Karen & Alexa Ch. 03


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"I don't care to ever feel that kind of stress again," Alexa admitted. "I mean, it's kinda sad, really -- everything worked out in the end, mostly, but that's a family reunion I'll never get back, and I'm always gonna remember it for the turbulence and angst, not the good times, awesome Scotch and dancing."

"Karen looked at her sister and smiled. "That's a lie, you'll remember the two days prior to the boardroom with perfect, if slightly wet, clarity."

"No argument there, sissy," Alexa breathed. "Thank God for Alex, or I'd be your slave by now."

"I was just thinking the same thing about my own husband," agreed the older sister readily. "More than ever, I cannot wait to get back to him. A week without him just about broke me."

They were silent for a while, waiting while the plane took off. Alexa looked out the window as Quebec disappeared behind them.

"Pity, we never did break open that anniversary bottle of Scotch ..." she said, her voice tinged with regret.

"Don't worry about that," Karen replied, patting her carry-on bag. "I thought it would be more appropriate to have it as a toast when we moved into our new home."

Alexa giggled and hugged her sister tightly. Karen always thought of everything.


They came out into the public area of the terminal in Toronto and immediately espied their husbands waiting for them, along with Freja and Jeanie. Karen managed to simply walk forward with deliberate patience, while Alexa burst into a run and threw herself into Alex's arms, kissing him all over and crying happily. They went to dinner at Karen's favourite restaurant to celebrate her victory over the Blackwells. Joined by Jeanie and Freja, the sisters regaled everyone with the details of how they managed to break the will of their foes and demonstrate why they were the future of the family and would continue to steer it.

Karen and Alexa could have just dropped everything and gone to sleep for at least a day, but they steadfastly refused to do without the company of their men any longer. Freja and Jeanie said their goodbyes for the evening, and once the DeBournes were home, Alexa dragged her nephew to the basement, while Michael carried his wife over the threshold to their bedroom upstairs.

Alex was grunting as he kept his wife's fingers pinned beside her head, thrusting his throbbing cock deep down inside her slippery pussy, his ice-blue eyes locked with her sapphire ones. They glinted with excitement as he fucked her, and she kept her ankles locked behind his waist. She thrust back and squeezed around him eagerly, wanting him even more than she ever had before.

"Cum in me, Alex," she panted, breaking her hands free to wrap around him, her fingernails caressing his neck. "Oh God, please, cum in me now..."

Alex arched his back and strained, groaning before feeling the pleasure blossom through him and he began cumming profusely in his wife's greedy pussy. It never seemed to end, as if he hadn't cum all week, instead of spending so much time with Jeanie and Freja. Alexa sighed loudly as she pushed up against him with her hips, taking him as deep inside as she could, her entire body floating on tingling clouds of unreal sensation as she came. Her muscles squeezed and fluttered around him, milking him for everything he had.

They collapsed into the bed, kissing feverishly, unable to get enough of one another. Finally, they both exhaled loudly and relaxed, caressing each other gently, but he remained inside her. They had no intention of losing this closeness. She smiled and kissed his nose.

"God, I've missed your cum inside me. That was such a long week because you weren't there, Alex."

"Yeah, I understand, believe me," he answered, nodding. "But having dad and I there wouldn't have changed what a long week it was. And frankly, given how things went, it was best we weren't, because once the accusations began flying, dad and I might've gotten punchy."

"Good thing you two aren't allowed in the boardroom, then," she said, winking. "But you know what I mean. It would've been nice to have you waiting for us at the hotel."

"Maybe, but you and mom needed this week, to bond as sisters," Alex pointed out. "You needed to face your family together, and rely only on one another."

She was quiet for a few moments, resting her cheek on his shoulder and staring at nothing in the dim light. Finally, she looked at him again. "You're okay with what happened?"

"Like I said, I'm taking a page from the Dad Book Of Wisdom," Alex said, shrugging. "It's no bother to me. Do you ever have a preference to me in bed?"

"No," she said, shaking her head. "Not ever. Like, not even twelve Frejas and Jeanies doing me all at once. No, it's you first, no question. Everything else is down the road and can get sorted when I feel like it."

"That's the way mom feels about dad, and he knows it," Alex said. "I'm glad you're taken care of when I'm not around. Like you're glad Freja and Jeanie look after me."

"Okay, I take your point," she said, nodding. "And I'm glad things worked out the way they did. But as long as you're okay, Alex."

"More than," he assured her, smiling. "Never doubt it."

She buried her face in his shoulder again, holding him tight. "I never will ..."


Karen churned her hips as she sat atop her huge husband, trying to keep from crying out as he stirred her insides with his massive cock. She countered with the vaginal contractions she was so expert at, and rewarded with him grunting as he peaked and then released himself, cumming inside her.

"You devil ..." he panted as she leaned forward against him, surrendering to her own staggering orgasm. It had barely passed before she felt the tears of relief streaming down her face, and she laid down, holding him tight and trembling. She felt his powerful arms surround her, and she felt so incredibly loved and safe, as only he could make her feel. He was the only one who ever had.

Karen almost never allowed herself these vulnerable moments, but the exception was when she was with Michael. She was the one person in the entire universe she trusted completely and implicitly, even more than she trusted herself, because he knew her like no one else did or could.

There was a sense of delight and relief in knowing someone out there knew her better than she knew herself, and she'd never held anything back from him, ever. She needed him to know her. He never judged her for her vulnerable moments, he simply accepted them. True, she'd allowed Alexa to see her hurt this past week, and Alex had in the past, but that was different. Only Michael could hold her this way, make her feel safe and give her strength she needed to go on against impossible odds.

"This week was so long without you," she murmured in a tiny voice.

"You'll get no argument from me," he agreed, stroking her lustrous bronze hair. I was worried I was going to solve all the world's scientific mysteries, just to keep my mind off of your absence."

She smirked. "Even your magnet anomalies with a quantum duet?"

"Even that," Mike agreed. "Accepting I'll never know certain things about the universe is easier than doing without you for a week."

"You have no idea how much that means to me, DeBourne," she murmured, nuzzling his powerful chest, feeling so very content and safe. She looked up at him and used her fingers to move his shaggy blond hair away from his handsome face, where it had come to rest just as they'd ended their lovemaking. "Leave any great scientific mysteries for me to solve?"

"Just to make sure you'd come back," he assured her. "I'm glad you're home, Gordon."

"There were times I just didn't want to keep on," Karen confessed. "Not without you."

"But you did, princess, because you knew you had to," he said, stroking her silken hair again. "You're so very strong that way."

She understood what he meant, because while there were parallels to be made between their two lives, he'd always considered her the more 'human' of the two of them. Not in a vulnerable, 'lesser mortal' way, of course, because she was regal and stunning, a goddess. But beneath that cool and aloof exterior she kept up was the most passionate and caring heart he'd ever known.

Mike had only ever had one course in life, and that was hurtling on, learning everything he could, a great compulsion he could not deny. He'd come from humble roots, from a world that was too small for him and that he'd had no choice but to leave behind. Only he knew what to expect of himself, because no one around him could understand what he needed so desperately.

Karen, though, had come from a life of unreal privilege, and her upbringing had constrained her in a different way. The expectations of her and the pressures to perform had been nerve-wracking, even when she was little, and though she surpassed all expectations and endured it with exemplary grace, she too felt constrained by her life, yearning for so much more.

"What you did this week was impossible, Gordon," he said, stroking her hair and smiling into her bewitching eyes. "And it would have been difficult enough without the complication of our son and your sister getting thrown into the ring. But you did it. You brought that entire family to heel in a way even your father couldn't have done."

She sighed and nodded, accepting the wisdom of his words, as she always did. She smiled and poked his nose. "Glad you managed to straighten Heather out."

"Well, Freja got involved, so 'straight' is probably not part of the equation any more," he replied, making her giggle. "But yes, she'll be fine now. I felt bad for her, even if it all needed to happen the way it dd, strangely enough."

She sighed contentedly and snuggled into her husband, holding him tight. "Never let me do that ever again, Michael. I never want to be without you for another week, as long as we both live."

"I've never been happier to make a promise, princess." Mike replied, kissing the top of her head, feeling so very happy and complete now that the woman who meant everything to him was back.


Just over a year ago ...

Alexa walked slowly out of the hospital, a forlorn smile on her face and tears in her eyes. It had been a long morning, but everything was finally done. Her mom was at peace, no doubt looking for her dad now. She hadn't been unconscious that long before moving on. Their last words had been loving and hopeful.

And she felt so empty at this moment.

The blonde girl looked around, seeing the sun shining and hearing the birds singing around the care home in Cardiff her mother had been staying in before it was her time. Their little house was in Caerphilly, not far away, and that was where Alexa was returning, her heart so very heavy, even though she thought she'd been prepared for this moment.

She had so many things to sort out and get ready, but what then? When the arrangements for her mother were seen to, what would she do next?

How could this be so hard? She was so young, and it didn't seem fair.

She looked down at the old photo in her hand, the last thing her mother had given her before she closed her eyes and went to sleep. In the picture, the beautiful, bronze-haired woman and the giant man who was her husband smiled for the camera. Alexa had never seen anything more wonderful and enchanting in her life.

She had a funeral to prepare, but in her heart, her mind was finally made up.

I hope you're proud of my next decision, mom ...

Author's Notes: Despite my best efforts, and thanks to a frantic work schedule here on the show, I'm behind with Mike & Karen. We'll be back to the one arc now, so less for me to do. Of course, the reason for the dual arcs was to allow people to choose whether to read this little miniseries or not. And I must say, I'm pleased with the number of supportive messages I've received from people about it and how much they've enjoyed it.

You'll notice I've turned off anonymous comments on my stories. Well, please indulge me while I explain. Firstly, I'm not saying all anonymous commenters are cowardly trolls, but I am saying that all cowardly trolls are comment anonymously. There was a vile and sick comment made by some shit-rat dwelling in his mother's basement a few weeks ago on one of the earlier Mike & Karen chapters, where he insulted black people and called for the eradication of indigenous Americans. I've left the comment up (having reported it, of course), as a reminder to readers about what authors here on Lit regularly put up with.

No, I do not believe that petty little incel trolls deserve a forum to be heard, and it will not be on my comments page, where other people must suffer their idiocy and vitriolic rage. I am sorry if you're an anonymous reader who is not sick in the head, because I would prefer to not disable your comments, but there's not much alternative at this point. Yes, I could just continue deleting incel comments, but that seems to encourage them, like it's a game.

I suppose that I could take some small gratification in knowing that if they're on my wall trolling, they're not out in public, grossing out and scaring innocent women with their incel ways. And no, trolls, I thoroughly believe you are, every one of you, hateful little incels sitting in your mother's basements, seething with rage because you can't get laid. Messaging me to say you're a professional whatever with several prestigious degrees is just a lie. Keep telling yourself that.

If you are one of my regular readers who comments anonymously, you can always PM me with any thoughts or critiques you might have; I'm always open to those. A few of you have, and I have indeed listened, as you can tell from this particular story. So thank you for that. Maybe one day, the incel trolls will all simply dissolve into pools of impotent, fizzling hate, and I'll turn anonymous comments back on again. Anything is possible.

As you may have noticed, the sex was actually rather minimal this time around, mostly because I had so much plot to get through. I'm not terribly upset about it, although all you nutty funsters who love seeing Karen and Alexa together will probably be a little disappointed. Sorry, I'm doing what I can in the time I've got available.

Some people squawked and threw tantrums about the sisters, but their numbers were small, compared to the other camp. They just happen to be the vocal ones on comment walls. If you were at least civil about it, I appreciate your input. Truly. If you just bitched and whined and made snarky comments, my webmistress probably deleted them, which she takes great joy in doing, admittedly. I have a hard time saying no to her.

To those of you worried that Mike will sleep with Alexa, and Karen with Alex, I say hakuna your tatas. I can be paid money to let Alexa and Karen have a fling, but no amount of money will convince me to do the other pairings. I'd stop writing the series first. I don't care if you don't believe me. Read on and find out for yourself. Or don't. Not like I have a gun to your head.

Will Karen and Alexa continue to have sex? Well, Mike and Alex don't care if they do, so why not? And since Mike and Alex say it's true, it's true. I believe them, not what you think they'd think. But will I spend time depicting this sex? Unlikely. It'll probably just get a handwave most of the time. The sisters would only ever need to go at it with one another if the men weren't around, and that's just not the case 99% of the time. Alexa would never choose to have sex with Karen would she could have it with Alex, and Karen would never choose sex with her sister (or anyone else) if she could be having it with Mike. The logic is sound. The four of them agree that I'm right. They don't really care what you think. Sorry.

The flashbacks to Jonathon and Miranda were great to write. I enjoyed them, and I hope you did too. But without question, my favourite moment in this chapter was Karen activating the nuclear option and having Rodney's mom call him and chew him out. That felt soooooooooo good, let me tell you, because Rodney's a dick. I hate that guy.

People whined and criticized, mostly anonymously, about me not going into detail about the business and economic maneuverings in the boardroom. Previously, when I did indeed go into detail in other stories, people whined and criticized about me doing that, claiming it had nothing to do with the plot. It's almost like you can't satisfy everyone. Hmmmmm ...

And you wonder why I turned off anonymous comments.

Consider this free advice, rather than a plea: don't be shitty, and don't be snarky. My webmistress thrives on your words, like Ungoliant consuming the jewels of Feanor's vault. It's probably not worth your time. Just be constructive.

Welp, this is paired with Mike & Karen 12, then it's back to the regular format. I think you'll like where the story is headed. I'm also looking forward to beginning the Freja & Jeanie series, but I need to get a few more things done first before it hits the lists.

Happy Secondary Thanksgiving to my neighbours south of the border. Enjoy your bounty. As for the rest of you, remember: no Christmas music until after Black Friday. Don't be that guy. I hate that guy.

Keep your stick on the ice!


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Tpn36Tpn363 months ago

Beautiful arc! Thank you

laughdruidlaughdruid10 months ago

I wonder if the flasher is still lying on the side walk?

KerrionKerrion11 months ago

Just loved this little side trip with the ladies here. The way you split it up was really the best way to go in my opinion, and I read it as intended (according to your comment notes) very well done. The only thing I can't figure out right now is who it was that told them about A&A? Keep up the great work! I can't wait to get all caught up on your stories. Now off to M&K12.

BassNutt51BassNutt51almost 2 years ago

I reserve my comments until I read entire segments of this evolving tale. I truly enjoy this entire series and this side bar brought home a lot of details to help with the entire storyline. The only thing about this part that I was slightly missing was the humor that you normally inject. I'm not criticizing, it's only my opinion and you know what is said about opinions. Keep up the great work it's much appreciated 👍🤪

Rapier875Rapier875about 2 years ago

I loved Alex and Alexa, Karen and Mike is very entertaining, this short diversion was interesting and informative with its background.

Looking forward now to resuming the Karen and Mike's saga.

You really do write a very good, amusing and compelling story !


alwil2000alwil2000about 2 years ago

Great. Series. I truly enjoyed the complete story. Thank you.

Bra46Bra46over 2 years ago

You have quite a gift of writing. I have throughly enjoyed the series you have written and, I have read. Looking forward to the next!

PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 2 years ago

Brilliantly Done. My favorite Blackwell is Grace followed by Alastair. Really loved those two.

RamchipRamchipalmost 3 years ago

Truly enjoy your stories. Your characters come to life and the prose is delightful.

Southpaw1430Southpaw1430almost 3 years ago

Good story. I’m trying to read these in order, and I think I’m doing this right. Any way, thanks for the work.

Harleyman03Harleyman03about 3 years ago
I am a new follower.

I ran into Alex and Alexa this past weekend and have been enthralled with you characters. I have been reading every one non-stop. You create great dialogue, Great manifestations of my imagination and most of all, you don’t need outside direction, your mind creates very real characters and circumstances. Well Done! I am finally about to start Mike and Karen and again will probably go non-stop. Thank you.

WargamerWargameralmost 4 years ago

How could any husband put up with his wife sleeping with her sister, his mother???

Bizarro world...

namidaboshinamidaboshiabout 4 years ago
Brilliant writing

I'm so happy I found your profile and your wonderful stories. You have a gift of writing and I'm very happy that you are sharing that gift with us.

This was such a lovely story. I really loved the love and sex between the two sisters, lesbian incest being one of my many, many fetishes. lol Now the only thing missing is the foursome with the Blackwell sisters and Jeanne and Freya. That would truly make my day.

I'm still going through your wonderful catalog. Hoping to see more awesome stories like this.

I hope you will continue to write your wonderful stories.

Take care. Cheers

blade_rocknutblade_rocknutover 4 years ago

Well, that was a white knuckle ride for these two! I've yet to start Mike and Karen, but will; as these characters are so dynamic and you have shown so much diversity in several of them.

This tale answered a lot of the dangling questions from Alex and Alexa, and I'm anxious to delve into Mike and Karen now.

buddah222buddah222about 5 years ago
Way to go

Have just finished reading all three of the story lines love your work you are a fantastic writer with great detail and a greater imaginations please keep up the good work

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