Katie's Love Ch. 12


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I answered, "I tried to warn you Karen."

Karen said, "I know Tony, but then reading about all those great months after that was just fantastic. You and Angel Katie made some very powerful love together and those poems that she wrote for some of the entries were just beautiful." She smiled a little but then her face got sad again as she softly said, "And I really hope that if I ever find out that I am going to die, that I can face those days as bravely as Angie Katie did. She was more worried that you were going to find out that something was going to happen to her, rather than being afraid for herself."

"Katie has never talked to me about that," I replied, "But she knew that it was going to happen no matter what anyone did and that if she told me or Jean, that we would try to prevent it and wind up getting hurt or killed ourselves."

She answered, "Tony, there is no greater love than that."

I said, "That Karen, is Katie's love."

Jean and I talked about it as well the next day and she said, "Tony, I honestly don't know that I could have read that by myself. I know how hard it must have been for you to read it for the first time."

I answered, "It has been hard every time Jean. The only other time that I read it was the morning before I met you and Karen at the resort. It wasn't any easier then and I didn't know then what made me do it but well, I do now."

Jean then said, "I always thought Tony, that the real reason you stayed away from me was because of what happened that night that I went to visit Katie."

I replied, "I had pretty much made my peace with all that Jean after we started talking. Of course then reading her diary and seeing what happened and why it happened, I knew for sure that you weren't to blame."

She looked at me and said with tears in her eyes, "Tony, I hated doing that to her. The whole thing was just too damn intense and when I left her back there in the dark, I almost threw up out in her hallway, I was that sick about all it. I could hear her screaming but I just so fucked up myself by that point that I needed some space. I promised myself that no matter how things turned out with you, that I would never do that again to her."

"I understand Jean," I answered, "Katie was lost and she didn't know any other way to find herself."

In the weeks after the christening things pretty much settled into a routine. However, Jean was still Jean and once in a while her enthusiasm for wanting to the best possible second mother to Little Katie would sometimes get the better of Karen.

This would usually start with Karen giving me one of those funny cross-eyed looks and saying, "Tony, she is making me crazy!"

And it would end with me telling Karen, "I will talk to Jean about it."

Most of the times it was just minor stuff like, "You know Jean, you do have a few years before you have to worry about what dress Little Katie is going to wear for her first day of kindergarten," or "You know Jean, I am going to side with Karen on this, I really don't think Little Katie needs a cellphone just yet." A couple of the other funny ones were, "Jean why don't you wait until Little Katie at least has her learner's permit before buying her a car?" and "Jean, I really think that Little Katie might want to decide for herself where she goes to college."

But the best one was, "Jean, I really do not think that Little Katie is going to appreciate having to go on dates with two armed guards and wearing a locked chastity belt!"

Usually these talks would end up with Jean agreeing that she was getting a little carried away and both of us having a good laugh, however I am still not sure about how far I got with her on the last one, but time will tell.

Of course my thoughts after all of these were, "So much for my part of this deal just being a couple of cumshots!"

In August, when we were talking on a Monday morning, Karen emailed me a picture. I looked at it and it was a beautiful painting of an angel with a very familiar face and smile.

Karen said, "Jean went back in her office here on Sunday afternoon and just started painting. She didn't sketch anything out, she just did it all with the brush."

I smiled and said, "I guess she finally got the feeling back."

She replied, "We are going to get it framed and put it in Katie's room."

On Tuesday I told Jean what I thought of it and she replied, "I have been thinking about doing it for a few weeks now and Sunday it felt right and I will tell you Tony, it felt so damn good as well."

Jean has done a few more paintings since then of Karen, Little Katie, and some old guy with a ponytail that she knows.

Karen's parents decided to do their next sex video in September and I was invited to be there, but it fell on the same day that I was heading out to spend a night at a bed and breakfast with another special person in my life. Jean sent me the link to the video on Thursday and it was a great. Karen's parents said at the beginning that they were going to make the funniest sex tape ever made and it sure got my vote. You could tell that they spent a lot of time planning this. I laughed the whole way though and I couldn't wait to hear what Karen had to say about it.

That Monday, Karen had little Katie in her arms for a while, then she put her down in a baby chair next to where she was sitting.

She said very seriously, "Okay, let's get this out of the way. I know you watched it."

I replied, "Oh come on Karen, that was so damn funny when they walked to bed with him wearing a pair of panties and she had on a pair of man's briefs. Then later when your mother picked up the strap-on and your father said, "Oh no honey, not the strap-on?" and your mother said, "Shut up and take it like a woman!" that was great." I could see that Karen was trying very hard not to laugh and I went on, "And at the end, after he came in her asshole and she started screaming, "You came in my ass? I told you not to do that! I don't want a baby lawyer!" and she started chasing him around the bed beating him with the dildo from the strap-on? That was hilarious."

Karen started breathing real heavy then she literally exploded with laughter. She laughed and laughed, then I watched as she slid off the chair and down to the floor still laughing hard.

After a couple of minutes, she coughed a few times and said, "Damn it Tony, look what you made me do!"

She pulled herself off the floor, stood up and I could see that the crotch of her jeans had a big wet spot. Karen opened them, pulled the pants and her panties off, then after finding a dry spot on the panties, she wiped her crotch and legs with them before sitting back down on the chair. She growled at me and then we both laughed.

Karen shook her head and said, "They are something else!"

For the most part my chats with Jean were pretty tame any more. We would cut up a little but I just never seemed to be able to get her really worked up like I used to do.

Then in the beginning of October, Karen said during our Monday morning talk, "You should have heard all the yelling the other day."

I rolled my eyes and asked, "Now what?"

Karen laughed and answered, "I told you that Jean hasn't been working out as hard as she used to. Well she got on the scale for the first time in months and get this, she gained five pounds. Jeez, I can gain five pounds just by walking by the ice cream freezer at the grocery store!"

"You and me both," I replied with a laugh.

She looked at the big smile on my face and said, "You had better not say anything to her Tony, she is really touchy about this right now."

I kept on smiling and Karen shook her head.

The next day when I talked to Jean, things were pretty much the same as always, but then I said, "You are looking pretty good these days, Jean. Did you lose some weight?" She sat there, gave me one of her nasty looks and I counted to myself, "Five, four, three, two, one."

Jean said real fast, "Fuck you Tony!" and we both laughed.

I asked, "Now didn't that feel good?"

She said, "Yes," and we both laughed again.

November 3rd came around and I went to the cemetery as always. I walked over to Katie's grave and laid the pink rose down on it. But as I was standing there afterwards, I felt Katie there. Never before in the twenty-eight years that I had been coming to the cemetery had she been there with me and of course I knew the reason why she hadn't.

Katie gave me a gentle kiss, but before I could say anything she said, "I have found my peace, Tony. I have found my peace."

My eyes started to water and a few tears rolled down my face, even though I was smiling as I replied, "I am glad Katie. Really, really glad."

She kissed me again and stayed me with as I lay the white rose on Elizabeth's grave and gave Charlie his annual drink of beer. We exchanged the words of love that we have spoken so many times before, then after one more kiss, she was gone back to Jean and Karen's home.

The weekend before Christmas Karen emailed me photos of their Christmas tree and all the other decorations around the place.

When we talked that Monday, I said, "That is a very beautiful Christmas tree."

Karen replied, "Jean had a couple of the guys from the office get it for her and set it up last Thursday. She went a little crazy with the decorations that she bought but it is not like it we can't keep using them. I put the lights on the tree Thursday night. I have a way that I always string them up and after Jean left on Friday morning I went out and plugged them in. They looked different for some reason, but I thought it was just me and I started decorating the tree. I would work on it for a while then go do the laundry and take care of Katie. But it was weird, because it seemed like the balls were getting moved from where I put them but again I wasn't paying a lot of attention to it. So one time I put a few more on and made sure to remember exactly where they were. I walked away to do some stuff and when I came back they had been moved! Then I realized what was up and I asked, "Angel Katie, do you want to decorate the tree?" She gave me one of those giggle things and asked, "Please?" So I just hung everything on the tree and let her do what she wanted."

With a big smile I asked, "How many times did she rearrange it?"

Karen got one of those funny looks on her face and answered, "Three! I should have taken a video. It was wild, balls flying all around and the lights moving as well. Finally everything stopped and I asked her if she was done. She moved one ball about an inch and said, "All done Karen. Thank you!" and gave me one of her kisses."

I said, "That's my Katie!"

Karen went on, "Angel Katie asked me if Katie could sleep out by the tree. Jean said that Angel Katie used to do that so we moved the cradle and the baby monitor out there. I just happened to wake up around 2:00 AM and I went out to check on her. Angel Katie was there but instead of that soft white glow, she was all these colors, red, yellow, and green, almost like the tree lights. I walked over and there was such a powerful feeling of happiness coming from her that I started crying. It felt so wonderful." I started crying as she said this and Karen asked, "Are you okay?"

I replied, "Yes Karen, I am fine."

Karen had read what Katie had written in her diary about that fantastic night that we spent love in front of her Christmas tree, but then I told her the full story. I finished with how I was going to give her an engagement ring the next Christmas Eve.

Karen started crying as well and said, "That is so beautiful Tony and so sad.

I said, "That is life Karen. Not much that you can do about it."

She replied, "You and Jean were so lucky to have her be a part of your lives."

I answered, "Jean is the lucky one. She has had two very special people come into her life."

She said, "You are forgetting someone," and looked right at me.

I said, "Me? No, I just hung around for a good meal and some wild sex every few years."

Karen got real close to the camera and replied, "Bull, shit!" We both had a good laugh then Karen got serious and said, "Tony, there will always be a place for you here. Just for one night or for the rest of your life."

I replied, "I know Karen and thank you."

She said, "Oh and by the way, I'm not ready yet, but I would really like the next one to be a boy."

I looked at her and asked, "The next one?"

She got one of those wicked little smiles that she learned from Jean on her face and said, "You heard me!"

I thought, "Here we go again!"

Karen then said, "You know Tony, this story would make a hell of movie."

"Triple X rated," I answered with a laugh, "But to be honest a couple of months ago I started working on it, the story that is. I wrote one about an affair that I had, posted it online and that got me started on writing up this one as well."

She said, "Really? I can't wait to read it and send me the link to the other one."

So I did and she really liked it. And as I have been getting the chapters for this story finished, I have been sending them to her as well. Of course she knows what this chapter is all about but she said that it will be fun reading about how I saw the things that happened.

Late in January when Karen and I were talking she said, "Jean is going to be selling this place."

"Really?" I asked.

Karen answered, "She is going wait until real estate prices get a little better, but we have decided that as much as we like living in the city, that we want Katie to grow up some place nicer. We will get a smaller place here so that we can come back whenever we want to, but this all probably won't be happening for a couple of years."

I asked, "Have you two talked about where you would be moving to?"

She smiled and replied, "Probably someplace not too far from you. Maybe around Jean's hometown."

I laughed and said, "Oh boy!"

Karen answered, "I don't want a real big house. But I want to have some land to have a small vegetable garden and enough privacy that if I want to walk out in the back yard wearing only a pair of sandals in the middle of the day, well, you know what I mean."

"I know Karen," I said with a big smile.

She said, "And I am hoping that one warm summer night, that a very special person that I know will come over and show me how magical it is to make love outside by the light of a full moon."

I replied, "Well you had better have a blanket big enough for the three of us Karen, because I know that Jean isn't going to miss that party."

Karen said with a big smile of her own, "Tony, I wouldn't have it any other way."

This was where I was going to end the story, but a few days after I had posted the sixth chapter about when Katie died, I got a feedback email from a Literotica member.

The person wrote, "I read your stories about Pam and really liked your style of writing, and I knew I would like the Katie stories as well. But something about the end of the second chapter seemed familiar. I read each chapter as it was posted and some of the sections of the chapter before this one well, it was really strange, like I had been there and I knew what was going to happen. But then after reading this one, I knew for certain. This is "Angie" as you called her in the story. I'm sure you won't want to be believe it, but here is the phone number that I wrote down for you."

I looked at it, got out my notebook, looked a the number written there on the piece of receipt paper stuck in the pocket and said, "Holy shit! This is her."

I put the notebook away and continued reading, "I now understand why you never called. That number doesn't work for me any more but this one does." She went on, "You don't have any excuse not to call and anytime after 12:00 noon your time is fine with me," and signed it "Angie" which she put in quotes.

It was around 10:30 AM so I waited until 12:30 PM to call her. And for the record, I emailed her a copy of all I have written here for her to read and approve. If you have just been reading the later chapters of the story, you have to go back to Chapter Five to find out about Angie.

She answered the phone with a "Hello."

I said, "Hello Angie."

She laughed and said, "That didn't take long."

"Yeah," I replied, "Just twenty-eight years!"

She let out a laugh and we started talking. We were on the phone for a over an hour, although she did most of the talking. She told me about visiting Katie's grave a few days after I had talked to her at the bar.

She softly said, "I never felt so lonely and cold as when I was standing there that day. I guess you didn't know this but Katie would come over to the bar once a month after the lunch rush was done and we would have lunch together and talk. I had other friends but she and I had some of the same kind of troubles in our lives and it was nice to be able to open up and let things out with someone who knew what I was feeling. After I got back from the cemetery, I decided then that I needed to get away from everything. I worked for a few more months, saved up as much money as I could and when it got to be spring time, I hit the road with my car, some clothes, three hundred dollars, and never once looked back."

Angie went on how she would just drive for a while, find a town and start looking for work and a place to stay. Depending on what she could find for work, she would stay a month or so, then move on.

She said, "While I was in an area, I would find a used book store, read in my spare time and I did some sightseeing as well."

I asked, "What did you like to read?"

She laughed and said, "Old schoolbooks were always the cheapest and since I never went to college, I got an education. Art, music, English, poetry, math, philosophy, and even science. Hell at one point I had a pretty good working knowledge of microbiology." I laughed hard at that comment. This went on for two years, most times she could find work but some times it was tough. She got quiet for a little and said, "I'm not ashamed to say Tony, that there were a few times I lived off of twenty dollar blow jobs and forty dollar fucks. It was a last resort, but if I needed the money," and her voice trailed off.

I said, "You did what you had to do to survive."

She laughed and said, "Hell yes! But I always left them smiling," and I laughed as well.

"Finally I made it out here to Washington State," she continued. "There was something here that felt good and I decided it was time to settle down. Although I did have a little help, when my poor car finally up and died and I didn't have the money for another one. But I got lucky and found a waitress job in restaurant in an old hotel and was able to get a cheap room at the same place. That place was terrible but it was better than nothing. I had my own sheets and blankets with me by then, but the mattress was so nasty that I went and got a box of cheap plastic trash bags and laid them on top of it before putting the sheet on."

I said, "Sounds like a real rat trap."

"Yeah," she said, "That it was. I stayed there for three months until I had enough money to get another car, then I got another job and a better place to live. I started working two jobs and sometimes three depending on the hours. At one point I was sleeping six hours a night."

I interrupted her and asked, "When did you have time to get laid?"

She laughed and replied, "I had a dry spell for a long while. None of the guys really interested me and none of women did either, so it was just me and my fingers."

I said, "What ever works,"

She then told me, "After six months. I had enough money saved up to start taking college classes. I was able to take tests to get me out of a number of the basic courses, so all that reading did help. It still took me three years but I got a two-year degree in business and I found a job as a bookkeeper for a small construction company. The owner and his wife were really nice, but their son thought that he was God's gift to women. He kept pestering me to go out with him and I knew that he wanted to jump in the sack right away. At one point in my life, I would have, but by then, I had a little better opinion of myself. I told him that he would have to prove himself worthy of going to bed with me." She laughed and said, "It took a year, but he finally showed me that he was serious and six months later we were married."
