Katie's Love Ch. 09


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I saw a tear come down his face and I replied, "That's not necessary Charlie. I understand."

He pointed to a grave that was in the next row over and a few tombstones to the right of where we were standing and said, "That is where my first wife is buried. Elizabeth always said that was close enough for her to keep an eye on me."

I smiled and asked, "Can I ask what was in that box?"

Charlie said, "There was a photo album with pictures of her daughter. She told me that she didn't want them showing up at some flea market or auction after we were both gone and there was a green set of silk clothes, I guess they were pajama's. I don't know, I never saw her wear them."

I replied, "Those belonged to Katie. I had given them to her for Christmas."

He said, "Well that explains that. The last thing really has me puzzled, it was that damn old ruler of hers." I laughed and he asked, "Do you know why?"

I answered, "No. She just told me that it was her spanking ruler," which of course I was lying, I knew why she had him put that in there, but some things are best left unsaid.

He handed me the bag and said, "Before I forget, this is one thing that I am glad to be rid of."

I looked inside. The candle was wrapped up in newspaper and along side of it was an envelope with my name on it.

I said, "Thank you Charlie. I really appreciate this."

He replied, "Don't thank me, thank her. I would have just tossed it out in the trash. She also said that you were to get that envelope and that what was in there was none of my damn business."

I looked down at where Elizabeth was buried, then walked over to the temporary grave marker and laid the white rose in front of it. I stood there silently for a few minutes and walked back over to where Charlie was standing.

He looked at me and said, "The doctors told me to stop drinking a few years ago and of course she had something to say about it as well. But I really could use a beer and I would like it very much if you would join me."

I didn't have anything else planned for that afternoon but that wouldn't have mattered much even if I had.

I answered, "Charlie, I would like that very much."

I walked over to Katie's grave for a few quiet seconds and then we both walked out of the cemetery. I followed him over to a bar that wasn't too far away from the cemetery. After we had sat at the bar, I ordered a draft, Charlie got a bottle of his favorite beer and we made a toast to Elizabeth.

After his first taste, he said, "It's been too long since I last had one of these. This is the only beer worth drinking in my book."

We sat there and talked for long time. We talked about Elizabeth and I told him about Katie as well. He told me a little about the day that Elizabeth had cleaned out Katie's bedroom.

Charlie said, "The last thing she took down was a small white box, like something that jewelry comes in? She went over to her sewing stuff, got some white cloth out and wrapped the box in it and then tied it with a pink ribbon. The next thing I know, she was out back in her garden digging a hole. She looked at that box for a couple of minutes, placed in the hole and put about half of the dirt on top of it and the next day there was a pink rose bush filling up the rest of the hole. I asked but I never got told what was going on." He paused and asked, "Do you know what was in that box?"

I thought for a few seconds then I answered, "I'm pretty sure that it was the watch that Katie was wearing when she had the accident. Elizabeth showed it to me one time."

He said, "Now I understand."

Of course we talked about fishing. I haven't mentioned it much but I did some fishing from time to time. I still got a license every year and once in a great while would just take off and go fishing for a couple of hours, usually at a lake someplace. Sometimes I would even get ambitious enough to bait the hook. One beer turned into two and it was looking like it was going to turn into three but I decided that it was time for me to get going. I offered to pay the tab but Charlie refused.

He said, "I think I'm going to have one more. It ain't gonna hurt nothing."

I replied, "It has been a real pleasure sir."

Charlie answered, "Yes it has. Take care of yourself."

We shook hands and I said, I said, "You do the same," and I got up and left the bar.

I drove back to my office and after I got there, I took Elizabeth's candle out of the bag and carefully unwrapped it. I went and got Katie's candle as well from it's hiding place. I lit that one first as it always did, it flickered, and flared up, then danced a little as I felt her presence come into the room. I lit the other candle, which took a little to catch and when it did, the flame was low and soft. Which I thought was strange because in the past, when lit at the same time and in the same place, the flames of the candles always moved and acted as one.

I called out softly "Katie?" and the flame on her candle brightened and danced a little while the other one was soft and still. I sat there quietly for a few minutes then I felt another presence in the room. I looked at the other candle and asked, "Elizabeth?" The flame brightened a little and shook a little while Katie's candle stayed still. I sat there for a while and thought, "I really losing my mind now. This can't be happening."

I opened the envelope and pulled out the letter, which was undated and read.

Dear Tony

There is so much that I want to say and I could use up three pens and never get all the words out but I am going to keep this short.

It has been a real honor and a joy to know you all these years and I am so damn proud that my Katie fell in love with you. Your love for her has been a bright light to me all this time and I know how very hard that it is has been for you. And while she is still here in her special way, I know that it could never compare to the feelings you had each and every time that you made love to her. I know that this is a strange way for a mother to be talking about her daughter but having known a little of what she felt, I have no regrets in doing so.

I also know that your life has not been the best all these years and I can't begin to tell you how many times I wished that there was something that I could do to change this for you. You helped me get through one of the most terrible times of my life and while I know that I helped you as well, if you hadn't been there, I really don't know what I would have done. I had no regrets then and I have none now. Each and every time that you gave me your love helped me to find a little more strength to get through those dark days.

I have truly loved Charlie for all these years for who he is and what he has done for me, but know that I have also loved you too. By the time you are reading this, I will be gone from this earth, but I do hope with all of my heart and my soul, that one day, you will find the happiness in this life that you deserve.

With all of my love forever.


I sat there for a little while, then I looked over at Elizabeth's candle and softly said, "I love you too Elizabeth."

Katie kissed me and said, "She knows Tony."

I sat there for the better part of an hour I enjoyed the feeling of both of them and I could tell that they were happy to be together again.

Finally after saying "I love you," to both of them, I blew the candles out.

I placed both of them in the place where I kept Katie's candle hid.

"This was going to be interesting," were my final thoughts for the day.

Thursday came around and I got to the resort at 5:00 PM. But when I tried to go up the elevator, I couldn't get the button for her floor, which was at the very top, to work. I went out to the registration desk and said that I was meeting someone and gave them the room number. It was a concierge floor and I needed a room key card to get up there. So they called her room, she gave them the okay to give me a key and I went up to her room. Even though I had a key, I still knocked on the door.

Jean opened it and said, "You could have let yourself in."

I let out the first of what was going to be many sighs of the evening as I walked it. I took a quick look around the room. It was definitely first class all the way. Full bar, a small dining table with four chairs, living room area with a couch and a couple of matching upholstered chairs, a walk-in closet, and of course a king sized bed.

I said, "Wow, this is great."

She said "It's not bad for being out in the sticks. It will do for tonight." I took a good look at her. Her dark red hair was cut short but it was still long enough to flip and move as she turned her head. She was wearing a black silk pajama outfit. Kind of like the ones that Katie always wore, except this one had long tails coming down from the top that were split up the sides to her waist. Jean walked over to me and said. "I have warn you about something."

"What?" I asked.

She pulled the top open and showed me her breasts. They were smaller than they had been when we had been together five years ago and were sagging a bit.

Jean said, "I didn't tell you about this, but my implants were giving me some problems so I had them out back in August. The doctor said it was best to give things a rest for a little before getting another set."

I inquired, "Does this mean that they are off limits?" as she closed her top.

She laughed and replied, "Hell no. Have all the fun you want with them." I laughed as well and she said, "Let's get supper ordered, I'm starved." We walked over the dining table and she handed me a room service menu that was lying there. I read it for a little while then told her what to get me and she called down and placed the order. After she was done, she said, "It's going to be about thirty minutes. You want a drink?"

I said "Sure," and we went over to the bar. Jean said, "I figured you would," and she pulled out a bottle of Scotch which I could tell from the label that was the brand that I always drank. She commented, "This is only 18 years old. I should have had them get me a bottle of the good stuff. But once we finish this off I call down and see what they have."

The bottle was full and I thought, "Jeez Jean? Finish it off?" I could drink with the best of them but splitting a fifth of single malt Scotch was still some heavy duty drinking.

She got out a couple of low cocktail glasses and asked, "Still on the rocks?"

I answered, "Yep."

There was an ice bucket sitting on the bar. Jean opened it and dropped a few ice cubes in the one glass and after saying, "Oh What the hell," dropped a few in the other glass as well, then she just about filled both glasses with Scotch and handed one to me.

I raised mine towards her and said, "To Elizabeth."

Jean smiled, touched her glass against mine, and said, "To Elizabeth." We took a drink and she said, "Lets go sit down until supper gets here." We walked over to living room area and she commented, "You are pretty casual tonight."

I replied as I sat on the couch, "I changed at the office before I left to come up here."

I had on jeans, a dark green flannel shirt and work boots.

"Traveling light as well," she remarked seeing that I didn't have a suitcase with me.

I replied, "I changed everything. I figure I won't be wearing these for too long and they will be good for tomorrow."

Jean laughed and we started talking in between sips of whiskey. The conversation was pretty light to start with, work and life type subjects, but then it got serious.

Jean said, "I was hoping that Elizabeth would have never told you about Katie being pregnant, especially after all these years." She let out a long sigh and continued, "I told Katie that she should have talked to you about it when she started trying. She said that you would be okay with it, but I told her what she was doing wasn't right." I just sat quietly and took another sip of Scotch as Jean finished with, "She told me that it was going to be your Christmas present."

I quietly replied, "I was going to give her an engagement ring."

Jean shook her head a little and said, "Katie had been trying for a few months before she actually got pregnant."

I said, "I know Jean. She stopped taking her birth control pills in July."

She got a look of surprise on her face and asked, "How did you know about that?"

I replied, "Katie kept a diary of when we were together. Elizabeth gave it to me after she told me about the pregnancy."

Jean said, "She used to keep one back in high school, but she never told me about that one."

I said, "Katie left this one for Elizabeth to find with a note to give it to me at some point. She must have gotten rid of the other one."

Jean replied, "I don't know."

Just then there was knock at the door and a male voice called out, "Room service."

Jean answered the door and I walked over to the table. I had only drank about one third of my Scotch but she had pretty much finished her drink off. She sat down and the waiter served us supper and poured the wine that came along with it as well. Supper was great, we had both ordered steaks and mine was so tender that I hardly had to use a knife to cut it with. I like my steaks done medium well and this was cooked perfectly. Jean had ordered her steak cooked rare, well to call it cooked was really stretching it in my book. There was a thin layer of brown on the outside and most of it was bloody red meat.

She said, "I don't know how you can eat that shoe leather," as she took another bite of meat that was dripping with blood.

I looked at her, smiled, and said, "Some of us are civilized enough that we don't have to eat raw meat any more." She laughed, then started choking a little and I asked, "Are you okay?"

Jean coughed a few times and answered, "Civilized my ass. You are the one who looks like he just crawled out of the woods!"

I picked up my wineglass and said, "Touché," then we touched glasses and that was the end of that subject.

After supper she insisted that I get undressed. As I was doing so, she went in the bathroom, got one of the hotel bathrobes and bought it back over to the bed where I was sitting on. The room had a big closet and she gathered up my clothes and put them in there. I got off the bed, put the bathrobe on and Jean went and topped off both of our Scotches. I sat down on the couch and she sat on one of the chairs.

She asked me, "Do you still have that green bathrobe that Katie got for you?"

I said, "No," and proceeded to tell her what had happened to it.

She shook her head and replied, "She had me get that for her. What a shame."

I said, "Yes, and no, I don't want another one."

Jean laughed and said back to me, "I must be rubbing off on you," and we touched glasses again in another toast. Jean then asked with a bit of a smirk on her face, "So how is your ghost doing these days?"

I answered back, "She is doing fine."

I knew Katie was there in the room as I had felt her presence lightly a few times.

Jean said, "I think it is very sweet but I know that it isn't for real. I've done a lot of reading and things like that just don't happen," and she leaned forward in the chair with her elbows resting on the arms as she waited for my reply.

I looked at her and softly said, "Katie, don't you think that it is time to say hello to Jean."

Jean shook her head back and forth and then stopped and looked me with a very skeptical look. She started to say something but I saw her hair start moving back from her face as if a gust of wind had blown by. Her eyes got really big and her hands started shaking. She set the glass down on the arm of the chair but stayed seated as she was. Her mouth opened but nothing came out and her eyes got bigger and her breathing got heavier.

After about ten seconds, she said in a very scared sounding voice, "No, it can't be. It can't be," and she looked up and out into the room

I replied, "Just relax Jean. Let her in."

Her breathing got even heavier and then tears started forming in her eyes.

"Oh my God," she said softly, "It is her." I just sat there smiling as Jean said, "I love you Katie. I miss you," and then she shuddered and looked at me in surprise. As she slowly regained her composure she asked, "What was that?"

I said, "That Jean, is Katie's kiss."

"Damn it!" she replied, "That was unreal."

I answered, "The first few times it felt weird, but now, it's the most wonderful thing in the world," and just then Katie gave me a kiss. I closed my eyes, bent my head back a little and then I felt her leave. Jean looked at me and I said, "She said to have fun."

Jean was still shaken by all of this and she asked, "She was there in Harrisburg, wasn't she?"

I replied, "Yes she was Jean. That is what you were feeling."

Jean got quiet for a little while and asked me, "From what I have read about ghosts and spirits, whatever she is, usually they are still here for a reason. Do you know what it is?"

I looked her for a few seconds before answering, "There are two reasons that I can feel. The one she won't tell me what it is, but the other I do know and I have known for a long time."

She asked me, "And that is?"

I looked her in the eye and said, "Katie is waiting for me."

We just sat silently like that for a while, then Jean got this wicked little smile on her face and said, "Oh Katie! I'm going to fuck your boyfriend's brains out!" and just then her eyes rolled back in her head and she shuddered violently. She pulled her head down and asked, "What the fuck was that?"

I asked her to describe exactly what she had felt.

She did and I answered, "That was a giggle."

"Fuck!" Jean said, "I will never get used to this." I smiled as Jean asked, "Are you ready?"

I said "Yes," and I started to get up off of the couch.

She replied, "Stay there. Just move over to the center," which I did.

Jean opened the tie that held her top closed, pulled that off, and then her pants. Her cunt was shaved just like the last time. She walked over, spread my legs and got across my left knee. She brought her right arm up behind her back and after taking it with my left hand, I threaded my legs into hers. I always knew that Jean was rich, but I had done some research on the Internet a few months ago and I was surprised to find out just how rich and powerful she was.

I was thinking about this when I heard her say, "One million dollars."

"What?" I asked.

Jean said, "That is what it cost these days for anyone else to have me over their knee like this." I thought for a second, pulled back and dropped a hard slap on her right ass cheek. "Son of a bitch!" she exclaimed as it caught her by surprise and then she started laughing.

I said, "At thirty plus thousand dollars a slap, I might as well get my money's worth!"

I dropped another hard one on her left cheek and started playing with her cunt. The rest of the ten and twenty went on as usual. After it was done, we both stood up and kissed for a long time, then Jean peeled the bathrobe off of me and we headed over to the bed. The foreplay seemed to go on forever, first with fingers and then with tongues. I spent a long time eating her to climax after climax and then I got on top of her and we had a nice long screw as well. Even thought I had been seeing another woman on a regular basis and had some strong feelings about her, it was pretty damn easy to get lost in the passion with Jean. The feelings were every bit as strong as the first time that we had been together five years ago and it ended about twenty minutes after I started screwing her with both of us having powerful orgasms. We cleaned the sperm and the pussy juice off of each other with our mouths and tongues and after a long and deep kiss, settled down on the bed. Jean got off and got both of our glasses. Mine was still half full and her glass was about empty again.