Kiran and Priya Ch. 04

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Public nudity, humiliation and then, bliss, for Kiran.
4.6k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/26/2020
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Kiran woke up the next day to a flurry of messages on his phone, both on the SMS and WhatsApp. While they had been romping around, there had been a few announcements. Their Prime Minister had announced a country wide lockdown. The new virus had entered India and was multiplying quickly. While the increase in numbers were high by itself, it was lower than expected considering the Indian population and it's density. However, this lockdown was unexpected. His direct manager had left him 5 messages asking him to call ASAP. Kiran, noting the urgency called her without thinking and only realised after the call was picked up that he was naked. They talked for a few minutes and Kiran acknowledged the lockdown and agreed to come up with the plan/guidelines his mentees would have to follow during this. He then turned to Priya.

He started licking her feet and slowly moved up to her vagina. His plunges woke her up and she pulled him on top of her. They once again had sex. And, once again, Kiran came so quickly that Priya started feeling annoyed but was careful not to show. She called her manager as well. Priya was informed that the lockdown meant that she could not come to office nor could her underlings. The owner assured her that this month's salary would be paid in full. However, if the lockdown extended past the month, the next month's salary would be in jeopardy. Priya went berserk. Unlike Kiran, she lived paycheck-to-paycheck and not getting salary for even one month was huge. The owner simply told her that this was the best he could do. Priya, while understanding his situation was still upset.

Priya relayed her situation to Kiran. She did not expect Kiran to say he would support her and Kiran did not either. They decided they would see how things go. Kiran told her he had to retrieve his laptop. Angry at her work situation, Priya replied.

"Go get it, then. I am not stopping you."

Kiran stood rooted to the spot. "Priya, come on. Let me wear clothes."

Priya rummaged through Kiran's pants and pulled his key out.

"I have your house key. You have 10 seconds to come get it. Otherwise, I will push you out naked."

Kiran jumped at the key. Priya counted down from 10 again and Kiran raced out. Once he was out, he ran to his house and got it open. He prayed and prayed nobody would see him and no one did. He was miffed at Priya for making him go through this. He retrieved his laptop, put on the robe, went back to Priya's and promptly stripped off again. He then started about his morning chores at her house like cleaning the house, washing, making her breakfast etc. Eventually, it was time to hang the clothes to dry. Priya waited for him to ask her permission but he went ahead and put on his clothes. He then stared defiantly at her and Priya smiled. Kiran hang her clothes on the terrace, came back and was greeted with a kiss from Priya. He then logged into the computer and started working.

Priya did not have anything to do for the whole day. The boredom was slowly getting to her and she had only one outlet. She frequently smacked Kiran and Kiran silently accepted it. Kiran gave her foot massages twice that day. He also prepared her lunch and tea and did not receive any appreciation. He logged out exactly at 8 PM and went for the robe when Priya stopped him. The look in her eyes told him his worst fear had come true. Priya was going to send him upstairs naked. He tried to stop her but he was truly no match for her strength. In all of ten seconds, she had tied his hands behind his back.

"You know something," she said casually. "We never really brought our purchases from yesterday into the house. We are going to get them now."

"NO." Said Kiran firmly. "I am not going outside naked."

"You think you have a choice?"

Kiran could see his whole world crashing in front of him. But, he was not cowed. He stood up and looked directly into her eye.

"I cannot physically stop you. But, if you drag me out naked, you will be in big trouble. You cannot keep me tied up for the rest of my life. The second you release me, I will call the police. Sexual assaults work both ways now."

Priya smiled. This was more or less what she had expected.

"So be it, naked boy. But, do you want to bet on that?"

"There is no bet. Women are subjected to the same standards of sexual assault now. Priya, be serious. I -"

"I am not talking about the law. I am talking about you." She shushed him and listened. The three working women who shared an apartment were talking in the hallway downstairs. She turned back to her slave. "Here is my bet. I am going to drag you downstairs to your car. Completely naked! We will pick up our purchases and come back. Everybody in this whole building will see you naked. But, I am betting that you will not call the cops. If you call the police, my entire life will be over. I can see that. But, you won't. What do you want to bet?"

"Priya, don't make me destroy you. I love you."

"And, I love you too, Naked boy! But, I am going through with this. And, I tell you, you will not call the police. And, here is my bet. If you don't call the police, I will vacate this apartment and move in with you. You have already spared me the expense of å cook. Now, thanks to you, I will not have to pay rent either and it will be a big help considering the lockdown. Now, shut your trap." So saying, she took out a spare napkin and gagged him. Kiran fought her as best as he could but Priya pushed him out and locked her door. She then dragged him downstairs.

Once he was out, Kiran stopped fighting. It was done. He was going to face the biggest humiliation of his life. But, Priya was finished. She would be spending the next ten years of her life in jail. He had no clue why she thought he would not turn her in.

In the first landing, Kiran came face to face with the three women. It took maybe 2 seconds for the absurdity of the situation to sink in on the women.

"What the fuckity fuck?" One screamed.

"Fuck, what is going on?" Screamed another.

Eventually, the eyes went down and the three of them let out a synchronised whistle.

Priya, smiling, walked boldly in front of Kiran.

"Hi all. How do you like my naked baby?"

"What is going on? Explain yourselves." One of them demanded.

"What is there to explain? This man is mine. And, he is not going to wear any clothes for the foreseeable future. DO you have any problems with that?"

The three women sized him up and down. Once the eyes went down, however, they never came back up. Kiran stood there awkwardly. At first, he did not understand their expressions. He quickly realised that they were ogling him. The expression was of admiration which he had never seen in women. One of them walked forward. Reaching out, she caressed him starting from his cheeks and went downwards.

"Boy, you are massive." She turned to look at Priya. "I both hate you and feel sorry for you."

Kiran was confused. The other two women also got closer and Priya just stood back smiling. The first one to talk, Sheila, turned back to Priya.

"No, Priya. We have zero problems. Provided, of course, we get access to that thing whenever we want."

Sensing it was finally safe, Priya walked forward and removed her napkin from Kiran's mouth. The three women were now running their hands all over him and Kiran, who had been angrier then he ever was when Priya dragged him out was now confused. He was never the centre of attention with women. The women in his life would not bother to give him the time of the day let alone touch him. Now, the three of them were treating him like he was a piece of meat. He turned to Priya. Priya was smiling at him with a confident look in her eyes. He knew, right then, that he was not going to call the police.

Priya, who could sense his changed mind asked the ladies to move sideways. When they left, she went behind him and untied his hands. She motioned him to raise his hands and he did.


Priya never smacked casually. Every time she did, it was a powerful smack with all her strength and speed. If she slapped Kiran with the same intensity, he would just faint. Kiran, as it is, jumped up in pain.

"Hey!" Piped the women. "Why did you do that?"

"A bet between us. Come on, naked boy. We dont have all day. We need to go get your leash."

"A leash!" Screamed the women. "Did you say leash?"

Priya laughed and moved to drag Kiran. The other three, however, came between them. Bending down, they lifted Kiran. Kiran, who decided to go with the flow of the wind, silently let them do as they pleased. Two of the women - Shreeja and Ashwini - from either side lifted him by his thigh. Naturally, this meant that their hand was now centimetres away from his Penis. Naturally, that meant they started stroking. Slowly. With excruciating slowness, they continued to stroke him as Kiran grew and grew and looked fit to burst.

"If you cum, naked boy. You will be licking it." Priya warned him. All this sound was enough to bring the others. By the time they reached the next floor, the other two other tenants were also present.

The married couple stared in shock. The live-in man, however, was livid. He had just been insulted once again by his partner. God! Women can live off men for the their whole lives. But, if a man wanted to live off his partner for a couple months, it was shameful? Now, there was a naked man coming down. The fact that Kiran's penis was nearly thrice his size only served to increase his anger. He could see his girlfriend was trying desperately to keep her face expressionless. Akshatha, as soon as she saw Kiran in all his glory, had turned to her partner only to instantly regret it. She knew he knew she was comparing them both. She did not mean to. But, the mind was not in control all the time. Avinash, the boyfriend stood in front of the entourage.

"Get out of my way, dumbass." Priya said confidently.

"How dare you?" Avinash shouted.

"Yeah! Who are you to call him a dumbass? And, what the fuck you think you are doing?" Akshata came out shouting. She would fight with her partner as much as she wanted, but there was no way she would let anyone else give him crap.

Sheila and the other two women put him down. The married couple also came forward. They too did not approve this.

Priya stood her ground.

"What is your problem? He is my bitch, and if I want to parade him naked all through Mumbai, I damn well will."

Kiran, who did not appreciate being called a bitch opened his mouth. Sheila closed his mouth and warned him silently.

"You think this is your dad's house. Idiot." Avinash roared. "Take him back up now. And, you-" he turned to Kiran. "Why did you agree to this?"

Kiran blurted out. "She forced me."

Priya looked daggers at him. The three women too scowled. The married couple came forward.

"Guys, come on. Let's be civ-"

Avinash cut in. "She forced you? You pussy? You fucking pussy. Get back upstairs and, maybe, maybe I will not call the police."

Priya laughed loudly. Akshatha rounded on her. "What's funny?"

"Your boyfriend wants to call the police? That's a laugh. He will be the one getting fucked if he does."

"And, what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Even Kiran did not understand.

"Simple question." Priya replied. She then continued to talk to Akshatha while looking directly into Avinash's eyes. "If we open his cupboard, how many of my panties will we find."

The look on Avinash's eyes were a total giveaway. He changed it quickly but everyone, including Akshata had seen it. "What , er what stupidity are you-" he started but could not continue as he quailed under her gaze.

Akshatha was beside herself. No one accused her boyfriend. Especially not someone whose own boyfriend was a pervert.

"You dare talk about my boyfriend, when you have this asshole for a boyfriend." Priya was now furious. Furious at Akshata. Furious at Avinash. Also, furious at Kiran for telling everyone about how she forced him. She would punish him later, but for now, she focussed on the couple.

She hooked Akshata when she was least expecting it. Watching her fall down, Avinash jumped forward. One punch from Priya and he went flying backwards. Akshata came back and the women and the married couple all intervened.

Akshata was screaming cuss words at Priya. Priya finally shouted back.

"If you trust your boyfriend so much, why don't we open his wardrobe. We will see who is the real asshole."

"You think, whore? Come on inside and see. My boyfriend is a decent man." Avinash instantly jumped up. "No. I will not allow it. Dont you trust me? If you open my wardrobe, it is an insult to me."

"Yeah, that's right. You fucking pervert. Try to escape."

They released Akshata and Priya. Akshata was determined. She hated Avinash for not getting a job. But, no one accused her man of being a pervert. She was determined to settle this once and for all. She demanded Avinash's key. Avinash refused vehemently.

Looking at him refusing, the first seeds of doubt entered Akshata's mind. Admittedly, he was always secretive about his wardrobe. There was a time when she went there to get a wallet and he had literally jumped in front of her to open it himself. When questioned, he had changed the topic to her new bra and made a move. While having sex, he had dragged her away from the wardrobe and she never brought it up again. Now, he was in front of her, talking about how it was an insult to him. And, she noticed it for the first time. He was sweating! In November! She turned away and regretted it. Her gaze fell on the naked Kiran. Her mind betrayed her as she started comparing again. Kiran was completely flaccid and he was longer than her boyfriend was when fully erect.

"What's the matter, AKshatha? Are you scared of what you will find out?"

Avinash shouted. "That's it. I am calling the police."

Akshata shouted. "stop", and she snatched his phone. She then winked at him. "Both of you, come with me. We are settling this once and for all." She had a plan. She wanted Kiran inside her apartment naked. Him naked in the hallways was one thing. But legally, him naked in her house was a different story. If he was inside her house naked, she could even charge him with attempt to rape. She reached Avinash's wardrobe and demanded the key, again. Avinash refused, again, and was now sweating profusely. Priya, watching him fluster, eventually took matters into her own hands.

"You are planning to call the police anyway. Add this also to the charge."

She manhandled Avinash easily and got his wallet out of his pants. The key was right there. He tried to stop her and was stopped by Akshata herself.

"Dont you trust me?" He screamed at her.

Akshata kissed him. "Of course, I trust you baby. Let's destroy them first."

"Akshata, come closer."

Priya opened the top drawer. She knew where she wanted to look. The top drawer had an inner compartment. She invited Akshata to reach into that. Akshata reached and could sense the fabric. With growing horror, she pulled out a pink pair of panties. She could see the size. They were not hers. She turned to Avinash. Avinash was staring with fear. Akshata opened her mouth in disgust, but could not make a sound.

Priya calmly walked forward and lifted the panty up. "This is not yours, is it?" When Akshata did not reply, Priya raised her voice. "AKSHATA?" In a resigned, defeated voice, Akshata replied. "NO!"

"Funny, they are not mine either."

"That is because they are mine." The married woman piped. She jumped Avinash and kicked him. When she went to hit him again, Priya stopped her.

"Wait. There is more. Every time I am on the terrace, he is on the side, watching. I knew when he nicked my panty for the first time. Let's see how many he has."

There were totally 12 pairs of underwear in the cupboard. Once the evidence was out in the open, Priya called her entourage.

"Come on, naked boy. Let's go."

Sheila and the other two women were not budging. Priya reassured them.

"Akshata will take care of him. Come on, let's go."

They went downstairs. Kiran was by now enjoying it. Yes, he was naked in front of a bunch of woman. Yes, they were all dressed and dominating him. Priya called him a slave and bitch in public. But, he knew one thing that made him very happy. He was not Avinash. The women, however, were not in the jumpy mood they were when they had first carried the naked Kiran. However, one look at the items in the brought their spirits back.

Priya motioned to Kiran. Kiran went down on all fours. She put her leg forward. Kiran, deciding to take the plunge, went fully down and kissed it.

"Oooooooooooooh!" The other women squealed. Priya beckoned him forward further and Priya tossed the collar on him and tightened.

And thus, Kiran was now naked in their parking lot and leashed in front of four fully clothed women. None of them were sad about this. Including Kiran. He now understood why Priya was so confident that he would not report her. Report her? He wanted to marry her! Priya was watching him with an amused look in her eyes.

"Come on, naked boy!" Priya said loudly and the other women cheered again. "Let's get this party upstairs to MY apartment. You bitches are coming right?"

"Hell yeah!" They went upstairs in the lift. As it passed the second floor, they heard a male voice. They could not hear the words but could understand that he was pleading something. Without giving a second thought, they continued upstairs. The other women went towards Priya's apartment when Priya stopped them.

"Where are you going?" Priya pointed to Kiran's apartment. "THIS is my apartment now."

Catching on, the women squealed again and bounded into Kiran's house. Priya followed them dragging Kiran forward by the leash. Priya went to the sofa and crossed her legs. Kiran waited until the rest of them were also seated. Then, knowing what Priya wanted, crawled forward and kissed both her feet.

"Naked boy! You are going to crawl to each one here, kiss their feet and ask what they want. From this point, you are a slave not just to me but to all four of us."

And so, Kiran went to each one of them. He kissed their feet and asked them what they wanted. They all wanted the same thing. Beer, beer and more beer. Once he got them his beer, they were downing them like water. For the next 15 minutes, Kiran was in heaven. The women kept getting bolder and started using their hands. This was a free strip show and he was the performer. Priya started some loud and fast music and the three pairs of hands were on his privates. Fondling, pinching, stroking, spanking, the works. Kiran could not stop smiling. However, suddenly, Priya stopped the music.

"What the fuck?" The three women groaned.

"Dont worry, you will like this."

"Naked boy, here's what's going to happen. Firstly, we are out of beer and you are going to march over to my old apartment and fetch my stash. All the stuff."

"Ladies, now, here's your job. You are going to make him cum, repeatedly. I don't care how you do it. Just make it happen. And, naked boy, the number of times you cum multiplied by 5 is the number of times I am going to spank you tomorrow. So, you better don't."

The ladies cheered. Kiran also did not have any trouble with this. Four women liked and admired him. This was his dream. As ordered, he walked over, naked, and fetched the whisky from Priya's apparently old apartment as HIS apartment now belonged to her. As soon as he reached back and set the bottles on the table, the three women pounced on him. Once again, three pairs of hands fondled him and he came in less than a minute.

"That's one!" Priya and the women cheered.

They took some time off to take some shots. Kiran passed some lime and pickle for the shots. Then, they came to him again. Having cum once, Kiran was able to hold himself for some time now. The three women took turns passing him around. Eventually, one of them - by this time the faces were a blur and Kiran could only speculate who they were- started making out with him. The other two fondled and stroked his penis and also squeezed his buttocks and he came again. He could see he was dropping huge loads. Priya was uncorking another bottle.