Kismet or Happenstance? Ch. 03


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She was panting, coming down from the high with Sean's hips still pumping against hers. She kissed him wherever she could: his jaw, his neck, the biceps straining to keep his weight off of her. She knew by the sound of his moans and the furrow of his brows that he was fighting his pleasure.

"Look at me."

He did.

"Let go. Come," she chanted softly, over and over. And when finally he did, it was the most beautiful, unforgettable sight: Sean's body bowed above her, his head thrown back, and the call of her name rushing from his lips before he sagged heavily onto her.

Ana stroked his back, calming him while his breath came in hot puffs above her ear. He lifted his head and raked her hair. A strange look mingled with the satisfaction that had softened his handsome features. It was as if he was reading her face and had found some answer there. The look so intimate, her chest tightened. His fingers traced her jaw with the lightest of touch, and when his lips settled over hers, Ana knew he'd been right. If she wasn't careful, she'd be in big trouble.

* * * * *

Ana giggled and squealed while they played in the shower like naughty children. But the game had taken on a decidedly adult bent by the time they'd taken turns toweling each other. Somewhere between lazy kisses, Ana's fingers had attached themselves to Sean's cock. She looked down.

"May I?"

He grabbed a handful of her hair and tugged. "I think you already know the answer," he mumbled into the sweet spot where her neck and left shoulder met.

Ana's hand faltered as he worked his way down. "You'll distract me if you keep doing that."

He lifted his head and let go of her hair. "I wouldn't be doing it right if you weren't distracted."

She stepped back and focused her gaze his penis. Her fingertips followed the contours and traced the veins straining against his hot skin. Sean jerked when she found a particular spot on the underside. "I think you like that." He groaned when she touched him again. "I'll take that as a yes," she smirked.

"Can I kiss you?" she demanded more than asked as she sank before him. The boldness of her request could have shocked either one of them but the time for coyness had long past.

Sean grabbed the vanity. "Uh—" He started hissing. "Ah...ah-sh—it."

His knees went weak when she licked the seam with just the right pressure, making him harden under her tongue. Worse yet, it looked and sounded like she was getting just as turned on.

"" He reluctantly pushed her shoulders back. Her enthusiasm—which surpassed her tentative technique—was lethal. "You're gonna make me come."

Ana relented long enough for his blood to cool a degree or two, only to take him to the edge of spilling in her mouth. She did it again and again. So much for tentative. Sean swore and grunted until she honored his choked pleas to stop. He pulled her up from the bath mat before everything ended too soon. He hugged her to him but jerked when her soft skin brushed against his very hard skin.

"I've never done that before." She dropped the bombshell oh-so gently at his ear with her chin on his shoulder.

"What?" It came out harsher than intended.

"I've never had a man come in my mouth before."

Sean shook his head as his imagination ran wild at the idea of being Ana's first.

Ana drew her head back, misunderstanding him. "It's true," she said quietly before going in for the kill with those brown eyes of hers. "I wonder what it would taste like...if I'd like it."


He squeezed his eyes shut as if that could stop the x-rated movie playing behind them. He was wound so tight, he was sure he'd burst any second now. Shy girls, huh?

"I know what you're thinking."

Her eyes were pure mischief as she stepped back out of his reach.

"That you're an unbelievable tease?"

"Uh-uhn. Catch me if you can!"

They raced for the bedroom, with Ana getting there first and cat crawling toward the condom littered night table. But Sean was quick to reach over her and retrieve a packet. She turned in time to see him on his knees behind her, encasing the cock she'd teased to hardness with her hands and mouth, in the transparent sheath.

Their eyes met, Ana smiled and started crouching back, intending to face him. But Sean shoved her onto her stomach, tugged her hips up and backwards before plunging into her. Ana cried out at being stretched and filled so quickly, so perfectly. She had barely adjusted to his size when he withdrew and hammered into her again.

Ana sank onto her elbows and braced herself for Sean's thrusts. She clutched a pillow, feeling it rub her cheek in time with their frenzied push and pull rhythm. His hand found its way to her curls, his fingers searching, stroking her sensitized clit. It didn't take long before the first spasms hit. Ana poured her cries into the pillow, muffling the sounds as she dissolved into the splintering climax.

Sean froze.

He gritted his teeth, riding out the storm as her wild pulsing squeezed and tugged his cock. He grabbed her hips, pulled her back and shoved into her violently, one, two, three times before letting out a guttural roar.

Afterwards, they slept until he reached for her again in the moonlight. This time, he drew her leg over his hip, facing her as he entered her slowly. He dropped light kisses over her face and neck between murmuring words of beauty and praise against her skin. They stroked each other with gentle fingers, both reveling in the contrasting textures of their joined bodies. The tenderness of it was utterly mind-shattering.

Ana lay awake long after, her body spent, her mind tireless and whirling with possibilities. In the midst of it all was the instinct to flee.

* * * * *

Sean watched as Ana drank the last of the cognac-laced milk he'd warmed for her. He had to suppress a laugh when she coughed upon taking the first gulp. But his sexy witch was feeling too shy and skittish to see the humor in the situation. Right now she needed comfort.

She'd been a docile little lamb from the moment he caught her trying to sneak out on him. Fortunately, she never made it beyond three feet of his bed. And it was good having her back in it, even if she kept the sheet tucked under her arms in some inexplicable attempt at modesty. She set the mug on the table and offered him a feeble smile. Last night hadn't gone the way he expected. Then again, Anabelle Williams wasn't what he expected.

"That was good. Thank you."

He went over to the sliding door to close the shutters.

"Don't. The moonlight. It's pretty."

It was her first original thought since her unsuccessful getaway. She drew her knees up. Something about the gesture, the uncertainty in her face, made him want to protect her and be close. She scooted over as he got into bed with her and trembled when he settled into the pillow next to hers.


"A little."

"Come here."

He pulled her into his arms and tucked the sheet around her. He stroked her hair, her back, and her shoulders until the tension started to fade.


"Mmm-hmm," she nodded against his chest.

Sean turned off the light and talked to her. An inconsequential conversation that required some nods and a few "mmm-hmms" on her part.

"Wait till you see what's for breakfast," he said into her hair, feeling her become more and more relaxed.

Ana's breathing changed and she remained silent. He reached for the hand nestled at his side and held it near his heart.

"French toast," she mumbled distantly as she snuggled closer and draped her arm across his chest.

"Go to sleep, sweetheart."

This time, they both did.

* * *

Ana woke to the sound of the sky cracking, the smell of warm, spicy vanilla and a hint of musk. Summer storm. Breakfast. And? She stretched and was greeted with a series of aches as she rolled onto her back. She quickly realized the reason behind the last observation.

She'd had sex. Amazing, insatiable sex. She looked at the clock twice and bolted. It was almost eleven! Ana caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and winced.

After a quick shower, she redressed, having found everything—including her hairpins—on the padded bench, everything but her panties. She blushed as she recalled their fate. She fidgeted in front of the mirror and decided the encore presentation of this getup just wasn't going to get any better.

"No regrets," she told her reflection.

Okay, maybe a little embarrassment about her lack of finesse last night, um, this morning. But she didn't think Sean would hold it against her. He'd been so gracious and sweet and lov— Whoa! You mean affectionate. Just the effects of great, uh good, okay great, sex messing with your brain. And you're not a morning person. And you didn't get much sleep. Heck, you haven't had a goodnight's rest since you got here.

"Okay," she said to the incessant yammering going on inside her head. Chill. She would go out there, they'd engage in some small talk and exchange clichés on what a lovely night they had together. Then she'd get back to her apartment and that would be it. And this whiff of disappointment would disappear in a day or two.

Unlike her, Sean radiated energy when greeted her with a kiss on the temple. He looked boyishly fresh in his navy polo and khaki shorts, making Ana feel, well, raggedy. How unfair, she thought grumpily. Looks like he's a morning person.

"I was just coming to check on you. You slept well?"

She gave him a sheepish look. "Very well, thanks. Except for some guy waking me up at six."

"Who could blame him? If I had you in my bed, I'd keep you up all night." He paused as if in thought. "Oh, yeah...already did that."

Ana playfully nudged his shoulder. "French toast? You know, that's my favorite breakfast treat."

"Maybe I'm psychic. And here you thought I was just a great lay," he teased and laughed as Ana turned shades of cinnamon. "Too cute."

She swatted at him again, but this time he stepped out of reach.

"You're too much!"

"I think you'll get used to it," he cocked his head towards the bedroom, leaving her in no doubt of the meaning behind his double entendre. Ana ducked her head, certain her coloring had brightened as she remembered their first time. "You know, you really are cute when you blush."

Ana eased onto a barstool. "I'm not the only one," she shot back, pleased that her wit had decided to show up again. Where were you at three am? "Why don't you hush and feed me."

Sean's brows rose suggestively.

Ana ducked her head before looking at him again. "I walked into that one, didn't I?"

He grinned. "Yeah, you did."

* * * * *

They ended up on the couch with a well fed Ana sitting on his lap. He nuzzled her neck while his hands smoothed her back and bare legs. She felt his fingers searching beneath her arm. Surely he'd had enough. She looked at him in disbelief as her dress loosened.

"You can't want to, not after—"

His lascivious grin halted her words.

"Well," Sean countered, "it's been a while." He gathered her close and leaned forward to toss her hairpins onto the coffee table, "you're sexy."

Her smile was shy. "Thank you. So are you."

"And irresistibly cute," he said against her mouth as he eased her backwards, "so let's see what happens."

A few kisses later, Ana was flat on her back, her dress around her waist, her bra gone and Sean looming over her. Ana writhed beneath him as his tongue circled her navel then traveled lower. She held her breath when she felt his fingers nearing her warm center and bit back a startled cry at his probing touch.

Sean lifted his head and looked at her. Something was off. He touched her again and Ana flinched.

"Did that hurt?"

"I'm fine. Don't stop."

He wasn't convinced. He caressed her thighs until they fell open and pressed a middle finger to the soft heat of her. She tensed briefly but her face remained schooled in a neutral expression. His finger circled her opening with more pressure this time, eliciting a gasp. Sean stopped immediately.

"Admit it, Ana. You're sore."

"Just a little," she conceded in a soft voice. "It'll be okay if we go slow."

Sean shook his head and rose up off her. He'd never hurt a woman in bed before and he wasn't about to start now, especially with this one.

"I'm sorry I hurt you," his voice wavered, " I should've been more careful with you... I just wanted you too much."

She sat up and cupped his rough jaw. "In case you haven't figured it out, those sounds I made this morning—that wasn't me complaining."

He hugged her to him. "What am I going to do with you?"

She brought his hand to her breast. "I don't know. You seem like a fairly smart guy, maybe you'll think of something."

"Fairly smart, huh?" he miffed as his fingers traced the stiff peak. "I went to law school you know." Ana sent him a look of pure nonchalance.

Her fingers circled his wrist, arching into his hand. "How'd you do?"

Sean nuzzled her neck. He ran a hand down the leg draped over his lap. "Why don't you take a guess."

She ran her fingers through his hair, pressing closer. " twenty percent."

He bit her shoulder playfully. "Try again," he insisted before taking a mocha colored bud into his warm mouth.

Her breath stilted as his tongue twisted and twirled. She grabbed his shoulders. What she supposed to try again?

"I'm waiting," he reminded her with mock annoyance while kissing his way to her left breast, stopping to lick and kiss everywhere but where she needed it most.

"Kiss me first." It was part plea, part command.

His thumb danced closer and closer to her nipple with maddening slowness. "Here?"

The touch, when it came, made her shudder and nod.

"As you wish, Cleopatra."

He cupped her shoulders from behind and brought her to his descending mouth. His words thrilled her and she lifted his shirt, wanting to feel his bare skin against her. Soon Ana was on her back, hot and aching as Sean kissed and caressed his way down her body again. She caught her breath when she felt the rasp of his stubble on her inner thigh. The feel of his breath there washed her with heat. She felt feverish just thinking about what would come next. He was so, so close.

But Sean delayed her pleasure. Or was he continuing his sweet torture of her?

"Guess again."

" five," she choked as she watched his head lowering centimeters at a time. His tongue traced the seam of her sex, oh so lightly, before it flicked over her clit.

"Oh, God," Ana spat out in near wonder. It had been so long, yet she couldn't remember anything feeling half this good.

He draped her legs over his shoulders and feasted on her, gently licking her with fire. The sight of his dark head between her legs was almost too decadent for her eyes to bear. Ana felt like she'd been tossed into a sea of sensation, completely helpless to the pleasure crashing over her.

"Sh—awn!" she wailed. Was that her own voice she heard, pleading, and screeching?

Sean fought the temptation to push down his shorts and sink into her silky, wet flesh. Every cry, gasp and moan from Ana's lips was a siren song calling him to mate with her. And she was not only ready, she was willing despite... He tried not to think of how wonderfully snug and hot she'd felt around him when he'd almost had her in the kitchen last night; tried to block out how incredible it would feel to bury himself in her right now.

It'll be okay if we go slow.

Only, he wasn't sure he could. Even now, he tried to be careful when he so wanted to slide his fingers inside her and take her past her current bliss. There'd be time for that and more, he'd make sure of it.

She called out his name again, making his blood boil. He raised his head and bit her right thigh, then kissed the slightly reddened spot. He eased her limp legs from his shoulders and kissed his way up Ana's torso. He leaned on his hands above her, taking in her wild curls and pretty, flushed face. She was looking at him as if he'd invented heaven.

"Ready to take another guess?"

Her brows drew together in confusion before she shook her head.

"Top of my class, baby," he boasted.

"What a surprise," she tossed back weakly.

"I see you need some convincing."

Her eyes widened when he dipped his head.

"I'm just getting started with you."

When he was done, Ana was certain the man was a genius.

* * * * *

That night Ana found herself in bed well before ten, too tired to focus on reading and too distracted to think about anything other than the last twenty-four hours.

He wants to see me again.

She felt a buzz of excitement every time the thought darted into her head—which was often. In keeping with her newfound philosophy, she'd enjoy it for as long as it lasted. Of course she'd still be careful, just a little, so she'd be alright when it ended.

Of the ending she was sure. Something this hot, this fast couldn't last long. How did the phrase go again? The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long. Well this had all the makings of an inferno.

Ana dropped the research file onto the makeshift table and turned off the lamp. She'd sort through the stuff Simon had sent her in the morning.

He wants to see me again.

It was the first time she'd slept peacefully since the move. It was the first time in almost two years she could remember falling asleep with a smile.

* * *

The story behind Sasha's hook-up will be told.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
multi-facted characters ...

I love that the two characters are both multi-faceted. Sean seems a bit of the playboy/blowhard, yet he has depth. Ana seems a bit shy, but doesn't back down from him sexually and verbally is his equal - and it seems he's not used to that.

DLynDLynover 14 years ago

I agree with all the below comments! And I really love the way you've developed Anna's character. You didn't go for the stereotype shy, damaged girl, or for the bold, brassy, sexy girl. You made her complex, and a bit of both, which is wonderful! yay!

SecretFantasy69SecretFantasy69over 15 years ago
Everyone should have a Sean...

Seriously! The man's a genius!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Holy Hell!

Why didn't I read this sooner! I swear you write smart and you write beautifully. The sex was hot, the dialogue fantastic, and there was a real poetic realism to your prose that made me feel like I was right there. Sean is so sexy and impish and Ana is absolutely gorgeous. Fantastic! Can't wait to read the rest! :)

ZuzusPetalsZuzusPetalsabout 16 years ago
Now I need

to take a shower with glacier water, in Alaska, in a snow storm, to get over the hotness of this series. The characters are lovely and the banter between them is something, as a writer, I truly envy. Please keep writing, I'm beginning to get attached to this deity of a man, Sean.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
I'll do the dishes!!!!

Great build-up. Good storytelling. I love the way you spin an ordinary situation into something more. I'm wondering what the deal is with Simon. Is a love triangle brewing? Nice debut.

evanslilyevanslilyabout 16 years ago
Oh my...

I've been so looking forward to this--and wow, it didn't disappoint!

<br><I>When he was done, Ana was certain the man was a genius</I>...</br>

You too, hun. That was great. More!

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