Karin and Katiana

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Two very different women reap what they sow.
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This is not a tale of two lesbians; but rather, a cautionary tale of how two very different women reap what they sow (as do the men in their lives). This is a work of fiction; any characters contained within are purely creations of our imagination and have no basis in any living or deceased person or persons. Any name similar to any real person is purely coincidental.

The private investigator Karin Roland, first introduced in 'The Wrong Man' and brought back in "Leave It All Behind', returns in our story below.



Karin Roland opened her eyes and looked at the clock; it was twenty minutes before the alarm was set to go off. Karin felt Bill stir behind her and turned to face him; he was looking at her with a smile, so Karin grabbed the back of his head and pulled him to her lips.

Bill returned the kiss and then leaned back.

"Morning breath?" she asked.

Bill answered her question by kissing her again. "No, just wanted to look into those gorgeous eyes of yours. Good morning."

Karin's hand left his neck and traveled down to his shoulders and then his arms. It was great to feel those muscles again. Bill's physique had wasted away during the months of chemo. The ex-Penn State wrestling heavyweight dropped from his pre-cancer two-hundred-forty-five pounds to under one-eighty; which on Bill's six-four frame made him look like Dorothy's Scarecrow. The chemo ended eight months ago, the cancer in remission and Bill was re-gaining most of his tone and weight.

Karin's hand continued down Bill's body and found his cock. She wrapped her fingers around his hard-on and tickled the knob with her nails. Another of the ravages caused by the treatments, besides the loss of muscle mass, was Bill's ability to have an erection for any sustained period. That too was a thing of the past, Karin had the evidence within her grasp.

Before the cancer scare, Karin would have jumped out of bed and started her day as soon as she opened her eyes. The couple always had a healthy sex life; but ever since Bill's illness, Karin placed more emphasis on living in the moment. Which is what she did right now. Karin curled down to Bill's lap and swallowed his cock.

Once Bill's cock was wet, Karin swung her leg over Bill's torso and buried it within her vagina. Karin rode his cock, the entire time squeezing it with all her might.

"Let me feel it, Bill. Let it go. I want to feel you cum inside me."

Normally, Bill would hold off his orgasm until Karin came once or twice; but this morning he knew what she wanted. She needed to feel him cum quickly; proving her ability to make him lose all control. So, he did. Within a few minutes of Karin mounting him, Bill could feel the tension building in his scrotum. Karin sensed it, too; she could feel his cock grow a little bit larger and she felt the beginnings of her own small orgasm; not one of her usual earth-shaking, rockets-red-glare orgasms; but one of those nice, loving, this-is-wonderful, la petite-mort.

Bill filled her with his seed, Karin bent down and kissed him as she exhaled a soft moan. The sensation of their coupling receded, Karin opened her eyes and found Bill smiling. "I love you, Bill." Bill's smile widened.

A minute later the alarm brought them back to reality. Karin rolled off Bill, grabbed the crutch next to the bed and made her way into the bathroom. She grabbed a wash cloth, wet it with warm water and threw it to Bill who was still lying in bed; now leaning on his left side watching his naked wife in the bathroom.

"Do you need to get in here? I need to start my shower and get ready. I have to catch the seven-forty into the city."

"Yea, I gotta pee; but I can use the downstairs bathroom. You get ready, I'll feed the kids."

"Thanks, babe."

Bill knocked on the kids' doors as he headed downstairs, took his leak and started the coffee. By the time Karin entered the kitchen, Bill had her breakfast smoothie made, coffee in her travel mug and was starting the kids' breakfast. Karin drank the smoothie. "Let's do that again tonight; only a little slower next time."

"Sure, what's the rush this morning?"

"Hank wants me in this morning meeting with his ex-CO. The guy is driving up from Florida to meet us about some family issue. You know Hank, he feels he owes this guy, the whole Marine "Semper Fi". Hank thinks it's serious and wants me part of the meeting."

Karin grabbed her coffee mug and kissed Bill before heading out the door.

Karin walked the three blocks to the train station. Anyone watching her walk would be hard-pressed to guess there was a prosthetic leg under her slacks; the loss of her leg the result of a shotgun blast while a New York City police officer working on the anti-terrorist squad. Now, Karin was a partner in a detective agency with Henry (Hank) Price. Six months ago, Hank quit working for the 'Contractor' where he was employed since leaving the NSA. Hank became Karin's full-time partner and thanks to his many contacts, their agency was doing quite well.

They still needed the 'follow-the-wayward spouse' type work to make ends meet; but slowly more of their billable hours were spent on research and background checks for Wall Street firms. Today, they were meeting Hank's former commanding officer; but she didn't know the what or why.

As Karin sat in the train-car she spent a few minutes reflecting on how things seemed to be turning around. It was just one year ago - Bill was fighting cancer and their family's finances seemed to be circling around the toilet.


Bill's beautiful head of hair fell out with the chemo. Karin and the children were all gung-ho to have their heads shaved as a sign of family solidarity; but Bill somehow caught wind of their plan and absolutely refused to allow them to do it. Bill was so adamant that no one dare cross Bill; no one but Hanna, that is.

Their fifteen-year-old daughter came home one evening with a buzz cut. Her shoulder length hair, the long hair worn since she was a little girl, was gone; given to a charity that made natural-hair wigs for other cancer patients.

Bill and Karin were so proud of their little girl that day. But, this gesture by Hanna produced another unexpected result. As Hanna looked in the bathroom mirror that evening, the first time she didn't have those long locks, Hanna saw someone looking back at her in the mirror. It took her only moment; but there it was - Uncle Hank was staring back at her.

Hanna knew her mother and father weren't married when she was born; but always assumed her dad was her biological father. Hanna walked slowly down the stairs and entered the den where her mother sat at the home office desk.

"Mom, is there something you want to tell me about Uncle Hank?"

Karin looked up from her papers and turned to look at Hanna. She immediately saw the resemblance and knew that Hanna now knew.

"Baby girl, sit down."

Karin explained how she and Hank were lovers before she met Bill. How Hank left the country on assignment, not to abandon his responsibility, but because of his duty to the agency. How Karin met Bill one day when Bill caught her before she fell down the subway stairs, became her Lamaze coach and raised Hanna as his daughter. How the three of them; Karin, Bill and Hank, decided that Bill would raise Hanna as his daughter and Hank became 'Uncle Hank'.

"We were going to tell you, baby; but never knew when the right time would be. Don't be mad; it's only because everyone seemed so happy with the status-quo. Nobody wanted to rock the boat. You know your father, your real father, has been there every day of your life. He was in the delivery room, he cut the cord, changed your diapers, fed you, read you bedtime stories, did everything because he loves you so much."

"Mom, this doesn't change how I feel about Dad."

"That's good, baby. Blood doesn't determine love or family. I'm glad you can see that. Tomorrow I think we need to let your father and Uncle Hank in on what you discovered today. I think everyone is going to be breathing a sigh of relief. You're taking this rather well; I fully expected a much more emotional response."

"Mom, I suspected something ever since we watched that Lifetime movie last year. I watched you squirm on the sofa next to me. You kept giving me little side glances. I just wasn't ready to press it, I liked the status-quo and was afraid what might change. Today, looking in the mirror - I guess I just needed to know."

Karin hugged Hanna before Hanna nearly jumped out of her arms. "Wait a minute Mom; I just thought of something. Uncle Hank spends a lot of time here. You aren't still with him, are you? This isn't one of those weird threesome things? Please tell me you aren't doing that!"

Karin knew this was a serious concern for Hanna and stifled the laugh she nearly let out. "God, no, Hanna. Neither your father nor I are into sharing. I promised your father before we married that Hank and I would never be together in that way as long as we're married. I've kept that vow, I've kept the vow to "forsake all others" since the day I met your father. And your Uncle Hank is too honorable a man to even attempt to break my vow.

"Your Uncle Hank and your dad are best friends and trust each other. And your dad trusts me. Never would I, or your Uncle Hank, break that trust."

Hanna and Karin fell back into each other's arms and fell silent. Karin kissed Hanna's bald head and just held her daughter tight. As she hugged Hanna, she couldn't help but think to herself, "Thank God, that went better than expected. I don't know how much more drama one year could produce."

Bill's fight with cancer was traumatic. Thank goodness for modern medicine and the great doctors, nurses and just about everyone who worked so hard to keep her husband alive. It was hard work on everyone's part, especially Bill's. It cost a fortune, but as of eight months ago, the cancer was in remission. The surgery, the chemo, etc. took their toll. Karin could see how families could be torn apart by so much stress.

The stress was two-fold; not just the stress of fighting the disease, but the monetary strain. Last year the Roland family was swimming in debt. Bill was only able to work part time and then not at all. Karin did her best to keep the agency going; taking jobs she would have normally turned down. How many stray husbands and wives can you follow before getting worn down by the sheer disrespect of it all? Karin lived for the rare report: "Sir (or Madame), we followed your spouse and couldn't find any evidence of adultery, either physical or emotional."

It was during last year that Karin made the near-fatal error of taking the assignment to find Torrie Carson's husband. The fiasco led to Hanna being threatened by a mobster. Hank 'neutralized' the situation. How? Hank never said, and the Roland family never asked.

Well, that may have started out as a fiasco; but ended up being the financial lifesaver the Roland family needed. Hank decided to retire from contract work and asked if he could buy into Karin's agency as a full partner. When Karin asked for Bill's opinion; Bill did what Bill always does. He asked questions regarding the price (they ended up having a third-party broker evaluate the value) and other business related questions. Not once did Bill ask if it would be a problem having Hank around on a full-time basis.

Hank's injection of funds didn't stop there. Realizing the Roland's situation, Hank revealed he had college funds set up for both Hanna (his biological daughter) and Anthony (his 'nephew'). This allowed the parents to use the kids' college funds they set aside to pay off the enormous credit card debts and medical bills which had accumulated.

Suddenly, the Roland family was debt free; although Bill was still unemployed. He spent his days at home doing research for Karin's agency when needed and spending the rest of his time as a house-husband. Not the manliest occupation for a former NCAA heavy-weight wrestling champion.


As Karin reflected on the turn of events, she couldn't help but feel blessed; no debt and her husband alive and healthy. More than a few of the men on the train noticed the beautiful middle-aged woman smiling to herself as the train pulled into Penn Station.

The day went pretty well. Karin and Hank met with Thomas and John Beck. John's wife and son disappeared and there was some indication they had passed through New York. The wife had been involved with a cult-like religious group in Texas before disappearing one day, taking the child. As soon as the meeting ended, Karin finished a few reports and Hank went to work on tracing the wayward family. There was no doubt Hank was committed to finding his former commanding officer's grandson.

Karin's mood changed considerably on the train ride home that evening. While reading the Times' afternoon edition, an article caught her eye. It was an account of the murder-suicide which took place in an apartment on West Park Avenue. Mr. Clifford Fremont murdered his wife and then committed suicide. Karin took out her cell phone and called a number from her contact list. As the other phone was ringing, Karin pulled out her notebook.

George Jennings, a NYPD Homicide detective, answered his phone. "Karin, how are you?"

"Lousy George. I just read about the Fremont murder. Could you do me a favor? Could you have someone check on a Mr. Kevin Sanders? He works at Hyberg and Thomas and lives in apartment 820 at 435 Central Park West."

"What's up?"

"Sanders was having an affair with Mrs. Fremont. I gave Clifford Fremont the news two weeks ago. I have to tell you, he didn't seem that upset; I obviously didn't read him right."

"I'll have someone check up on Sanders. Don't beat yourself up on this, Karin. You know as well as I do it's impossible to guess how anyone will react. Nature of the beast."

"Will you call me back when you know?"

"Just as soon as I hear, I'll call you. Take care. Tell Bill I said 'hello'."

Karin pressed 'end', put her phone back in her purse and spent the rest of the ride staring out the window, second guessing herself. Was there any indication Fremont would go off the deep end? She thought back to that afternoon two weeks ago.



Clifford Fremont came from old money and even older historical Americana. He was a descendent of John Frémont, the first presidential candidate of the newly formed Republican party in 1856. For some strange reason, Clifford took delight in telling people the connection between his great-great grandfather and himself, strange because Clifford was a force within the New York State Democrats.

Although Clifford had inherited a substantial sum from his grandfather, his type AA personality drove him to earn a small fortune of his own. Graduated Summa Cum Laude from Dartmouth, investment banker; proud owner of a 109-foot Maxi Dolphin racing yacht, the 'Wild One', and even prouder of the woman that graced his arm, his wife Katiana.

Clifford first noticed Katiana at a yacht club affair; she was with Thurston Howell, another member of the club. Clifford didn't think much of Thurston whose every dollar was inherited. Immediately taken by Katiana's beauty, Clifford set out to steal her away from Howell. It didn't take long for Clifford's plan to bear fruit. What Clifford didn't know was Katiana had done her homework. Clifford's net worth was three times Thurston's.

Katiana learned early in life that her beauty opened doors. Her mother taught Katiana another life lesson the day the cute, but middle-class, captain of the football team asked her out. "Katiana, don't settle. It's just as easy to love a rich man as a poor man. Don't make the same mistake I did; I married your father because he was handsome and I stupidly fell in love with him. I could have had it all." From that day forward Katiana followed her mother's advice and only dated rich men.

It took her five years, she was now twenty-three, to make it to where she could walk into the yacht club and feel like she belonged with these people. Two of those years were spent living in London as the mistress of a wealthy English industrialist. The man set her up in an apartment and lavished her with presents and money. The affair was going well; Katiana thought it might even lead to marriage until the wife moved back from Geneva and forced him to give up his mistress, "or else". Katiana was sent packing with a nice six-figure severance package and her jewelry.

Katiana returned to the States and settled in New York. It only took a few months before catching the attention of Thurston Howell. But Howell was down to his last ten million and spending that too fast; he'd be broke before the decade ended. Poor Thurston didn't know it, but he was merely a conduit for Katiana's plans to find a wealthier target. Of course, in the meantime, Thurston was lucky enough to be bedding one of the most attractive women he had ever had the pleasure of fucking; a woman who had few inhibitions when it came to sex.

So, while she was fucking Thurston, Katiana was doing her research. Which man in Thurston's multiple circles of acquaintances should she target? The theater crowd held some possibilities, more than his sports or drinking crowds; but the best target for seduction was the very handsome, very rich (and as luck would have it, unmarried) owner of that great, big, beautiful yacht, the 'Wild One' - Mr. Clifford Fremont. While Clifford Fremont was planning to steal the blonde beauty from Thurston Howell, Katiana was planning to seduce Clifford and become Mrs. Fremont. It was a match made in Paradise.

Katiana wasn't prepared for one frustrating flaw; rumors that Clifford was the worse bed partner any woman could endure were true. Katiana had fucked men who lacked technique; or men who were selfish to their partner's needs, or men who lacked the equipment 'down there'. But she never fucked a man who bundled all three into a most perfect trifecta of bedroom boredom. Katiana resisted an urge to ask if it was inside her the first time they had sex. "Could that be anything but a finger?" she silently wondered as he took her from behind; Clifford's favorite position.

Still, this made Clifford an easier mark; Katiana's screams of joy as they rutted that first time aboard his yacht left Clifford feeling like a stud. Katiana made a mental note to begin a regiment of Kegels. She had to sign a pre-nuptial, but it would still leave her with a fortune if she could hold on for a few years. The pre-nup stated she would receive two-hundred thousand for every year of marriage and a split of any assets earned during the marriage; with one caveat - any adultery on Katiana's part would negate ninety percent of the pay-out.

Katiana made it through the first three years of their marriage without cheating; the seven-inch dildo hidden in her nightstand helped. (Seven inches was a compromise; big enough to give her pleasure, but not too big, she couldn't risk ruining all the work she put into the Kegel exercises.) Katiana's hints to Clifford, trying to get him to use his fingers or his mouth to get her off, went nowhere. Clifford remained the most self-centered, egotistical 'lover' in the five boroughs.

Which is why, half way through their fourth year of marriage, Katiana was primed to cheat on Clifford. If she had any sense, she would have filed for divorce, settled for nearly one-million, and gotten herself properly laid. Unfortunately, Katiana decided one-million wasn't enough; she wanted more. So, when the opportunity presented itself, Katiana gave in to her physical needs.

It was the perfect storm.

Factor one; Katiana was upset with Clifford; he refused to buy her the penthouse condo on the top floor of their building which recently went on the market. It was twice as big as their current twelve-thousand-foot condo with a much better view of Central Park. Clifford wouldn't budge - no way, no how.