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"What does that mean?"

"Young dragons--well, relatively young, to you they would be very old indeed--have the great desires. It is they who kidnap princesses, crush knights, sack towns and generally make nuisances of themselves. Not unlike young humans, they have to find their way and that often includes some temper tantrums and fits of pique. Over time, they mature and the need to prove their potency to themselves diminishes. Like old humans, they get set in their ways and a nice long nap in the sunshine seems a much better way to spend a day than burning knights to a crisp or gobbling up maidens."

"I don't mean to be rude, but I thought dragons were evil? Don't you...do things just to be bad?"

The dragon laughed then, so deeply and completely that small flames shout out of his nostrils and smoke curled up. When he had mastered his mirth, he at last spoke.

"We're no more evil than any other race. There are good and bad among us. The good can be very good. The bad...exceptionally so. But it's not our natures to be either. We only seem so evil because we have the power to wreak such havoc on you poor humans. I, myself, haven't done anything more evil than filch a sheep or two from an unsuspecting shepherd in many a long age."

"Um, you did show up to eat me."

"And if I did, I am taking my time about it, am I not?"

"Speaking of which, just when do you plan on doing the deed?"

He chuckled again, this time a more measured laughter.

"Has it not occurred to you yet that I have no intention of devouring you? Do you usually spend time in conversation with your supper?"


"I have no taste for human meat. I far prefer mutton or fish, when I'm not too lazy to go out to sea and scoop some up. That doesn't apply to all of my kind, and I'm sure some youngling is rather put out that I deprived him of a free meal. In fact, I know he is. I saw him skulking before we left."

"So you don't?"

"No, I do not usually haunt the Cris. You people have no couth, raising cows rather than sheep. I mean, why? All that beautiful pasture and not a fleecy morsel to be had." he said in mock outrage.

She wasn't sure how she knew it was mock, except that she was coming to be able to read her host's face better and she was developing a picture of his sense of humor in context.

"Then why did you show up?"

He chuckled again.

"Because a certain young black dragon was getting too big for his scales. I don't haunt the Cris, but neither will I have my access to its wide plains cut off at some youngling's prideful whim. And well he knew he had bitten off more than he could chew when I arrived. So you could say, your survival is an accident of fate. Or you could say, I took you from him, simply to assert my dominance. Or, you could say he actually saved your life, because he just had to issue a challenge."

"You didn't appear to have been in a fight," Gwyneth offered.

The dragon laughed again. It was derisive, but she had the odd feeling it wasn't derisive towards her.

"He's young and dumb and in a mating mood, but he's not that great a fool. His father wouldn't dare face me in an open trial of combat. Perhaps, his great grandfather might, but Crylos is like me now, more interested in a sunny rock, some fresh mutton and a cool stream than getting his skin carved up to prove a point. Besides, most young males hold out hope one of us mature females will be in the mood someday and past transgressions might hurt their chances."

"You're a female?!"

"Of course," she said, glancing meaningfully between her hind legs, "you don't see any evidence to the contrary do you?"

"I hadn't looked," she said with a small laugh of her own.

"I don't know if I should be insulted or admire your manners," the dragon laughed.

They were quiet for a time, before Gwyneth found the exact words she was looking for.

"Is it...unusual for you to get in the mood?"

"Indeed it is, and lucky for the rest of you. I've mated twice in the nine hundred years I've been an adult, and most of my own kind find me a bit of a strumpet for it. The younglings do so all the time, but once we mature, the desire comes upon us very rarely. I suspect that's the gods' way of keeping us from taking over."

"I guess I should have known," Gwyneth said pensively.

"Known what?"

"That you're a female, too."

"Why is that?"

"I've never met a male who was so nice to me."

"Men want something from you little one. Their nature is to take what they want. You are a very handsome creature."

"Thank you. You're kind of impressive yourself," she admitted.

"Some females will want something from you too, but they will use different methods to try and obtain it. It always comes down to what is in your nature."

"And what do you want from me?" Gwyneth asked curiously.

"The same thing males do, of course," she said with a big grin, but Gwyneth couldn't tell if she were speaking in jest or not.

"Are you serious?" she asked when no further information seemed to be forthcoming.

"Yes. I rule supreme in my domain, but I am like any other creature. I sometimes crave companionship and diversion. Even mutton and sunshine get old if they aren't shared."

"I...I'm flattered. And I have to admit, I enjoy your company. But wouldn't you be better served with a female of your own kind?"

"You obviously didn't pay much attention to your grandfather's tales little one. Even mated pairs remain together no longer than it takes to see the hatchlings arrive. Two dragons in the same local for any length of time is an invitation for a fight. We cannot stand the company of our own kind for very long. Why do you think we kidnap princesses? Surely there are easier meals to be had?"

"But you said..."

"I said the younglings eat people. To be sure, some elders have acquired a taste for human meat and hunt them, but they are a rarity. Perhaps part of our reputation for being evil comes from the company we keep, but it really isn't our fault that orcs and trolls are more accepting than humans is it?"

"I'm so confused."

The dragon sighed heavily and very tenderly used the flat of its tail to stroke her cheek.

"I like the female of the human race better than the male little one. And I like humans better than orcs and trolls, male or female. And I like you, above many others I have known, because you have courage and kindness, mixed in good measure. You are also quite handsome, and I feel stirrings of something I have felt not at all in a long age of the world. I would like to get to know you better and to know your body intimately. But you have no need to fear. I do not take what I want, as a male would do. That is not my way and you are no prisoner here. I will deliver you to whatever destination you choose, if you ask it of me. Even back to your home, if that is where your heart lies."

"Do I have some time to consider things?"

"Of course, child. I need to take a nap. Wake me when you know your heart's desire."


Gwyneth sat on an outcropping of rock, watching a magnificent sunset. She was surrounded by jagged mountain peaks, and she felt sure no human had ever beheld this sight. Her host's cave was set into the pinnacle of the tallest mountain in the range and the view was simply breathtaking.

Far, far to the east, she saw a small dot circling. She knew it was another dragon, even though she could make out no details. Putting two and two together, she felt sure she was now in the Dragon Peaks. A mountain range that was said to be rife with the great lizards.

And her dragon? She was still working through that. Having had the veil lifted from her eyes, she now saw a glorious world. And she wished to experience it. Yet, she wasn't sure if she wished to do so as a dragon's consort.

On the other hand, she had feelings for her companion. Feelings that were strong, if ambiguous. Since the moment she looked into her host's eyes, she had felt something. Something strong and yet comfortable.

She had absolutely no idea how one would get intimate with a dragon, but she found herself studying the logistics of it far more than asking if she wanted to. In the end, she found there were no real answers to her queries. A thousand reasons to say 'no' were countered by as many to say 'yes.' Nothing was cut in stone. No answer clear and crystal.

Surprisingly, a lack of a solid reason to refuse, set her mind at ease, as if it were the best reason to say 'yes.' She walked back in as the sun faded and smacked her companion on one of her massive flanks.

The dragon opened one eye, grumbled and closed it again, which only made Gwyneth smile. She was coming to understand her friend's self depreciating sense of humor now, too.

"Wake up!" she shouted.

"All right, I may be old but I can hear just fine," the dragon groused as she rose up onto her fore legs.

"What's your name?" Gwyneth asked.

"Your mouth couldn't pronounce it. I guess the best approximation would be Karna."

Gwyneth nodded to herself and swallowed hard.

"All right, Karna, I've made my decision and I'll stay here with you. At least for a time."

"You woke me up to tell me that?" the dragon groused.

"No. I woke you up to have sex, but I admit, I don't have a clue how to go about it."

"In that case, I won't hold my lost dreams of a fat sheep and a sunny rock against you," Karna said with a smile.

"Is that really what you dream of?" Gwyneth asked with a silly smile.

She felt strange. Happy, excited, relieved, apprehensive, all at once.

"No, I was dreaming of you, if you want the truth."

"Okay, what now?"

"Well, I suppose I had better show you my other side," Karma said.

With that, her outline blurred and Gwyneth found it almost impossible to look upon her. She turned her head, almost like a reflex, averting her eyes.

"You can look now," a pleasant feminine voice called.

When she turned her head, the shocked human was struck mute. Before her stood a tall and gloriously naked woman. Her figure was decidedly matronly, with wide hips, heavy breasts and thick legs. But it was lush and wholly exciting to the young woman viewing it. Karna's hair was black, but streaked with silver. Her pubic mound was covered in a delightfully fine silver fur, with just enough black to be noticed, very similar to her scales, Gwyneth thought. Her teeth were small, even and her smile, decidedly wanton. The only thing that hadn't changed was her eyes. They were still jet orbs, lit with inner fires.

"Karna?" Gwyneth managed.

"Without the tail," she said, smiling.

"But how?"

"All dragons may assume a human form. We are not limited to just the one."

"So this is magic? Like an illusion?" Gwyneth said, reaching out hesitantly to touch the beautiful woman's arm.

"No. This is my human form. I can alter what you see, via a spell, if you would prefer something else?"

"No! No, I'm quite happy with this one."

"Good. For a minute there I was going to have to throw a snit," she said with a laugh.

Gwyneth touched her arm. Feeling the soft and silky smooth skin beneath her hand. It felt like any other person's skin, except Karna's was warmer to the touch.

"I will take it this clears up the questions of methodology for you?"

"Pardon me?"

"A little joke. I am privy to your long rumination on exactly how we were to...do the deed, so to speak."

"Oh," Gwyneth said, blushing furiously.

"I see now," Karna said, cocking her head, "You're still unsure. You've never played with another female?"

"Well, no. But if you can see my past, why do you have to ask?"

Karna laughed gaily and grabbed Gwyneth's hand, leading her down a short hallway she hadn't noticed before. It lead to a bed chamber with a large bed, wash basin and more amenities than she had ever seen before. Lamps filled with burning oil were suspended form the ceiling and provided light.

"I can see your past little one. I can see your heart. If I choose, you would be an open book to me. I do not so choose. Partially, I do not because it's an invasion of your being. Partially, I do not because part of the wonder of a companion is learning about them. I don't want to know you, I want to learn you. To experience you. So I am careful not to examine you too closely."

As she spoke, she pulled Gwyneth into a close embrace.

"And now, I think it is time to start learning," she added, almost as an after thought.

Karna's lips descended as she dipped her head and pressed lightly to her lover's. Gwyneth stiffened and then relaxed as the dragon's tongue gently caressed her lips. It was soft and infinitely gentle and altogether exciting.

Without conscious thought, Gwyneth parted her lips and pushed her own tongue out. For a long time they just stood their, holding each other while their tongues explored one another's lips. Eventually, Karna's tongue pushed into Gwyneth's mouth and the kiss became deeper and less playful.

Gwyneth's breath was stolen by the intensity of that kiss, by the way Karna's tongue hungrily explored her mouth, by the firey reaction in the pit of her stomach. She kissed back with a hunger that frightened her. It was as if she was trying to pack all she could into that one kiss. Karna seemed to be doing the same, kissing her with a frenetic need.

When the kiss broke Gwen was panting and Karna's face was flushed. Her eyes were smoldering, wreathed with lightening and shining with power. She was revealed then, in all her majesty, and Gwyneth felt small and mean in comparison.

A vicious jerk tore the shift from her body and Karna shoved her onto the bed. Gwyneth had barely settled when Karna threw herself onto the stunned girl's supine body and reengaged her lips. Her skin was like an open flame, so hot it almost burned. Almost, but where a flame would sear her flesh, Karna's merely seemed to infuse it with the same heat. That heat collected in her stomach and then moved to her loins. Her sex swelled and its demands became ever more intense as their tongues battled.

Karna's hands moved to Gwyneth's small breasts and began to gently massage them. The softness, languid motion and gentle caresses provided a strong counterpoint to their avid tongues. Her consciousness of the contrast between the two stimuli only seemed to add to the intensity of each. Her back arched slightly and she moaned when Karna's fingers found her stiff nipple and began to gently roll it between them. Her body jerked occasionally as particularly strong jolts hit her.

Her hands rested on Karna's shoulders, alternately squeezing and pushing against her. Karna responded to one particularly strong effort, by breaking the kiss and sliding down Gwyneth's body. She paused for what seemed an eternity to suckle one of the girl's straining nipples. Gwyneth moaned, she gasped and her body jerked like a kite in a strong wind. Sensations, so strong they were heretofore unimaginable and so pleasurable they defied description, tore at her sanity.

Karna moved suddenly, abandoning Gwyneth's now aching nipple and kissing her way down her flat tummy. She paused for a moment to tease the girl's navel, and again to enjoy running her tongue through the soft, blonde down that crowned her pussy. With ages of accumulated experience, she began to subtly tease the girl, working her tongue carefully along the most sensitive areas.

If Gwyneth had thought she was hot before, she knew she was now on fire. Molten lava coursed through her veins as raw pleasure poured into her mind. Deep in her pussy, another fire was raging. Melting her from the inside out.

Karna's tongue slid along her lips, leaving a trial of fire. When she finally ceased teasing and actually delved between Gwen's lips, the human cried out in surprise and pleasure. Karna's tongue seemed more like a dragon's than a human's. It was rough, extraordinarily long and some of the things it was doing to her made Gwyneth think it was prehensile. When it curled around her clit and squeezed, she knew she was right. Of course, this also brought such a powerful orgasm she forgot the question.

In one instant. All of the fires, that in her head, her stomach and her pussy fused into an inferno that mushroomed upwards and engulfed the whole of her being. White hot flames of pure pleasure ran along her nerve endings, devouring all in their path. She burned. But in the burning she found bliss as sensation cascaded upon sensation, mixing and melding, until she thought she would go insane.

When she regained some composure, she felt Karna's fingers sliding into her. First one, then two. They moved, sawing back and forth, sending sparks of pleasure that were often lost on her because Karna's active tongue still danced over her throbbing clit. A third, then a forth, and then...

"Gods!" Gwyneth cried.

Karna's hand, slid past the tight ring of muscles at her entrance and lodged inside her. There was a sharp pain, but it quickly melted in the intesne heat. As Karna's hand began to twist and turn, the dragon redoubled her attack on Gwyneth's clit. The pleasure and pressure built to a breathtaking intensity. The hand was suddenly withdrawn and she felt real fire, not metaphorical fire pouring from Karna's mouth and into her pussy.

In her mind a star was born. Alone, in a dark void, it flared to life. White hot and young. It burned with a fierce intensity, shedding light and love as it forced the darkness back. Worlds opened up and were revealed as its joyous light spread, until there was no darkness. When Gwyneth opened her eyes, her fanciful little universe disappeared. She was no longer a star. And she was no longer alone. Karna held her, gently stroking her hair.

"Are you all right?"

"Yes. I had a dream. I was a star. All by myself in the sky," she said dreamily.

"Twas no dream little one. It was a vision of rebirth."

"Rebirth?" she said, raising up on one elbow.

"In a way."

"Did you...breathe fire on my...flower?"

"Not on, but in. I gave you some of my life force, so that you need not fear time. It's a precious gift, not one I have never bestowed upon a mortal before. Only upon my consorts, as they breathed a bit of theirs into me and thus gave life to our progeny. Yet...you are precious to me and I could not bear the thought that you were a prisoner to time."

"What does all that mean?" Gwyneth asked, glancing down to make sure she hadn't been injured.

Her pubic hair was matted and damp, but there seemed to be no damage.

"It means you are no longer mortal. Well, you aren't immortal, you can still die. But you need not fear time. You will no longer age. And if you choose, you may spend as long as you wish, here with me. If you choose to depart, the gift is still yours."

"I said once if life and youth were offered I would not take them. Do you remember that?"

"Yes," Karna said, her face showing concern.

"I lied," Gwyneth smiled.

They kissed again and made love for days, and time looked in on them, but moved along with just a sigh.

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy5 months ago

What a precious gift and if it used wisely it will stay forever ….. it needs some ingredients Loving kindness, compassion, mindfulness, tenderness, peacefulness, tenderness and some more, but that will help bloom this magic flower 🌸

An marvelous tale 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝✨☘️

MarriedButWanderingMarriedButWanderingalmost 2 years ago

Coleen, thank you. The dragon transforming, and the final words from Gwyneth. Beautiful story. ☺ Would have loved to have Karna give some karma to the men in Gwyneth's village, though. 😉

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 3 years ago
So sad...

Just when I've found an author that can write great stories, I find that she's not writing them anymore. Guess I'll just have to settle for reading the ones that are posted and be thankful for what is posted. This story was both charming and surprising. I was like Gwyneth, how to make love to a dragon? But in the end it all worked out, good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great story though I’m not a fan of dragons taking human form

Very enjoyable characters were very likable and well written my only complaint is that the dragon turned human it’s just something that bothers me as a huge dragon lover. You should definitely write more stories of dragons you have a lot of talent but you should leave out the shifting in my humble opinion.

My IMy Iabout 7 years ago
Long a favorite of mine...

But of course when Colleen writes of dragons, how could I not like it?


VillowVonValdVillowVonValdover 8 years ago

Only problem is that now I should write the corollary story, about how people can be Dragons, maiden eaters and city fryers, instead of 'just people'. And I do not have the skill to for that ;-()

love Villow

PomegranesisPomegranesisover 9 years ago

"I must admit, I'm a little taken aback by actual conversation."

A+++ dialogue, Ms. Thomas. May Cthulhu bless your wonderful, wonderful soul.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Thank you; a very well-told tale.

You also have a real feeling for a Dragon.



EpixrysonEpixrysonover 11 years ago

brilliant in every way

thank you

cittrancittranover 11 years ago
time looked in on them, but moved along with just a sigh.

That's gotta be one of the best descriptive lines I've ever read. I have no idea why, but it is.

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