Kiss Me Cate Pt. 04


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"Jesus, Cate you scared the hell out of me." I sat up. "I thought you were packing up to leave me."

She laughed. "No, if I were going to leave you, you'd likely see it coming better than that. You're smart, and honestly far more mature than many of the men I've known over the years, but also you're not as mature as you think sometimes. Please stop trying to prove yourself and just love me," she inhaled sharply, a tear ran down her cheek again, "like you did when you came that first night. If you do that, and talk to me, trust me and respect me, you'll have to forcibly evict me, to get rid of me."

I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her head down on my shoulder. "I am such an idiot." I said softly into her hair. She agreed. "All this time I've been doing everything I thought I should to protect you and support you and I've missed the whole point. The very point I made." I said with a little laugh.

She inhaled deeply and let it out in a long ragged breath. "I'll never in this lifetime be able to repay what you've done for me Dylan. I don't know if you realize the strain that put on me when you told me. Half a million dollars is a big debt to pay off."

I shushed her and kissed her on top of the head. "There is and never will be a debt to repay. You deserved fair treatment, and unfortunately in this world you need to grease the right wheels to get it sometimes." I inhaled deeply and let out a long slow breath myself. "I never realized being financially sound was going to be such a huge burden."

"You could donate it all to charity and go to work for a non-profit. We could always live on boiled potatoes and cabbage." She said laughing.

I looked at her and wrinkled up my nose like she often does. "Nah, besides we'll need a nest egg, travel the world, buy a nice little house somewhere where you can have a garden to grow your flowers, potatoes and cabbages."

"Let's just get through meeting our respective parents first!"

I thought for a minute as she began packing again, albeit more calmly. "Cate." She looked up at me. "I promise I'll do better, but I won't watch you suffer for anything if I can do something about it."

She reached over and took my hand. "I know, but please include me before you run off and give away another fortune." She leaned forward and gave me a peck on the cheek. "We need it because I'm not planning backpacking around the globe. I've gotten used to room service." She added with a grin, and with that statement diffused the pent up tension left in the room.

The next few days went by quickly as we rushed to classes, ran errands and cleaned her apartment. Wednesday was the last day of classes for the week since Christmas was on Sunday this year. The fashionable Miss Murray came out of the bedroom in jeans and one of my dress shirts. "I like it, throw a tweed jacket on and we'll make an American college professor out of you yet." I said smiling.

"I'll need to get some leather elbow patches for mine, and maybe a pipe." She said pantomiming smoking.

"Sorry, this is a non-smoking campus." I winked as she donned her jacket.

I watched her and walked around. "It's a change from your sensible suits and skirts. I like this look on you, sort of preppy casual."

"Thank you. I hope you don't mind, it's your shirt." She said smiling.

"Not at all, I rather enjoy having you in my clothing."

"I bet you do." She laughed and filled her travel mug.

"Just leave the jacket on or you're going to get a lot of attention on the view from back here."

"Really?" She leaned over and looked down her back. "Are the jeans that tight?"

"No, but they are well filled out." I said wiggling my eyebrows. I dropped her off at her door and parked and went to my first class. It was a short recap of what to expect on the finals and reminder of our timeline for turning in our theses. He let us out early with a wish for a good holiday. I made my way to Cate's office, knowing she was still in class. I still had the key and let myself in. On the corner of her desk was a small finely crafted wooden box with a Christmas bow on it. At first I thought it was cigars but noticed the small metal badge on the latch was the name of one of the biggest names in the tea business. It was probably a gift from Dr. Howe, the department head. I sat in one of her reception chairs and began puttering on my laptop.

A few minutes later I heard a key in the door and Cate came in, she stopped short until she realized it was me. "Oh, hullo Dylan." She closed the door and softly clicked the lock in place then came over and greeted me a lot more personably. I returned the kiss as ardently. "Don't muss up the lipstick I have class again in twenty minutes."

"Okay but after that I'll muss it up all I want for the next two weeks." I said with a broad grin.

"I do believe I'll not only let you, but assist you with that task. What are you working on? Plotting the downfall of western civilization?"

"No I only do that on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so you're safe." I said with a laugh. "Just brainstorming, in the early stages of another possible application idea."

"Let me finish up my next class and I'll let you bounce ideas off of me." She smiled and picked up her kettle which she found was already full. "Been here a while I see." She set it back down and turned it on. She reached for the box and opened it. "Did you see what I got? Dr. Howe sent it." She inhaled deeply as the exotic scents filled the room. She handed me the note which thanked her for sticking it out through the difficulties and hope for a wonderful holiday.

"I like him. He's a good guy."

"He is. I think he's the only one I think that's really on my side in the department. I don't know why but I get this feeling of animosity from some of the professors in this department as if I were the girl that laughed at them in grade school." She looked beyond me at the wall and shook her head. "Care to join me?" She plucked a packet out. I nodded and she looked critically at the other varieties and plucked out another. She turned and bent over reaching under the cabinet for another mug and I groaned softly.

"Tell me you didn't take the jacket off."

"Are you getting randy back there?"

"Suffice to say my laptop is no longer on a level surface." She giggled at that.

"I'm so glad we have tomorrow off. I have so much to get ready before we leave."

"This may have been easier had we not bought gifts here, we're going to have to check two bags each." I said. "I have to run by the bank tomorrow morning too to pick up the Euros I ordered.

"Maybe we should make a list of things we need to do."

I grinned tapped a few keys on my laptop and her phone vibrated. She laughed. "Aren't you the efficient one. Remember it gets cold and wet, but rarely gets below freezing, unlike here."

"You told me." I said laughing. "Cate, relax. My biggest worry is making it from here to LaGuardia and not getting caught up in any weather. I'll leave my sneakers, jeans, flag, guns and bald eagle here so I don't embarrass you."

"Har, har." She said pushing the steeped tea towards me. "Prince of Wales blend, let me know if you like it."

"I was going to wear a shamrock covered 'Erin Go Bragh' hat and a Boston Celtics tee shirt to meet your parents. Is that okay?"

She leaned forward and put her forehead in her hands. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather go somewhere else instead? Australia, Nepal maybe, or deepest Africa?"

I laughed aloud at that. "Is meeting your parents going to be that stressful Cate?"

"Not for you or them, but I'm going to be a nervous wreck. They're going to love you, but likely my dad's aware of the way things are and as I pointed out he might be a bit cool at first."

"Right, the debauchery." I looked at my watch and then at Cate. "How long before your next class? I said wiggling my eyebrows. She looked shocked that I would consider such a thing in her office. The shock slowly spread into a grin.

"Too soon I'm afraid, though I did plan on cutting it short. No need to drone on with everyone wanting to get out of here for the holidays. Are you going to wait here?" I nodded. "If you like, the Lady Grey blend is good too, a bit of orange zest in that one." She stood, straightened her coat, patted down her hair, and picked up her laptop case. She came around the desk and grasped the back of my head and leaned down for a lingering kiss. "Don't get into trouble, I should be back in about twenty or thirty minutes. Love you." She ruffled my hair and unlocked the door and closed it behind her. Before I realized it Cate was back.

"Half the class didn't even show. I can't really blame them though."

"Dia duit, conas atá tú?" I said, trying out my Gaelic. Cate instantly grinned ear to ear. She repeated it slowly with the correct pronunciation.

"Tá mé go maith go raibh maith agat." She replied. "Looking to impress I see."

I laughed. "I have no idea what you said."

"I said, 'I am well, thank you.'"

"I think this is going to be a little tougher than French."

"Luckily for you, you have a tutor for both." She took off her coat and hung it up. She started tidying up and bent over at the waist to unplug the kettle showing off a fine denim clad bottom.

"Ooh la la!"

She stood laughing. "Let me guess what you're thinking. Voulez-vous couchez avec moi ce soir?"

"Pas ce soir, maintenant!"

Her eyes went wide and a blush colored her cheeks. "Now? Here? You're crazy!"

I nodded rapidly in agreement. I slipped my laptop into my case and stood taking her by the hips and kissing her. "Is it wrong that I've been harboring this fantasy since September?"

"Do tell, ahh! You leave a single mark on my neck and I will murder you before we get out of town."

"Sorry, I know where your buttons are and I like pressing them."

"Keep searching, you haven't found them all."

"Gladly." My hands slipped between us and I unbuttoned her jeans.

"Dylan I thought you were joking!" She whispered harshly.

"Not even a little bit, check and see." Her hand slipped between us, her eyes going wide as she ran her hand up and down the tented front of my jeans.

"Lock the door." She panted. It was all I could to pull myself away from her to do it, when I turned back she had kicked off her shoes and was unbuttoning her jeans herself. I looked up and realized the blinds should be pulled as well since there was another window directly across the courtyard from hers and ran around the desk to do that too. I came back to find her standing there her jeans kicked aside as well. She reached out for my jeans and I stayed out of her way as they were quickly undone. "You weren't joking were you?" She slipped down my boxers and stroked the length."

"No and I wouldn't do that too long if I were you. You might get a surprise." My breath came short and quick. I slipped my hand up under the hem of the dress shirt, she still had her panties on, the heat radiating from her was intense. "You're on fire."

"Good thing you brought your fire hose." She grinned as she took my mouth again. I lifted slightly and slipped a hand into her panties.

"It's already wet here."

"Just keep the hose trained on it until the fire is out."

I knelt and yanked the panties down causing her to let out a gasp. I slipped my tongue up the inside her her thigh and she leaned back against the desk and parted them further. Something was going on over my head but I had no care as to what it was right then. She began panting harder as I slid my tongue up and down her damp crease. Something dropped past my ear, I'm not sure what it was, suddenly the cloth was pushed away from my face and her hands were on my head. Her hips started to rock into me urging me. "No, no!" She whispered and practically dragged me upright by the ears. She sat on the edge of the desk, my dress shirt wide open, her bra gone and her hand reaching for me. I hoisted her a bit higher setting her on the edge of the desk, her legs came around me pulling me towards her. "Don't just stand there!" She whispered.

I groaned deep in my throat to keep from crying out in pleasure. "Don't tease, I'm so close Dylan." Her heels dug into my lower back, she pulled herself closer to me and buried her face in the crook of my neck and began moaning. "Harder!" I pulled her to me with every stroke. She began to shudder and make small yelps into my shoulder. I couldn't take it any more and pushed faster going over the edge as I let the tide of orgasm crash over us. We were both panting like we'd just completed a foot race. "Did it live up to the fantasy?" She asked softly.

I grinned. "Surpassed it in ways you can't believe."

"Well, I'm glad I'm not losing my touch." Her smile brightened the room.

I kissed her. "Don't worry I'll keep your skills honed to a razors edge. Practice, practice, practice."

"If you have some fantasy of doing it at Carnegie Hall, you're on your own." She said laughing.

"Maybe in the back of the balcony." I said grinning down at her as she laid back on her desk holding her head. She looked so incredible the dim light showing off the splash of freckles on her chest, the pale roundness of her breasts spread out as she reclined, the curve of her waist the swell of her hips, the flat expanse of her stomach which rose and fell slightly as she caught her breath.

"Sorry." She said relaxing her legs and letting me go.

"You are so beautiful. You have no idea."

She combed her fingers through her hair letting it fall over the edge of the desk. "If you think I'm going to tire of hearing you say that you've got another thing coming." She reached out a hand for me and I took it. She pulled herself up and kissed me and gave me a gentle bite on the chin. "Grrr, I could eat you up. You are absolutely wonderful for a woman's ego."

"I'm only speaking the truth. I think that brutal honesty trait of yours is wearing off on me."

"You know what happens when you step back don't you?" She giggled.

"Yes I do." I grinned and looked around noticing there was a box of tissues on the bookcase. "Hopefully that's enough to clean this up."

We proceeded to clean up and put ourselves back together. She tucked her bra into her briefcase and buttoned up my dress shirt leaving the tails hanging out. Damn it looked so much better on her than it did on me. She tossed her coat on and we left the building holding hands. I considered this a signal moment. She was no longer afraid to be caught showing me any affection in public, and my heart soared at that. I released her hand as we got to the car so we could get in and she grabbed mine and hauled me to her and kissed me again.

I grinned. "I love you."

"Don't hesitate to keep the ideas coming." She said smiling back at me. "That was fun."

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gunmakergunmaker12 months ago

You suffer the same as many who run the series on to long. It's not that they're bad, they are just forgettable. The first two were great, the third was OK, now it seems to me that you're searching for inspiration.

Oldsofty1961Oldsofty1961about 2 years ago

still going strong juming into next chapter

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago

she's mad because he asked if he could call her his girlfriend or she's mad because he spent money on her????


rightbankrightbankover 7 years ago
he went from being an unpaid TA

to paying a whole lot of money to quit his job and the class. Doesn't seem fair to me.

but he did get the girl

radmadradmadover 7 years ago
Re Re

That response makes me happy, as I do love this couple.

Member389Member389over 7 years agoAuthor
Re: I somehow get the feeling

Sometimes I like to think there are good people in the world that don't necessarily have ulterior motives.

radmadradmadover 7 years ago
I somehow get the feeling

That Dr. Howe is trying to win Cates affection and or has an ulterior motive.

TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticover 7 years ago

Every chapter I like best.

I must admit that I would prefer that there be less description about their sexual relations and more about their relationship, but I recognize that everything is part of a whole, as Cate explained to Dylan, love and sex are born in the heart, The thought and ends in the sexual organs, all accompanied by a feeling of sincere love and mutual respect.

This story is becoming one of the best I've read in Lit. I find it difficult to wait every day for the next chapter.

Thank you for sharing your excellent work.

5 * for you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago


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