Karen Black Ch. 01


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She pointed to the open kitchen and told me how she liked her coffee. She came out of the bedroom the same time I was pouring hers into a mug. The t-shirt she was wearing left nothing to the imagination, other than the initial eye strain before the gentleman in me stopped staring and focused on her face.

"That's date number two. Want to order the lotions for this world famous massage of yours, or do you keep them handy?"

Thinking she was joking with me, I said, "Nope, tossed them when I left home and set up home here."

As she passed a table, she scooped up a piece of paper and handed it to me, in exchange for her coffee. She watched as I read the address on it while sitting crossed legged once again on the couch.

"Thought you would have when you told me about you're ex. That shop will see you right for what you want. It's just down the block from were you work as well. You're going to need them by Friday, since that's going to be our third date and it is Chinese night, by the way."

Curiosity got the better of me I must admit.

"And if I have something already on for Friday?"

She smiled. I think she was expecting my question.

"You're not going to let me get away with pushing you around are you?"

This time I sat across from her and although the gentleman in me kept eye contact with her, she knew it was a battle I would loose in the end. I'm not sure she factored in all the alternatives either. Especially when I placed my cup down, leaned over, and kissed her on the cheek before I stood and left.


My aunt raised me, and she did it alone. She placed her life on hold and not once did she resent me because of what she did. To her, I was family. Although when she asked me the day before my fifteenth birthday what I wanted, and answered that I would like to meet her girlfriend, she had to sit down before she could find an answer for me. I met Brandi the day after my birthday, but only because she was out of town at the time.

Brandi moved in ten days later when I told them to stop treating me like a child and that we only ever get one life to live - so please live it, together if they wanted that, but live it. I learned a lot from them both, right up until I went to MIT. I saw love in its truest form from them, and wished the same for myself one day. Learning something else took slightly longer. If your partner has already started making plans for you without at least making it look like she asked you, then your toast.

My aunt and Brandi discussed everything. What they couldn't decide on went to conference, and a middle ground was found. Not once did one dominate the other and that's what I wanted for myself. The drawback to my life was that I was a geek. So what, I was born with a brain and knew how to use it and was fine with the fact that every other part of me was Joe average. The days of being pushed around by anyone ended when I went to MIT.

As usual, my back up plan came into effect and work took over again. I'm not sure if Karen made any attempt to contact me, since I still had my aversion to answering calls on my cell from withheld numbers. When Tony sat down across from me, the honorary member of the 'look after the boss club' came into effect again.

"Who are you avoiding?"

This time I leant back in my chair, the smile still there.

"If I asked you guys to leave this alone?"

He shook his head.

"Won't happen... You're our boss, and a not half bad one at that. We plan on keeping you around, so it's a double whammy for us. Not only do we get paid well, but the boss has our backs rather than just looking after his own ass."

Sometimes we geeks are just to honest with ourselves. Hell it took more than a moment to finish laughing. Tony wasn't going anywhere, so he could wait.

"Believe it or not, girl trouble, although it's been resolved now."

For a moment Tony just looked at me before he shrugged his shoulders and stood, before walking to the door of my office. His hand was on the door handle before he spoke again.

"You're a bad liar, and the reason I know that is because you wear your heart on your sleeve. Oh, and by the way..."

His hand pressed down on the handle and the door opened. Tony took a step to one side to finish what he was saying, although the person standing in the doorway made it obvious to me what he planned to say.

"It hasn't been resolved."

Once Cheryl thanked Tony, she looked at me again before she pulled air into her lungs and walked in, sitting in the chair that Tony had just vacated. It was clear by her eyes that she was a woman on a mission. Judging by the way she fidgeted in her seat, she was just unsure how she was going to proceed.

"You left Karen on the couch with no idea why you left."

She actually stuck her chin out. The self-righteous bitch thought she was on a crusade.

"Do you know why we get called geeks, nerds, dweebs and all those other names your cheerleading goody-two-shoes crowd always called us, Cheryl?"

The crusade stalled right about then. Hell, I had time to spare and my mood needed someone to vent at. Shit, she came here; I didn't go looking for her.

"I was raised by my aunt, Cheryl. I had a great life and a broadminded upbringing. I learned what a lesbian was, and my aunt and her girlfriend taught me tolerance. I'm not a homophobe of any kind, Cheryl. Just as I knew what you were the minute I joined the gym. It took me longer to figure out who your partner was though, and then I got real confused."

Cheryl flushed. Her mouth opened for a moment before she shut it, only for it to open again. The poor girl didn't know what to do or say after that. Her hand went to her wedding ring and subconsciously she moved it around her finger.

"Both your actions leave me real confused Cheryl, and I'm not comfortable with the drama. Karen pushed me too far in thinking she could tell me what to do. I'm no home wrecker, Cheryl, so I left you two in peace to get on with whatever seems to be your kink. I sure don't want any of it."

I had obviously said something that tipped the scaled for Cheryl. Her eyes bored into mine for sometime before she started to shake with rage.

"That makes you a fucking hypocrite then. You know nothing because you bailed before she could talk to you. You call yourself broadminded? Huh, we would get more change out of the clan than you, you fucking bigot."

I'm sure the slight smile on my part only spurred her on. She stood and leaned across my desk.

"Dinner is at seven thirty at the apartment, and we will both be there. You have a decision to make 'Mr. so open-minded.' Be there, or I cancel your membership in the morning."

At that, she stomped towards the door. All I heard was...

"Fucking men, no wonder us girls turn to pussy in the end."

Tony stuck his head in a couple of minutes later. I'm almost sure he expected to see my broken body on the floor, the way Cheryl stormed out. I phoned down to Gail, and after we exchanged pleasantries, I asked how many days holiday I had accrued. I thanked her and went to see my boss. Thankfully I was still one of his shining stars, so he agreed to my very late notice time off as long as I could catch up on outstanding paperwork.

When I got back to my office, I called over to Tony and Naomi, walked them into my office, and laid down the ground rules.

"Tony, I thank you for being the mouthpiece of the group and, as you know, I have let you get away with more than I should because I know the true feeling you folks place behind it. Now that stops. I have a mountain of paperwork I need doing, and all three of us are going to be here until it's done. So keep your mouth and your opinion to yourself and let's get this done."

Both he and Naomi stiffened. It was boss time and they both knew it. As five o'clock came on by, I only had some internal mailing to do, so I let them go. I was out the office by six and on the plane home two hours later.


Brandi opened the door. She looked confused for a second before she leapt into my arms and kissed me.

"What the hell happened to your key, or is that why we haven't seen you in years?"

My aunt heard Brandi talking to someone and came looking. I ended up with both of them in my arms and I hadn't even made it as far as the hall yet. They both knew me too well, but at least I made it to the couch before I told them everything. Brandi asked a question on occasions, my aunt just sat and listened. When I was done talking I was exhausted, both mentally and physically. My aunt told me to go to bed and sleep it off, they would both talk to me in the morning.

As I woke, I was staring into Karen's eyes. My first thought was that I was still dreaming, that the vision I was having was the residue of my conversation with my aunt and Brandi. She blinked and didn't say a word.

"I sleep naked."

This time she smiled.

"I know. Would it help if I took my t-shirt off?"

"No. But thank you for asking."

"You ran off."

This time I nodded.

"Cheryl left me no choice. I don't handle threats or blackmail too well. She came to my place of work, that's not acceptable. With you two the gym is your place of work. It's also where you both live, so we have no choice. My work is my refuge. Cheryl didn't have to do what she did. The second she got in my face you were both history."

"I came to see you."

"I know. You're semi-naked in my bed."

"If I kissed you, would you respond?"

This time I paused. Karen took that as an agreement until my hand came between us.

"My body would respond because I have a beautiful, almost naked, woman in my bed. My mind would wonder why you are cheating on your partner."

"Cheryl and I talked before I got on the plane. Her words were 'fix this by any means possible.' She's protective of us, but she knows she pushed too hard and too fast."

"And fixing everything means cheating on your partner?"

Karen slowly shook her head. Perhaps she saw some sort of trap that my words were sending her to. I was just asking questions.

"If I explain, will you listen?"

That seemed like a fair question.

"How long will it take?"

Now Karen was confused.

"Is there a time limit?"

I shook my head.

"No, it's called nature. I have to pee and I'm wondering if it would be better if we wait until I have, or is there an abridged version you want to pass by me?"

The flush of her cheeks and the little giggle even made me smile. Since my side of the bed was against the wall, the only way to the bathroom was over Karen. She backed away from me, enough for me to climb over her and walk into the bathroom.

"Cute ass."

"This is me not listening, Karen."

Again she giggled. Only this time, she told me why.

"You may not be listening to me, but I can hear you."

Since I had no chance of stopping once I got started, I left Karen to giggle some more. The volume got louder and seconds later, she came into the bathroom and sat down once I had finished. Moments later she added to mine. I was naked in front of her, but this was my room, my comfort zone perhaps. As I stood cleaning my teeth, Karen pulled a couple of sheets from the roll, held my dick, and dapped the end.

It was then I stopped cleaning my teeth and looked at what she was doing.

"Hygiene, most important, don't you think?"

There was something about this situation that had only just hit me, I was actually in a room naked with Karen, and yet I didn't have an erection.

"Only just noticed, huh?"

When I looked at Karen, she was just pulling more sheets off the roll. Her legs opened and her hand went between her thighs.

"Why are you in my head?"

She stood and flushed, then turned and kissed my cheek.

"Remember, ladies first for the shower, although, if you want... You can join me."

"Are you always like this?"

I watched as she reached into the shower, turned it on, and tested the warmth of the water. She dried her hands on a towel and then looked at me. A slight chill went through me as I felt her stare, as though she herself was within me. Her cheeks took on a redder color and she smiled before her hand came to rest on my cheek. Her thumb gently moved up and down it.

"Only with Cheryl... We need to talk. I want it to be with all three of us, but I'm willing to go it alone if I have to."


Again that stare, only the smile was missing this time. She hugged me and then turned her back on me.

"No, you're not ready to listen just yet. Your aunt and Brandi are lovely by the way. I'm about to get naked, so I can have my shower. Care to join me or will I see you at breakfast?"

Her hands went to the bottom of her t-shirt and pulled it over her head. She held it close to her tits and turned her head, waiting for my answer. I backed out of the bathroom and closed the door as I did. She was still in the shower when I pulled on track bottoms and a top.

My aunt and Brandi were sitting at the table waiting. They knew I had questions, and facing them together was always their way.

"Ok, which one of you ratted me out?"

My aunt raised her hand. I had to stifle a laugh, this wasn't a classroom.

"I found her via the internet. Brandi phoned the gym, and Cheryl answered. When we explained who we were, she put us on hold for a few minutes so she could get Karen, and asked one of the gym girls to cover for her while they both talked to us."

"You shouldn't get involved."

Brandi held onto my aunt's hand before speaking.

"That statement became void the second you turned up here and told us everything. You are family. You came to us for answers we simply couldn't give you. Karen and Cheryl can. With their help, they will give you the answers you are looking for, but are you willing to listen?"

Even after I got myself a cup of coffee and sat down, I didn't have an answer for them.

"What ever happened to normal?"

The silence was longer this time. I heard the water shut off and looked towards my aunt and Brandi.

"You're asking two lesbians what normal is. Society tells you a couple and two children are deemed normal. So by extension, we almost had normal for many years. We are a couple and we had one child, you. Would you class what you had with Jasmine normal?"

I shook my head.

"Jasmine was a controlling bitch. When she figured out she couldn't have every male piece of cake and eat it while I was part of the equation, she dropped me and pulled the lid over me on the way out."

Brandi nodded. I'm sure they had heard some of the rumors. I'm just thankful they left well alone and understood when I took the promotion and left. Karen came down in a summer dress and sandals. She picked up a coffee on the way to the table and sat down next to me. Karen was waiting for me to look at her. I could feel it in my bones. I held out for as long as I could, before seeing that smile on her face again.

"Your turn smelly, I put dry towels in the bathroom for you. And mine are in the basket, if you want to sniff them on the way through."

My aunt spat back into her cup and quickly excused herself. Brandi smiled, and I went beet red. My aunt had to change her top before she came back. I showered. All three were deep in conversation when I came back into the kitchen. They waited until I sat down before Karen said anything.

"I was going to start this conversation with 'do you trust me,' but that would rain shit all over this before I even got started. So I'm going to ask this of you... Will you give me three days of your life? I guarantee you won't get hurt, but if you say no then I will kiss you once more before I leave you, with the promise I will never come into your life again."

Everyone at the table was looking at me, waiting for my answer.

"Why three days?"

"It's a good question, but you don't get an answer. I've told your aunt and Brandi what I plan and have sworn them to secrecy. But they are your folks, and if they thought for one moment that I mean you harm, they would be telling you this by now."

Even as I looked towards them both, they were nodding their heads. My aunt could still see me hesitating.

"Three days of your life is nothing son. At the end, you will at least have the answers we can't give you. Would you prefer to say no and always wonder 'what if?' That's not life, son, that's being a coward and I know you're better than that."

I knew there was more to this scheme that all the women in this room knew about. Trying to figure out what else was concealed within her one statement of me giving her three days of my life would be futile. I still wondered if she would tell me if I asked. As I looked around the table at all three women, I knew the answer would be 'no.' Karen wanted me to ask, so she would know I was curious. And if I was that curious, then she had an edge.

Perhaps my own stubbornness won out, I'm not totally sure. Her hand came towards mine and gently held onto it, forcing me to look at her. For the first time in Karen, I had seen uncertainty.

"This isn't a romance novel where chapter one leads to chapter two. We came to each other from different angles. Our worlds truly collided back at the arena. Give me three days of your life, and I mean really give me three days, don't bolt for the door, sulk, or get angry with anything that's going to be shown to you. At the end of three days, decide, but decide when you know all the facts, not assumptions."

Again I looked at Karen. She was emotionless, waiting for my answer. When I looked towards my aunt, Brandi was holding her hand. My aunt's fingers were blue.

"Please hurry up and decide before Brandi breaks my fingers."

Poor Brandi let out a yelp, and quickly let go. My aunt smiled with relief and started to flex her hand, trying to get the blood flowing once again. I laughed. Hell, we all laughed.


Karen felt she had to push her luck just a little.

"Unconditional -three days, then you decide- and I won't even have a gun in my hand when you do."

I thought a moment longer and nodded my head. I was sure the smile she gave me was going to split her face.


Karen disappeared for an hour with Brandi. The temptation to get answers from my aunt was quickly dismissed. Ever since my parents died, she has always had my best interests at heart, even sacrificing huge parts of her own relationship with Brandi to do it.

Both came crashing through the door, bags in hand. Brandi rushed upstairs with her bags. My aunt followed, collecting Karen's bags from her on the way past. Karen met me in the day room, sitting next to me on the couch.

"Ok, everything is set. We leave in twenty minutes, so give your aunt and Brandi a hug. You will see them in three days."

I smiled to myself as we drove down the highway. At least she hadn't insisted on a blindfold. She kept to herself as we got closer into the city, hooking a right at the junction and pulling up outside a hotel, with the engine still running.

"Don't forget your suitcase. Just head on into the hotel, you won't make it as far as the reception desk, I promise you."

The look she had left with gave me little doubt that the conversation was over. Karen leaned into me and kissed my cheek. There seemed to be a sadness that I couldn't understand. She gave me a smile, took her hand away and placed it back on the wheel.

Karen refused to move until I headed for the hotel door. Once I heard the car move, I stopped for a moment and watched as she merged with the traffic. Taking a deep breath, I walked into the hotel. I was ten yards from the reception desk before I felt Cheryl walking alongside me. We reached reception together; her hand came towards me.

"Your cell, please."

As I reached into my pocket, she was already taking hers out of her purse and placing it onto the counter. Mine came to rest next to hers. The receptionist watched all this and waited. Cheryl showed the woman her swipe card and the receptionist recognized it.