Kill My Husband, Please


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The cops said carloads of unruly youths had been arrested only a mile away from the death scene and an investigation was underway to link the two drivers of the now suspected hit and run vehicles.

Before they'd driven off when Ben had emerged from the alley, Pat had gotten Ben to take off his wet overcoat and put it in the trunk of her car. She told Ben she'd destroy it in case the garment contained any hair fibers or skin flakes from Laurence because under DNA testing an incriminating link might be established between Ben and Laurence. Ben had told police he'd never met Pat's husband.

But Pat didn't destroy the coat. She packed it along with the tape of her deceased husband and Ben's deceased wife along with a tape she'd recorded of Ben and her outlining their final plan to outsmart the attempted murder.

A week after the funerals, Pat moved into Ben's new apartment and as his tongue flicked around before entering her pussy she smiled happily at being able to enjoy the comforts of life that always she'd felt were her entitlement. The tongue tip hit the spot and she squirmed with pleasure, building up to release to wet her lover's face. They had decided to marry in about three months' time and she was no longer required to work. Paul's commercial building renovation business was doing extremely well financially, so her spending money had no limit imposed.

Pat held on to the headboard while Ben shuffled behind her on his knees and prepared to do her doggy, her favorite position. She sighed loud enough for Ben to hear as he pushed in. He liked hearing her satisfaction. Pat also smiled knowing if Ben ever threw her out, ruining the good life for her, she'd bring him down with vengeance. Ben's coat he'd worn that fateful night, the tape of Laurence talking to Irma about planned murder, the tape of Ben and her planning to outsmart Laurence and have Irma run her car over him and, best of all, the tape of her conversation with Ben as they drove off from that alley were all in her possession, stored in her parent's basement. In that last tape Ben described how he'd engineered the killing of Laurence, although not exactly as planned, and unexpectedly his distressed wife had accounted for her own demise and thereby clearing the way for Ben to marry his sweetheart.

It was near time. Pat reached between her legs to squeeze Ben's balls. "Can you give me another half inch darling?"

She smiled thinking he was such a good man trying his hardest for her. It certainly felt very hard and she clamped it. If everything turned to custard and she turned in Ben he could be jailed for life. As the prosecution's principle witness she'd be charged with being an accessory and might escape jail or at worst, no more than two years. If prison was likely for her she'd cut a deal to be incarcerated at a facility containing mainly professional women free of muscle-bound lesbian thugs. Oh, she must begin secreting away money some of the money Ben heaped on her and hire a confidential consultant to devised other ways for her to enrich herself.

Ben's even strokes began to falter as Pat gripped him with her astonishing cunt muscles but he was beginning to tire of being made to gush so copiously and taking four hours or more for his eyes to stop spinning and to get lead back into his pencil, so to speak. For a young guy in his twenties it would be great but alas, no longer for him. It just took too much out of him and as he aged she'd accelerated his ageing process. His new PA wasn't at all attractive and had small tits -- Pat had seen to that, being a pal of Janice in HR. However, the kid looked as if she wanted it from the boss.

Oh, there was something else. Pat had never said how she'd destroyed his coat and that night after the cops had gone he'd gone out to her car to retrieve his laptop from the backseat and found a tape recorder on the floor and traced the microphones. One was placed in the heating duct in front of the front passenger's seat and the other was taped to the steering column. He'd figured she'd have some reason for doing that but left everything untouched and made no mention of his find. He had intended to but as he walked in Pat was bursting with tension so threw him on the floor to begin fucking him and the reason for asking why was she recording in-car conversations just floated away.

* * *

One Sunday when they were at her parent's place for dinner Pat was in the workshop looking at the chair her dad was making and Diane asked would he mind changing the timer on the boiler to kick in an hour earlier as the nights were becoming colder. She'd asked Anthony to do it four times without success. Sucking at a bottle of lager Ben made the adjustment in ten seconds and poked around found a box marked 'Pat -- Private papers." Intrigued he looked and spotted smaller writing -- 'Ben's coat etc'.

Ben dropped the box out the high window and went back up the stairs. He called to Pat's mom Diane that he was going out to the car for a minute. She called no hurry but to pour drinks when he returned. Ben retrieved the box and put it in the trunk of his car. Next day at the office Ben played all the tapes and listening to the third one realized why Pat had bugged her car.

"You crafty bitch -- your insurance pack," he grinned. Ben repacked the box and went down to the basement of the building his company shared with four other businesses and gave Jed fifty bucks and asked him to start up the oil-fired boiler as he had a box of secrete documents he wanted destroyed in case the IRS ever investigated him.

"Right Mr Franks. It needs a test anyway with late fall beginning to arrive."

Ben stayed to watch the box burn in the small ancillary chamber designed for burning trash to ash. Returning to his office he asked Barbara his PA how was her marriage going.

She hesitated so he asked was her husband playing around. Barbara nodded.

"Do you have any interest in me?"

She blushed and nodded.

"Right, let's start with a wee kiss."

"M-may I lock the door?"

"Yes, please do."

Barbara locked the door and Ben said, "Stay there for a moment sweet one and lift your skirt really high."

Slowly Barbara, hands shaking, did as requested.

"Dammit girl, you have amazing legs. Bring pussy over here."

Red-faced but excited, Barbara ran to him.

Later Ben called in Robert, now operations manager. He'd been retained because he was good at his job.

"How are the wrists Robert?"

"The cooler the weather gets the more pain I get."

"How's Carol?"

"Okay," he replied unenthusiastically. "She's staying with her mom for a few days helping her to plan a major redecoration of the house."

"Well since she's away why don't you come to dinner at my apartment Saturday?"

Ben hadn't expected to be unraveling his plan so quickly.

"Yeah, right. That would be great."

After the main course was finished Ben excused himself, saying he had to make a couple of calls. He went to the kitchen and peeped through the hatch, hoping to see action. "Come on Robert, don't disappoint me," he urged.

Robert appeared to act on cue. He stood and poured wine into Pat's glass, ignoring his empty glass. Replacing the bottle on the table Robert returned to stand behind Pat, placing a hand on her shoulder, probably complimenting her on the cooking. He whispered to her and Pat laughed and the next thing Ben saw she placed her hand on Robert's.

Ben rubbed his hands in glee.

Robert whispered into her ear again and Pat lifted her head and they kissed. Ben went out chortling and returned to the dining room ten minutes later yelling, "Want the desert?" and Pat called, "No, I'll get it."

Ben found Pat and Robert sitting demurely. "Sorry, you guys must have been bored without me being here."

"Not really, I found Pat so interesting."

Ben saw Pat glance at Robert and blush. He asked, "What's interesting about Pat?" and didn't have time to spot Robert's reaction because he was fascinated at the way Pat was scowling at him.

When Robert was leaving Ben suggested: "Why don't you escort our guest to the lobby Pat while I begin clearing away?"

Ben turned on the security screen and selected 'elevators'. He found they had taken Elevator 3 and where kissing. Robert fumbled around and finally had a tit out and Pat watched him lick her nipple with concentrated fascination.

Turned the music up Ben raced to clear the table and Pat helped him with the dishes and they went to bed. She came to him on fire but he sighed and said not now.

"What is it with you? This is the third night in a row we haven't fucked, a record for us apart when I have my period?"

"You are too damn hot for me, you are wearing me out."

"Christ, I can't believe what I'm hearing. Either you fuck me now or I'm sleeping in the guest room."

Ben yawned and said why didn't she fuck off without making a scene.

She stomped out. He grinned. A minute later outside the guest room he heard her talking on the phone -- at 1:15! He grinned, knowing whom'd she be talking to. His grin widened. He wouldn't have to throw her out; she'd walk out before too long.

A couple of days later Ben called Robert to his office, complimented him on his improved work performance and gave him a $10,000 raise.

Four days later a tearful Pat thanked him for being so good to her but she'd found it necessary to leave him. As he was no longer fucking her she said she knew there must be another woman in her life.

"No, not yet darling. I guess aging has taken hold of my sex drive. Tell you what, I've had both your love and loyalty as a comfort to me so I'll transfer 50K into your bank account."

"Thank you," she said smiling at last. "Are their any conditions?"

"Only one and that is you don't attempt to return to me."

Early next morning when Ben was banging Barbara over his desk and she, as usual was cooing in delight, he asked her did she want to move in with him.

"He won't let me go," Barbara said, without missing a push back.

Ben allowed that conversation to drop. He wrote an anonymous letter to Barbara's husband and next evening she called Ben from a callbox that she'd been bashed and tossed out of the apartment. He rushed to collect her and found she was more distressed than hurt. She'd end up with a black eye and probably a bruised leg where her outraged husband had kicked her.

Barbara was amazed how luxurious the apartment was and liked everything about it. Ben waited until daylight to fuck her and then she asked could she stay with him until she got herself sorted. She licked his cock clean, something Irma and Pat would never do. Ben felt so pleased but humble.

"Look you're staying here and not returning to work until that eye is all better."

"Why don't you work half days at home and I could still do your PA work. All your calls could be diverted here?"

"A great idea. Should I take you to me to my attorney to start divorce proceedings?"

"I think I should talk to my mom first but that's very kind. You are hard again, should I give this good dick some more mothering? I must say I prefer your cum to milk?"

"Yes, you may say that darling," Ben said, thinking it was one of the nicest things a woman had ever said to him. It was right up there with Barbara's other classics, "Oooh Ben, that's a big one and "Ben, I can honestly say that is my greatest fuck ever." Some babes have a gift of saying just the right things to a man.

Back at the office Ben checked Barbara's home address and found the name of her apartment block. He wrote anonymously to the management company of that block claiming the occupant of apartment 17B had thrown out his wife, was entertaining call girls in his apartment and was intending to set up a drug-running base there. He posted the letter himself.

Two days later Barbara was waiting excitedly for Ben's arrival to work from home.

Wrapping herself around him she said, "My husband called to say he's been ejected from our apartment because they suspect he'd a drug-runner. Paul is outrage and wanted money from me to take the company to court to argue wrongful ejection and fight for heaps of money in compensation. But I refused. He called me a bitch and said he'd divorce me because he was going home to his parents now living in Singapore. I thanked him and said a divorce would be fine and I'd pay half the receipted costs. He was ever so pleased about that."

* * *

After they'd announced there were engaged and would marry in the spring, Pat left Robert talking with her parents She went to the basement and searched unsuccessfully for her box.

Returning upstairs she asked her dad why have his shifted her box.

"I haven't but I remember seeing you take the box down there. Oh, hang on. I had a major pre-winter clean out and perhaps I mistakenly tossed it out with the junk. I'm sorry Pat."

"It doesn't matter. I was going to dump it anyway. Oh mom, some gossip. You know that older guy I went out with for a while, Ben?"

"Yes, a real gentlemen."

"Perhaps but not in the bedroom mom," Pat giggled.

"Next to useless he was," grumbled her father. "Hadn't a clue about making furniture, not like Robert here."

"Well Ben is getting married in a couple of weeks, so I heard. Apparently his girlfriend Barbara is pregnant. We don't see them these days ever since Ben received an anonymous letter that Robert had seduced Ben's late wife Irma over many weeks. Stupidly Robert admitted it because Ben had been so good to him and that's when Ben fired him last week after knocking Robert across the room, the brute. He knows Robert can't punch with his weakened wrists. It was a terrible scene and so personal, which is why I haven't told you this before. Robert climbed painfully to his feet and said he'd sue the pants off Ben and Ben just laughed and said it there was a court case he'd produce evidence that I'd blackmailed him for $30,000 and Robert had blackmailed him for a $10,000 raise."

"Oh that's dreadful darling, what did you blackmail him about?"

"Nothing, he gave me $30,000 to break off with him without making a fuss and never attempt a reconciliation and he told Robert he deserved a raise. He grinned and told Robert that in court he'd accuse Robert and me of blackmailing him. He said he'd allege in court we'd said if he didn't pay we'd claim he'd paid a contract for someone to kill his wife Irma and that he'd paid up to protect his good name and to avoid having his wife's accidental death being put through the public wringer again."

"Oh God," said Pat's mother. "If the court believed his blackmail charge you could go to jail for perhaps ten years and be torn apart by those lesbian thugs."

"Oh mom," screamed Pat, rushing in to be hugged. "I'm terrified about that."

"You know darling," said her father, a retired court official, "I can't see any judge in the country believing a guy not married to you gave you thirty grand to leave him after you'd lived with him for less than two months. Ben only had to throw you out."

"Yes," sobbed Pat. "I realize how it must look."

Two weeks later Pat and Robert's parents grouped around the abruptly married couple two days after the wedding to farewell them. Acing on Pat's father's advice they agreed to get as far as way as possible from Ben so had decided to emigrate to Australia, their applications already being processed by Australian Immigration. They planned to holiday in Fiji while awaiting notification their applications had been accepted. Officials had told them they'd rated highly prospects in their interviews.

Before leaving her parent's house, Pat lay against Robert to read the letter he'd just written and was about to post:

'Dear Head of Police Criminal Investigations: It is my belief you ought to investigate the two so-called accidental deaths on Rose Street three months ago on the evening of the 12th. It is my belief that Ben Franks paid contract killers to arrange the accidental death of his wife Irma. The guy on the road wasn't supposed to be run over. He was a jerk paid to sprawl on the road to look like an accident victim by the killers who knew Irma drove down that road about that time every Tuesday nights looking for her philandering husband. The louts in those two cars were paid to run over Irma as they stood looking at the dead guy. They were drunk and ran over the poor dude on the road paid to force Irma to stop and offer assistance before she was run over in this complicated crime. The guys in the first car called their mates in a following car to bowl over the woman who they were supposed to have run down. Signed A Friend.'


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rbloch66rbloch66about 1 month ago

ummmm, WTF was that????!!?? I did like the slice joke, though.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

An early attempt at having AI write a story, or did OP imbibe and post? Some explanation is needed for such a terrible piece from an otherwise good scribe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
So badly written

Stupid nonsense, stupid characters, what a piece of junk!!!

It makes me vomit

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

but I liked it. I don't know what the point of the letter at the end was about as it just seemed like a way to cause Ben to push his blackmailing evidence into the open. That part just seemed really stupid. you could have ended before you put that bit of silliness in.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 11 years ago
Could Have Been Great

It seems that there was too many details involved to have this tale done in two pages. Good story but too short to fully appreciate. Still quite interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

this was an awful story. that said, it was interesting and would like to know if you're going to write a second part because i want to see how the "hero" handles pats betrayal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Funny stuff

Doublecrosses, backstabbes and shortchanged russians, oh my. Could have done away with the last bit about the letter. Kind of muddied up the hazeyness you had perfected.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
What The Hell

I thought it was funny, different, and not sure about the ending, so I read it twice. Anything I can read twice gets a 75 at least. Thanks.

Egmont GrigorEgmont Grigorabout 16 years agoAuthor
Reply to Anonymous in NZ

You gutless wonder - I thought Kiwis wouldn’t hide in the bog using the name Anonymous. And who's ranting? You have identified yourself. You attack the author like a deranged person and not the story. What a creep. Just one of the vile vermin that has infiltrated Literotica; shame on you. And how dare you attack old men in wheelchairs. You need detoxing. Oh, if you do write and post on this site please identify to me your work and allow me the opportunity of rating your masterly work. EG

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Why did you say that?

You know EG writes for food coupons and when negative comments causes him to rant and rave and start foaming at the mouth about persecution, then the old age home nurses disconnects the battery on his wheel chair. Shame on you!

Nicholls9Nicholls9about 16 years ago
Too convoluted

All the doublecrossing in this story is ridiculous.

Egmont GrigorEgmont Grigorabout 16 years agoAuthor
Reply to 5/14/08 Anonymous (the nitpicker)

The appearance of me instead of my or my instead of me is known as a typing literal. I get some but not all of them and no, in case you are thinking it, don't be like a lot of other know-alls and say get an editor. I don't want an editor and that's my choice. If you don't like that response then don't read my work. I would point out a lot of people don't write like you do. I write a story how I want to tell it. And it's fiction. Either you are grumpy today or need to go somewhere else to read, but thank you for your comment. You will probably be a happier person, perhaps even a better person, if you read and stop nitpicking. EG

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Work on your grammar, People dont talk like you

write. The one that really got my attention was the use of me instead of my. That is something you would expect a 4 yo to do. Characters were all, how shall we say, very stupid and ignorant. Cleaned up a bit it would make a nice comedy.

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