Kelly Pt. 01


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"And can you hurry?" She called from behind me. "It's really starting to flow!"

I ran downstairs, grabbed a glass and ran back upstairs in possibly record time. I was enjoying seeing her tits. I just hoped she wouldn't make me leave when I got back up to her. I headed into her bedroom and crossed the floor to her, I handed her the glass and she put it under her breast, cupping to right under the nipple so that her milk flowed down into the glass. I watched as it made a little white line falling right to the bottom and forming a small but ever growing pool of creamy white milk.

"Are you alright now?" I asked. I took a step back from her in expectation that she would ask me to leave.

"Yes!" She sounded relieved. "Thank you so much, James! I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't an emergency. I am sorry for this!" She looked up apologetically.

"Right." I said matter of factly. Although my eyes hadn't left her gorgeous massive tits since I had entered the room again, I was painfully aware that my dick was forming a beautiful outline down the left hand side of my jeans and I was now merely ogling Kelly's tits, something she probably didn't want. With a heavy heart I said the next words, "Well, I'll leave you to it then."

I turned and took a step towards the door.

"Thank you, James" She said, "But..."


I had definitely heard that word. My stomach and cock both leapt and I turned back around. "But?" I asked in as even a tone as I could manage.

The sides of her mouth were curving slightly but her voice still sounded sincere, "But this is going to take a while if I do it like this..." She dropped her gaze to her tits. Mine followed. She pumped her right one well and the pump was properly filling up now but the glass was still mostly empty. "It would go a lot faster if I was able to massage my boobs as well, the milk always flows a lot faster if you massage them... but to do that..." She looked up at me and for a split second I swear I saw her eyes dart down to my crotch before they came up and held my gaze solidly again. "I need another pair of hands."

"Oh! Oh, I see!" I cottoned on perhaps a fraction later than I thought I would. But no matter. My cock felt like it was straining against my jeans even harder but I ignored it. I crossed the room again and Kelly shuffled over to the side of the bed, dropping her feet to the floor. "What do you need me to do?" I asked.

Kelly spread her legs a bit wider. "Kneel between my legs and take over with the glass please." I was sure there was another, less erotic way to do this but I wasn't about to ask for it. I knelt on the floor and shuffled up so that my torso was right by the bed, she closed her legs and clamped them either side of me so that her inner thighs touched me. My head was right at her boob level now and I could see how well rounded and formed they were. Christ I wished I could've just motor boated her then and there then suckled on her tits and drained them dry. I banished the thoughts for a moment and slowly replaced her hand with mine around the glass.

"Thank you!" She said in the same sincere voice, looking down at me. "Now if you can massage it too please it'll make this faster. Look I'll show you how to do it once."

I looked up at her to see her studying me intently. There was a wry smile on her face now and her eyes danced in front of mine. If I didn't know any better I would've said she'd set this situation up. She grasped her left breast with her left hand just above the areola and squeezed it between her fingers and thumb. The milk, instead of dripping out slowly, now squirted out in several fine jets that collected in the bottom of the glass with the milk already in there.

"Fuck, that's hot!" I said, unable to stop myself.

"Hmm," Kelly giggled and let go of her breast. "It does feel good. Now I want you to do it to me."

Slowly, so as not to accidently move the glass, I gently grasped Kelly's left boob in my hand. Firstly I massaged her tit, pressing it against her, rather than doing the motion she showed me. I was after all, touching this gorgeous, topless woman's breasts for the first time, I was going to enjoy it. Still, it made the milk drip out faster and she moaned in appreciation at my movements. I squeezed half a dozen times then continued the action but this time I squeezed all the way down to her nipple. This produced a lot more milk from her breast and it squirted directly into the glass and elicited a short gasp from Kelly and she leaned back, supporting her weight with her left arm as she continued to pump her right breast.

I allowed my fingers to glide over her areola and nipple, they instantly became wet as her milk dripped over my hand. I marvelled at how bumpy and hard they felt but at the same time the skin was silky and smooth.

After gauging how sensitive her tits were, I went to work on her on it, squeezing how she had shown me before and I was rewarded with a steady stream of her milk flowing out into the glass each time. It starting making a delicious squirting sound each time new milk extracted from her nipples hit milk that was already in the glass. It just made me hornier. I milked her in silence for a few minutes with the exception of her moans every now and then, then she half opened her eyes and looked down at me.

"Hmm, you're enjoying this aren't you?"

I looked up and grinned at her. "It's not every day a topless young pretty milf asks me to milk her tits for her. Excuse the pun, but I'm milking this for all it's worth." Kelly laughed, "But equally, I'm clearly not enjoying this as much as you are."

Kelly took a deep breath and sighed. "James, the last time I was touched by someone sexually, was the night I fell pregnant with Claire. That was just over 11 months ago. It feels amazing having someone touch my body - even if it's just my tits, and knowing that it is arousing them." She grinned a toothy grin at me, "Yeah, I've seen your massive hard on."

I decided to push my luck. "Well if you want, after I'm done here, I'll touch you there." I nodded down to where her legs met, about 6 inches away from my chest.

"Fuck you have no idea how much I want that." Kelly said exasperatedly. "But it's still healing from giving birth. I've been told I can have sex again after three months."

"Could I not even use my mouth or fingers?" I offered.

Kelly shook her head. "I dunno, I didn't ask that question because at the time I had no one willing to go down on me. So no, I'm just gonna wait 'til the three month barrier is up. That's only 3 and a half weeks away now."

I nodded. "That's probably wise." I looked at the glass. It was three quarters full now. I stopped squeezing her breast and found the milk flow had substantially subsided, a drop formed and fell maybe every five seconds or so now. I took the glass away and held it up in front of me. Kelly eyed me curiously, wondering what I'd do next. I let my eyes wander from her face to the glass and back again, then voiced my question. "Would you be freaked out in anyway if I tasted this?"

She shook her head. "No! Be my guest!"

I slowly brought the glass to my lips, tilted it and sipped a little, watched on the entire time by Kelly. As soon as it hit my lips I was hooked. Her milk was warm and sweet. It had a thinner consistency than cow's milk, instead it was much closer to coconut milk. But it was absolutely delicious. Although there was as much as a quarter of a pint in that glass I necked it back in one then wiped my lips.

Kelly smirked at me. "My milk is that nice is it?"

I stared at her seriously. "Woman, you have no idea." A thought hit me. One I'd already had, and I wondered if she'd let me do it. Our eyes were locked onto one another's and I let mine drift down to her tits then back up to her face. Her smirk grew and I knew she knew what I was going to ask, but she waited. She wanted to hear me say it. "Can I... can I taste it from the source?"

"What?" Kelly feigned ignorance. "You want to suck on my tits?"

"Yes." I said plainly.

"You want me to breastfeed you?"

"Yes." I replied plainly again.

"You want me to nurse you?"


"You want to latch your lips onto my nipples and suck my big boobies dry?"

"Yes!" I said with a grin. Each time she asked, her smirk would get wider.

"Good!" She grinned back at me. "That's exactly what I want you to do too!"

She pushed me back and stood up. I stood up too and she pulled the pump away from her right breast, allowing me to see it in all its glory for her first time. It was just as beautiful as the one I had been playing with before. And her rack together, was easily the best pair of tits I've ever seen. I told her so.

"You're not just saying that 'cause I'm gonna let you suck them?" She eyed me suspiciously.

"No." I said honestly. "You genuinely have the best tits I've ever seen!"

"Thanks!" She grinned at me, then looked at the amount of milk in her pump. There was a lot in it! "Yeah, this should about cover Claire for a while." She turned to look at me again. "I've started the slow transitioning from breast to bottle already. It's slow work but if she's hungry, she'll have it. I'll be right back, just gonna put this in the fridge. In the meantime take your top off and get comfy on the bed."

"Okay!" Kelly skipped from the room and I pulled my t-shirt up over my head and dropped it to the floor. I caught sight of myself in her mirror. Now I'm not a sculpted Schwarzenegger but I keep myself in pretty good shape and when Kelly came back a few minutes later she took one look at me and grinned.

"Fucking hell, James! When did you get so fit?"

I shrugged nonchalantly, "I go to the gym and cycle a lot."

She nodded encouragingly as she looked at my torso. "It's working!" She climbed onto the bed then shuffled back so that she was resting against the headboard. I waited until she patted the space next to her. I went to sit but she stopped me. "No. Lie down with your head on my lap. If I'm going to nurse you, we're doing this properly."

"Okay." I grinned. I assumed the position and laid facing the ceiling with my head on her lap. My cheek brushed against her right boob. Kelly immediately supported my head with her right hand and started to tickle my hair. It was really nice and relaxing.

Kelly looked down at me with an almost motherly smile. "Relaxed?"

I nodded and felt my eyes get a little heavy, "yeah!" I yawned.

"Good." She whispered soothingly, and she slowly guided my mouth to her nipple. I gently latched onto it, well in truth I sucked her whole areola into my mouth and suckled gently. I was immediately rewarded with warm sweet milk flooding my mouth and I had to swallow regularly so that it didn't overflow down my cheek. "That's it." Kelly said in a soothing, calm voice as I suckled, "Suck on my nipples and drink my milk, James. There's a good boy."

I closed my eyes and relaxed further as Kelly continued to tickle my hair. I was literally in heaven. The only thing wrong with this moment was that my cock was painfully tight in my jeans.

It was as if Kelly was psychic. With her free hand, she reached over and grabbed the belt of my jeans and expertly undid it. My eyes flew open and I let go of her nipple to look at what she was doing.

"It's alright James." Kelly said. "I'm just getting your cock out for you. I can tell you're super horny and it looks so confined and tight in those jeans that I thought I'd give you a bit of relief. Is that alright?"

She looked down at me with a massive smirk on her face and lust in her eyes. I grinned at her, "Be my guest. That's the only way this experience can get better for me." I sucked Kelly's nipple into my mouth again, causing her to gasp in pleasure and I continued to suckle and drink her milk as it flowed into my mouth as she undid the button on my jeans, undid my fly and then fished my cock out of my boxers. My cock must've sprung up as she gasped.

"Fucking hell, James! You are seriously packing aren't you! How big is it?"

I let go of her nipple only to speak. "Just shy of 7 inches"

"Fuuuuuck!" She elongated the word to indicate she was impressed. "Remind me to get you to fuck me when I can have sex again."

I laughed then sucked her nipple into my mouth again, letting my teeth drag gently against her skin. She moaned. Then she grabbed my cock and gently started stroking it. Then I moaned.

It caused Kelly to laugh quietly. "Hmm, James I bet 5 years ago when we left school you never expected to be nursing on my tits while I slowly stroked your cock, did you?" I shook my head. "Hmm, to be honest neither did I, but I'm fucking glad we are." I nodded my head.

As I suckled, I was acutely aware of what Kelly was doing to my cock. She had clearly had a hell of a lot of experience giving hand jobs. At first she ran her fingertips up and down the length of my cock and all over the head, making it tingle, then she stuck her hand inside my boxers and slowly massaged my balls and the base. Then she brought things down a level and just gently jacked my cock up and down as I suckled. This continued for 5 or so minutes until she announced I had to swap breasts.

I let her nipple slowly escape from my mouth, dragging my teeth over it gently again and then giving it a very wet, very long kiss. Kelly laughed and shuddered with pleasure at my actions. I shuffled down and took her left breast into my mouth. In between I just had time to say, "Your hand feels amazing on my cock, Kel."

She looked down at me and grinned sluttily as the first drops of her delicious milk flooded into my mouth from her left breast. "Yeah? You like me stroking your cock as you drain my big titties?" I nodded. "Good. I'll let you into a secret. I'm loving this too. It's been far too long since I've played with a nice thick big cock. I'm a bit of a secret slut for cock. I love servicing a man's big cock and yours is possibly the biggest I've seen. I can't wait to watch you cum."

Her words were so dirty and yet she was still holding up my head and letting me suckle from her boob openly that it was turning me on even more. I knew that if she kept this up it wouldn't be long until I came. I let her nipple fall from my mouth and looked down at her hand stroking my cock. Her dainty little hand seemed quite small when compared to it but then I was used to seeing my hand on my cock. "If you keep that up then you'll make me cum soon!"

She looked down at me and grinned whorishly. Her voice was hoarse. "You better cum a lot for me James. I've not seen a cock cum in a long time. I want you suckle my tits as I get you closer and closer and then keep sucking and drinking my milk the entire time you cum. This is so fucking hot!"

"Then do it!" I stared up at her daringly, and as if to reaffirm the point I latched onto her left breast again and began sucking harder.

"Nnnnngh!" Kelly moaned, "Fuck that feels nice!"

She started jacking my cock off harder, paying more attention to the much more sensitive head. Letting her fingers run over it and pushing me closer and closer to orgasm. As if that wasn't enough on its own she then spouted filth left right and centre.

She brought her hand up then spat on it before continuing to stroke my cock again. As she spoke, she did it in a soft, motherly whisper the entire time. "Hmm does my hand feel good baby?" Apparently she taken to calling me baby now. "Does it feel good sliding up and down your shaft, lubed up with my spit now? Hmm that's it baby! Suck on my tits! Suck my massive milf titties and drink my warm succulent milk." I did as she asked and my cock spasmed under her touch.

"Hmm, imagine if my hands were my pussy baby," She gripped the head of my cock and just jacked that off really fast, making her hand as tight as possible. "Imagine if my juicy wet cunt was just bouncing up and down on the head of your cock baby like that. Would you like that, James? Would you like to suck on my tits and drink my milk while I ride your big fat cock in my juicy little mommy cunt?"

I grunted as she brought me closer to cumming.

"Is that good, James? Do my hands feel tight and good as if they were my pussy around your cock?" She started going faster now and jacking the whole of my cock. This was easily going to be the best hand job I'd ever had. "Yeah, that's good isn't it baby, imagining having my cunt all the way down on your dick while you suck on my tits and drink my milk. You'll have to make do with my hands for now but I promise that you'll have my slippery wet cunt around it soon fucking you and making you cum up inside me.

"Yeah I'm gonna ride you good. I'm gonna ride your fucking cock and make you cum up inside me as you drink my milk." She focused on the head of my cock again. "Does my milk taste good baby, is it the best thing to have while I jack off your cock? Hmm, I bet it is baby. I'll let you into a little secret. I've tasted my milk. I've tasted it and I think it tastes so sweet and creamy. I bet it tastes even better when you're having your cock stroked like this."

I let her nipple fall from my mouth. "Fuck you're gonna make me cum so hard!"

"You ready to cum baby?" Kelly asked in her soft motherly voice. "You ready to give me that fucking load? Suck on my nipple again there baby! Don't stop! It feels really good! Don't stop sucking on my tit and drinking my milk even when you cum now baby!" I grunted as I felt the cum rising from my balls. "That's it now baby, give me that fucking load. Yeah I want it! Yeah I want it really bad, give me that fucking load. Hmm yeah baby! Yeah baby I feel it coming, cum for me!"

I shuddered as her hand worked magic on my cock and her nipple flooded my mouth with milk. It was too much and I felt the cum erupt from my cock as I climaxed. "Hmmmm there it is!" I looked up and saw the massive smile on Kelly's face as she watched on transfixed as she stroked the cum out of my cock. I shot one, two, three, four massive loads into the air, "Oh fuck look at how much you're cumming for me, James! You're giving me so much cum!" I grunted and bucked my hips as I came, "Hmm, yeah! She cooed at me, "Yeah! Come on now, give me all that cum baby. I've worked for that cum. It's mine!"

After ten or so seconds my climax started calming down and I came back to earth as I swallowed the milk in my mouth. "Hmm," I heard Kelly say, "Did I make your cock feel good baby?" She was slowly stroking me now, slowly and methodically extracting the last of my cum from me. I nodded. In my mind I knew there would be a mess, I had felt my cum fall on me but I knew that it had probably fallen all around me and her onto the bed as well.

Finally I rolled completely onto my back, letting her nipple fall from my mouth and I groaned in pleasure. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of Kelly's hand slowly massaging my cock as it shrunk back to normal size.

"Did you enjoy that, James?" She asked sweetly

"Hmm... fucking hell you are amazing at hand jobs! And who knew you were such a dirty talker!" I opened my eyes and saw her hazel gaze staring down at me. "You better come through with those promises you made me while doing it."

She grinned. "Don't worry I will. But I'm afraid I've made an awful mess. So much of one that you may have to go home to clean up."

She was right. My jeans were plastered in my cum. Eventually - 10 or so minutes later, after I'd given her breasts one last little suck - I threw my t-shirt back on, did up my jeans and went home. I didn't see Kelly again until the next week.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nice premise.

Sex happens a bit too fast.

Needs more dialog while the nipple sucking and cock teasing is going on. Need him to have to tell her what he likes about what's going on. Would he like her handjob to be faster? Slower? Hrder? Softer? Would he like to cum quickly? Or keep being teased, to keep the excitement going?

Four stars.

BrokenQuillBrokenQuillalmost 5 years ago
Fantastic ztiry

Love the set up of the story and the detailed descriptions. Looking forward to reading how things develop.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Yes please!

Outstanding! This is one of biggest fantasies! To nurse on lactating tits while we fuck. Yes please

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
from the old one

A delightful beginning Take your time but let the story"flow"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Great story

Being a tit man, and knowing the enjoyment of sucking milk filled tits, I loved this story. Can't wait for the next installment.

darkknighttdarkknighttalmost 9 years ago
Too hot.. Awesome!!

Beautifully written. I wish I could write as wonderfully as you.

Eagerly waiting for part 2.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Breast feeding. So hot

Always dreamed about doing this. So hot. Thant you, can't wait for more

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Hook them puppies up to a pump

And be done with this nonsense.

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