Kinky Sister Kinky Brother

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Siblings discover they share naughty interests.
18.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/21/2018
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Maddox Ackerman had just turned 18 years old. High school graduation had gone to plan and he'd gotten into all of the various schools that he'd applied to. His parents were thrilled. He'd also been offered a swimming scholarship at one particularly lofty ivy-covered university—something even grander than his upper-middle class east coast parents had probably hoped for when he'd started his high school journey.

This allowed him a certain amount of negotiating power. He knew they wouldn't be able to say no when he asked if he could go on vacation somewhere by himself or with some of his friends over the summer before college started.

He'd attacked at their weakest moments of parental pride and of course they'd said yes.

Unfortunately for Maddox though, there was a catch—(parents always had an ace in the hole). They informed him that, if he wanted to take a vacation that summer before college, it would have to be out to Southern California where his sister currently lived to stay with her.

Madelyn Ackerman was three years older than Maddox. She'd been attending school out in California at UC Santa Barbara for the past three years and loving every second of it.

Her apartment was a cutely appointed (parentally-paid for) set-up that was a convenient five-minute walk from the beautiful Santa Barbara coastline where the university also sat rather whimsically.

Maddox had been hoping to take a road trip with a group of his friends, but he knew he only had the one choice, and so he happily agreed that flying to California to stay with his sister would make for a great vacation.

It also wasn't as if he and his sister didn't get along. Growing up, Maddox and Maddie had been incredibly close. They didn't really fight much as some siblings do and had stuck up for each other well throughout grade school and into high school.

Maddox had been bummed when his sister had moved across the country for college a few years earlier but the two kept in touch constantly and texted each other often about how their lives were going.

When Maddox texted Maddie to let her know that he'd be coming to spend a week with her during his summer vacation, she was absolutely thrilled. Maddie loved her little brother and she didn't mind sharing her apartment for a week so he could have a vacation away from the parental units watchful eyes—she certainly understood the need to get away—it's why she had chosen a college on the other side of the country. Maddie loved her parents, but they were a little too squeaky-clean for the some of the sinful ambitions of her young, adult life.

Maddie was also 21, which meant that she'd be able to buy Maddox all the alcohol he wanted during his stay...something he'd made her absolutely promise him as they texted in the weeks leading up to his flight into town.

As Maddox stepped off the puddle hopper into that warm July sunshine and donned his brand new pair of shades (a graduation present from the very same sister he was now visiting), he just couldn't wait to begin his vacation. Maddox had grinded his way through those last four months of school and college applications, and he felt that he deserved to finally let loose.

He grabbed his luggage bag from the rack at the bottom of the stairs and threw it over his shoulder as he headed out into the arrival area of the small municipal airport. His flight had connected at LAX before sending him slightly further up the coast to this smaller regional airport of wine tasters and movie business elitists.

He saw his sister sitting on a wooden bench enjoying a Frappuccino while she waited. Her mid-length tawny brown hair was up in a cute ponytail. She was wearing a pair of small jean shorts and a dark green Abercrombie summer blouse with Rainbow sandals. She was ever the vision of a newly minted California girl.

"Oh My God, is that my 'little' brother Maddox!?" She set her drink down and ran up to jump into his arms as the two incredibly close siblings embraced each other for the first time since that last December.

Even though she was three years older than Maddox, he had at least six inches of height on her. She had gotten her mother's curves and cute girl looks and perfectly buttoned nose, while Maddox had received his father's height and even the first bumbling understandings of his sophistication. He'd be brilliant someday—right now it was still all mixed together with a boyish happy-go-luckiness. But he wore it well.

Maddie was surprised at just how much her brother had filled out. He was an all-state swimmer during high school, that much was true, but senior year had appeared to add some height and muscle mass to that gangly mess of limbs that had helped him cut through water so fast. He was wearing a comfy pair of blue Chino's and an old gray t-shirt that hugged his impressive arms.

"Let me get a good look at you!" Maddie said when they'd finally stopped spinning and she was standing there in his arms. She brought her hands up to play with his sandy brown hair as she ruffled his thick locks. He was attractive in an untypical sort of way. Maddox had something alternative to his chisel, even if she had trouble defining exactly what that was.

Her brother had gotten hot, that much she knew. And Maddox definitely didn't miss the fact that Maddie had only continued to "develop" in the time since she'd been out of high school.

Her body had begun curving in all sorts of groan-inducing ways during her sophomore year some five years prior, and now her body was tighter and more delicious as she progressed into her sexy, college girl phase. She wore her hair a darker shade of brown and even in a pony tail he could tell it was layered. She had sort of a Sara Hyland vibe—the actress from Modern Family—and her behavior seemed similar to that of the character from the show. Maddox had always liked that character whenever the show came on, as it reminded him of his sister for reasons he didn't realize at the time.

She was always so bouncy and boisterious—a constant ball of energy that made her infectiously fun and made you want to be around her. There was just something lurking beneath her waters—a sinister sort of deviousness that you wanted to be involved in—she had machinations to attend to always it seemed.

She'd also always been a bit tomboyish with Maddox growing up which is why they had always got along so well. She could handle her own in the sports and household games category of sibling rivalries and so they had thrived having fun together and were worthy adversaries at pushing each other's limits. It was only when she'd started to develop into a bit more of a noticeable lady that the two had developed some sense of boundaries around the house.

Now here they were on their own together for their first time as adults, and they couldn't wait to catch up and enjoy each other's company without the expectations of their parent's watchful eyes leering nearby.

Maddox took his bag out and threw it into the back of Maddie's Subaru and soon they were tooling down the freeway towards her apartment with all the windows down.

Santa Barbara was a picturesque town that existed primarily around the functions of the college. The town itself was charming and full of money from nearby LA entertainment executives who could afford to buy hillside mansions and townhomes where they could occasionally get away for a weekend of respite. In that sense the city was very diverse in its typical citizen—poor, college students just starting out (mind you, not at a cheap school by any means so poor might be relative here) mixed with already-established yuppies of a prior generation retiring into their second and third houses.

When they pulled up to the apartment Maddox couldn't believe how lucky his sister was. Their parents had apparently been pretty generous in setting her up with a place. The complex was set on a small hillside with a bunch of other nearby college digs but there was no denying its' quality. It was a newer development and a ton of the apartments on one particular row had balconies that overlooked the marvelous Pacific Ocean.

The complex had a pool and spa and huge quad area with a couple of volleyball and basketball courts and a BBQ fire-pit area. Then there was also a wooden-stepped path that led down to the nearby beach. It was an absolute paradise.

As Maddie parked, they got out as she led her brother up to her wing of apartments. They walked up the two flights of stairs to where hers' was located.

When she opened the door, Maddox was instantly blown away by how amazing her place was.

"Mom and Dad got you an apartment facing the fucking ocean?!" Maddox said in quiet disbelief as she took his bag from him and placed it against the side of the couch.

"Well, sort original apartment was in a back building but they're completely redoing those apartments for the next year so they offered to move all of us to open units until they're through, and I kind of lucked out and got one of these twenty higher-end units that face the water...Mom and Dad don't actually know about my current set-up so, ya know, don't say anything. I don't need them knowing that I'm having too good of a time out here!" She joked with her brother.

The apartment was a one bedroom but it was spacious enough for a nice living room area that spread out to the dining room and kitchen in an open floor plan. The hallway led to the bathroom and Maddie's room which had the balcony connected there.

"This is so fucking cool, Sis!" Maddox said, as he stared out the giant windows at the deep blue ocean and drifting clouds.

"Yeah...I call it my year of unexpected heaven...I'm just trying to enjoy these views while I can before I have to move back into the old unit." She explained as she went over to the fridge and grabbed a couple of beers. She opened them both and handed one to her brother.

"To my little brother finally turning 18," she began, as she held out her beer to his, "and finally escaping the parents to head out into the great unknown—may he try everything at least once, and may he not do any drugs laced with anything too fucking crazy." As she finished her toast they both cracked up at its ridiculousness and clinked their beers cordially.

The cool lager felt good and they both enjoyed the sudsy chill as the warm summer heat drifted in through the open windows.

"So? Dear brother...what do you wanna do first?" Maddie asked, and their day of adventure had immediately begun.

Maddox wanted to get drunk if he was being honest. But he also wanted to see the city. He wanted to see what college life looked like for his big sis who he had missed dearly those last few years. And so after finishing their beers they headed out on foot to explore the adorably appointed town.

Downtown Santa Barbara contained the college bar scene and various restaurants, gastropubs, and shoppes. There were lots of dive bars and movie theaters intertwined with used book outlets and interesting culinary delights. There were also higher end clothing stores for the weekender wives and hillside millionaires and then there was also the campier tourist faire for those seeking a t-shirt or a postcard or two.

They rented Maddox a cheap bike to go with Maddie's and the two rode all over the town, stopping for lunch at a sandwich shop which she assured him made the best fucking BLT she'd ever had in her life. They grubbed hard and after their bags of chips and deli pickles and a second round of beers had been destroyed, they continued on as they rode slowly around the neatly adorned thoroughfares with Maddie doing her best to give the grand tour of her life. They cycled down to the boardwalk and out on to the pier, then they headed back and stopped by a convenience store to pick up 24 pack of mixed beers and some easy shooters (with Maddox waiting outside during the cash register transaction just to be safe).

When they got back to the apartment they opened another beer and took a shot of tequila together as they made a kitchen snack and hung out on the couch talking about life and what they'd been up to. Maddie was doing okay in school, though she probably be doing better if she hadn't been so preoccupied with the joys of college partying and alcohol and boys. This didn't surprise Maddox one bit. His sister definitely hadn't changed.

She wasn't seeing anyone per se, but she was seeing plenty of guys naked as far as Maddox was able to garner. It was funny finally being able to talk to each other about their sex lives—a topic that had been a tad more taboo in their diet Protestant childhood home. Maddox admitted that he too was no longer a child of pearly white behavior and that he was looking forward to getting to college to enjoy some of the wilder notions of the adult dating scene.

They'd decided to just relax and stay in that night to catch up with each other and then go out the next few nights to enjoy the Santa Barbara nightlife.

They laughed with each other as they told stories that never seemed to grow old and they spent the afternoon watching movies and falling back together into their old routines. They had truly missed each other and it felt good to be reunited in the closeness of sibling intimacy.

It was around six when they realized they were hungry again and so they ordered out for some epic ramen. When the food delivery arrived they hurried their prize into the dining room to sit around Maddie's high-top table.

Maddox was about to start in on his spicy pork noodles when he felt Maddie put her hand on his arm.

"Wait. Brother. Do you want to make this ramen taste eight bajillion times better than it already does?"

He gave her a curious eyebrow. "Well, uh, if eight bajillion is now a real number, then yes, yes I think I definitely do."

She grabbed the flower pot with the succulent that decorated the center of her table and opened a hidden door on it's side to reveal a small travel bong and a grinder full of pre-ground weed.

"Ya know, I thought I smelled something slightly more... this area of your apartment," Maddox joked as his sister revealed her pot stash to him.

She quickly filled the top of the bong up with the nuggets and lit it up to take a huge hit of the green glory. She blew three impressively-sized smoke rings towards Maddox who cheered when he saw her pull it off.

"Jeez Snoop Dog, any other skills you've picked up since you've been gone?" Maddox joked as he grabbed the bong from her.

"What can I say...don't hater the player, hate the game or something cool like that."

"You are probably the whitest person that has ever said that sentence." Maddox teased her now as he brought his lips up to the small tube where the smoke came out of the travel bong. He flicked the lighter from the side and soon was inhaling his own smoky mouthful of delightfully heady buzz.

He coughed a little as he brought the bong down.

"You HAVE smoked before, haven't you?" Maddie razzed him now. She knew he had of course—she'd caught him and his friend's hot-boxing in the driveway one Friday afternoon before their parents had gotten home. He'd made her promise not to say anything, but of course he knew she wouldn't—they were cut from the same type of cloth and he was absolutely certain she did the exact same type of stuff.

It had been a while since he'd smoked though, and his rust showed in the way he coughed through the end of his hit.

They were both high now and they laughed together as loud slurping noises filled the kitchen while they downed their entire bowls of umami perfection.

Once they'd finished eating and cleaned up the table area, the sun had begun to lower a little over the coastline. Maddie had suggested they go down to the spa for a while to watch the sun set. Maddox loved that idea.

She changed into a dark burgundy Roxy two-piece and Maddox threw on a pair of blue-and-white RVCA board shorts that came up just above his knee.

When they rejoined each other in the living room, Maddie was wearing a towel around her waist while Maddox had the one she'd given him flung over his shoulder.

Maddie was instantly aware of the sexy muscles her brother was currently showing off, and Maddox too couldn't help but be a little distracted by the way his sister's tight body seemed to curve under her towel and finish on her sexy, tanned legs. Her belly-button was pierced and her hair was still up in a ponytail and she grabbed them both another beer as they headed down the path from her apartment to the community pool and jacuzzi.

The hot water felt amazing on their skin sunk lower and lower down. They had placed their stuff on a nearby chair and allowed their stressed muscles to unwind in the powerful underwater jets. Maddox couldn't help but stare at Maddie when she'd taken her towel off and her body had come into view in her cute dark-burgundy two-piece. Her tits were mostly coverd but they were very pronounced in the way the fabric stretched across her chest, and her round butt peeked out the sides of the bikini bottom in a tantalizing sort of way. She was hot and Maddox could tell that she knew it.

While they were in the jacuzzi four other people got in which caused the space to depreciate a little, but they didn't mind. Maddie scooted herself closer to Maddox and their legs occasionally touched inadvertently. It was nice to be spending quality time with each other like this...they really had missed their sibling time over the last few years away from each other.

When two more people joined the jacuzzi it was starting to lean towards capacity. They watched as the girl from the couple across the jacuzzi scooted up to sit on her boyfriend's lap. Maddie looked up at Maddox and raised an eyebrow.

"Let's be similarly polite," she whispered into his ear, and with that she climbed onto Maddox's lap and rested her butt sideways on the tops of his thighs as she draped her legs out to the side.

Maddox was fine with the setup, but it was a little challenging having his sister's sexy ass pressed against the thin fabric of his swim trunks. Her butt was so damned cute—she really was a knockout—the seemingly innocent girl next door with a damn nice body to go along with the fantasy. He put his arms around her back and rested his other on top of her thighs. She placed her arm around his neck and allowed her hand to run down the top of his arm as she traced his forearm hairs with her fingertips.

Someone was playing chill beats from a speaker over near the pool and no one in the spa was really talking. Everyone was mostly just relaxing and enjoying their own party's company.

As Maddox felt Maddie's round rump pressing against his upper legs, he could feel a tingling in his cock. This would be a very bad time to sprout a huge boner.

He tried to focus on other random things as they talked about their plans for tearing up the town that week, but the more she wiggled her butt on top of his legs as they talked and laughed, the more he felt his cock begin to grow.

"Hey you wanna take the party back inside and smoke a little more?" He said suddenly, hoping he could make an escape before she felt the perilously close hard-on that was about to travel down his left swim-trunk leg and into the very pert buns which had caused it to begin with. She smiled at her brother and nodded a cute yes and they stood up to head in.

As they headed over to their towel, Maddie was almost certain she could see the outline of her brother's hard cock poking out from his small trunks, and this made her smile a little as a couple of sinful thoughts unintentionally crossed her mind. Pot made her very horny and she wondered if she had been the cause of his possible woody.

When they'd dried off and headed inside, they traded turns in the bathroom and Maddie opened them both another beer. She disappeared briefly into the bedroom and returned wearing only a comfy UCSB t-shirt that came to the top of her thigh and some soft, striped knee socks. Maddox changed into a pair of gym shorts and a clean t-shirt himself. They grabbed the bong and weed and their beers and Maddie told Maddox to follow her into her bedroom so they could smoke out on her balcony.