Kinky Cosmos Ch. 06: MAKE OUT SESH

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Alien Azadonna's physical seduction of human male escalates.
6k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 05/18/2024
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I pulled the mem-stores off of my head, breathing heavily. I had relived it several times, but it always hit me hard, and admittedly always turned me on a lot, but I'll say no more. So now, dear reader, you have a glimpse into the Alphicar and how they operate. I hope you got...something out of that. It's not my place to tell you what you're supposed to get out of it, nor do I think you want to hear more of my own commentary. I'm just glad to get us back to my time with Master!

So, without further ado, let's return to my own sexual honeymoon. I'll load the mem-stores back to master's ship and the first day that I met her.

Here we go...

...Back in Master's ship, in her bedroom:

I lay across her massive lap, cradled in her arms. Still in awe of her alien but feminine beauty. The four tendrils that protruded from her back were all caressing various parts of me, while I was still clothed in my shorts and t-shirt that I had woken up in. She had carried me in here after telling me she was "going to love me," much to my fear and arousal.

"I haven't had sex in decades, pet, so I'm very excited to bond with you," she cooed at me, tenderly. One of her tendrils caressed my cheek while another she held firmly over my heart. With one hand she cradled my upper body and head, the other spanned over my clothed butt and perineum like I was a baby. My legs were folded up at the knee a bit awkwardly, held in place by another tendril, but her firm fingers pressing into my bottomside through the fabric of my underwear felt lovely, turning me on quite a bit.

"I'm, really turned on, but..." and as I said it, I could feel the swelling bulge in my underwear. "But I'm also really scared!" I kind of shouted the last part at the same time I panicked and tried to wriggle free, but her arms and tendrils tightened with unbelievable strength, holding me in place.

"Let me go! Let me go please! I want to go back to earth!" I was suddenly freaking out, all over again.

She released her grip and I literally tumbled to the floor, while she remained seated on the bed. Snazzleflox must have heard the commotion because she bounded to the bedroom doorway, peeking around the corner with her fur-hidden eyes to see what all the fuss was about.

"Pet, there is no returning to earth for seven more years. Your new reality for the time being is a life filled with pleasure, worship, training, and service as my favorite pet." Snazzleflox growled at this.

"You're not my pet, Snazzleflox. You're my parasymbiotic companion, and you're my favorite one of those." The fuzzy pink blankety companion cooed and purred, satisfied with this answer and retreating from the doorway.

"But what if I don't want that new reality?" I crossed my arms and pouted up at her.

"There's the airlock, would you like me to open it for you?" Wow. She hadn't been sassy like that to me yet, save for scaring me to death by shouting boo at me when we first met, which I had forgotten to tell her I was still a bit annoyed about.

"No!" I fussed back, frustrated.

"Call me Master, pet."

"Ugh! Fine, 'Master!'" I relented in frustration.

"Aw!" She immediately cooed at me. "You called me Master! You're such a good pet."

"Yeah, I'm such a good pet that you want to flush me out of the airlock!" I fussed up at her again, feeling a bit ridiculous raising my voice to someone so much huger than I was.

"I was just kidding about the airlock, pet." She stood up and began advancing towards me again, her massive legs striding powerfully across the shimmering metal floor.

"No Master!" I cried out, scrambling away from her, hoping my obedience regarding this moniker would earn me some sympathy. "Take me to a human colony! Take me to Mars, Elon will be there and he'll take me in! I like you but this is way too much for me after all."

She giggled. "Oh love, after Sundering Night, Mars fell apart within months. Mars was still too reliant on contact with Earth. I'll return you to Earth in seven years according to the limitations of the Intergalactic Extraction Agreement, but as I rescued you from near death, and you're humanity's only hope for being rebuilt, by law I am allowed to offer to keep you here as my pet while I train you and prepare you to save the human race."

I couldnt

If you don't consent to these terms, I have to turn you over to Council and they'll classify you and assign you themselves since you're from a non-council species. On top of that, you're from a non-council species whose only current presence is yourself and a handful of scattered, tech regressed survivors trying to make it through Earth's post-apocalypse."

"Fine then!" I shouted rebelliously, pretending I had processed even half of what she had just said, freaking out at my new loss of autonomy, missing the crap out of America more than I ever knew was possible. "Take me to the council so I can state my case!"

She just giggled, which I loved even as it infuriated me.

"Oh pet, how is it that you're even cuter when you're upset? Some mysteries of the universe yet escape even me. Listen, pet: My guess is if you tell council that you reject my offer, you'll have a few options."

Oh God. I wasn't even sure I wanted to hear it. She continued:

"They'll try to sell you on Quarter-Serve, which is probably what's most familiar to you as an American Earthling, though as a relatively smart human you'd be at the top end of intelligence for a species who accepts Quarter-Serve, which is basically a four-part split between sleep/work/train/recreation until you're able to pass your annual application for a higher form of autonomy."

Hell, I guess it sounded better than nothing? She continued:

"Your other options will be painless death, or full-time service organism to a council citizen--which is basically legally just like being MY pet but with the major difference that there probably won't be sex, and you're legally responsible for your owner's safety if you disobey them, which means you're risking jail time--and jail for non-council species is typically not pleasant."

Gulp. I tried not to let myself begin imagining being a tiny earth man in intergalactic jail as she continued:

"If there were no openings for service organisms for council citizens though, your only other alternative to death or Quarter-Serve would be to become a no-monitor-necessary-pet, which trust me you DON'T want, considering that most of the adopters are utterly sadistic and corrupted Shivazon..." she had a look of scowling disapproval on her face.

"...or you might even get picked up by a homosexual Alphicar, who will be able to manipulate your heart, head, and cock to enthusiastic consent instantly, especially since you have no preparation for an Alphicar's presence, and no ironclad case for the preservation of non-plasticity of your heterosexuality on file, which would be the only other way to protect you after you've given your consent, because, again, you're not really an acknowledged species, and nobody in the entire universe except for me really cares much what happens to you."

This last sentence struck me pretty hard. I thought I was actually doing pretty well at accepting all of the things she was saying, what little I could glean from each of her rambling monologues, but it was all filling me with dismay. I felt so...not free. Apparently, I was at the whim of this so-called Intergalactic High Council, that, what, I guess had the audacity to run the known civilized universe...which, apparently, earth was never invited to be a part of. Go figure.

She continued:

"So, might I suggest living with ME and letting ME take care of you and love you? Me, I might remind you, who picked you out of hundreds of millions of men because she was so smitten with you--me, who has been eagerly waiting for HUNDREDS OF YEARS to meet you, to give you love and sex beyond your wildest human imagination...but of course, with a broken heart, I will take you to IHC to state your case, if you really hate the idea of spending time with me that much."

My mind was reeling but now so was my heart, not to my mention my aroused anxiety wondering still what exactly "sex" was going to be like.

She hadn't flattered me with her words to this degree until now. I really was starting to feel something for felt nice that she liked me so much and expressed it so boldly, it made me want to express affection towards her too, to tell her that no, I didn't hate the idea of spending time with her, I was just freaked out. I mean...

What the hell kind of sci-fi smutty freakshow had my life become? Most of humanity is dead...I'm to be a pet to some alien dominatrix with six arms for seven years, and then save the remains of the world? But what she said next blew my mind even more.

"They're not 'arms' pet," she giggled. "They're much more spectacular than my arms. They're called madrogynes. You also keep thinking the word 'tendril' but that only addresses their superficial architecture."

I was floored.

"You, you, you're reading my mind?!"

She laughed. "I'm not a psychic, pet. It's just that my data-drone just finally collected enough data from our conversations to accurately predict what you're thinking."

My jaw dropped.

"Matrizon technology is the most advanced technology in the universe, save for the militaristic 'achievements' of the Alphicar race. Every individual word you think internally has various signatures it emits that are being collected by my subdermal data-drone, matching them with zillions of other datapoints and occurrences to derive correlations, and once the data set is enriched enough that predictions are 99.999999% accurate for neural readings, the data-drone feeds it into my brain."

The DATA-DRONE feeds it into her BRAIN? She continued:

"At first, I couldn't tell what you were thinking, but now that we've had enough dialogue, as long as I can see or hear you, I know what you're thinking, down to the word. And as long as I can smell you, I know what you're feeling...but that's just Matrizon biology, no data-drone required-- we have the most sensitive and sophisticated olfactory system in the universe." She smirked and looked down at me, like she was going to devour me. After what happened next, I thought she was.

A tongue, pink like a human tongue but just a bit longer and more pointed, suddenly emerged from her mouth and flicked into the air rapidly before withdrawing. She closed her eyes and moaned.

"Oh pet, forgive me. Don't be scared as I know you are. That's my body involuntarily manifesting my overly pent-up sexual energy."

Her words sent arousal and a bit of anxiety pulsing through me. I was trapped on a luxurious space ship with a gigantic, blue, horny alien goddess, who had kept me in her freezer for hundreds of years, finally deciding to defrost me for a good fucking. A horny alien goddess with a tongue like the devil. With tits like a porn star. With...with...with FOUR FUCKING LOVE-TENDRILS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!

"Yes pet, that's all very accurate, except once again, they're not 'tendrils,'" she giggled.

And she could read my mind. Cool. I was fucked.

"You aren't fucked pet, not yet anyways, since you keep withholding your consent..." she started slowly advancing towards me again. I backed up instinctively, suddenly finding a wall behind me. I looked up at her, wide-eyed, as she got within inches of me, towering over me.

"Sweetheart, I'm not going to hurt you. I told you; I'm going to love you and take care of you. You're safe with me." When she said the last part she put her hand on my chest, over my racing heart.

"If you don't like it, you can tell me to stop, but otherwise let me calm you down a little."

My pulse quickened as I again considered fleeing, but suddenly an immense warm pleasure radiated from her hand into my chest. For a moment it was a bit overwhelming, but I felt my body immediately relaxing.

"What are you doing to me?"

"I'm simply calming your nerves pet, so you can think more clearly and realize that you're safe right now."

Warm energy coursed through my body. It was relaxing, pleasurable, but also just very "cozy" somehow. As my body relaxed, so too did my mind. I could feel myself feeling calmer, more grounded. I was actually relaxing.

"There you go, you're a natural, pet. See? Your body isn't fighting my love in the slightest." My heart skipped the tiniest beat when she said the word 'love.' Did this woman, er, whatever she was, ACTUALLY love me, as she had possibly implied multiple times now?

Again, she laughed. "Oh darling, I've loved you for years. I started scanning Earth for my pet as soon as Earth's ruin became a real possibility in the eyes of the IHC. As I said, I picked you out of hundreds of millions of men."

My heart skipped another beat and my mind was suddenly racing again. She had said that before, but I hadn't really registered it. Why me? Why was I so special to her? It was all so overwhelming, but my sense of reality WAS starting to make a little room for feeling loved by this beautiful alien. Hundreds of Millions? D'aw, that was so sweet! I did trust her and the wild things she was saying to me...I could feel my heart starting to open to the possibility of her.

She smiled at me like she was in love: "I know it's a lot of information to take in without technological aid, pet. You're handling it very well." She stroked my hair with her other hand, like a mother might do, and I was starting to reach a point of exhaustion and surrender where I was able to enjoy her affection without questioning it.

"And to answer your question..." she looked me dead in the eyes and stopped moving to further underline: "It's your earnestness that I love so much about you."

My earnestness?

She looked into my eyes and said firmly "Everything I want to do for you right now is to make your adjustment easier, pet. It's going to relax you. Heal you. Help you. And it's going to be a lot more pleasurable than anything you can easily experience on Earth. Understand?"

I looked up at her, suddenly starting to feel eager for what she was offering me, eager for her to love me. "Uh...yes?"

She giggled. "You can stop me at any time, pet, I promise. Does that sound ok?"

What could I even do? My will to struggle was growing weak anyways. Not just to struggle with her in this moment, but to struggle with my entire reality, with the literal end of my world...though, I guess, fortunately, not the end of my universe.

"Ok, Master."

She giggled again. "That's right; good pet. Try to always call me Master from now on."

"Ok Master," I said again, surprised to notice I was getting a little more turned on by the implied power dynamic every time I said it.

"" She continued, "I do also have to admit that before getting your consent, I am EXTREMELY horny. My madrogynes are absolutely filled to the BRIM with EK-Estrogen that they're just desperate to spill into the hungry holes of an eager, good boy..."

"Uh...what? Can we talk about that a little more?" I had no idea what the eff she just said but it sounded terrifying. Of course, she dismissed my question entirely.

"Ohhh, why are you so maddeningly adorable! All you need to know right now is that I'm desperately aroused and eager to do very, very sexual things to you, so that you're prepared and eager to do sexual things to me, so that I am in turn overwhelmed again with desire to do more sexual things to you."

It was my turn to giggle, "I see you're real subtle about sex up here in outer space, huh?" I was surprised to hear myself say. I immediately felt good about it. I was mildly worried I would offend her, but I felt like my comment came from a place of feeling a bit more comfortable to be myself again. After freaking out non-stop for the past stretch of time, it was nice to find myself cracking a joke.

"Sometimes pet, but not right now." She said, smiling to acknowledge my sarcasm.

I let myself take her in again. She smiled rakishly down at me. God, I was wildly attracted to her. Moreso by the minute it seemed. I was attracted to an ALIEN. Wouldn't any man in my position be?! She was fucking hot! Gorgeous! Hotter than any human female!

Suddenly she was blushing, and beaming at me. "Oh my pet, I knew I would be able to dominate you, but I never hoped in my wildest dreams that you would find me so attractive. That makes me so happy."

Now I was the one blushing. This mind control business had to stop soon.

"Well, I, I, I..." I wasn't sure what to say and I was definitely embarrassed. I didn't like having words put in my mouth, even if they were, er, words from my head. But I didn't want to offend her, and I was growing more attracted to her by the second.

"You're just the sweetest little creature. And I just adore your tiny penis bulging up at me like that."

My head snapped downwards. To my horror I had a massive bulge poking eagerly up at her.

"That's just, I just..." I stammered. "Ya know my penis is not that tiny! At least for a human!" My face was red. I felt so embarrassed.

"Oh, that's ok pet. I love a male with a tiny penis. They make such good submissive little pets. It looks simply adorable attached to your petite body." She smirked at me, tempting me to her. I felt a bit humiliated, but also aroused. But my masculinity protested:

"I'm not petite! I'm not even really short!" I felt a bit ridiculous stating this, as I looked way up at her.

She threw her head back and laughed heartily, before looking at me again with utterly adoring eyes "Oh sweetie. Most of the men in your NBA are petite enough to activate my size're like a chicken nugget to me. Now let me dip you in my sauces before I eat you..." she started creeping towards me again, licking her lips.

Oh my god! I had to run! But to my surprise, it seemed like the more I interacted with her, the more turned on I was. Should I give in? Should I let this alien goddess have her way with me?

"You should." She grinned down at me, right next to me now.

"Hey!" I was immediately once again annoyed to remember she knew everything I was thinking. "I don't consent to your mind control!"

"It's not mind control. It's a data-drone."

"Well, I don't consent to it!"

"Fine, I'll disable it." She said, stepping back several feet, then staring at me blankly.

"Ok, then do it, especially if you want me to call you Master!" I immediately felt embarrassed by my little fuss fest.

"Ok." She said. She closed her eyes, held her fingers to her temples, and an almost stereotypical "powering down" noise emitted from her body, as a green glow passed from the top of her head to her feet, seeming to come from under her pale blue skin.

"That's you turning off the data drone?!" I stammered out, still trying to adjust to my new science fiction reality.

"No." She laughed loud. "That's me fucking with you. I powered the data drone off internally already. You don't have a drone-reader implant so you don't know. Because you're behind the times. My simple and adorable pet."

Again, I felt helplessly disoriented, powerless, and overwhelmed. I was like the equivalent of a caveman when it came to her reality. Or a puppy. There was something kind of hot about the fact that she seemed almost omnipotent to me, while I was so helpless, and certainly she was immensely more intelligent than me. I was dependent on her, but she was offering me nothing but love.

"But..." she continued, slinking back towards me, lowering her voice. "I honestly can't tell you how much it turns me on to know that you're pure biology. There's not a single chip hiding beneath your skin. You're completely primitive. Just flesh, blood, and boy..." she was right next to me again, her tongue flicking out into the air twice this time, her eyes suddenly a bit hungry and wild looking.