Keep it Down in There!

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My sister is such a sexy bitch.
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My name is Kevin, but my friends all call me KJ. That is because our last name is Smith, and I'm not that Kevin Smith. You know that guy, Silent Bob? Anyway, I grew up in a predominantly white suburb in the Midwest. Our family never moved or did anything that exciting. My dad had a steady job in an office building. My mom was a typical mom. She wasn't some crazy hot MILF or anything like that. My sister...well, my sister was a problem.

My sister and I have fought our entire lives. Seriously, I cannot recall a time that Katie and I ever got along. I am almost two years younger than she is, but that meant I was only a year behind her in school initially. She got really sick several times in the sixth grade and wound up repeating, and from then on we were in the same grade. I would have felt sorry for her, but she was perpetually such an unbelievable bitch to me and my friends that we would just fight instead.

Now, when I say 'fight' I mean verbally. Katie grew early and towered over me until we were well into high school. I was short for my age and only caught up to her late in our junior year. We both have blonde hair, blue-grey eyes, vile tempers, and a knack for pissing each other off. As you can imagine, that doesn't sit well with our parents. Every summer from the sixth grade on, they packed us off to camp just to get us out of their hair for two months. Not the same summer camp, so we actually got a break from each other as well.

Katie was just insufferable our junior year of high school after she got her car. It would have been nice just to have her off of my case and independent, but our parents insisted that she had to drive me to school every day. Katie resented the hell out of me for that, and I resented the way she bossed me around when we got up to get ready for school.

I did feel fortunate that I hit a growth spurt in that junior year. I went from five and a half feet tall to six foot even over a five month span. The thing about growing quickly like that is that everything is growing at the same rate, but you just don't notice it. It's not like I woke up one day and I was suddenly taller than my sister. What you do notice are annoying things like your favorite t-shirt no longer fits, or you have to get new shoes and they hurt your feet until you break them in.

I felt uncoordinated all the time, and I was already way too shy around girls. That didn't help. It also didn't help that my sister was constantly jumping into my personal life and embarrassing me when I would work up the courage to actually talk to a girl. Worse still, my sister made friends with all the crazy-ass fine girls in my school. There was a pack of them that hung out, and they were just vicious to me and my friends. I tried to stick up for my friends, but those girls were intimidating. Naturally, I wanted to fuck every one of my sister's friends, but that was never going to happen.

We graduated the eleventh grade and got shipped off to camp again. At my summer camp, I got to be a camp counselor for the first time. I got to teach canoeing, kayaking, and basic boating skills to a bunch of younger guys. I had known a lot of them from previous summers at camp, so it wasn't a big deal. I wasn't shy about teaching them and I knew what I was doing.

Unlike previous summers, I spent the entire two months doing nothing else. I was on the water, paddling people around, carrying the canoes, kayaks, and rowboats to and from the water, or swimming every single day. By the time camp ended, I was really tan and substantially stronger in my upper body than ever before.

I don't know what Katie's camp had her doing. She got home a day before I did, and she was off with her friends when I got home. We did an outstanding job of avoiding each other for the last three weeks of summer vacation. By that time, I often stayed over at one of my friends' houses, and Katie stayed over with one of her friends more often than she was home.

At least that was what we all thought.

It turned out that Katie had a steady boyfriend who had his own apartment. She was nineteen, and so was he. He had graduated a year ahead of us, had a job, and had my sister in his bed most nights. Even had I known, I would have been fine with that—it kept her from bugging me all the time. It's not like I was some guardian of my sister's virtue.

Of course, Katie messed up and got herself busted by our parents. Somehow, I wound up in trouble for it.

It started with my parents taking me aside and interrogating me about Katie and her boyfriend, Bryan. I didn't know anything, but that didn't stop them from really pissing me off by asking a thousand questions about my sister's personal life. Finally, I just snapped at them.

"Come on!" I said, a little too loud, "Katie is an adult, now. I'm not. How could you possibly expect me to know what she does with her personal life? She has a car, and I don't. She has friends who are adults now, and I don't. What do you expect me to do, follow my sister around and report back to you?"

As soon as I said that, and saw the looks on their faces, I knew I had fucked up.

That was exactly what they expected, from then on. They brought Katie in, and laid down the rules for our senior year. We were never allowed to go out without the other one being there. If we didn't like it, we could both just stay home. Those were our only two options for the next year.

Katie lit into me right after our parents left us alone.

"What the hell did you say to them?" she demanded.

"Whoa!" I shot back, "They were asking me about you and Bryan, and I didn't know anything! I told them you are an adult, now, and they didn't like that. I told them I wasn't your keeper. I guess they decided I will be from now on. I'm not happy about this either. Do you think I want you hanging around with my friends?"

"Your friends?" she sneered it at me, really pissing me off, "I wouldn't be caught dead around those losers. Now I can't even hang out with my friends without dragging your sorry ass along."

"Well, I guess you won't have to worry about that," I spat back at her. "I wouldn't hang out with those stuck-up bitches if you paid me. I guess we'll just be staying at home every day for the next year."

I turned and stomped out after that.

I think my mother overheard some of that. She is a stay-at-home mom, and I think the prospect of having me and my sister at home and at each others' throats for every single day of the next year terrified her. She approached me that evening, trying to talk to me in a soothing voice. She was really trying to be reasonable. I was just too angry and thick-headed to hear her out. After a lifetime of hearing her soothing voice, it just got on my nerves when she tried to talk me out of being mad and stupid.

Oh, I get all that now. Years later, I realize how smart and caring my mother really is. Back when I was a teenager, though, I thought she was just clueless.

For the remaining three days of summer vacation, Katie and I stayed around the house. Three or four times a day, we would get into a screaming match. Our parents wouldn't even bother to come into the same room. From wherever they were, we would hear them holler, "Keep it down in there!"

Usually, that would be the point that we would break off our arguing and just glare at each other before we walked away. A couple of times, we were so into our screaming match that we didn't hear our parents until the second or third time they yelled at us, at which point they would start threatening us with some dire punishment. We never pushed them to see if they would actually do it.

Our senior year finally started, but that didn't put an end to our fighting. The morning of our third day of school, Katie barged right into my room while I was getting dressed. I was pissed off, still barely awake, and I was only wearing my underpants.

"Jesus, Katie! Don't you even know how to knock?" I yelled at her. She looked stunned.

I expected her to insult me, yell at me, call me a jackass, or something like that. Instead, she just said quietly, "We need to leave in twenty minutes. Mom's got pancakes on if you're hungry." She closed my door behind her and was gone.

Quite frankly, I didn't know what to make of that. I pulled on some clothes for school, ran a comb through my hair, and hustled out to the dining room to wolf down some pancakes before we left. My mom was the one who gave me grief for my beastly eating habits.

Katie was quiet in the car all the way to school. I barely noticed that because there were a pair of songs I really liked on the radio, and then we were at school. I hopped out of the car and ran off to meet up with my friends before classes started. At the end of the school day, I was waiting at Katie's car when she walked up with two of her gorgeous friends, Natalie and Annette. I bristled, preparing for the inevitable insults...but they never came.

They just looked at me, and then they talked quietly for a bit. Natalie and Annette left, and Katie came over and unlocked the car. I was feeling a little paranoid, and checked myself in the mirror. No obvious problems that I could detect. No booger hanging out of my nose or anything like that. I looked over at Katie as she drove. She just kept her eyes on the road and drove us home.

When she parked the car, we both got out and went into the house. It was the first time I had homework for that school year, so I figured I would just get it done. I went to the dining room table and spread out my books and papers and stuff from my back pack, grabbed a soda, and got to work. It only took a half hour, and I was done.

That was kind of a big deal to my mom. I had always been a procrastinator, especially when it came to my homework. When I finished and started putting everything back into my bag, Mom came up to the table.

"Did you just finish your homework?" she asked.

"Yeah," I replied, not sure what she was getting at.

"Wow," she breathed, "That's great."

I got it then, and had to smile. It did give me an idea, though. Maybe if I could keep that up and convince my parents that I was more responsible, they would let me out of being Katie's watchdog.

Katie's friends showed up, then. The entire pack of them. I bailed for my room and locked the door. Katie's room was on the opposite end of the house, so I figured I was safe from their verbal daggers.

I got onto my computer and played games until supper time. Everyone was surprisingly pleasant at supper that night, including Katie. I just said nothing and ate my food. It was really good, and I made sure to compliment my mother on it. It was my night to do the dishes, so I did that when everyone was finished eating. While I was washing the dishes, I could see them watching television in the living room. The sitcom was one of my favorites, so I hurried to finish the dishes so I could join them.

The show was hilarious that night. We all laughed. I was sitting on the opposite end of the couch from Katie, while our folks occupied the loveseat. The next show was decent—not as good as that first one, but we sat through it and enjoyed it. We all turned in afterward.

The next three weeks pretty much went like that. Some of Katie's friends would come over for a few hours after school, and I would avoid them. I got my homework knocked out first thing every day. We all watched TV as a family. School was pretty boring for the most part. I did manage to talk to a couple of girls without embarrassing myself. I couldn't exactly ask any girls out on a date, and everybody was aware of the rule regarding me and my sister.

Then it was the weekend of my eighteenth birthday. I invited all my friends over. A few of them had dropped by to visit, but had bailed when my sister's friends showed up. We all felt like we had scars from dealing with them in the past, so I totally understood when they panicked and left. I was still pissed about it, but didn't feel like there was much I could do.

At any rate, four of my buds came over for my party. My parents were going to be there, so it was going to be lame. Still, we were all surprised when Katie's friends all arrived for my birthday party. Let me tell you, my friends were nervous as hell. So was I, honestly. But then the strangest thing happened. Those girls, every insanely hot one of them, were just as nice as could be.

They didn't try to embarrass us. They weren't even the least bit insulting. They smiled and talked to us and laughed. We were just bewildered. We also suspected it was a setup.

It was a setup, of course. There was no way those girls could change that much after all those years without an ulterior motive. I just had no idea what that motive was.

The next Monday night, I felt like my suspicions were confirmed as Katie and Natalie burst into my room. I blamed myself for failing to lock the door, but I hadn't done anything to antagonize them that I was aware of. Katie's voice was shrill and loud.

"What the hell, KJ?" she hollered at me, "Here I give you a ride to school every day, all my friends came over for your lame birthday party, and we were even nice to you! We didn't pick on your friends, Sarah bought you that nice shirt, and this is the thanks we get?"

I was befuddled, but my reflexes kicked in and I shouted back, "What is wrong with you? You just barge into my room and don't even knock, like, ever! Now you're dragging your friends along..." I lost steam, then, as Katie and Natalie just grinned at me. I cocked my head at that. What the hell was going on?

Then, from across the house we heard, "Keep it down in there!"

Natalie pulled my desk chair out and sat in it. Katie sat on my bed and patted the spot next to her. She said quietly, "Have a seat, KJ, we need to talk."

I sat down, but I was nervous as hell. Natalie might just be the most attractive girl in my entire school. She and my sister have been friends for years. Natalie had certainly insulted me and my friends plenty of times over the years. Now the two of them were here in my room, and they seemed to have a plan. Quite frankly, I was prepared to run for my life if I had to.

I did sit next to Katie, though.

"Bryan broke up with me," she said. Her voice was soft, but she didn't seem all that emotional about it.

"I'm...sorry?" I said, not sure what she wanted me to say.

"Thanks, KJ," she said. She was actually looking at my eyes and smiling sadly as she said it. "I'm not that upset about it now. We were just hooking up for sex, and when we couldn't do that anymore, it was pretty much already over."

I was stunned to hear that admission. I was still a virgin, though admittedly not by choice.

"Oh," I said. I squirmed a bit. "What does that have to do with me?" I asked.

Natalie spoke up then. "KJ, you know that none of us have treated you right over the years. We have all been talking about that the past few weeks, and I just wanted to say that we are all really sorry. Seriously, we were really immature, and we feel bad."

She saw that I was suspicious as she said that, and she sighed. She got up from the chair, then, and walked right up to me. She reached out and took my hand, pulling me to my feet. I'm not sure what I expected to happen, but I was completely unprepared for what did happen. Natalie—impossibly hot, sexy-as-fuck, stroke fantasy for every guy at my school Natalie—wrapped her arms around me and started kissing me! My eyes shot open, and I was just standing there in shock.

I was so surprised I didn't even think to kiss her back. Natalie looked really sad as she pulled away from me. Katie spoke up.

"I was afraid that wouldn't work," she said to Natalie. Natalie just nodded, and a tear ran down her cheek. I looked from my sister to her friend, and I was just befuddled.

"I..." I couldn't even figure out what to say. I had no idea what was going on. Normally in that situation, I just lose my temper and yell. I sat back down.

"What is going on?" I said softly.

"Natalie wanted to ask you out on a date," Katie said to me.

"Really?" I said. I looked at Natalie and asked, "Why would you want to date me? You don't even like me. Is it a pity date because you feel bad for me?"

They looked at each other, and they looked surprised.

Natalie spoke up. "Is that what you think? You really don't get it, KJ. I wanted to ask you out because I think you are hot."

I snorted at that, but then saw that Katie was nodding in agreement. I narrowed my eyes at them, sure they were playing some cruel, drawn-out prank. Katie stood up, then. She shrugged at Natalie before she turned back to me. She smiled and leaned over to give me a peck on the lips. "I'm sorry, too, KJ," she whispered.

She had never, ever kissed me before. I was half expecting it when she walked to my door and opened it before yelling, "...and if I ever catch you getting into my stuff again, I'll kick your ass!" She smiled at me again and then slammed my door closed. Natalie got up and locked it behind her.

I was completely floored when she turned to me and then started undressing as she approached. Natalie's breasts were absolutely amazing, and they were right in my face. Setup or not, there was no way I was going to let this opportunity pass me by. I eagerly sucked on her nipple, and took both her breasts in my hands to feel and softly squeeze them. Natalie moaned softly as I sucked her breasts. She whispered to me.

"KJ, scoot back on the bed."

I did, after hesitating to release her breast. Natalie was still wearing her lacy white panties, and sexy little white ankle socks. She crawled over me on the bed, sitting on my lap and leaning over me to feed me her hard nipple. Since I was a little taller than she was, she slid up to give me her breast. I could feel her hot pussy right on my belly button. She moaned softly again as I sucked on her nipple. When I slurped on it a little loudly she quietly shushed me.

I felt her little hand reach behind her and feel my hard cock in my shorts. Her fingers traced up and down it for a bit and then she whispered, "May I?"

"Mm-hmm," I moaned around her nipple. I didn't know what she was asking permission for until I felt her unzipping my shorts and reaching inside them. She fondled my dick through my underwear and then I saw her looking down at me.

"I really am sorry for being so mean to you," she whispered softly.

"I really do want to date you," she added after a slight pause.

She pulled her nipple from my mouth and leaned down to kiss me again. This time, I did kiss her back. I slid my tongue into her mouth and she sucked on it and ran her tongue around mine. She slid onto her side next to me on the bed, and reached down to squeeze my dick again while still kissing me. I played with her left breast.

She broke off the kiss and looked into my eyes. "That was really nice," she murmured.

She sighed then, and looked down as she pulled the waistband of my underwear up and looked at my hard dick for the first time. "Oh, KJ, that is one really nice dick. I wish we had more time," she almost purred as she said it.

I was just dumbfounded when she slid down and sucked the head into her hot mouth. That just felt amazing. It was the first time anyone ever had their mouth on my dick, and I loved every second of the experience. Unfortunately, we were cut off in less than a minute. We heard my sister's voice approaching.

"I'll get him," she hollered down the hall.

That was apparently Natalie's cue. She whispered, "Sorry!" as she hopped from my bed and pulled her shirt back on. She unlocked the door, letting Katie open it and say "Time for dinner, KJ!" She was standing just outside my bedroom, and her head was facing the kitchen when she said it. I was hastily pulling my shorts back up and zipping them, and Natalie was getting dressed.