Khazal of Bok Ch. 01

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Khazal celebrates her womanhood the best way possible.
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There was a lasting peace on the planet of Bok that extended for nearly twenty years. After the failed invasion attempt, Queen Penelope had redoubled her efforts to boost the fleet for Bok's defence force. Using Bok's vast mineral wealth, the people were able to get up to fifty ships. There was also a secondary space station now revolving around the farther away planet of Medred. Queen Penelope was transforming Bok from a planet of warrior class traditionalists into a spacefaring, technologically advanced population.

Penelope still had her advisers working by her side. Willa the Page had been upgraded to Willa the Chief of Security Affairs. Shimoon was also now the personal tailor and uniform designer for the palace.

Groovi had also moved up, leaving the myxlo stables behind and becoming Head of Household Affairs for the palace, which oversaw many of the daily duties for cleaning and upkeep. She had been in the position for nearly a decade, and was proud that she had left her slave past behind her to advance so far.

Groovi's only child was soon to return from her combat training. One of Penelope's reforms to ensure that Bok could be safe from invasion was to institute mandatory military service. Since the Day of Ascension was at age twenty for all Boccan women, Penny decided that making the year of compulsory service should start at age nineteen. This would leave all Boccan women ready to ascend, having been trained in combat arts. This was also a great stepping off point for going to higher learning, as the women had been disciplined in both mind and body.

Groovi had approached the throne room one day, hoping to ask for time off to greet her daughter. Queen Penelope was there, signing off on funding for a new water treatment plant. She looked up from her papers, then smiled when she saw Groovi approach.

"Groovi! My darling!" Penny rose up, doing her graceful glides and gestures. She had been spending so long as queen of Bok that her entire personality had evolved over the years. Groovi remembered what an unsophisticated and unsure person she was even before she became queen.

Penny went over and reached out her arms. Groovi took both of Penny's hands and bowed down.

Penny gave a chuckle. "No need for formalities between us! How have you been?"

"Oh, Penny," Groovi sighed. She only dared be so informal behind closed doors. "It is nearly time for Khazal to return from the Academy. I was hoping I could have tomorrow off to greet her."

Penny smiled and nodded. "Take three days. You barely got to see her all year."

"I might say that you're responsible for that," Groovi said with a bit of cheek.

"Yes, well, I did not want to be taken by surprise again," Penny replied. "Keeping the population battle-ready will be to our benefit. Someday, maybe we will not have to resort to such things. I believe the process has been to the benefit of the young women of Bok, though."

"I suppose," Groovi sighed. "I just missed her so, and I have not many others to provide me company."

"You need to get on with your life, Groovi," Penny advised. "Ever since you and Fiona broke up, you have been so alone." She placed a hand on Groovi's shoulder. "I know what it was like to be with you. You have a lot to offer someone. I know we're both old, but it is not too late for you."

Groovi only nodded. "Thank you for the time off." She gave a gracious bow, then departed.

Groovi spent the afternoon preparing Khazal's favourite dishes—fanali custard, fried river beast strips, and ghosh, a type of sweet turnip found on their continent. Groovi was scrambling to get everything ready on the table when she heard the auto-doors slide open.

"Mama!" The familiar bellow came in from the hallway. Groovi dashed over and saw the love of her life standing in the hallway.

Khazal was just shy of her twentieth birthday now. She stood nearly six feet tall, with bright red skin and the deepest cheekbones you ever saw. She was not as physically imposing as her birth mother, but she cast an impressive figure otherwise. She had spent the better part of her teen years doing athletics and weight training, and it paid off in dividends. She also had a tousled mess of light brown hair, a genetic gift from her mother.

"Baby!" Groovi ran up and gave her daughter a huge hug. Khazal had been taller than her mother since she was twelve. Now Khazal was nearly a foot taller.

Khazal laughed as she felt her fragile little mom try to squeeze her as hard as she could. Groovi took her daughter by the hand and dragged her into the dining area. "Observe! All your favourites!"

Khazal sank into a chair, then deeply inhaled the aromas. "Mama, I was so hungry on the shuttle ride back! Thank you." She grabbed a fork and began devouring. "Did Jinji try to call?"

"Oh, yes!" Groovi sat down to watch her baby gorge herself. "She was most pleased that you were coming home before your Day of Ascension. I thought perhaps we could spend as much time together as possible."

Khazal sighed. "I will do what I can. Jinji had not seen me for a while, either."

Groovi nodded slowly. "I will understand."

Khazal reached over and gave her mom's hand a squeeze. "Let us be together tomorrow, Mama! Perhaps we can go see Mama Oola."

Groovi cheered up after hearing that. "I would welcome that!"

Khazal finished her meal, while Groovi cleared the dishes away. Khazal ran to her room, then flopped down on her old bed. She turned on the holo-comm and dialed up her friend.

Jinji was there, a big smile on her face as usual. "Greetings, graduate!"

"Jinji, you awful tease!" Khazal laughed heartily. "I have not seen you since the Festival of Stars.

"Khazal, have you known a man yet?" asked Jinji.

"No, you silly strumpet," Khazal teased. "You know I was too focused on my studies."

"It is nearly your Day of Ascension!" Jinji twisted her lips up. "My goodness! Whatever are you going to with yourself? I suppose you and your mother are making plans already."

Khazal looked to the side. "I suppose we are. What of it?"

Jinji laughed. "You should be seeking the comforts of a male soon. You do not want the others thinking you are frigid."

"I do not have to prove myself to anyone!" Khazal folded her arms. Stupid Jinji would always find the worst things to say in any situation. "Who would have the chance to satisfy any man with you working your way through all of them?"

Jinji cackled, then gave a wink to the camera. "Do not let it go too long! Call me if you wish to go shopping for boys!" She gave the crossed fingers, a sign of friendship on Bok, then ceased the transmission.

Khazal growled, then got stripped off. She took a good long look in the mirror. While she did not have the thin build of Jinji, Khazal still looked gorgeous. Toned arms, athletic legs, a solid belly, and nice breasts. Her hair was not as long as Jinji's, only going a little past the shoulder. Jinji annoyingly had her hair down to her backside, and kept it tied up in two giant balls at the sides of her head.

Khazal flopped down on her bed, the same one she had since she was a tot. She laid on her back and let her legs spread open a bit. She thought hard about some of the things Jinji had told her, about getting intimate. Jinji had been that type of friend, where she would instruct Khazal on how to kiss properly, and what she would need to do when it came time to make the beast.

Her mind went back to when she first started at the academy. There was a male teaching rifle shooting on the grounds, and Khazal was smitten with his good looks. She tugged at her nipples as she shut her eyes. Her heart was beating faster now as she let her hands wander down to her tummy. She got her legs spread far apart as she had her hands flat on her hips.

"Sonpar," Khazal whispered. The way he was so kind to the other women made Khazal want him that much more. She reached down and stroked her labia, gently massaging up and down. She was breaking out into a sweat now.

Khazal hooked her fingers up inside of her, while she used the ring finger of her other hand to stroke her clit. She tightened her thigh muscles as she pounded her pussy. She dreamed of seeing a hang-down for real. Jinji had shown her several videos of the beast being made, each one of them with an athletic specimen of a male dominating a gorgeous woman. She always waited for the spuzzum to spurt out onto the belly or breasts.

Khazal was stimulating herself so hard that she had to roll onto her belly. She frigged herself with her fingers as she humped her ass up and down. After five minutes of good pumping, she felt the quakes. "Oh! It is happening! Ohhhh!"

Khazal had been backed up for quite a while. It was difficult finding time to masturbate in the academy when sharing a room. She grabbed the blankets and hiked them up, then drifted off to sleep.

The next day, Groovi and Khazal went out to the palace gardens, then to a restaurant for some barbecued river beast. Groovi was discussing plans for Khazal's Day of Ascension. Khazal was less than enthused, as she did not see such need for frivolities like an embarrassing birthday party. However, she knew that her mama had put so much work into it, and since Aunty Penny was willing to lend some currency along to make it an extra special affair, she figured she could suffer through it.

Groovi wanted to lie down for a bit after lunch, so Khazal used it as an excuse to go and see Jinji. Khazal found her at the pub, serving drinks to the boorish males of the planet. Khazal was mystified why Queen Penelope wanted to grant them more rights.

Jinji saw her friend and screeched, then ran over. Jinji seemed to jiggle with just about every step. She did a dainty run over and threw her arms around Khazal. Although she was annoyed sometimes by her antics, Khazal loved this little waif with all her heart.

Jinji kept her hands on Khazal's shoulders as she pulled back. "Welcome, graduate! How was the experience?"

Khazal giggled. "I have survived, as I had expected. Will you be working longer?"

Jinji looked over her shoulder. "I am leaving! Do not attempt to stop me!"

The proprietor just waved without looking up. Jinji grabbed onto Khazal's hand and dragged her out of the pub. "Come, Khazal! Let us go find large men to slap us with their meat-sticks!"

"By the goddesses, Jinji!" Khazal felt her face getting flush while she got dragged across the street. "Do you suppose it is so simple?"

Jinji turned and winked. "Let us get our swimming suits. We will go to Misty Mountain!"

Misty Mountain was not some geological curiosity, but the giant spray park on the outer parts of the capital. It was a famous hang-out for young nubile females to show off their bodies in the glistening sun. Khazal had her spending money, and decided to treat Jinji to a new suit. They took a hover-cab over to Misty Mountain, then got into the sports shop.

Khazal picked out a bright blue two-piece. It showed off a decent amount of side-boob, and it crept up her ass nicely. She came out of the changing closet, only to stop dead.

There was Jinji, wearing a sling bikini that barely covered her tits. Her ribs were exposed from the sides, and her fine breasts were just barely contained by the swimsuit. Khazal stood there and fumed. She knew all too well that Jinji was going to be the centre of attention once again.

"How do I look?" Jinji did a spin. Her boobs jiggled with her spin, and her ass looked immaculate. She was already attracting views from the few people in the shop. Khazal hastily paid for their suits, then took two towels from the racks.

Khazal kept a few feet ahead of her friend as they marched out to the spray area. This place was a true reprieve from the typical arid climate of the planet. Jinji went over to one of the spray towers and put her back to it. She raised her arms up and held her hair, really arching her back. Her nipples were getting turgid from the cool spray.

Khazal had to stand there and seethe while her gorgeous friend sucked away all of the attention. Several of the young men were now full fixated on the lovely red-skinned maiden, dripping with cool water. Jinji did her best to play it cool as the boys were crowding around.

There was one in particular that caught Jinji's eye—long silver hair down to his broad shoulders, rock-hard abs, thick thighs, and a blinding white smile. The young man pushed his way to the front of the crowd just to check out the new talent. Jinji kicked up a leg and giggled, then gave the girls a good shake. Her skin was shiny and inviting in the blistering sun.

Khazal walked away sheepishly to the wading pool. She looked down at her own body. What was so wrong with her? She flicked the surface of the cool water with her toe.

"Please use caution," a voice called out. "The surface can be slippery."

Khazal looked around, then saw the boy coming at her. He looked to be about the same age as Khazal. He was thinner than the man ogling Jinji, but he was cute. Khazal was about to strike a pose when the boy's feet slipped out from under him. He landed with a thud on the concrete surface.

"Oh no!" Khazal got to her knees to check on the boy. "Are you all right?"

The boy groaned as he tried to sit up. "Oh my," he wheezed, the wind having been knocked out of him. "I feel so foolish. I wanted to ensure your safety."

Khazal got the boy to his feet. "Why are you not paying Jinji some mind?"

"Oh, is that her name?" The boy chuckled as he rubbed at his hip. "She does not seem to be my type. At least, I had assumed so." He held out a hand. "I am Kani."

"Khazal," she replied as she took the hand. "It is a pleasure to meet a boy who does not care if he makes a fool of himself in public."

"Perhaps we can reconvene this meeting later," Kani replied, looking up to avoid looking like he was sizing up Khazal. Khazal was all out there as well with her two-piece. "I apologize, but I have to get back to work."

Khazal had her waterproof comm strapped to her wrist. She got the number to get in touch with Kani. "I will look forward to seeing you again."

Kani smiled and walked off, being extra careful to keep his footing this time. Khazal focused back on her friend Jinji sucking up all the attention. Jinji had the full mind of the broad-shouldered gentleman, and looked as if she had the contact information of his as well.

Jinji bounced her way over to Khazal. "Khazal, my friend! I have just spoken to Brosh. He is most interested in me, and he has a friend for you as well. We will meet tonight for barbecue and drinks!"

Khazal and Jinji spent the better part of the afternoon lying on the lounge chairs, soaking up as much sun as possible. Jinji's tiny sling made that task easier. Khazal pondered whether the plans for tonight were a good idea, as her mother would likely want to spend time with her.

After they had gotten their fun with sunning and splashing, the two women went to the change room. "I am most refreshed," Jinji announced as she stuck her thumbs into her bikini sling and pulled the whole suit off. Khazal had pondered how easy it would have been for her suit to come off entirely, and she was amazed that it stayed on the entire time. Khazal also took a good look over Jinji's body.

The two of them went over to the barbecue place, meeting up with Brosh and his pal Pon. They all got exotic drinks and spent the better part of the pre-meal getting to know one another. Khazal decided she had better barge in on the conversations in order to keep Jinji from capitalizing on the time like she did at Misty Mountain. Pon was a handsome man, but seemed dreadfully dull and full of himself.

The river beast sticks came out. This restaurant allowed you to grill your own meat right in the middle of the table. Jinji was laughing and holding onto Brosh's arms the entire time. Jinji's outfit was more modest than what she wore to the splash park, but still showed off her fine breasts enough to keep Brosh's attention. Khazal was beginning to feel like a third wheel already.

The four of them ate their river beast kebabs and had a few more drinks, then Brosh offered to take them all back to his domicile. Khazal was hesitant, but also was focused on her mission to make the beast by her twentieth birthday. The four of them took a hover-car back to the apartment.

Brosh let them all in. Jinji took Brosh's hand and pushed her body right up to his muscly arm. "We should leave them alone," Jinji whispered to Brosh. He nodded, and the two of them went to the bedroom.

Khazal sat down on the couch, and Pon joined her. They sat for along time in silence.

Khazal decide she had better make the first move. "I find you very attractive, Pon." She shifted closer to him. "I am embarrassed to admit, Day of Ascension is coming up, and I have not known the pleasures of a man."

Pon looked shocked. "I thought you knew!" He shifted away from Khazal on the couch. "I have a female companion already. I only came with Brosh because he was worried that Jinji's less attractive friend would feel alone."

Khazal sneered. "You boor!" She balled up a fist and punched Pon hard in the arm. "How dare you insult me!"

Pon just held his arm, almost looking as if he would break out in tears. "I must leave!" He raced for the door and shut it behind him.

Khazal just sat on the couch in disbelief. She had considered her abrasive personality was part of the reason that she never had any male companionship. She wished she had been more like her Mama Groovi—patient, kind, and forgiving. She sat in the low light and felt sorry for herself, but also worried that her mama was missing her company.

Khazal wondered what was going on with her friend. She got off the couch and went to the bedroom. As soon as the sliding door open, Khazal was shocked to see her friend on all fours on the bed, stark naked. In behind her was Brosh, covered with sweat and pounding his hips into Jinji's perfect ass.

Jinji was sprawled out and looking as if she was having the time of her life. "Khazal! Observe! I am making the beast!" She got up on her palms and smiled. Her breasts were swinging back and forth with each pound. "Where is Pon? You should be doing the same!"

"He...uh..had to leave." It was surreal to carry on a conversation with Jinji getting fucked right in front of her. Khazal looked back at Brosh, with his athletic body and handsome face. "What does it feel like?"

Brosh flashed those blinding white teeth of his. "Come and see."

Jinji grunted approval. "You would like it, Khazal!"

Khazal was fascinated with the idea, but decided against it. "I do not wish to intrude. I must go now." Khazal pulled away from the auto-door, and it shut behind her. She could still hear Jinji in there getting a pounding. Khazal put a hand to her chest and sighed deeply. "My word."

She got her gear and left. After calling for a hover-car, she headed straight home. She went up to the apartment and burst through the door. "Mama? Mama, I'm sorry that I did not come home sooner!"

Khazal went to her mother's bedroom and walked right in. "Mama, I—oh!"

Groovi was in bed with another older woman. She awoke, then clutched the blankets to her chest. "Oh! Khazal! I had anticipated you would want to spend time with your friends." She looked down at the woman next to her. "This is Picca. We met when she visited the palace." She gave Picca a shake on the shoulder. "Picca! My daughter is here!"

Picca gave a start as she arose. "Oh my! Uh...hello. It is a pleasure!"

Khazal's mouth was agape as she backed out of the room. She went to sit down at the dining room table. Her own mother was getting affection, and not Khazal!

Picca eventually emerged from the bedroom, fussing with her buttons on her clothes. "I am sorry about the intrusion. It was great to meet you!" Khazal noted that she was attractive for an older woman. She was almost proud of her mother, but mostly grossed out by the notion. Picca went to the door and left.