Knights And Maidens Pt. 06

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Male supremacy may not be all it seems.
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Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 02/15/2024
Created 01/15/2024
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Around mid-afternoon, all but twelve of the captive senior Maidens were sent back to their residence. The chosen ten, plus Annabel and Olivia, were released from their bonds, blindfolds and gags. They were ordered to form a single column with their hands clasped behind their heads and ordered to march. All twelve were bunched up so they were pressed snugly against each other. Annabel was in the lead, statuesque Olivia directly behind, her breasts nestled between the tiny woman's shoulder blades. Keeping in step to avoid treading on each other's heels, they shuffled into the Annexe to get cleaned up, but only for the next phase of their ordeal. Alice was in the middle, her body proudly and defiantly erect. Her lavender top was stained with purple patches of perspiration and it slipped further down as her chest nuzzled the back of the girl in front, uncovering her nipples. They were also erect, and I suspected that the damp patch on her panties was not just sweat. I felt shame that I had stared so intimately, and anguish to be witnessing her discomfort and humiliation. Nevertheless, the signs of sexual arousal were unmistakeable.

Now we know that your body's reactions do not always reflect what's in your mind; but it gave me some reassurance that Alice's ordeal was not an unbearable torment. And of course it wasn't. Although the event was not exactly a fabrication, there had been a degree of stage management. While none of the women in the Maidenhall knew precisely what was coming, or when it would come, they all must have been aware that something was brewing. And they knew they had a role to play just as we Knights had ours. So they were not completely unwilling victims (even if one might debate the permutations of willingness).

As they made their way out of the common room, down the corridor and into the lobby, the women stared straight ahead, trying to remain oblivious to the spectators, both Knights and Maidens. Nobody spoke except for a few whispers and nervous giggles. I saw Kate and her roomies watching silently. I tried to read my sister's face, comprehend her thoughts and feelings. And then, for a couple of seconds, we looked into each other's eyes, and what I saw unnerved me. It was an expression I had rarely seen before and I couldn't quite define it -- not disapproval nor disappointment nor disdain. It was a sort of defiant condescension, if that makes any sense. We had come a long way from that proud hug and kiss at my interview, just three months before.

I turned away, and in my moment of disconcertion I did something I immediately deplored. Jane was at the very end of the line. I knew her vaguely, she was 25 years old with a PhD in something esoteric like analytical philosophy. She had fallen behind the girl in front, by just enough that they were no longer in physical contact. Urging her to catch up, I slapped her on the backside with my open hand. Although it was light, the sound seemed to fill the great room and echo off the walls. She jerked, but not a word nor a note issued from her pursed lips as she closed the gap. I glanced back at Kate in time to see her slowly shake her head.

Yet I didn't feel too much remorse, because that momentary manifestation of weak-minded malice was to prove a turning point in my understanding of the Templars and my relationship with both the Maidens and my fellow Knights. For as odd as it felt, as glad as I was to not be one of them, in a way I envied those dozen young women, indeed everyone in the Annexe and the Maidenhall. I saw in their faces, in their stoical expressions and dignified stances, what I did not recognize in my brothers. They possessed what I had not found during my short time in the Temple, what none of the Knights had found, what I could not discover, what I believe none of the Knights would ever come to know, because the very institution which promoted it as a virtue was incapable of instilling it.

In adversity the Maidens found strength.


Once more, with regard to the Councillors' investment ceremony, we were issued strict instructions to keep all Templar business to ourselves. I did not understand the need for such confidentiality, and it was hard withholding the news from Kate and Alice. Not that I was especially keen to take my seat; it was just that Kate would be proud of her baby brother, and Alice would be so pleased to learn that our discussions had borne this unexpected fruit. However, the actual reason we had to keep the secret became known to me the following week.

The incoming Council of Knights convened for a preliminary session a few days after the election. Ross Parnell, the retiring Senior Master, chaired the meeting and there was just one piece of business. We were each handed a folder embossed with the seals of the Compagnie and the Société, marked in large black letters: "CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL". Inside were three folios, dossiers on the nominees for the position of Maîtresse, who was the ranking female in the Order. The outgoing incumbent was Olivia, who had greeted us on our first day as Templars and could often be seen directing her fellow Maidens as they went about their chores in the Temple.

I wasn't privy to the pre-selection procedures but from the brief discussion I surmised that the three had been nominated by the senior Maidens. So the process was not unreservedly paternalistic, even though the male Councillors made the final choice. We could, indeed, veto any nomination but apparently had never done so. We received no personal statements from the candidates, just her academic and service records. The selection of the Maîtresse would be the first item on the agenda of our inaugural formal session, a few weeks hence. My job in the meantime was to scrutinize the rather sparse files. I did not know if I was allowed to approach the nominees personally or bring the subject up with any other Maidens or Knights. I decided that the classified nature of the Council appointments meant that I shouldn't.

And yet a mere three days later, the pretext for confidentiality was completely undermined. I was informed that I should once again be available on Thursday evening. Instead of joining the rest of the Knights, we Councillors gathered in the lobby. Mattias and I, the Cadets, were still in the dark as we were met by a contingent of twenty young women coming through the passageway from the Annexe, led by Olivia. Another member of the delegation was my sister bearing as joyful a smile as I have seen on her face, and Devi who was beaming with pride that her protégé had reached such heights so early. The girls separated into pairs to escort the Councillors. Kate and Devi came up to me. Kate winked and smiled but Devi kept her eyes downcast. They both offered the now familiar gesture of obeisance, sliding their dress straps off their shoulders. They took up positions of either side of me and, arm in arm, we joined the procession into the Annexe.

I was gratified that I did not have to wear my cheesy robe. In fact, I later learned that it was regarded as unseemly for Knights to wear ceremonial garb inside the Annexe. On the other hand, this was the first time I had seen every girl in the Annexe wearing her little uniform. All respectfully stood at attention, baring their shoulders as we passed. I did not see Sabrina, but Rachel, Hannah and Libby were there, looking bewildered. Lucy stood at the foot of the stairs. She flashed me a cheeky grin as she slid the slender straps slowly down her arms. Her neckline was slumped lower than most, which surprised me not at all.

We climbed to the top floor, where the Maidens' dining and meeting hall is located. It is, in typically stark contrast to the Knights', small and unadorned. Whereas ours catered for well over a hundred diners, this room seated no more than fifty. It was packed with twice that number of young women, sitting at the tables, standing against the walls, crowding in the doorway. And if any of us puffed up Knights had expected them to fall into deferential silence as we entered, the rising din quenched any such conceit. Above the commotion, I even heard wolf-whistles.

I scanned the room, hoping to see Alice. She wasn't present, but at the back was Sabrina, her expression priceless as she recognized me. The bulging eyes, raised eyebrows and drooping jaw said it all.

We men took our places at the high table. Kate, Devi and the other escorts occupied seats reserved for them along one of the side walls. Maîtresse Olivia, who was the only female seated out the front with us, rose to speak. She introduced "our" new Councillors, and she was anything but reverential. Given the nature of some of the risqué innuendo she inserted into her remarks, it was more of a roast than a tribute. And as we stood in turn to be acknowledged, the acclaim evolved from polite applause for the senior Knights into rousing cheers, and a few more whistles, for us younger ones.

The ceremony took about half an hour, after which those Maidens not allocated places at the tables departed. I'm not sure how the fifty or so privileged to join us in the meal were selected. As was the standard practice with Templar dining, the Maidens who served the meal withdrew once they'd finished their task.

I was seated next to Olivia, who was as pleasant to talk to as she was to look at. She had a dry, sometimes pungent wit but seemed genuinely interested in my research on the history of the Temple. She informed me that she was a third-generation member of the Order. Unfortunately, I feel ashamed that much of my attention was focused on her delightful décolletage. The front of her dress had sagged so low that I could see... well, never mind. Anyway, it was hardly my fault that I was distracted. And she did not appear to mind. I guess she was used to it.

When it was over, we returned relatively unimpeded to the Temple. Our passage was not flanked by admiring, obeisant females. That suited me fine. All in all, the differences between the two induction ceremonies -- in the Temple and in the Annexe -- were a telling indication of the relationship between la Compagnie and la Société, and also of each institution's self-perception.

The following morning was Friday, when Alice and I were scheduled to have breakfast together. I was not at all surprised when Kate invited herself along.

"So why didn't you tell us?" they both demanded.

"I wasn't permitted to."

"Oh yeah, the sacred secrets of the Righteous Holy Order. I'm your sister!" Kate scolded.

"And I'm your... confidante," Alice continued. Her brief pause intrigued me. I wondered if she had been about to say something else.

"All your beer buddies in the Temple knew, I bet."

"Well yes, but you're..." I started to say, then petered out.

"Yes, we get it."

Kate allowed me to stew for a few more seconds. "Just teasing, sweetie."

"Of course you couldn't tell us. We understand," Alice reassured; but there was a sting in the tail. "We've been around long enough to know how it works. Altogether for us it's... how many years altogether, Kate? Seven? And how long has David been a Templar? Seven weeks?"

"Eight weeks, actually."

Using my own previous words, more or less, was underhanded. I had to return the lob.

"And by the way, Alice, news travels fast, doesn't it?"

She gave me a blank look.

"From the Annexe to the Maidenhall."

She shrugged and sniffed indignantly. I decided to needle her further.

"I thought you might have been there last night, you know, for the special occasion."

She started to explain, but I cut her off.

"No, no, I get it. It's just that it would have been nice to see you..."

"Yes, that would have been nice."

"I was really, really hoping to see you."

She gave me a quizzical look. "Well, I'm sorry..."

Kate, who knew me so much better, coughed and rolled her eyes. She patted Alice on the shoulder.

"He's talking about the dress."

"You do have one?"

Alice shrugged. "Oh, I get it. So you're a typical male after all!"

I didn't know if that was an insult or a compliment, so I had to retaliate.

"Well, if it's anything like Kate's, it's more than you had on the first time we met."

It was Kate's turn to give each of us each a strange look, until Alice explained.

So I thought it best to change the subject; and being outnumbered, I determined that retreat to higher ground was the better part of valour. In any case, there were other issues to discuss. The first week of May is a festive time on campus, the last chance for students to let loose before the countdown to exam season. There are no classes but plenty of parties. Tomorrow was also Kate's birthday, and we were planning a trip back home to celebrate with our parents. We were leaving that night, straight after my sister finished her serving duties in the Temple.

I had challenged her on that, because she had worked earlier in the week.

"I swapped shifts with Maryanne, because she has some urgent engagement."

"You're allowed to do that, swap shifts?"

"Of course we are," she said with more indignation. "We're not slaves, you know."

Alice laughed and decided that this was an opportune time for her to excuse herself, so we ended the breakfast on that note.

That evening, Kate managed to get away just after nine o'clock, early for the dinner roster. Still, it was rather inconvenient since I had invited Sarah, and Kate was bringing her boyfriend. While she went up to her room to change into her civilian clothes, I phoned Philip and told him to meet us out the front. When my sister came down she looked exhausted, and since Philip was doing the driving, she slept the entire trip. We picked up Sarah along the way, and she was a bit peeved by the lateness; but after some kissing and cuddling in the back seat, she also nodded off. I transferred to the front, shifting Kate to the back, leaving the girls to snooze and keeping Philip company as he drove. It was the first time that we had exchanged more than a few words, and I decided he was a suitable match for my sister -- by which I mean he was tough enough to survive the ordeal. He was not a Templar. As I have mentioned, there were few "in-house" relationships.

When we reached our parents' place it was very late. Sarah took the guest bedroom. The six of us spent most of the next day together and, as usual, our parents were disappointed that we could spend only the Saturday with them. Kate explained, rather feebly if you ask me, that her roommates had planned a party. I could tell by her somewhat evasive response that there was more to it than that. Indeed, it seemed strange that she would not want to have the entire weekend with Philip; but I didn't pry.

We got back to the campus at about seven in the evening. There was a barbeque, dance party and beer festival in progress on the front lawn of the Temple. Sarah and I joined it and afterwards I took her up to my room. For better or worse, there was a tie hanging on the doorknob, signifying that Ben was inside -- inside the room and inside... well, I decided not to speculate. Anyway, it was probably a good thing, because Sarah and I were not really quite ready yet to take our relationship to the next level. So we went back downstairs. Her dad picked her up after a couple of hours and I earned some points for keeping his daughter sober and chaste.

I woke at about eight o'clock with a mild hangover and a brooding resentment of Ben, since I didn't get to bed until around two in the morning. On the other side of the demarcation line across the room between order and chaos, he was still insensate. If he kept to his routine, I wouldn't see him up and about until mid-afternoon.

Almost no one else was moving on the second floor, or for that matter in the lobby. I traversed the passageway into the Annexe, and it also appeared to be empty. The reception desk was unattended and I passed just a couple of girls, who recognized me and nodded a respectful greeting. It was starting to feel just a little spooky, until I reached Kate's dorm. All of her roommates were there, and a few other ladies, flitting about excitedly and twittering breathlessly. On my sister's bed was a stack of opened presents and the floor was strewn with a deep, multi-coloured litter of shredded wrapping paper. The birthday gifts were the usual things young women gave each other -- cuddly toys and toys of a less innocent design, cosmetics, chunky jewellery, jokey stuff and so on.

I was surprised not at all that Lucy was the first to see me, nor that she was the least dressed of the roomies. She strutted up to me in her inimitable fashion, showing off purple satin knickers and black lace bra with an "I've been waiting for you", faux-bashful, come-hither smile that only the likes of her could pull off with such effortless, and oddly ingenuous, aplomb. We shared cake and some inexplicable fizzy drink that tasted of nutmeg. Devi humble-bragged about her young protégé the Templar Councillor, and I was showered with all sorts of advice, opinions, requests and demands. Julia asked who was to be their next Maîtresse, and unexpectedly it was Lucy who answered "That's none of our concern."

But I was finding, as a Templar, that surprises are no longer surprising.

The next few weeks were uneventful. There was the one-week vacation in May. For conscientious types such as myself, this held the prospect for ten days (including the two weekends) of uninterrupted study for the forthcoming exams. For Ben and many of the other first-year Knights, it meant more opportunities for good times. It rather astonished me that Templar officialdom was so tolerant of their activities, although nothing really got out of hand. But whichever course we followed, we had to take care of ourselves, because no assistance came from the Annexe. For Kate and her roommates this was a chance to get away for a while. The Maidens who stayed behind were given a break from serving in the Temple; and I must say that we Knights picked up the slack without too much fuss or failure.

Of course, I allocated plenty of my time for Sarah. So I was too busy for anything much else besides her and my studies. Thus the weeks following my induction ceremonies were, on the whole, an anticlimax. There were essays due and exams to be taken. I was very pleased with my academic results. Alice was busy with a research project, so we didn't spend much time together. She seemed to be acting more reserved than usual, and I worried that my new prominence in the Temple might have altered our relationship. Also for the first time, she started talking about her fiancé, Richard. Naturally I already knew a little about him. He was not a Templar, but like Alice was a postgrad. He lived in Union House, the residence for international students. I wondered if he harboured misgivings at Alice's and my close friendship. However, when we met for the first time, he proved to be exactly the opposite. He thanked me for giving her something to take her mind off "other concerns." He didn't elaborate.

My experience as a member of the Temple Council proved to be essentially what I'd expected. The first regular session was held in mid-June. We convened in the first-floor's conference room and, the truth be told, it was not exactly a life-changing experience. Most of the business we attended to was mundane. Five of my colleagues were first-timers but we were treated no differently from the veterans. The "learn as you go, do what we do" approach was very much in line with the principles of the Knights.

Ross Parnell had retained his seat but resigned as Senior Master. This was the convention. Another was that the new appointment be decided by consensus. So it did not surprise or bother me that the only nominee for the office was Andrew, who had movie star good looks but a rather off-putting "fauxhawk" hairstyle. There was no deliberation, just a progression of nods around the table with sufficient gravitas to formalize the fait accompli. The decision did not become official until ratified by the Grand Council the following month, but there has only ever been one occasion when the GC overturned an election by the Templars. I learned about this episode later.
