Keri's Family


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Her father was moving his cock in and out of her ass faster and harder, his hands coming around to grab her tits and squeezing them. She ground her own hips down on Susan's face, trying to capture more of her tongue as her father's cock pistoned in and out of her ass.

Susan's hips then began to buck and squirm beneath her lips and Keri knew that she was cumming. She covered Susan's entire pussy with her mouth and sucked powerfully, driving her tongue in and out like a small cock, holding onto Susan's hips as the older woman climaxed.

As soon as Susan's orgasm was over, Keri's father pulled Keri to a position where she was on her knees in front of him, her legs back alongside of his, with his cock buried to the hilt in her ass. Susan moved out of the way and her father began fucking his cock up into her ass, bouncing the two of them up and down on the bed as his hands came around her to grip her tits.

She screamed, throwing her head back on her father's shoulder. "Fuck me with that big cock, Daddy! Cram my ass full of your hard cock meat!"

She started cumming then, slowly at first, and then harder and more intensely. She bounced up and down on her father's cock, her mouth open in a silent scream as she gasped in air.

Her father fell forward, pushing her flat on the bed and shoving her legs as wide apart as they would go, his cock still embedded in her ass. In this position, the ass cheeks were pushed closer together, making for an even tighter fit for his cock. He was braced up on his hands, his hips moving back and forth, rapidly.

She bucked her hips up to meet his thrusts, trying to trap his cock in her ass. His cum shot out like water from a fire hose, flooding her insides, and that was all it took to trigger her own climax.

She did scream this time, her voice rebounding off the walls of the bedroom as her body went into convulsions of pleasure. Her father's cock continued to fuck in and out of her ass as his hot spunk kept shooting from it.

She could feel it filling her and was amazed at the amount of cum he was able to unload into her after he had already fucked both her and Susan that night. But, with a final thrust, he shot the last of his load into her ass, collapsing on top of her as her own climax finally began to subside, leaving her with a warm glowing feeling of contentment and happiness.

She was only dimly aware of her father slowly pulling his cock from her ass, such was the state of blissfulness she was in. She felt a cover being pulled over her and then two warm and familiar bodies snuggling up on either side of her. Hands went around her and lips kissed her face on either side.

She closed her eyes, feeling loved and at peace with the world. Before finally drifting off to sleep, she knew that her life was going to be much happier from here on out. It was going to be happier and richer than she had ever thought possible.


Keri looked around the living room as Mary, Chris' mother, entered the room carrying a tray of iced tea for the three of them. For the first time she studied, really studied Mary, realizing that she was a very attractive woman.

She had short brown hair and soft brown eyes. Her face was pretty, without being actually beautiful, in a way that Keri knew men found attractive. She had a slender figure, which she maintained with a lot of work, with small, but very prominent tits, a tiny waist, and nicely flaring hips, a round ass and a great pair of legs.

"It was nice of you to join us for dinner, Keri," she said as she sat down across from her.

When she did, Keri was able to see up the short skirt Mary was wearing, spotting the pink panties she had on, a sight which actually caused Keri's heart to beat faster. She knew that there was a seduction of the woman being planned, but she also thought of what it might be like to get her hands on Chris' mother before the others did.

"Well," she told Mary with a smile, "you will have to have dinner with us sometime. In fact, my father and Susan brought it up just last night, saying that you and Chris should come over sometime and join all of us for dinner and get to know them."

"I. . . well, that sounds like a nice idea. What do you think, Chris?" his mother asked.

Keri turned her head to her right to see what Chris was going to say and happened to catch his glance, which was on his mother's crotch. He jerked his eyes away quickly, but not before Keri caught it. She smiled to herself as he answered his mother.

"Oh, I think it would be a great idea," he said, turning to smile at Keri. "Maybe we could do it this weekend?"

"Right," Keri replied with a grin. "I'll talk to Dad about it, see if Susan can make it, and we can all get to know one another better.

"In fact, why don't we plan on Saturday. Come early and bring your swimsuits and we can have a pool party and a cookout. How's that sound?"

"Great!" Chris replied, looking at his mother, who smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

Just then the phone rang and Chris got up to answer it" He spoke into it for a minute, hung up and then came back to join them, shaking his head ruefully. "What's the matter, dear?" his mother asked. "Marty is over in Marin County and his car's broke down. He wants me to come get him."

"Can't he get someone else?" Keri asked.

"He said he's already tried three others, including his parents, and no one is home."

"But that's an hour drive each way," Mary said.

"Yeah, I know, but he's come and bailed me out a time or two, so I really can't turn my back on him, can I?"

"No, I guess not," his mother replied.

"Chris, look," Keri said, an idea suddenly popping up in her mind, "did Marty say who was with him?"

"Yeah, Tiff, Bret and Sandy, why?"

"Well, that would mean six people in your car if I went with you, and since your car only has bucket seats in front, it would be a bit uncomfortable for all of us for that length of time.

"Tell you what, why don't I stay here with your mom and keep her company until you get back. Then, when you get back, the two of us can go out for a late coke or something."

She said this last with an open invitation in her eyes he would have been blind not to see. Then she stood up and walked over to him, letting her nipples brush against his chest lightly.

"I. . . ah, sure," he replied with a grin, knowing what that `something' would be. "Would that be okay with you, Mom?"

"Why, I think that would be great. The two of us can talk women talk," she told him, smiling sweetly at him.

"Yeah, right," he replied, kissing Keri lightly and heading for the front door, grabbing his jacket on the way out.

As the door closed behind him, Keri turned to Mary on the couch, letting her own legs fall apart as she sat down, knowing that Mary would have a clear view of her crotch, which, unlike Mary's, was not covered by any panties. Nor was she wearing a bra, and she knew that her nipples were starting to harden, making pointed little dots in her blouse.

"Mary," she said with a smile of innocence, "iced tea is fine, but, well, would you happen to have some white wine, or even a beer?"

Mary looked at her for a moment and then started to laugh, setting her own glass of tea on the table. "As a matter of fact, I have both, plus some other stuff a lot stronger. What would you like?"

"Actually the wine would be fine. I've never gotten into the hard stuff and don't care for the taste of most of it. I like wine, white wine, for sipping, but on Sunday afternoons when Dad and I get into the football games, we both break out the six-packs, pretzels and chips and cheer like crazy for the team we pick.

"We flip a coin to see who gets first choice at selecting the team we want, with the loser having to take the other team, and it can get pretty heavy during the games. We resort to pillow fights and wrestling matches when we think the other team is going to get ahead, or does something we don't like, or we think the ref made a bad call. You wouldn't recognize me, or my dad. We turn into animals."

"Sounds like fun," Mary told her with a laugh. "I like sports. In fact, I was the head cheerleader my senior year of college. Chris' dad was captain of the football and baseball teams."

She hesitated a moment, then grinned as she poured each of them a tall glass of wine. "I used to get so hot, if you know what I mean," she said, blushing slightly, "that I couldn't wait for the game to get over."

"After doing all those splits and flips I thought I would go nuts waiting for Doug to take his shower so we could be alone."

"Well," Keri said with a grin of her own, "I never went out for the cheerleading squad, but I get that same feeling at times waiting for Chris after class."

"Oh," Mary said, blushing deeply, "I didn't mean to imply..."

"Mary, Chris and I are both adults, or pretty much so, and we enjoy one another. Besides, I know Chris loves me, and I love him, so why shouldn't we enjoy one another?"

"I... you're right, you should."

"Can I tell you a secret?"


"Chris is the first man I've ever been with," she told Mary, which was only a small lie.

True, Chris was the first man she had sucked, and the first to fuck her ass, so she was technically telling the truth. Tonight he would get to fuck her cunt, which was something she was definitely looking forward to, but right now she had her mind and her eyes set on another body, and that body was sitting not five feet away from her.

"You were a virgin?" Mary asked, seeming somewhat surprised.

"Yes. Well," she said, lowering her eyes and forcing herself to blush before telling her next little lie, "I guess you could call it that."

"What do you mean?" Mary asked, sitting forward.

Keri could see the colour rising in the older woman's cheeks, and had to fight to keep from grinning. She took a sip of her wine, noticing that Mary had nearly drained her own glass and was refilling it.

"A couple of months ago I was...well...seduced, I guess you could call it, by a woman."

Mary gasped in shock, but Keri could see the excitement in her eyes at the thought of it. "What. . . what happened?"

"I had gone to a party with some friends and I guess I had too much to drink. The mother of one of my girlfriends offered to let me use her bedroom to lay down in, and I thought she was just being nice.

"The next thing I knew she had me undressed and was going down on me like crazy. I didn't really know what was happening, but I wasn't in any condition to fight it. Besides," she said, lowering her lashes demurely in false embarrassment, "I guess I sort of enjoyed it as well."

" did?" Mary asked, her voice coming out in a low, harsh whisper.

"Well, yeah, sort of. I mean, once I got over the shock of what was happening and let myself relax, it got to be fun. And I had one of the most intense orgasms I've ever had in my life."

She looked up, staring directly into Mary's eyes. "I love Chris, and I love having him make love to me, but I sometimes wish I could find a woman who could make me feel the way my friend's mother did.

"I mean, a woman seems to know all the secret little places to touch, to kiss, lick and suck that really turn on another woman, if you know what I mean?"

Mary couldn't answer. She took two large gulps of her wine, her face blushing deeply, and Keri knew then and there she had her. She got up and stepped around the coffee table between them and sat on the arm of the chair so that she was facing Mary. She took the wine glass from her and set it on the table, then turned back to her.

She could see the desire in Mary's eyes as she lowered her face towards the older woman and kissed her gently, letting her tongue flick out to lick Mary's lips. Her right hand came up to cup one of Mary's tits, feeling its firmness beneath her blouse, realizing the older woman wasn't wearing a bra.

She pressed her lips harder against Mary's, feeling the lips part slightly and hearing Mary moan deeply in her throat as their tongues began to spar with one another. Her hand squeezed harder and Mary pushed her tit into Keri's hand, arching her back as her own arms went around the younger woman, pulling her down into her lap.

Keri wasn't sure who pulled or pushed who to the floor, but the next thing she realized was that she and Mary were soon wrapped in one another's arms, rolling around on the carpet as their tongues hungrily sought one another and hands reached for buttons and zippers.

Soon the two women were completely bare, with Keri on top of Mary, one of Mary's hard stiff nipples between Keri's lips. Their cunt mounds were rubbing against one another, gently at first, and then harder as Mary lifted her legs and wrapped them around Keri.

Keri tried to suck Mary's entire tit into her mouth as her tongue flicked back and forth across the nipple, causing Mary to moan and arch her back. She eased her free hand down between their bodies and when her fingers came into contact with Mary's cunt, she could feel the moistness there seeping out between the puffy lips.

She released Mary's tit and began to lick and kiss her way lower down her body, taking her time to lick and kiss every square inch of skin, driving the older woman wild. By the time she reached the valley between Mary's legs, Mary was moaning and writhing uncontrollably.

Keri sniffed the aroma of her cunt juices, filling her nose and head with the musky scent, but when she bent her head lower and kissed Mary's pussy, flicking her pointy little tongue out over her clit, Mary cried out and began to climax.

Keri could feel her own pussy starting to drip as she lifted Mary's legs and placed them over her shoulders and began to lick all around her cunt, taking her time and working her way slowly towards the swollen lips.

"Do it, please, Keri, do it!" Mary cried. "Suck my pussy and make me cum!"

Keri grinned to herself and shoved her tongue as far as she could into Mary's cunt, loving the way Mary arched her hips, banging her cunt up against Keri's mouth. She felt her mouth filling up with Mary's juices and quickly swallowed, loving the taste.

She gripped Mary's ass cheeks and lifted them, giving her better access to Mary's cunt and began to work her tongue in and out of the cunt like a small slick cock, while gently easing one finger closer to Mary's ass. When she reached it, she probed it gently, feeling it opening and closing around the tip of her finger.

She covered Mary's cunt with her mouth and sucked as hard as she could, shoving her middle finger into Mary's ass at the same time. The effect on Mary was electric! She bucked and jerked, nearly throwing Keri off of her as she opened her mouth and screamed, her climax exploding within her. Keri stuck with her, continuing to suck Mary's cunt while driving her tongue in and out, all the while fucking her middle finger into Mary's ass.

In the midst of Mary's thrashing, she began to cry out, and at first Keri wasn't sure if she heard right or not, but when Mary said it again, Keri knew then that what her father and Susan had told her was true. "Chris, oh, Chris!" Mary moaned, "suck my cunt, Chris! Make me cum!"

So, Mary did have fantasies about fucking her son, or was doing it, she wasn't sure which, but she planned on finding out before the night was over. But, for now, her own cunt felt as if it were on fire and she needed some relief. She reversed her position above Mary and lowered her cunt down to her mouth, feeling Mary's tongue quickly dart out to lick her.

The two women were then lost in the throes of sexual desire as they sucked and licked one another's cunt, each of them trying to bring the other one to climax. It didn't take long.

Keri could feel her climax building by the way her heart was beating and the way her cunt seemed to be opening and closing around Mary's tongue, trying to capture the slick little organ inside of her, all the while driving her own tongue in and out of Mary's cunt.

When Mary brought her hands up to Keri's ass, gently separated the firm globes and shoved a finger into the tight little opening, Keri's orgasm exploded. She ground her cunt down on Mary's face, knowing her juices were flooding out to coat the woman, while she herself tried to suck up all the juices now gushing out of Mary's cunt.

At last the two of them seemed to relax all at once and Keri rolled off of her, turning herself slowly until she was laying beside the older woman, raising herself up on her elbow and smiling down at Mary. Mary seemed ashamed.

"It's all right, Mary," she said softly, leaning over to kiss her lightly.

"I...I've never done that before," Mary told her, her voice a mere whisper.


"No, never," she replied, turning her eyes away from Keri. "I don't know what happened, what got into me."

"My tongue and fingers," Keri told her with a grin, causing Chris' mother to grin as well.

"'s just been so long since I've had a man, and when you were talking about you and Chris, I felt myself becoming more and more turned on. And when you sat on the arm of the chair and kissed me, I just couldn't help myself. It was as if someone else were in control of my body. Oh, I feel so ashamed."

"Why? Didn't you enjoy it?"

"You know I did," she replied quickly, smiling and blushing deeply, "and that's what scares me."

"Why should it scare you?"

"You are the girlfriend of my son! I shouldn't be engaging in sex with another woman, and especially not with someone in your position."

"Oh, I don't know. Myself, I think it's great. I mean, isn't it better that you do it with me, than with some stranger?"

"Well, you have a point, but what if Chris found out about what we just did?"

Keri laughed and got up, starting to put her clothing back on, which Mary quickly followed. "I don't think we have to worry about Chris. I think that even if I told him, or you did, under the right circumstances, he wouldn't be all that shocked. But that brings me to another question."

"What's that?" Mary asked as she buttoned her blouse.

"Have you ever fucked Chris?"

Mary's eyes went wide and the colour drained from her face, but then returned in a flood as she blushed deeply. "No! What makes you think I would do something like that! That's incest!"

"But you sure would like to, wouldn't you?" she asked, grinning impishly. "And if you say you wouldn't, then perhaps you can explain why you called out his name when I was sucking your pussy, imagining it was him doing it to you instead of me."

Mary turned away, picking up her wine glass and draining it quickly. She finally sat down, flopping down in the chair and looking at Keri, confusion in her eyes.

"All right, I'll admit I've had fantasies about fucking him, but that's as far as it's gone."


"Why what?"

"Why is that as far as it's gone? Why don't you seduce him and let him fuck you. I know you want to, and I seriously doubt if he would object. In fact, I have a feeling that he would fuck you almost as eagerly as he would fuck me. I've seen the way he looks at you, and if that isn't lust and desire in his eyes, then I need to see a doctor to get mine checked."

"But...but it's incest," Mary replied, her voice a mere whisper.

"That's only a word that society dreamed up. If you love Chris, and he loves you, why shouldn't you be able to share that love in whatever way you want? And if fucking Chris is what you want to do, then I say go for it."

"But, what about you?" Mary asked. "Wouldn't you be upset if Chris fucked me?"

"Nope! I'm not worried about you taking him away from me, if that's what you mean, because the love he has for you is completely different than what he has for me. And, besides, if it would make him happy, and I know it would, then I'm all for it."

Mary looked at her for a moment, a slow smile starting to spread across her face. "Can I ask you something?"
