and as I felt my cock pulse with the exit of my seed she slowed her actions. Until I was spent and the last of my sperm was just oozing out of the end of my prick. By this time I had wrapped both of my arms around her and had one hand on her breasts, rubbing them, pinching her nipples and circling her areoles while my other hand was rubbing her pubic mound and sliding a finger through her wet and waiting slit. Sliding down over her clit to her entrance and spreading her natural wetness over her. I continued to hold her like this while I spent myself on her back and then I felt her shudder as she orgasamed from my touch. I continued to hold her then guilt washed over me.

"I'm sorry I should not have done that. I should not have taken advantage of you like that. God I'm such a pig."

She turned in my arms "You didn't take advantage of me. I wanted you to do that. I wanted to touch you and feel you touch me. Thank you it was even better than I imagined." Then she leaned forward and laid her lips on mine and this time she let her tongue slide out and across my lips, then between them finding the opening she sought. She brought her tongue to dance with mine. We stood there and kissed for a long time until she finally broke it off and reached behind herself to turn the water off. She stepped out of the shower drawing me out holding my hand as she reached for a towel. Then she dried me off and handed me a towel so I could do the same for her.

I was powerless to do anything. I was completely under her spell as she led me back into the room and over to the bed. She laid me down and crawled in beside me. "It looks like you are ready for more she said as she grasped my still hard cock. It had been so long since I had shared myself with someone my body was not about to quit yet despite my maturity. She stroked me a few times then moved her head down and took me into her mouth.

The feel of her velvety smooth mouth sliding over the head of my cock was ambrosia, nearly more than I could stand. She sucked lightly then slid off of me and looked into my eyes. "I want to do this but I don't really know how. I want to make you happy." And she dropped her mouth back around my meat and sucked me in again.

"You're doing just fine. Just don't stop, not yet." And she didn't she sucked and bobbed and licked me until I felt another orgasm rising inside of my balls and building ready for release. Then I warned her "If you keep that up your going to get a mouthful." She paused for a second as though considering and then began again sucking harder and jacking my exposed shaft with her little hand. I could contain it no longer and I started to pulse and pump my seed into her mouth. She took it as best she could swallowing almost as fast as I gave it to her, but she lost some and it leaked out around her lips and ran down the corners of her mouth. Finally I was done and she swallowed the last of it and licked my deflating cock clean.

Crawling up to me she kissed my cheek, "Thank you, I wanted to do that. I never tasted it before. I was afraid it would be gross but I really like it."

"I should be thanking you for that" I said.

"No," she answered, "I've wanted to do that since Saturday. I wanted to make you feel good. I never had this feeling before. I want to be with you and to make you happy and I don't care what it takes. Like what I just did. I've done it before but I didn't really want to but I could tell how much you liked it and the more you liked it the more I wanted to do it." then she paused again. "I have a favor to ask."

"Right now Kahlea I would grant you just about anything you asked" I answered.

She giggled. "No this is serious. I want to give myself to you I want you to take my virginity." Before I could come out of my shock and object she kept rushing through her request. "I know it's important and a big step and everything. I've always wanted to wait for someone special and for it to feel right and even though I had decided to let my ex-boyfriend take me It still didn't feel right and I just kinda decided that I had to, but now I want to, and I want you to. It just feels as though we should, like natural."

I took a minute to think, then I answered. "Kahlea if that is what you want now than that is what you will want later so I want you to think about what you are asking and offering. Intercourse is fun and it feels good but it feels special when you love the person and it is infinitely better. So you might want to wait until you have somebody you're in love with to share yourself with. But if you still feel the same way later, tonight or tomorrow or the day after we'll talk about it again. Besides right now I think you drained me dry. At my age I shouldn't be able to cum twice in succession like I did."

She looked at me with a wicked grin. "It's my youth rubbing off on you. Just think how much would rub off if you put that thing inside me."

I laughed, "Now that is a scary thought. I've found the fountain of youth." She giggled at me. "Now let's get dressed and get some breakfast, today I can't be lazy I have to do some work." I announced. Then I looked at her and kissed her gently. "Thank you again. That was very nice and I could tell you wanted to do it."

I was looking for an excuse, a way to escape, because now as the sexual euphoria wore off, my conscious was kicking in and I was beginning to kick myself. I had just allowed this young girl to perform sex acts on me. She was the same age as my own daughter. What a pervert I am. I must have done something to entice her, to lead her on. I was sure she was reacting to my helping her out and being nice to her. I had never had any intention of taking her to bed.