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She decided to cheat, now she faces two choices.
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My thanks to Maryb2831 for her creative ideas and editing skills.


Damn light, hurry and turn green. I'm so late! Hopefully Brad will be asleep, and I can sneak into bed. That way he won't notice when I arrived, or there will be a lot of explaining. I hate to think about the latter. But looking back over tonight, the events of the night outweigh the anguish of the explanation. Timmy and I had the best night of our relationship, one that takes us from a mere tryst to a higher level. One that I am really going to have to give some deep thought.

Good! We are moving, another 10 minutes, and I will be home. Home, that's a great place to start. Brad and I just celebrated our 21st anniversary. But we have been together for 25-years. We met our freshman year in college. Other than a few bumps in the road, unlike a lot of our friends, we stayed together all four years.

We were married right after graduation. A picture book couple, two peas in a pod, so much alike that we finish each other's sentences- we still do. We know each other's every nuance. It's like we have telepathy, we know what each other is thinking and feeling, and we complete each other sexually. It is really an incredible relationship. We have two wonderful daughters that are starting on their life's journey with wonderful job, and Deborah our youngest is in a relationship with a great guy.

So you ask, why am I coming back from a night of sex with another man? Your guess is as good as mine, I really don't know. There must be something in my psyche, an unfilled need, a craving or something that draws me away from my husband. All I can say is tonight was mind blowing.

I work with Timmy. He is three years younger than me, but we relate well. He is married to Valerie (Val), and they have two children still in high school. It started innocently enough with conversations about family, the trials and tribulations of parenthood, and our life expatiation. As our conversations got deeper, they graduated to being outside of work, first coffee at a local coffee shop, then lunches. I really started looking forward to our talks; I think he did as well.

I guess it was the sexual innuendo, the little inferences, that turned our relationship. It was simple discussions of our relationship at first, then turning to actually describing sex with our partners. One day, when coming back from lunch, Timmy opened my door, leaned in, and kissed me. I was shocked, but I liked it. As he drew back, I smiled, and wiggled my finger for him to come close. I gave him a passionate kiss that was only reserved for my husband, and I gushed into my panties.

It was new, fresh and exciting. It was so wrong, and I knew it. Over the next several weeks, we went through the feel and touch part of a budding relationship. It was so exciting, the overheated petting, kissing, touching places that were reserved for our spouses; I orgasmed the first time his finger entered me.

It wasn't long before I was naked in a motel room. I had rationalized that I wasn't hurting anyone. I was still taking care of Brad sexually, and I loved Brad. But this was something I had to do for myself. It took me back to when I was first with Brad. Maybe I was trying to revert back to my youth.

At that moment it was like the last 25 years hadn't existed. In front of me stood a naked man, not my husband, with an erect cock, ready to ravage me. The thought of it consumed my thoughts, nothing else mattered. I had to have him. He lay down beside me and the petting started, kissing and touching. Gradually he kissed past my neck, my shoulders and then to my breast. My body was on fire. With each nip, tug, and twist of my nipple, the need for him to enter me became greater. I could feel my fluid dripping down my lips, over my rosebud, and dripping onto the bed. I was so ready. He moved down between my legs, and after three licks on my clit, I had a sensory overload. I had to have him. I lifted his head, and proclaimed, "FUCK ME".

Him driving himself into me felt like an out of body experience. I wasn't in this room, I wasn't in this world. I don't know where my passions had taken me, but I wanted...needed to be there. It wasn't like there was a man on me. I was only aware of him in me, and the feeling that he was generating. I was totally oblivious of him on top of me moaning, and thrusting into me. Then my body arched, quaking and shivering. I heard screams of passion, and realized they were emanating from me. My body tensed as an explosion erupted and rippled throughout my body. A numbing sensation came over me. I was at peace. I didn't realize what had happened until I heard Timmy asking, "Kate, Kate, are you alright. Kate, Kate, come around. Are you alright", I had passed out.

That was seven months ago. We see each other daily. We have been getting together once a week on my "Girls Night Out". We don't have sex each time. Sometimes we have dinner together, or go to a bar that has a band and dance, or we have sex, or a combination of all of the above.

Tonight had been sex night. It started just after work when I met him at the motel. Our clothes were off prior to the door closing. Timmy is insatiable. He is never flaccid when we are together. He was as hard when we left as he was when he first walked through the door. After two blow jobs, him going down on me twice, and three rounds of 'fuck the shit out of me sex', our problem started. We cuddled, fell asleep, and woke just before midnight.

In a panic, we threw our clothes on. I thought it was cute when Tim wanted my panties to remember our evening together. I had to redo my face. My mascara ran from the tears of the last orgasm. My lipstick was practically nonexistent due to the kissing and blowjobs. My hair, well I did what I could. I was back together. With a kiss and a squeeze of his hard cock, I was out the door before midnight for the 15 minute drive to home. Even thought I was in a panic to get home, I kept thinking about the night, how wonderful the sex was, and how wonderful Timmy was. Oh yes, I am really going to have to do some deep thinking on the direction of my life.

Finally, I turned onto my street. I hit the garage door opener, and parked beside Brad's BMW. I closed the garage door, got out of my car, shifted my pencil skirt, made sure I was together, and walked toward the entry door. On the first step, I felt a drip of Timmy running down my leg, and again I thought back to tonight.

Being as quiet as I could, I opened the door. Inside I could see the light was on in the kitchen. Brad was sitting at the kitchen table working on his laptop. I slipped through the den, I heard Brad say. "Katherine come here a minute, would you?" Katherine? He never called me Katherine. He always calls me Kate.

I said, "I know I'm late honey, I just want to get to bed." heading toward our bedroom.

Emphatically, Brad said, "Katherine, come here."

Oh shit, what was going on? I thought as I walked into the kitchen.

Brad said, "Have a seat."

"Brad it late, I need to get some sleep. I have to get up in the morning to go to work. Can't this wait until later?"

Brad just said, "Sit".

Somewhat pissed, I sat and said, "OK, what is so important it that can't wait?"

Brad then pushed a thick binder toward me. On the front cover was a picture of Timmy and me together, and the title stated: "The Case of Timothy Castellano and Katherine Martin".

My heart stopped, I could only breathe in short gasp, I became flushed. I could only stare at the front cover.

Brad broke the silence saying, "Open it, I think you will find it quite interesting."

Opening the cover, I found about 3 inches of paper separated by about twenty tabs, each tab having a date on it."

Brad said, "Pick a date."

As my trembling hand selected a tab, and turned the page, I realized it was a narrative of everything Timmy and I had done on that date. The rest of the pages under that tab were pictures. On that date, it was a picture of Timmy and I eating dinner, a picture of us dancing, and then a picture of us...fucking.

I suddenly felt sick. I ran to the bathroom, pulled up my pencil skirt, dropped to my knees, and threw-up. As I threw-up I could feel me pushing more of Timmy out of me. Just like Brad, I heard him behind me, running water, and then I felt a cool, wet washcloth on my face. My pencil skirt must had ridden up over my ass, because the next thing I felt was the washcloth between my legs cleaning me. Brad exclaimed, "You did have an exciting evening, didn't you!"

I rolled over, sat bare bottomed in the corner of the bathroom, and started crying into my arms.

Brad said, "Oh, none of that now, we're adults here. Come back to the table, and let's talk." Brad reached down with his hands, pulled me up, then he pulled my skirt down, put his hand on the small of my back, and steered me toward the kitchen table.

As I sat back down, I said, "Brad I can explain everything. I..."

Brad cut me off saying, "I'm sure you can, but what is done is done, we can't talk about the past. So let's talk about our future."

"Katherine, first and foremost, I want you to know I love you. Regardless of what you did to me, and our marriage, I still love you, and will for evermore. BUT, as I said before, what is done is done". As he drew some papers out of a folder, and slid them in front of me he continued. "This is the divorce agreement. You will be formally served tomorrow, but I want to talk about it tonight. It states that we are splitting everything 50-50. My attorney says that this is most gracious considering the circumstances. Most adulterous wife's only get 25% or less. As you well know, 50% of what we own is considerable, and if you continue to work, you will be able to live well."

Continuing to cry, I said, "Brad, I don't want a divorce, I love you too!"

"Katherine", Brad said, "I'm glad you said that. It really makes me feel better about our circumstance. With each of us knowing what has been going on for the past several months, we have lived together with relativity no problems, as we should have as a married couple. There are many questions that I have struggled with during these last few months. Are we better off apart or together? Can you and I get past this? What about trust? In other words, can our marriage survive? I finally realized that this is not my decision to make without a commitment." Brad drew out another set of papers, and slid them in front of me.

He continued, "Katherine this is a post nuptial agreement. What it says is that under certain conditions, our marriage can move forward. The main condition is that you never stray from our marriage again. If you do, you leave our marriage, without contest, literately with nothing but the clothing on you back. Not even a suitcase to carry your panties, not saying you need them. You take nothing at all. Everything reverts to me and our daughters."

I sat there aghast with literally nothing to say.

"Oh, before we discuss the agreements further, I must tell you something else. You know Val, Tim's wife, right? She and I have become real good friends over the past several months. She is such a delight. When you were at your Girls Night Outs, Val and I were having dinner to discuss what was happening, and what we were going to do about our mutual situation. We hired the same attorney, same detective service and shared the expenses."

"Right now Val is having this same conversation with Tim, with one exception. Sammy, Val's brother, is with them, just so nothing gets out of hand. When Val and I were talking, I found out Val's maiden name was Gotti, and her brother Sammy is a made man. I was a little concerned when Val wanted me to meet Sammy, but I found I really liked him. You would think he was just another successful business man, but you get the stern impression you would NEVER want to cross or disappoint him."

"Tim is getting the same two choices that you are getting, with one additional provision. Sammy was very apologetic to me that a member of his family had caused me such pain and sorrow. As a gesture of good faith, Sammy is making Tim a deal that Tim can't refuse. Regardless of Tim's decision, divorce or post nuptial, Tim must agree that he is never to see, speak or be with you again, for as long as he lives, with 'lives' being the operative word. If he, in any manor, is in touch with you ever again, he will have two choices. He will be castrated and see the next day's sunrise, or he will take a long, bumpy ride into the Susquehanna Valley, and he will never see another sunrise."

I lost it. I threw-up beside the kitchen table. Again, Brad provided a washcloth, and cleaned up my mess. As I sat there sniffling, and trembling, my body ached. I felt as if my heart was being torn to shreds. "Timmy, I have lost my Timmy", I cried to myself. How had my actions resulted in such of a serve outcome? My mind was going in so many directions, I couldn't concentrate. I continued wondering, "What do I do? What do I tell our daughters?" My life as I knew it was crumbling.

Brad sat back down, and just looked at me. In a moment he said, "One more thing. There's a set of CD's, a collection of videos of your activities with Tim. I have only been told what is on them. I just couldn't bring myself to watch them. But I will convey one thing. If you fight me on this, and not sign one of these agreements tonight, a copy of the CD's will go to your Mom and Dad, the rest of your family, friends and your co-workers. Then I will sue your company for not upholding their employee fraternization/sexual harassment policy."

There was a long pause as both of us were deep in thought.

Brad broke the silence again, "OK Katherine, I've laid out our futures! What's your choice?"

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
KaeyoKaeyoabout 1 month ago

Good start, but that is all, a start. It feels lke the last half of the story was not submitted

payenbrantpayenbrant2 months ago

.......not sure the ending is the best spot, kind of felt a little let down by it, but I understand where the author is coming from.

The moment she said, "Timothy, I have lost my Timothy!" That one line right there would have shown an insightful person they had lost their spouse. Probably best to move forward with the divorce.

I hope to see you write more in the future.



mathur_nkmathur_nk2 months ago
Choice is clear. Her first thought "Timmy my Timmy"

Choice is clear. Her first thought "Timmy my Timmy". So post neupital option must be withdrawn. Divorce with 50% and then sneaking to her true love Timmy with playing hide and seek with Sammy is the only viable option.

goodshoes2goodshoes23 months ago

This story really needs an ending. And I hope it is divorce because I cannot stand cucks. So a 1 rating.

JackInYerBoxJackInYerBox6 months ago

Willing cuckold stories need to be honestly tagged as such. This helps sane people avoid them and lets cream-pie eating cucks know it is for them

26thNC26thNC9 months ago

He isn’t reconciling. The bitch is out.

Donovan7777Donovan77779 months ago

How can a guy ever sleep in the same bed as a cheating whore wife Reconciliation is not an option

Medussa55Medussa5510 months ago

Feels incomplete, and leaves too many loose ends. A good twist though

Norseman123Norseman123about 1 year ago

Needs ending 5*****

fishgetterfishgetterabout 1 year ago

""" If he, in any manor""" ?? What house was this referring to? LOL You mean manner, did you not?? ;)

Ocker53Ocker53about 1 year ago

Not even close to being realistic, she has cum still dribbling out of her and he can see it and his talking like they are discussing the weather, no one would act like that in those circumstances ⭐️⭐️

Bry1977Bry1977over 1 year ago

was just average. story was great but it needs an ending not this open crap we need to know what happens next so 3 stars because of this,

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartover 1 year ago

Two, had potential but the whole giving her a choice while she is still leaking her lovers leavings is ridiculous. It might have still worked but despite her proclamations of loving her husband and not wanting a divorce all she can think about is losing "her Timmy" which made what little bit of sympathy I had for the character or her marriage vanish. Then to top it off an open ending which I dislike. Not a very good effort.

ttt59ttt59over 1 year ago

Can't believe he'd even give her this option. Sorry, just can't buy it.

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

Clueless cuck writer. Has no idea how the other gender thinks. Writes completely ridiculous results. Lowest possible score.

orion2bear2orion2bear2over 1 year ago

Why would he want to stay married to her

cybertron84cybertron84over 1 year ago

was moving along great then the ending killed it...

carvohicarvohialmost 2 years ago

Hi! I like to write these too. Some people complain, "They're all the same." So are cowboy movies and crime stories. I don't get the complaint.

I enjoyed your story, Gave it a five. There were two things I had trouble with. If I had been Brad it would have been impossible to hold out for seven months. I would have blown up somewhere along the way. Second, I thought the "Guido" thing, the "made man" was unnecesary. It was like what one comment writer said; too many Navy SEALS.

I liked your story; think I'll read some more.

21120202112020almost 2 years ago

Excellent ending! The Lady or the Tiger?

MasterKoteMasterKotealmost 2 years ago

No reaction from her saying loverboys name at the end? No question, divorce is the only route to go.

WargamerWargamerabout 2 years ago

Needed more.

I liked it


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