Katie's New Life Ch. 15

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Family trip to the zoo.
8k words

Part 15 of the 16 part series

Updated 05/18/2024
Created 04/14/2024
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Unsure if it was the exhaustion, her emotions or just the rhythmic motion of the car, Kate was asleep within 10 minutes. They drove for just under an hour and parked up at the zoo. Sally and John got out of the car, getting everything out before Sally lightly woke Kate.

It took her a few minutes to come round, and Sally decided John could get away with carrying her a little in the car park while she woke up. Kate cuddled in and hid the pacifier she was sucking. As they came nearer to the entrance and people congregating, John put her down and they quickly discussed rules. "Right Kate for today while we are out, I would like you to hold either mine or Mommy's hand while we walk between things. While we are looking at things you can roam freely as long as we can see you." Kate nodded.

"You are expected to follow any instructions we give you or we will discipline you as we see fit while we are out. You may call us Mommy and Daddy or John and Sally, depending on how you feel and of course you will use your diaper as normal." This made Kate frown a little bit.

John took her hand, "you're hear with us to have fun, everyone else doesn't matter, you live your life and enjoy it and let us worry about protecting you and looking after you."

Sally tucked her pacifier away in her front pocket and put a small mobile phone in there. "This has both our numbers in and is only for use if you get lost, ok?" She smiled and took both their hands and started to skip towards the entrance.

When they got to the line for tickets, Kate let go of Sally and stayed with John. They reached the front of the line and John asked for three tickets, not saying adults or children to embarrass Kate but let the cashier presume what they needed. John paid and was handed the tickets, map guidebook and children's sheet.

Kate noticed this and was excited but embarrassed to be seen as a child. John just carried on as normal and Kate quickly forgot. "Daddy me have da map pease?" He smiled, handed it over and Kate set to work planning their route as well as checking the show and feeding times. After a few minutes she handed it to her Daddy, "pease fold it so me can hold it while we walk?"

John took the map and folded it into smaller section, but with the map now visible on the outside rather than being tucked away as it originally was. Kate smiled and took the map back, "ta Dadda."

John noticed the new more baby like name but didn't comment. Grabbing Sally's hand, she shouted, "come on dis way" and they were off around the zoo.

Firstly, they came to the large enclosures containing birds. Kate asked to let go of Sally's hand and took the sheet to fill in from John. They were unsure if she needed their help or she has slipped so far into little space, but she kept running backwards and forwards from the enclosures asking for help to read questions, spell words and even at one point if she could have a parrot of her own.

Cuddling up to him Kat asked, "Dadda wat da time?"

He checked his watch, "10:25 Katey."

She looked shocked, "quick the bird show starts in," she paused to count on her fingers, "5 minutes!"

Sally and John had their arms yanked as they were pulled along to the seating area for the show. They found some seats nearer the back, after all they were tall enough to see over and John thought Katey would be safer enjoying it out of some people's eye-line.

As they sat and waited for the show to start, Sally took a snack out of carrot sticks and a juice carton and Kate bounced up and down with excitement. She started to eat the sticks and drink but as the show started became entranced by birds swooping overhead and demonstrating tricks they had learnt. At one point Sally had to grab the carrot stick pot that was just about to fall off her knee.

The show ended and families were given the chance for photos with the birds. Kate looked up into her Daddies eyes, "it's okay, we can do this, but let's hang back and let others go first."

She nodded and waited patiently as others went before her. Finally, it was their turn, "do you want one on your own or with all of us?"

Kate thought, "can we have with pease dadda?" He just smiled.

Kate was sat with a long branch and brightly coloured parrot on it to hold. Once that was done John was sat in the middle, Sally handed a cockatoo to cradle like a baby and 2 love birds were stood on John's head.

Kate was trying her hardest not to giggle with glee as this happened but held it together until they were finished and outside. John took a ticket to redeem on the way out and get the photos, then joined Kate who was holding Sally's hand, laughing, and recanting the story as if she wasn't there.

Sally looked on in joy at Katie's happiness and when John joined them made overly exaggerated movements, pretending he could still feel the birds on his head. This only added to Kate's amusement, and she had to tell him to stop being silly, that the birds where gone.

They finished looking at the birds of prey, then Kate took John's hand and dragged him off towards the sea creatures. They started by watching the polar bears diving underwater for food. Kate's nose was pressed up to the glass and a bear swimming passed from out of nowhere, caused her to jump back in surprise.

Luckily John was there to catch her. They moved on to see the penguins with mothers looking after young chicks. "Dadda," Kate quietly spoke to him, "they very smelly, like stinky fish."

He grinned, "well baby girl, maybe cos that's what they eat?"

She gigged, "oh yep," then ran off to tell Sally penguins eat fish.

Finally of the large sea creatures, was the Californian sea lions. They spent time watching them jump out of the water for a trainer. Touching balls on a rope and retrieving items. When the trainer was finished, she threw fish into the water for the sea lions to dive for. Kate ran off to an underground viewing area to watch. John and Sally followed but by the time they had caught up with her they heard loud voices.

"What the fuck? Are you wearing a diaper?" A mouthy guy had cornered Kate after noticing the bulge and childish clothing.

"Go away, leave me alone." She started to sob as John came round the corner to confront him.

Kate moved behind John and his tone was absolute, "back off now."

The guy stuck out his hand to point at Kate, "Is that freak...."

He didn't get to finish. John seized his finger and in one fluid movement, twisted his arm up behind him, holding it in a position that would have broken his wrist with the right pressure. Sally put herself between Kate and the men.

"Ahh, what are you doing? let me go?" John applied more pressure, causing pain but holding back from lasting damage.

He lent into his ear and spoke only just loud enough for the others to hear, "I'll make this clear once. If you ever say another thing to either of the two women behind me, I will snap your feeble wrist and then rip your shoulder from its socket."

He caused a spike in pain, and he screamed out, "do you hear me?"

Between screams of pain, he spoke, "yes, yes, I get it."

John was still in control, "now apologise and piss off," he stood up and quickly apologised and ran off now he was free.

Kate pushed past Sally and threw her arms round him. No one had ever protected her like that before. She kissed him again and again, "thank you Daddy."

He hugged her back, "wherever I can, I will always protect you from bad people."

Sally lent across and whisper in his ear, "now be a hero again and go change her, she's leaked and got a wet behind."

John nodded and didn't bring attention to anything. He felt her diapered on the front and could feel how full it was, "Right little one let's get you changed, and we can carry on." She nodded and John took the diaper bag and found a family bathroom empty.

John lay Kate down on a large changing table, where she pulled out her pacifier and lay sucking. John took his time to take her dungarees off which had a growing wet patch at the back. Kate hadn't noticed the leak or even really been aware how much she had wet. Once it was off, the very full and leaking diaper was obviously very wet. John removed the tabs and opened the diaper, lifted her legs, and removed the heavy diaper from under her. Kate continued to suck her pacifier and stayed zoned out while John wiped her clean, powdered her up and then put a fresh diaper on.

The dungarees where too wet to put back on so John found the spare outfit in the bag and sat Kate up. He started to remove her shirt which cause her to shiver, and her nipples went erect. "Dadda wat you doin?"

He calmly let her know, "little leak Katey, so I'll put you in something clean and dry."

This made her freak out a little, "but, but, but....did people's sees I did wet," she sobbed.

"It's all ok," he kissed her head and comforted her. "Only Mommy noticed and I'm just going to change you so no one else sees."

She carried on sobbing, "but it different clothes now Dadda, people's will know."

John carried on changing her into a sun dress and pulled on a matching diaper cover, "there's lots of people here, no one will notice, and we are here to look after you aren't we."

The sobs slowed and she nodded. John pulled the pacifier from her lips and placed it in another convent little pocket. Once the bag was repacked John lifted her down and they ran out to find Sally.

Kate jumped at her for a hug and Sally just managed to catch her. "Diapie leak momma. I sad."

Sally gave her a tight squeeze. "It's ok now, babies have accidents but your all fresh and ready to go again." Kate nodded.

"So where to next Katey?" Sally handed her the map.

"Um can we watch the fish be fed in the big tank, then see the reptiles?" Sally nodded and went to set her down. "No Mommy, you carry pease." Sally looked around and noticed it quiet. "Okay baby girl, but just for a minute."

They walked from the large sea creatures to the indoor aquarium, which held the reptiles and amphibians as well. As they reached the door. Sally set Kate down and took her hand. "Hold a hand while we are going through the busy first bit, so you don't get lost."

Kate was desperate to set off exploring but agreed reluctantly. They walked in through a turn style and into a large area with rock and wave pools. These had steps around them so kids could look over the top and, in some touch, or interact with the creatures. Kate tried to pull away but Sally held on tight, walking along with her.

They reached the first tank and Sally discreetly helped Kate up. Kate was instantly engrossed in the tank and excitedly pointing out different creatures to Sally and John who stood either side of her. John took the opportunity to take a few photos of Sally and Kate interacting and enjoying themselves.

"Look Momma, da one a crab," and she mimed snapping her hands like claws, laughing. "Oh, oh, oh, an, an, anemananemini Dadda."

He laughed to himself, "yes Katey an anemone and who lives in an anemone?"

Kate thought for a second and then excitedly screamed, "Nemo!!!" John agreed and tried to bring her volume down a little.

John helped Kate down and they went across to the next tank. Kate was allowed to walk without holding a hand for now. The next tank had rays swimming around and popping above the surface. Kate got up on to a larger step, using both her hands and exposing her covered diaper, which had anyone been looking they may have seen something.

A keeper was started a talk and was feeding the rays little bits of food. Kate focused on every word she said and watched as each ray came up to take food from her hand. Once the talk finished the keeper showed and instructed people on how to touch the rays.

Kate was unsure about this to start with, "Dadda do it?"

So, John lightly placed his hand into the tank to touch a passing ray. They ray interacted for a few seconds and carried on. Kate giggled and after John did this another few times, she built up the confidence to do it. She put her hand next to her Daddy's and waited as one came around.

The experience made her jump and giggle, "look Momma, I did it." She was so proud of herself and Sally took the opportunity to film her and John doing this. Kate even splashed John which he wasn't best please with.

An announcement over the PA system told them the feeding would be starting in the main tank in 10 minutes. Kate looked up and panicked they would miss it. Sally dried Kate's hands off on a hand towel and they walked through to the main tank. People were sitting on the ground in there little groups.

John and Sally found a space and sat down. "Dadda I sit on knee??"

John picked Kate up and helped her sit between his legs. She leant back against his chest and looked up at the huge tank ahead of them. While she was focused on spotting fish, Sally passed her a toddlers sippy cup with water, which could just about be taken for a water bottle, but Kate felt really comfortable with. She drank and then kept it between her crossed legs.

John found one of the aquarium work sheets in the education book they had got when they entered. He lent in to talk to Kate, "here you go sweetie, see if you can fill this in." he handed her the book and a pencil.

It had lots of fish to spot and tick off, as well as little facts and questions. Kate sat and got all excited every time she found one on her list. This caused her to jump up and down on John, who had to stop her falling over once or twice. Kate was nearly finished when a woman stepped up with a microphone and two divers dropped into the tank in front of them.

Kate was now in overdrive, "look, look, Momma. Diver in da water."

The lady explained what the divers were doing. They were there to hand feed some of the sharks and fish in the tank. She went through and named all the fish as they were fed, what they ate and other facts. The bigger fish and sharks circled while the smaller fish were fed. Kate kept getting all excited as sharks swam close to the divers but was completely focused on everything the last said.

Finally, the divers got round to feeding the sharks with small sticks. They came past fast and flicked their heads round to grab the food as the past. Even though Kate new this was going to happen she jumped a little each time they did. Once all the food was gone, the woman finished up the talk and the divers returned to the surface out of site. People around them filtered away to other place but Kate slowly edged on her knees from where they were, up to the glass of the tank.

Eventually everyone had moved on and Kate was the only one left. She sat in awe of the huge glass tank and the fish it held. John took a photo of her on her knees looking so childlike and focused on the fish coming in and out of sight. Her diaper was slightly on display, but Sally sat down behind her to protect her modesty. John looked at the two women he loved most in the world and was lost in the moment. 15-20 minutes past. John stood and watched his girls while Kate sat back on Sally. Neither said a thing but simply, lost in the moment, completely happy, just enjoyed it.

Sally encouraged Kate to get up so they could see more. Kate came back to reality and spun round, sat on Sally's knee with her legs around her and nodded, "k Momma." Sally gave her a light kiss on the lips and Kate returned it and stood up.

John helped Sally up and they walked around the remaining tanks looking at octopuses, jelly fish, eels, and lobsters. They then moved through a butterfly house, which contained some reptile enclosures. Kate was unsure so held tightly on to both John and Sally's hands as they walked through the humid dome.

Butterflies flew all around and could be seen eating fruit on small tables. Kate loosened her grip on their hands as see noticed they were no threat and wondered around the paths spotting them. She screamed out in glee as she noticed more pretty coloured wings fluttering around the came running back and hid in Sally's chest.

Sally looked down on her confused, "what's up sweetie?" Kate said nothing nor did she move her head, which was buried in Sally's chest but held out her arm behind her and pointed down the path.

Sally picked her up and Kate carried on hiding, this time in her neck. John walked down the path and found the cause for concern. An elevated tank allowed people to view crocodiles lurking in the water. The water level was at chest height so you could see the submerged body and just the eyes and nostrils poking above the surface. And there was a huge 3m croc, just lying there and even John found this striking for a second before beckoning the rest though.

Sally joined him and exclaimed lightly under her breath, "Oh that made Mommy jump. But it's ok, I'm here. If you want to look, I'll hold you. He's just laying still in the water."

Slowly Kate lifted her head and looked down on the croc. I took a few minutes but eventually she asked to go down. She still held tightly to Sally's hand but stood and stared at the croc floating still, amazed by its size, how close she was and how much she could see. Sally talked to her about it, reading off the sign and tried to encourage her not to crush her hand.

They continued to move round and found brightly coloured poison dart frogs, which Kate spent ages spotting and gleefully showing John and Sally. After this they looked at pythons and tree snakes, Sally didn't like these but in a heartwarming way, Kate comforted her, "dat just snakes Mommy and behind da glass. If you wants, you can holds my hand."

Sally was taken back by the gesture and held her hand, replicating the strong grip that Kate had had when holding her. Finally, before they left they walked past terrapins and chameleons. It took 5 minutes of explaining where the chameleon was for Kate to spot it, but she was so amazed when she finally did.

As they left John picked Kate up. She gave him a squeeze, "how about we go and find somewhere for lunch?"

She jumped excitedly and they set off to find somewhere. After a few minutes' walk, they came across three restaurants. "So, Katey, do you want to go to the deli, the pizzeria or the diner?"

She paused to think and then said, "I tink diner pease." he set her down and held her hand as they walked in.

They found a booth at the side and a waitress brought menus over. John helped Kate look at the menu and, in the end, they decided on a sharing platter with different chicken fingers, wings, sliders, fries, onion rings and corn. Kate tried to get a soda but as she asked, John changed the order to a fruit juice and got water for everyone as well.

The waitress left and Kate pouted, "no fair Dadda, me want soda."

John calmly spoke to her. "That's a lot of sugar and if you want other treats today, then you can have juice."

She stomped her feet, "you a poopy head."

John looked up at Sally in surprise and they both sighed. "Excuse us Mommy, someone need dealing with."

John took Kate's hand and led her to the bathrooms. She pulled back and whined in protest, knowing she had gone too far. John found the family rest room and pulled her in and locked the door. Instantly Kate began to cry, "I sowy, I sowy, I sorry."

John went to the sink, and it looked like he was washing his hands. Then sat down on a chair used for nursing mothers and Kate's eyes went wide. In his hand was a wet bar of soap. Instantly she stopped crying and put her hands over her mouth.

"Stand up and come over to me." Kate shook her head, hands still over her mouth. "Last time of asking or you will get a sore bottom as well as the soap."

After the last few days Kate didn't want another spanking, so slowly stood and shuffled over. She took her time and still hid her mouth behind he hands but was finally standing in-front of him.

"Hands by your side and open your mouth." Kate shook her head, "hands by your side and open your mouth." Still nothing but a shake of the head. John lifted her dress and slapped the top of her bare thigh once. Kate screamed softly and moved her hands and opened her mouth.